Bayonetta 2 Review - A Witch In Time


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
I assume Jimbo is directing some of his digs at the kerfuffle in Polygon's comment section. It's really regrettable that such a discussion even needs to take place.

Personally, I find Bayonetta "outrageous enough to get a pass" as well, but I've seen a lot of defensive comments making her to be a misunderstood feminist character by design. That, to me, just seems disingenuous - Hideki Kamiya never really hid how he felt about her.

And, really, the lurid camera is making it really hard to envision Bayo as some sort of comedic, drag-queen-fabulous sex-avenger, and not just a sleazy porn-prop.


New member
Nov 23, 2011
Since this game is going to cost me a lot of money (due to having to buy the damn console and probably a controller too) I've actually read some reviews (because I had pretty much given up on reviews and reviewers since ME3.) You haven't answered all my questions, but you only missed one* and (I doubt you'd have had the time to find the answer,) and that counts for a fucking lot when some of the reviews I've read haven't told me anything I don't already know.

I was a little worried at first (and had to duckduckgo Rob Liefeld) when you brought up sexuality, but I should have known you'd review the actual game rather than dock points for feeling uncomfortable around an alphette (as in alpha female.) I was uncomfortable with a lot of the overt stuff in the first Bayonetta but I think it was there by design as another hurdle between me and mastery of the game; a guilty pleasure and a neat trick for the devs to pull off. If I'm right though then Bayonetta needs Julian Clary as a playable character because that would be like the biggest hurdle I'd ever face as a gamer (camp men make me really uncomfortable - I don't care about the gay bit.)

Cheers Jim.

*The question I was thinking of by the way was: is the ultimate reward for Bayonetta 2 not to play as Bayonetta as it was with the first game?

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
PunkRex said:
There's nothing on the Wii-U they said, get a XBone/PS4 instead they said, NOW WHO'S LAUGHING!? I'LL GIVE YOU A CLUE!!!
Slow down there buddy, Wii U has a very long way to go in terms of being considered a respectable gaming platform playing on par with XBone/PS4/PC :p

So far Nintendo consoles have been little more than this:

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
Aaron Sylvester said:
PunkRex said:
There's nothing on the Wii-U they said, get a XBone/PS4 instead they said, NOW WHO'S LAUGHING!? I'LL GIVE YOU A CLUE!!!
Slow down there buddy, Wii U has a very long way to go in terms of being considered a respectable gaming platform playing on par with XBone/PS4/PC :p

So far Nintendo consoles have been little more than this:
at this point does it need to be anything else? why does it have to be exactly like the PS4 and Xbox One, which by the way are so identical that there is little reason to buy one over the other. at least Nintendo tried to do something different, they put innovation of graphical horse power, and as far as gameplay innovations go, Nintendo is all the better for it. i am not saying the Xbox One or the PS4 are not bad consoles, but they are simply a graphical upgrade, and to me that's incredibly boring.


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Evonisia said:
VinLAURiA said:
Cue furious Yahtzites in 3... 2... 1...
Yahtzee's opinion on Bayonetta may as well be irrelevant seeing as he played the PS3 version anyway. His future vision of the series is probably forever tainted. Plus it's a Nintendo exclusive now.
Knowing Yahtzee, he's probably going to give it shit for being a Wii U exclusive (Without actually knowing that Nintendo is the only reason Bayonetta 2 exists in the first place) at best, and outright ignore it at the worst, like he does with most good Nintendo games that don't fit into his "Nintendo constantly wanks Mario/LoZ" mindset (*Grumble Grumble* Fire Emblem Awakening and Pokemon X/Y *Grumble Grumble*).


New member
May 28, 2008
The only bad thing about Bayo 2 is its exclusivity. I never want to buy a WiiU so I'll probably never get to play this. sigh

And I'm not mad at Platinum or Nintendo. Nintendo were the only company willing to finance the games production and that is what pisses me off. One of the best character action games of all time gets a sequel and every publisher ever said NOPE. Fucking idiots. People would have BOUGHT PS4s and Ones for this game. I would literally go buy a PS4 right this second if Bayo 2 was out for it.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Toblo1 said:
Evonisia said:
VinLAURiA said:
Cue furious Yahtzites in 3... 2... 1...
Yahtzee's opinion on Bayonetta may as well be irrelevant seeing as he played the PS3 version anyway. His future vision of the series is probably forever tainted. Plus it's a Nintendo exclusive now.
Knowing Yahtzee, he's probably going to give it shit for being a Wii U exclusive (Without actually knowing that Nintendo is the only reason Bayonetta 2 exists in the first place) at best, and outright ignore it at the worst, like he does with most good Nintendo games that don't fit into his "Nintendo constantly wanks Mario/LoZ" mindset (*Grumble Grumble* Fire Emblem Awakening and Pokemon X/Y *Grumble Grumble*).
If Yahtzee does review any Nintendo game, use this handy drinking game for it:

-Take a shot if he takes a jab at Nintendo as a whole
-Take a shot if he complains it's a Wii U exclusive
-Take a shot if he mocks the hardware
-Take a shot if he blasts how Nintendo milks their franchises
-Take a shot if he pokes fun at the fans of said game or franchise

You'll be dead by the credits!


New member
Jul 27, 2009
LazyAza said:
I would literally go buy a PS4 right this second if Bayo 2 was out for it.
You'd buy a PS4 instantly, but never a Wii U. So, you'd sooner spend more money than less for the same game...? What...? If you'd "literally go buy" a console "if Bayo 2 was out for it," just buy a Wii U (which happens to be cheaper)! I don't understand your "logic" one single bit.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Keiichi Morisato said:
Aaron Sylvester said:
PunkRex said:
There's nothing on the Wii-U they said, get a XBone/PS4 instead they said, NOW WHO'S LAUGHING!? I'LL GIVE YOU A CLUE!!!
Slow down there buddy, Wii U has a very long way to go in terms of being considered a respectable gaming platform playing on par with XBone/PS4/PC :p

So far Nintendo consoles have been little more than this:
at this point does it need to be anything else? why does it have to be exactly like the PS4 and Xbox One, which by the way are so identical that there is little reason to buy one over the other.
There's at least something like 10 different reasons to buy one over the other. You know the one.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Kinitawowi said:
KazeAizen said:
Now you can get Hyrule Warriors as well. :) Don't worry. The library for the Wii U is in good shape now and will be in phenomenal shape once Super Smash hits two months from now and Splatoon and Mario Maker hit.
Four don't cares, I'm afraid. I haven't liked a Mario or Zelda since the SNES days [/lawn], and SSB is a resounding "meh".
.........not quite sure how to respond to this at all.


New member
May 28, 2008
GamerKT said:
LazyAza said:
I would literally go buy a PS4 right this second if Bayo 2 was out for it.
You'd buy a PS4 instantly, but never a Wii U. So, you'd sooner spend more money than less for the same game...? What...? If you'd "literally go buy" a console "if Bayo 2 was out for it," just buy a Wii U (which happens to be cheaper)! I don't understand your "logic" one single bit.
Because I actually WANT a ps4 regardless of one particular games presence on it since it will eventually have numerous games released on it I wish to play, but right now I am patiently waiting for said games to be available before I purchase it; Batman AK, Uncharted 4, several other multi plats and so on. I don't buy consoles for single games, I buy them for multiple games.

Bayo2 would simply make me go get a ps4 even sooner since it is the only current gen game I want to play that is out but ironically its been released for the only current gen console I don't want at all even with Bayo2 out on it.

See the "logic" is that the WiiU is a gimmicky, dated, underpowered, poorly designed piece of shit. Whereas the Ps4 is the best console of the current three on the market. I make a decent living from my 3 jobs so money is a non-factor.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
Mangue Surfer said:
Aaron Sylvester said:
who the fuck turns down a Bayonetta sequel?
Everybody. I totally can see Microsoft giving it a pass because is too japanese or Activision because they think chicks are icky, but Sony and Nanco Bandai?!
I think it's because dmc sell poorly.

On the flip side, I'm happy that Ubisoft passed it. #30fpsmyass
Well, to be fair, DMC sold poorly because the fans said "We don't like what you did to this character we loved" and the devs (and press for that matter) told them to go fuck themselves. So the fans told them "Fuck you right back."

From what I heard, the game wasn't bad, just the PR was terrible. Bayonetta has never tried to be anything other than itself and that's what fans want.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
It's absolutely okay to like Bayonetta. It's okay to NOT like Bayonetta as well. See how easy that is?
Nonsense, Jim. There is only one side that is valid, and that is my side.

Xman490 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume that the Bayonetta 1 re-release also has QTEs this fair.
That seems like a poor assumption to make.

kiri2tsubasa said:
Ok, lets check back in in a month or 2 and see what the sales are going to be like. Considering the first only sold about 2 million units world wide, I can see it being less since it is only on 1 console this time.
One console with a smaller install base.

Significantly, as it was relatively late in the console lifespan last time.

Rellik San said:
"The first one only sold equivalent to a double platinum record."
Double platinum records rarely have an issue getting sequels. You know, because they are considered a huge ROI. Games cost a lot more and require a much larger sales base. While you mention the average game, and that's great (though I'm curious as to the source and methodology there), there's a reason this game only got made because of an exclusivity deal.

Callate said:
Long and short:

Edge magazine gave this a 10.

...Edge magazine doesn't give 10s.
They gave Rock Band 3 one, too. Clearly, they have amazing taste.

Mangue Surfer

New member
May 29, 2010
VanQ said:
Mangue Surfer said:
Aaron Sylvester said:
who the fuck turns down a Bayonetta sequel?
Everybody. I totally can see Microsoft giving it a pass because is too japanese or Activision because they think chicks are icky, but Sony and Nanco Bandai?!
I think it's because dmc sell poorly.

On the flip side, I'm happy that Ubisoft passed it. #30fpsmyass
Well, to be fair, DMC sold poorly because the fans said "We don't like what you did to this character we loved" and the devs (and press for that matter) told them to go fuck themselves. So the fans told them "Fuck you right back."

From what I heard, the game wasn't bad, just the PR was terrible. Bayonetta has never tried to be anything other than itself and that's what fans want.
I'm pretty sure, the guys with the U$200 ties who take the decisions just read the numbers: 1 out of 10, millions, not enough!

Honestly, these type of pure action games aren't that commercially appealing anymore. Sucks, but is natural, as the budgets go up these games go down.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
I'm really happy this game is getting such good reviews. But, dammit, I wish it was on more systems. Good on Nintendo for taking a hell of a risk and bankrolling it, but I ain't buying a WiiU just for one game. I hope it sells and sells really well. The world needs more Bayonetta in it.


New member
Sep 9, 2014
VanQ said:
Mangue Surfer said:
Aaron Sylvester said:
who the fuck turns down a Bayonetta sequel?
Everybody. I totally can see Microsoft giving it a pass because is too japanese or Activision because they think chicks are icky, but Sony and Nanco Bandai?!
I think it's because dmc sell poorly.

On the flip side, I'm happy that Ubisoft passed it. #30fpsmyass
Well, to be fair, DMC sold poorly because the fans said "We don't like what you did to this character we loved" and the devs (and press for that matter) told them to go fuck themselves. So the fans told them "Fuck you right back."

From what I heard, the game wasn't bad, just the PR was terrible. Bayonetta has never tried to be anything other than itself and that's what fans want.
Oh no, the game was bad too. There is a huge difference between God of War combat (slow, heavy, focus on impact) and Devil May Cry (fast, fluid, focus on style). RunawayfromDMC forgot that. Making it piss easy was just the added insult.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
LarsInCharge said:
Well, to be fair, DMC sold poorly because the fans said "We don't like what you did to this character we loved" and the devs (and press for that matter) told them to go fuck themselves. So the fans told them "Fuck you right back."

From what I heard, the game wasn't bad, just the PR was terrible. Bayonetta has never tried to be anything other than itself and that's what fans want.
Oh no, the game was bad too. There is a huge difference between God of War combat (slow, heavy, focus on impact) and Devil May Cry (fast, fluid, focus on style). RunawayfromDMC forgot that. Making it piss easy was just the added insult.[/quote]

Are you talking impact like in batman:aa or batman:ac where all the strikes look and feel visceral and devastating? Thats how id prefer it.

Bayonetta put me off with the juvenile aesthetics so ive never tried it.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Kinitawowi said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
TizzytheTormentor said:
...Yes, people, I know Edge has, in fact, given other 10s. Even possibly (horrors!) 10s to games you, in your infinitely superior taste, think don't deserve them.

However, they've given, as noted, 23 "10s"- including retroactive awards- in over 20 years of existence. There are publications that give more "perfect" scores in two years than Edge does in any given decade. Where others give 8s, they give 6s, and I value that. With good reason.