Best pick-up line.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I've only used a pickup line once, on a date with a girl, because I wanted to share how funny it is/was (which I told her first). I told her to touch my sweater and check the material it's made of, just by using her hands, then when she did I said: "You feel that? That's boyfriend material right there!". We both had a good laugh at that one :p

Fun fact: the pick-up line I just told you 'bout I read on the Escapist by another poster in a similar thread a couple of months back :p


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
"Wanna see/pet my dog???"

Seriously, get a cute puppy (only if your ready for one (and don't get a little ankle biters like a Chihuahua, get a real dog)) and go to a dog park...

You can PM me your thank you notes later...


Charismatic Leader
May 5, 2009
Hm. I have never actually used a pickup line beyond with a girl I already knew and was joking with, but I used to always think they were funny and would look those and bad jokes up.

Haven't seen this one yet:

Are you a chicken farmer? Because you know how to raise a c**k.

Count Igor

New member
May 5, 2010
captaincabbage said:
Marter said:
"Would you hold my drink? I need to take a crap."

If she does it, she's a keeper.

"Will you hold my drink? I need to take a carp."

Then you go out and catch a fresh carp for her.
I'm tempted to carry a carp around with me, just to see the expression on her face when I pull it out.



Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Housebroken Lunatic said:
Lilani said:
Seconded. I find them insulting, at best.
Even when used in a tounge in cheek manner?

What kind of a social retard would use a pick-up line with a straight face? :O
Yes. Because pick-up lines are used as a means of introduction. Whenever one is used, without even wanting to get to know anything about me, he's asking me if I'm interested in a relationship. That just makes him come across as egocentric and desperate. It shows that he's not very good with introductions so he uses training wheels to break the ice.

Something like "How are you this evening?" or just introducing yourself using something in context and then asking her about herself is much more natural and forthcoming. And you're putting the focus on her as a person--not on what you've seen externally until then. Most women want to think about relationships once they have a "friendship" established. This is because most women (except for bimbos and chronic daters) are looking for more long-term relationships--ones that could very well lead to marriage.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
On New Year's Eve I came up with a good one I planned to use on a particular attractive girl I noticed in the bar where I was celebrating with friends, however I sadly didn't get a chance to use it. Nevertheless, I reckon it's fairly good, considering I am fairly tall, and dark-haired, and slightly mysterious... ;)

"I always thought you were supposed to see the New Year in with a tall, dark stranger..."

And then let conversation flow from that little ice-breaker :D.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
Lilani said:
Most women want to think about relationships once they have a "friendship" established. This is because most women (except for bimbos and chronic daters) are looking for more long-term relationships--ones that could very well lead to marriage.
This is wrong on so many levels. When you are in "friendship" your cat's dead, like we say. Game over, move on to the next woman. Women are emotional, they are about chemistry and attraction, PLUS that affinity and complicity that can be found in a friendship. But a man won't get squat (be it a loving relationship or plain sex) without her feeling that attraction, that butterfly feeling, for him. And it's not a choice, either you have it or you don't, and it is notoriously difficult to change a woman's viewpoint on a guy from being a "guy friend" to a "boyfriend".

And there another slight difference: Women want to be exclusive. That is why they focus on the long-term relationship, because it encloses the guy into an exclusive relationship and prevent him to spend his time, emotion, and resources on another woman.

As for pick-up lines, only the stupidest, lamest of guys with no game will use silly pick-up lines like that, and women LOATHE guys who use these to approach them. Best to just approach them either with a contextual opener (like "Whacha' reading" if she's reading a book), or just say "Hey, how are you?" and move on from there when the ice is broken.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
The best one I have heard that worked is as follows:
"Hey when did this guy get here 'Points with both hands down to penis displaying erection'".


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
niceguy191 said:
"Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"
Works every time.
You sir, speak the truth ;)

Haha seriously though I've never used a pickup line. Most of my hookups have been either randoms in a drunken, teenage mosh (I'm 17) or just from introducing myself and just chatting for ages. This sometimes works even if I wasn't intending it :D


New member
Aug 4, 2009
"Let's go back to my place and fuck."

So this worked on a girl way better looking than me while I was absolutely shit-faced. The only reason I know this line actually happened is because I said it to the girl sitting next to me at the poker table, and not quietly. At the card room I work at.

Certainly not the worst way I've come out of a black out.

My boss and the co-worker that was dealing at the time won't let me leave this down. "Dude, just ask her to drive you to your house so you can fuck her." Seriously, I'd never pull that line off if I were aware of my actions. Too bad she wasn't smart, "Why do people at your work keep assuming we've had sex? Did you tell them we did? You're an asshole!" Um...we made out in the parking lot, got into your car and you ditched your friend (that works there) for the night. What the fuck else are they going to think happened?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Would there be any resistance if I tired to take you ohm.

But I've never used one, but if for some unknown reason I had to, I'm using that.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Lilani said:
Yes. Because pick-up lines are used as a means of introduction.
Not all of the time. Sometimes you pull out a good one for sheer humour. Sort of like telling joke.

Lilani said:
Whenever one is used, without even wanting to get to know anything about me, he's asking me if I'm interested in a relationship. That just makes him come across as egocentric and desperate. It shows that he's not very good with introductions so he uses training wheels to break the ice.
Egocentric you say?

"Oooh, what an awful man! He just pulled a pick-up line in a humorous and obviously insincere fashion. He should care more about MEEEEE and getting to know MEEEEEEEE! Because the universe revolves around MEEEEEE!!!"

that's not the least bit "egocentric" according to you? (of course I already know the answer to that one, but it's always polite to ask anyway :p)

Lilani said:
Something like "How are you this evening?" or just introducing yourself using something in context and then asking her about herself is much more natural and forthcoming. And you're putting the focus on her as a person--not on what you've seen externally until then. Most women want to think about relationships once they have a "friendship" established. This is because most women (except for bimbos and chronic daters) are looking for more long-term relationships--ones that could very well lead to marriage.
Oh really?

Tell me, when you go fishing, do you ask the fish what bait you should use to catch it? :)