Bashing the P0rnz


New member
Nov 19, 2010
face_head_mouth said:
You're making a pretty big assumption here about what's natural for humans sexually. Who's to say that monogamy is more natural than having as many sexual partners as we can?

I'm certainly not advocating that people go out and try to have sex as often as possible or that we shouldn't strive to have intimate, long-lasting relationships; I'm just disputing the idea that people got the idea of promiscuity from pornography.

We are hardwired to want to have sex with as many people as we can in order to procreate and further our species. That, and not pornography, is why we desire so many sex partners. We had to evolve as a species before we could begin to get past the use of sex as means of reproduction. We are still fighting urges that have been with us for millions of years.
And yet 93% of people still get married and are expected not to pursue any further sex partners.

But I guess that's just opinion. Well fine :] You can have your own truths.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
theSovietConnection said:
I agree with everything you said but this. The average pregnancy age in my area has dropped from 17 to 14 in recent years. That may be from this community generally sucking ass, though.
if they were sucking ass they wouldnt get pregnant.
HAH! so there!


New member
May 5, 2009
Gentile said:
AugustFall said:
You're right. the bulk of people don't hold such belief. But i'm pretty sure that couples who do stay married are couples who have not cheated on one another.

The "worth the wait" thing is a countenance to people who do wish to have sex before marriage. Not "I get to have sex with her. Woohoo."
Who said anything about cheating? Cheating is a scumbaggish thing to do. Having sex before marriage =/= cheating.

As to your second point I'd like to ask you to rephrase because it honestly makes no sense. I'm not being a grammar nazi. Countenance as a noun there makes no sense.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Ok, look. This guy just joined the site today. Look at the OP. And look at the posts he has been making to defend his claims. STOP FEEDING THE TROLL.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
AugustFall said:
Gentile said:
AugustFall said:
You're right. the bulk of people don't hold such belief. But i'm pretty sure that couples who do stay married are couples who have not cheated on one another.

The "worth the wait" thing is a countenance to people who do wish to have sex before marriage. Not "I get to have sex with her. Woohoo."
Who said anything about cheating? Cheating is a scumbaggish thing to do. Having sex before marriage =/= cheating.

As to your second point I'd like to ask you to rephrase because it honestly makes no sense. I'm not being a grammar nazi. Countenance as a noun there makes no sense.
I am so sorry. I meant "to counteract the belief that premarital sex is worth pursuing." You may be a grammar nazi here because I deserve it. I failed epic.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Theres nothing wrong with porn.
Better then having a bunch of 14 yearolds running around trying to rape eachother.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Gentile said:
QuantumT said:
Umm... so you're saying they're calling up a hooker for some reason other than desire to have sex?
See: Reproduce.
The reason animals have a sexual drive is because of the importance of reproduction.

It's the same as my drive to eat. I get hungry because eating is important.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
OptimisticPessimist said:
Why do I suddenly get the feeling this will turn into a religeous debate? Dear god, I hope that doesn't happen.
Other than the fact that I do truly hold religious beliefs.

I see no reason for this to turn into a religous debate. Ha.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
Gentile said:
face_head_mouth said:
You're making a pretty big assumption here about what's natural for humans sexually. Who's to say that monogamy is more natural than having as many sexual partners as we can?

I'm certainly not advocating that people go out and try to have sex as often as possible or that we shouldn't strive to have intimate, long-lasting relationships; I'm just disputing the idea that people got the idea of promiscuity from pornography.

We are hardwired to want to have sex with as many people as we can in order to procreate and further our species. That, and not pornography, is why we desire so many sex partners. We had to evolve as a species before we could begin to get past the use of sex as means of reproduction. We are still fighting urges that have been with us for millions of years.
And yet 93% of people still get married and are expected not to pursue any further sex partners.

But I guess that's just opinion. Well fine :] You can have your own truths.
Don't get me wrong: marriage (or just having long-lasting relationships) is good for the stability of society, and also for our emotional and spiritual well-being. I'm just saying that there are powerful biological forces inside of us that desire sexual partners, and they aren't always so easy to deal with. These urges didn't originate with pornography: instead, pornography itself (which has existed in some form for thousands of years) was created in an attempt to deal with them.

I may as well throw this out there, while I'm at it: what about couples who watch pornography together and use it as a tool in their intimate relationships?


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Porn is a necessary part of any society. People need a safe way to relieve sexual stress. Just look at societies where sexuality is regulated, controlled, and heavily censored. I'm not saying pornography prevents extremism (often times extremism is a reaction to sexuality), but repressed sexuality definitely has a negative impact on society.

The claim that porn creates sexuality in teenagers is also false. Puberty creates sexuality in teenagers. Teenagers have been having sex since the dawn of time, if anything pornography prevents teen sex by giving them an outlet.

Nobody is forced into porn, and nobody is prevented from quitting. It's not the Mafia, it's just a job like any other. The Adult Industry is actually very tightly regulated, and the participants get tested constantly. There is no evidence that porn results in the spread of STDs.

Sexuality is good, and any free society should be able to experience it in a safe and private way. Porn provides that.
Aug 1, 2010
I think that you may have a point about it exposing kids to dirty shit when they are still too young, but for everyone else, there is nothing wrong with it.


I have porn open in other tabs... <_<


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Zeeky_Santos said:
And how many of those 93%[sup][citation needed btw][/sup] have only had sex within their marriages? You sir appear to live in a different time albeit a simpler time.
Fact is, people have sex, not just for reproduction (though that is the base instinct we share) but for pleasure. Porn does not water this down, on the contrary, it makes sex appear more pleasurable than ever before. But that doesn't mean that porn is an evil that is filling our heads with nonsense and that sex is only for pleasure. You're naive to think so.
A non-issue for you, an issue for others.

Sorry about the arbitrary percentage. I made it up, but I did the research. The US census bureau seems to indicate that it is 85%, down from 95% - 50 years ago llolololool.

Other than that, Still not end of discussion? ;\


New member
Feb 7, 2009
12%? That seems a little low...

GIJames said:
Ok, look. This guy just joined the site today. Look at the OP. And look at the posts he has been making to defend his claims. STOP FEEDING THE TROLL.
And off they go, jumping to conclusions...


New member
Nov 19, 2010
QuantumT said:
The reason animals have a sexual drive is because of the importance of reproduction.

It's the same as my drive to eat. I get hungry because eating is important.
And they say dolphins are the only other creatures who have sex for pleasure.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
face_head_mouth said:
Don't get me wrong: marriage (or just having long-lasting relationships) is good for the stability of society, and also for our emotional and spiritual well-being. I'm just saying that there are powerful biological forces inside of us that desire sexual partners, and they aren't always so easy to deal with. These urges didn't originate with pornography: instead, pornography itself (which has existed in some form for thousands of years) was created in an attempt to deal with them.

I may as well throw this out there, while I'm at it: what about couples who watch pornography together and use it as a tool in their intimate relationships?
The urges are there, and people are still trying to find a safe way to control these urges because they know it can't go on forever because you just brought it up - many people do settle and find long-lasting relationships. So what are they going to do? Well logically, the only way to get rid of an urge or desire is to replace it with a stronger one. Go find another thing that could possibly be more interesting if you want to inhibit these "powerful biological forces." I won't say what. That's for the individual to decide.

As for couples, I don't wish to be somebody who advocates what they can and can't do in an intimate setting. Especially considering how I have never been involved in a long-term relationship at all.


New member
May 5, 2009
Gentile said:
AugustFall said:
Gentile said:
AugustFall said:
I am so sorry. I meant "to counteract the belief that premarital sex is worth pursuing." You may be a grammar nazi here because I deserve it. I failed epic.
You typed the wrong word... don't beat yourself up about it.

Now on to the topic. It's hardly counteracting a belief by mirroring it. There has been no reason given yet as to why premarital sex is wrong.
You've alluded to the idea that premarital sex and cheating are somehow connected but that's a statement based on very weak assumptions. You've also said you want the woman you have sex with to be "worth the wait", what does that mean exactly?
It really does sound like you are, to quote a movie that will no doubt hurt my argument, "putting the pussy on a pedestal." Sex should not be such a huge factor in a relationship and trying to make a clear decision like who you are meant to spend the rest of your life with with ridiculous sexual tension in the air is something that I would imagine would lead to a lot of people making a mistake and heading towards divorce.