Be a man (Say something you hated about a game you Love)


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Uh, er... *starts crying* why do you make me do this!?

*points gun at head*

Shadow of the Collossus has pretty irritable lag at times and the pathes reaching the bosses can be confusing...

Forgive me Fumito Ueda!

*pulls trigger*


New member
Feb 4, 2010
I hate/hated the leveling system in Fable 3.. It's just... ugh..

I mean seriously... you can go through the whole game almost without getting any of the upgrades... or you can choose a path you wish to follow... first of all.. how is this different that Fable 1 and 2? other than the mechanics? I mean really...

Epic Fail 1977

New member
Dec 14, 2010
I hate to be that guy but didn't we have this thread just a few days ago?


It's not a very original complaint but I really thought the central plot of ME2 let the game down a bit. I still love it, but damn that plot was bad.

I also really hated the fact that enemies respawned in (the otherwise brilliant) System Shock 2.

Company of Heroes seems incapable of maintaining a smooth framerate no matter what kind of hardware you throw at it. Okay I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one.

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
Saints' Row 2 was too easy. I mean, painfully so. It was pointless to get all those awesome vehicles when even using your starting stuff on the most difficult activities would make them a nuisance at best.

WhiteTiger225 said:
Saints Row 2, I love you.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
The Legend of Dragoon on PS is one of my favourite games of all time, but I hate the fact that the characters most powerful additions in their normal form are far more powerful than their attacks in their dragoon form. Essentially, their limit breaks become superfluous.

Da Chi

New member
Sep 6, 2010
Batman Arkham Asylum.
There are few things that are bad about this game. But the Headache inducing Bat-vision that is almost REQUIRED for large portions of the game is a honestly terrible graphics choice. Not only does it make the world largely detail-less and bland but it also takes a huge chunk out of the challenge when it comes to predator "Challenges"


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Mass effect 2 : I love the game and story but , after a while i began to realize the mission structure of each mission is identical - land on planet , get out , kill stuff, talk to / save someone - fly away , haha more variety please

Bioshock - My favorite game of all time .... hmm toughy.... maybeee.... hmmmm.... have multiple hacking minigames that same one over and over gets old ... i also didnt like the one in bioshock 2 .. i thought the first one was better .... hmmmm.. other than that i love that game and its perfect in my eyes besides that

Skate 2: spilt screen co-op career would be bomb

Mortal Kombat ( most recent game i like) : maybe cut down on the telportation attacks , have each character have one .... cause some guys have none and some have like 326252 and they are soo fast and useful ... its a really death not picking one with one ... so if each guy just had one it would balance the game more


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2010
As much as I enjoy playing it every second of my life, it gets too stressful as every action I holds guilt against me for years to come.
My intelligence skill is fantastic, yet I still can't roll a 20 on my math test.
No revives, no quick saves, heck, I can't even job change into a Black Mage.
Bullets need to be nerfed and doctors need to be buffed.
Also, you just spend a lot of time just sitting around posting on threads because you're bored.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Kingdom Hearts

1: Chip & Dale, you might want to lay off of the Gummi Ships for a while and have a look at the camera orbiting Sora's head. It seems to be suffering from an electronic kind of ADHD and locks itself onto walls at very inopportune times.

2: More or less gave on up on the story, and combat was ridiculous easy compared to 1, save for a few bosses - getting an enemy airborne pretty much sealed its fate.

Mother 3

The music was horri..well, it was actually pretty nice.
The characters were bor...well, this is one of the few games where I cared and related to them.
The fights were repeti...well, some of the enemies and battle themes were genuinely hilarious and interesting - I'm looking at you, Negative Man.

WHY DID HINAWA AND CLAUS HAVE TO DIE!? ...I named them after my own mom and brother *cry*


New member
Oct 6, 2009
the enemy ai in crysis 2 sometimes the cell and ceph act great
then i watch a cell merc (literally) forget that your supposed to throw the grenade after you pull the pin
also not being able to throw a crate more than 5 feet even though your wearing a supersuit


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Metal Gear Solid 3: The storyline was great, but some of the writing is really cheesy, especially some of the redundant radio conversations.


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Sapient Pearwood said:
Pokemon B/W - Isn't it time to mix things up a bit story wise?
Except they did, or didn't you notice that things feel a bit more mature and serious this time?


New member
May 24, 2010
Dear SWAT 3,
Why have your graphics not improved since you were released in 2000?

Dear Saints Row 2,
Why oh why can't I extend the muscular slider further than 100! And where's my Batman style grappling hook, and NPCs that, when they loose line-of-sight of me, don't know exactly where I am?

Dear Crysis,
Why doesn't the ghillie suit mod and RDM damage mod come with the game? And why don't you have Co-Op?

Dear FUEL,
Why does your AI not follow the rules of physics and reality the player is limited by?

Dear GoldenEye 64,
Why don't you have Co-Op?

Dear FarCry 2,
Why don't you have Co-Op?

Dear Fallout 3,
Why don't you have Co-Op?

Dear The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion,
Why don't you have Co-Op?

Dear ARMA II (and Operation Arrowhead),
Why are you so perfect? And why are your movement controls not at least a little bit smoother?

Dear City of Heroes,
I want some more 'in-depth' robbery foiling; I want to leap down from a building, use an intimidate emote, scare the silly low-level robbers, and then get a peck on the cheek from the damsel I rescued. And a facepalm emote.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
John Marston is always yelling. Always.

And so much of RDR's exposition is told during the horse rides from point A to point B. Got kind of old.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
here we go...
Deadly Premonition
-the graphic fidelity is horrendous
-there is a bout 2, maybe 3, textures for every environment
-the character modeling is atrocious, as exhibited by feeling physically sick when York smiles
-the combat is awful, with there being about 5 enemies, and that's just appearance, as far as what the enemies actually do, there's 2, and one of them you, thankfully, only fight a handful of times
-the soundtrack has, maybe, 4 songs on it
-the ending seems to stretch out about 2 hours too long
-the driving sucks, the handling sucks, and the map is next to useless
-the auto-aim always goes straight for the crotch
-the dialogue is pretty bad
-the weapons work really weirdly (what's that? a point blank shotgun blast just knocks you down? oh, ok.)
-the item prices are outrageous, I mean, $30 for a lollipop!
-when you take a lot of damage you start limping, which really kills you sometimes
-many of the "puzzles" are totally unnecessary
-so many of the side missions are needlessly difficult to complete, especially when it involves driving places
-on that note, it's practically impossible to keep track of the side missions
- it blatantly rips off Twin Peaks at parts (Oh, hello Log Lady! Oh, i'm so sorry, I meant POT Lady)
- another note on the driving, the other car are completely immovable! you just impotently bounce off of them!
-health packs are notoriously difficult to get one's hands on
-the sound design is awful. for instance, EVERY door, not matter what it's made of, makes the exact some sound when you open it.
-the random quicktime events are really annoying
-the breath holding mechanic is next too useless
-the save system works really weird
-the time is real time, so if you have to wait 6 hours for something, you literally have to wait 6 hours for it.
-loading screens constantly tell me about Thomas' godly biscuits, but I can never manage to find them
-the map is WAY too big, and there's only one way to fast travel, but unless you have prior knowledge of it, you're screwed
-one character, for NO reason whatsoever, always rhymes, no matter how stupid he sounds trying to do it

In spite of all this, I still love this game to death, and will maintain, until my dying day, that it's one of the greatest games I've ever played


New member
Jan 30, 2009
United States
Resident Evil 4:

The wonderful Geometry catch. Y'know where you have a perfect shot lined up and it magically hits the door.

Let's not forget the fact that Leon is too cool to run.
Ashley...just Ashley
And sometimes the story just kind of jumps off of a cliff

Ocarina of Time:
mounted archery was wonky