Best Free/Free-to-play game you've played


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I paid for TF2 back in the day, so that doesn't count. Echo Bazaar gets my vote for best free story, but in terms of gameplay I'm loving War Inc. Battlegrounds. So much fun, whenever the lag or FPS isn't screwing up.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
like most people have said tf2 is worth looking into. also take a look at trackmania. that was a damn good game back when i used to play it. *starts searching old games for trackmania*


New member
Apr 15, 2009
DeadlyBritishDisease said:
InB4 TF2... Oh, wait...

InB4 League of Legends... damnit!

Though, I would warn you that League of Legends has the shittiest community you're likely to find outside CoD and YouTube. That being said, it's still a whole lot of fun.
I like League too but yeah, in any given PUG you're pretty much guaranteed one whine dick that rage quits or a foul-mouthed ass who takes gaming way too seriously.

Vindictus/Maigobi is a good hack and slash action game that if you want free stuff for you can get free NX in various ways. Also has good community relationship with the developers, they give free stuff everytime they have to drop the servers or something goes wrong. Still in beta technically so things can change quite a bit (staff Evie anyone?) but they are slowly nearing the end.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
The best free game(s) I've ever played would definitely be the Last Stand Series of flash games.

The first one involves surviving behind a blockade being attacked by zombies for 20 nights.

The second one is similar, but you have fewer survivors at one time, have to move from town to town gathering supplies, and only have 40 days to make it to Union City.

The third one (Union City) is like a mix between L4D and Fallout 3, while adding a Metroidvania type of 2D side-scrolling with the option to return to places you've been to before.

I just got done playing the 2nd one like 4 times in a row last night (kept dying, need to practice more.)


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Cpu46 said:

Great combat system, nice community, cash shop that doesn't break the game, tons of awesome skills, graphics that look nice without frying my poor laptop.

Actually most of the stuff published by Nexon is good quality gaming. Vindictus, maplestory, DFO, dragons nest. Didn't like combat arms though.
Wait, you mean combat arms is the only game of theirs that makes the stuff you get from the cash shop stupidly OP?


New member
Mar 9, 2009
DeadlyBritishDisease said:
InB4 TF2... Oh, wait...

InB4 League of Legends... damnit!

Though, I would warn you that League of Legends has the shittiest community you're likely to find outside CoD and YouTube. That being said, it's still a whole lot of fun.
Just keep making low level characters, the community is generally good up until 20+.

They should segregate angry players to only play with angry players on that game and the rest of us would be fine.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Don't know if it counts as "Free", Because pf the Free to Pay/Pay to Play Thing, But Runescape was one of my favoyrite games as a kid. I played it for hours and hours. Even if i dont want to admit it because the game is in the shitter, It was one of the biggest parts of my childhood. I didnt even do combat too often. i was content just walking around the world exploring.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Company of Heroes Online Beta, while it still exsisted. It was Company of Heroes, free, with the best payment model I've ever seen in a F2P game. Everything could be bought with real money, or with money earned by playing. Some things could only be bought with real money, but it was just experience points, which it was better to earn while playing. I never gave them my money, and still had a crazy amount of fun. Then when the beta ended, I bought the full game, and I still play.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
If I hadn't bought TF2 originally I would go with that. As far as recent games go "Zombie Panic" on steam. I'm not sure if you need HL2 to play but it's a free multiplayer game on steam and it is tons of fun once you get the hang of the gameplay.

Mister Swift

Disingenuously asserting.
Jan 27, 2010
League of Legends is what I've been playing for the past 6-8 months. I easily sink 2-3 hours in every night, and although it's free, I've spent >$60 on the pointless microtransactions.

The chief reason the game holds me is because of it's social side. Having four friends on Skype in a game is some of the best fun I've had.


New member
May 14, 2008
Duatha said:
Portal now, but before that, Crimecraft.
Crimecrafts graphics are on par with BFBC2.
This, God Crimecraft was fun as hell, Crimecraft or Toribash for me, both extreamly fun games.


New member
May 14, 2008
Harry Mason said:
The copy of Red Dead Redemption I got out of a Gamestop dumpster.

Free to play!
Erm.. You know what im just going to say it, what we're you doing going through gamestops rubbish?


New member
Jul 1, 2010
It wasn't free when I started but tf2... I have over 360 hours clocked in.haha. TOO MUCH. but anyway. yes. TF2 and Portal win.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
League of Legends is my 2nd most played PC game ever (TF2 being my first).
Haven't paid anything and have never felt at a disadvantage, also it's the only F2P game I'd be happy to spend money on just to support the developers, which I've never felt before.
Immensely looking forward to Dominion.
Should point out I play with a few regulars though so rarely have to interact with the community, bloody good game though.

Quake Live hasn't been mentioned that I see and that deserves a mention, fun fast paced FPS, it's just Quake 3 multiplayer.

Spiral Knights is alright, but it's just nothing on Torchlight or other ARPGs. Haven't played much of the Bomberman style PvP yet though.
Should mention this game is possible to never pay for anything and get around the CE costs fairly easily with a bit of auction house knowledge. you can make 100 CE + items in one dungeon run, which is more than the cost to actually run the dungeon.

Something I'm looking into at the moment is Drakensang Online []. It's an action RPG in the more familiar fantasy setting. I haven't played much as I've just got the first town and a little bit further but with next to no download time (I think it loads each area as you get to it) and it runs in a browser (with Java, but don't let that put you off it looks decent enough and runs very smooth).
Takes about a minute to create an account and start playing so it's worth a look if you're bored now, and if anyone else who has played more than me would like to tell me what the payment methods are like (is it money for power and things like that) I'd like to know. Don't have the time to be playing it right now.

Going to check out some of the recommendations in here though.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
JaceArveduin said:
Cpu46 said:

Great combat system, nice community, cash shop that doesn't break the game, tons of awesome skills, graphics that look nice without frying my poor laptop.

Actually most of the stuff published by Nexon is good quality gaming. Vindictus, maplestory, DFO, dragons nest. Didn't like combat arms though.
Wait, you mean combat arms is the only game of theirs that makes the stuff you get from the cash shop stupidly OP?
Well it was more the fact that it was the only game that my laptop could not run at a decent framerate. No clue about the cash shop of combat arms and how it balances.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Heroes of Newerth. It's everything League of Legends wishes it could be, while also being free.