Best and worst tv series finale.

Grotch Willis

New member
May 10, 2011
Worst: Lost, it left pretty much everyone who watched it with resolution blue balls, just as pretty much every J.J. Abrams show does.
Best: I don't really know but I thought the season 5 finale for supernatural was good, then they had to go and ruin it by having a shitty sixth season with a horrible cash in at the end. Hopefully season 7 makes up for it.

believer258 said:
aba1 said:
believer258 said:
Worst: The ending of the original Full Metal Alchemist, hands down. And the movie was worse.

Best: I'm not sure. Cowboy Bebop, maybe?

I don't watch many TV shows, I can't be arsed to stick to their schedule so all I really know of are the few anime finales I have seen.
please as far as anime goes there is much worse than FMA at least the movie helped fix it up Berserk had a much much much worse ending
Do. Not. Get. Me. Started. On. That. Shit. Of. A. Movie.

Seriously, whose idea was it for both Ed and Al to stay on the other side of the fucking gate? Why? There was no reason! He spent that ENTIRE show trying to get himself back to normal so he could lead a normal life but instead he got stuck in a strange world where he's far from normal! And eventually his brother got stuck there too, which fucking sucks!

The OVA Kids heals some of those wounds, even if it isn't canonical. But that movie is horrible. Let's not forget that the latter half of FMA pretty much takes a machine gun and riddles the plot with holes, and if that weren't bad enough the climax falls flat on its face as just a bunch of talking and almost no real fighting.
I believe thats why they made the FMA: Brotherhood Anime, to rectify the mistakes of the first one and to follow the storyline of the manga.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
The best series finale is: Blackadder Goes Forth.
The worst: Why would I want to remember that? Why would I care?

Everybody who put Matt Smith's Doctor Who series finale here should get flayed, and then some more.


Nov 11, 2009
Donbett1974 said:
So what tv series had the best and worst finale and why.
Best: Angel
No happy ending just a fight to the death.
Worst: Alias
It was clear that chunks of the story was left out to make it short enough for a last episode.
Not good: Lost.
Why: To be honest that show was so far gone that no ending could tie up all the loose ends.

Worst: Las Vegas
Why: The show got cancelled, after a two part epsode that ended with a "to be continued"

Best: Vandread
Why: Because it was an emotional happy ending. :)
(I whent for an Anime, because most american TV sows don't really have endings as much as cancellations :p)


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
Best: Arrested Development. It was nice to see it end way before it should have with dignity.

Worst: Twin Peaks. Watch it, because I do not want to ruin how nonexistent the ending to the excellent show is.
May 5, 2010
The Shield. How come nobody else watched this show? It was really good!

The only bad one I can think of is Alias. (I didn't hate the 'Lost' ending as much as everyone else) It was pretty obvious that they didn't quite get to tell the story they wanted to tell.

Runner Up goes to the ending of the fifth season of Supernatural for NOT BEING THE FUCKING ENDING.


Professional Brony
Dec 19, 2010
Best? Either Cowboy Bebop or DBZ, GT of course never happened.
Worst? Probably going to have to say Berserk, but only because they heavily censored the entire series (especially the finale scene) to where none of it had the impact it should have had.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Cheezeypoofs said:
Best? Either Cowboy Bebop or DBZ, GT of course never happened.
Worst? Probably going to have to say Berserk, but only because they heavily censored the entire series (especially the finale scene) to where none of it had the impact it should have had.
Is GT really poor? I'm just watching the original Dragonball now and I'll progress to Z and then Gt.


New member
May 28, 2009
best: The 5th season of Supernatural

worst: Not just the ending but the whole ninth season of Scrubs.


Professional Brony
Dec 19, 2010
Adamc-mh said:
Cheezeypoofs said:
Best? Either Cowboy Bebop or DBZ, GT of course never happened.
Worst? Probably going to have to say Berserk, but only because they heavily censored the entire series (especially the finale scene) to where none of it had the impact it should have had.
Is GT really poor? I'm just watching the original Dragonball now and I'll progress to Z and then Gt.
It's a stretch to say the least. It has some good fights and SS4, but the manga ended after Buu and that wrapped things up nicely. GT seems more to be an attempt to cash in more than anything.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Best: That 70's Show. Fez FINALLLY got Jackie, and the mistake of sending Eric and Kelso off the show was fixed.

Worst: Angel Beats!. It's treated like some kind of heartwarming twist, when in reality it just opened up a huge-ass plot hole.

First thing to keep in mind is that the meat of the series takes place in the afterlife. Earlier in the series, the main character (Otanashi) gave his consent to donate his organs right before he died. The reveal at the end is that the villain (who at this time underwent a heel-face turn) was saved by the Otanashi's selfless act. The problem? It's implied the ex-villain was in the afterlife long before Otanashi. How can that be if Otanashi died first?!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Star Trek Voyager. they finally return home.
(I can't think of the good ones at the moment.)

Red Dwarf when they made more season. Rimmer was too late and the ship is getting destory (I barely remember it) and for a final episode it was bloody terrible.

Heroes. While it try to be good but it was never good after season 1. Since I hate the character Claire with a passion it's thanks to her that she reveal the whole superpower people to the world which who give her the right to expose that to the public (I would like to think there are super power people in that world who want to be remind hidden).

Star Trek Enterprise: Since they were going to be cancel they opted out for a timeskip in the final episode which was a shame since I would of like to hope what happen in between those years (I read one of possible season is the Romulan wars). However it did had a excellent ending scene.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
subtlefuge said:
Worst: Twin Peaks. Watch it, because I do not want to ruin how nonexistent the ending to the excellent show is.
I'd have to disagree.

The ending left the show with some dignity after it had plunched into the deepest shit after Laura's "human" killer got revealed.

The biggest thing that pissed me off was that Dale Cooper and Audrey Horne decided that they weren't interested in eachother anymore, for some reason.


New member
May 18, 2009
I'm going to cheat slightly. The finale of season 5 of House, just oh my god. I swear it gives me goosebumps.
When he starts to hallucinate seeing Amber. It gets really freaky towards the last episode or two, and the twist at the end was such an awesome mindfuck.
Not the end of the series, since that hasn't ended yet.
Worst? I hear Lost is pretty awful and unsatisfying. Out of what I've seen, lets say Scrubs, although I haven't seen most of the eighth and final season.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
believer258 said:
Grotch Willis said:
Worst: Lost, it left pretty much everyone who watched it with resolution blue balls, just as pretty much every J.J. Abrams show does.
Best: I don't really know but I thought the season 5 finale for supernatural was good, then they had to go and ruin it by having a shitty sixth season with a horrible cash in at the end. Hopefully season 7 makes up for it.

believer258 said:
aba1 said:
believer258 said:
Worst: The ending of the original Full Metal Alchemist, hands down. And the movie was worse.

Best: I'm not sure. Cowboy Bebop, maybe?

I don't watch many TV shows, I can't be arsed to stick to their schedule so all I really know of are the few anime finales I have seen.
please as far as anime goes there is much worse than FMA at least the movie helped fix it up Berserk had a much much much worse ending
Do. Not. Get. Me. Started. On. That. Shit. Of. A. Movie.

Seriously, whose idea was it for both Ed and Al to stay on the other side of the fucking gate? Why? There was no reason! He spent that ENTIRE show trying to get himself back to normal so he could lead a normal life but instead he got stuck in a strange world where he's far from normal! And eventually his brother got stuck there too, which fucking sucks!

The OVA Kids heals some of those wounds, even if it isn't canonical. But that movie is horrible. Let's not forget that the latter half of FMA pretty much takes a machine gun and riddles the plot with holes, and if that weren't bad enough the climax falls flat on its face as just a bunch of talking and almost no real fighting.
I believe thats why they made the FMA: Brotherhood Anime, to rectify the mistakes of the first one and to follow the storyline of the manga.
Yes, but Brotherhood has several of its own problems.

I need a word document somewhere outlining the strengths and weaknesses of both so that whenever this thread pops up, I can just copy and paste that and voila! I have a full answer.

Where FMA started excellently and ended horribly, Brotherhood started horribly and ended excellently.
you should read the fma manga because brotherhood is just the manga it started a little different but ended up being the same so you should just read the manga and enjoy yourself


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Bests -
Farscape had a pretty decent last episode (both of them, Bad Timing and The Peacekeeper Wars) Bad Timing ended on a major cliff hanger, like Farscape always did, and The Peacekeeper Wars had the massive space battle.

Battlestar Galactica also had a really good last episode, a lot of people were annoyed at the way that ended, but I really liked it.

Same with Stargate Universe, that ended on a colossal cliff hanger, but I really liked the way the ended it.

And Caprica had an epic last episode, such a shame that was cancelled when it was and it was showing so much potential by that point.

Worsts -
Stargate SG-1 had probably the most disappointing last episode I've ever seen on a TV show.

24, the whole of season 8 was a bit ropey save for the last handful of episode where Jack Bauer went off the rails, but then they all came to their senses and Jack ran off to who knows where and we're back to square 1.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I will constantly defend Lost's final episode. It made sense to the show, it made sense to me, and the epilogue was good to. Can't please everybody I guess.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
believer258 said:
aba1 said:
believer258 said:
Grotch Willis said:
Worst: Lost, it left pretty much everyone who watched it with resolution blue balls, just as pretty much every J.J. Abrams show does.
Best: I don't really know but I thought the season 5 finale for supernatural was good, then they had to go and ruin it by having a shitty sixth season with a horrible cash in at the end. Hopefully season 7 makes up for it.

believer258 said:
aba1 said:
believer258 said:
Worst: The ending of the original Full Metal Alchemist, hands down. And the movie was worse.

Best: I'm not sure. Cowboy Bebop, maybe?

I don't watch many TV shows, I can't be arsed to stick to their schedule so all I really know of are the few anime finales I have seen.
please as far as anime goes there is much worse than FMA at least the movie helped fix it up Berserk had a much much much worse ending
Do. Not. Get. Me. Started. On. That. Shit. Of. A. Movie.

Seriously, whose idea was it for both Ed and Al to stay on the other side of the fucking gate? Why? There was no reason! He spent that ENTIRE show trying to get himself back to normal so he could lead a normal life but instead he got stuck in a strange world where he's far from normal! And eventually his brother got stuck there too, which fucking sucks!

The OVA Kids heals some of those wounds, even if it isn't canonical. But that movie is horrible. Let's not forget that the latter half of FMA pretty much takes a machine gun and riddles the plot with holes, and if that weren't bad enough the climax falls flat on its face as just a bunch of talking and almost no real fighting.
I believe thats why they made the FMA: Brotherhood Anime, to rectify the mistakes of the first one and to follow the storyline of the manga.
Yes, but Brotherhood has several of its own problems.

I need a word document somewhere outlining the strengths and weaknesses of both so that whenever this thread pops up, I can just copy and paste that and voila! I have a full answer.

Where FMA started excellently and ended horribly, Brotherhood started horribly and ended excellently.
you should read the fma manga because brotherhood is just the manga it started a little different but ended up being the same so you should just read the manga and enjoy yourself
I don't want to read the manga. I thoroughly enjoyed both the original and the Brotherhood, but each one has several problems. However, their strengths far outweigh their weaknesses and thus the series became my favorite anime.

As for the manga, I don't want to read it for two reasons: 1) I don't have the time right now and 2) Any comic book of any sort gives me a headache.
thats fair I just know alot of times the origenal manga's the animes stem from are alot better but if it give you a headache I can't blame ya