Best Sequel to a Terrible game


New member
Nov 29, 2010
I don't think most of you actually read the title. Best sequel to a TERRIBLE game. So many "the first game wasn't that bad..." shit.

As for my own: Resi 4. Resi 1-3 were all a pile of shit, and then Resi 4 comes along and changes literally everything.


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May 28, 2010
Street Fighter 2.

This is the only one I can think of that had an absolutely terrible pile of shit for a first game, only a few years later the sequel was released and one of the most groundbreaking games of all time, which is still awesome today. Seriously though, go try Street Fighter 1, it's atrocious in every way.


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Apr 13, 2009
Da_Schwartz said:
Xenogears eh. Xenosaga, yes please. After of course your third re-start when you FINALLY ACTUALLY FOR REAL THIS TIME understood combat and how to level your character correctly. hehe.
Can that really be considered a sequel though? More like a spiritual successor, though I do agree with you that Xenosaga was better (except for Shion.)

Anyway, Jak 2 was better than Jak and Daxter. I know a lot of people didn't like the change of tone between games, but personally I thought it work. Plus I liked using guns better than eco.


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Jan 10, 2010
xMelior said:
CoD: Modern Warfare 2 compared to World at War

EDIT: Also Red Dead Redemption (if you consider it a sequel)
damn, ninja'd for the RDR one. You take a great risk by praising MW2 on the Escapist forums, I salute your ballsiness.

As for me, I guess I pick 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. It was stupid and cliched, but actually pretty fun, and much better than the godawful Bulletproof


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Dec 21, 2009
Persona 2: Innocent Sin.

The original had a decent plot, horrible characters, a good-bad translation(featuring race-lift), great music and annoying gameplay. All backed up with shite graphics.

The sequel has a really good plot, awesome characters, no translation(yet...), good music and passable gameplay. The graphics were nothing special, but not ugly by any means. The character portraits were also way better.

The remake of the original made the gameplay slightly better(not better enough,) and fixed the translation, but ruined the music. The remake of 2 is probably going to do basically the same thing.


New member
Apr 9, 2011
Hmmm, Uncharted 2? My PS3 is actully off right now because i turned it off in the middle of a particuarly hard bit playing Uncharted 1 on Crushing. Toooooooo hard Naughty Dog, way too hard.

Nah, Uncharted 1 is a classic, but pales compared to Uncharted 2. As soon as PSN gets back up, im buying PS+ so i can get into the Uncharted 3 BETA!!!


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Jan 14, 2009
Every fighting game ever. Not so much terrible, but once a new game comes out in a fighting series there's a 9/10 chance of it being better than it's predecessor.


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Jul 4, 2010
icame said:
Mass effect 2 (Oh shit!)
Agreed. Mass Effect 1 was a mess of a game. Everyone (Except For The Writers) involved with that game should be ashamed of how abysmal it was. However Mass Effect 2, now that's one of the best freak'in games ever.


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Dec 25, 2008
AlternatePFG said:
duchaked said:
AlternatePFG said:
icame said:
Mass effect 2 (Oh shit!)
Mass Effect 1 feels like a chore to play. Although I feel like ME2 took out most of what made it an RPG, at least it was fun to play.
can't agree more
except I don't think it was like no longer an rpg, just streamlined to make it fun
if that's wrong i.e. not rpg then I don't want rpg (but that's not true, rpgs don't have to be un-fun haha)
It didn't need to be streamlined, it needed to be fixed, and instead of doing that, BioWare just decided to take the lazy route and add a linear upgrade system for armor/weapons instead.
that's understandable, it really is actually
I just personally was happier with the linear upgrade system, but that's just me


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Feb 13, 2011
Worgen said:
devil may cry 3, the 2nd game sucked hard but 3 was good
He said original and there was nothing wrong with Devil May Cry.

I'm tempted to say Grand Theft Auto 3. Frankly I never played GTA as I thought it looked like crap and 3 completely revolutionized the game.

Next up is Morrowind. Huge improvement over Arena and Daggerfall.


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Mar 6, 2011
i would say the games i grew up with and that would be the ratchet & clank games and the sly games.
Also,Assassin's Creed.I played the 2nd one first,and then I got through AC:Brotherhood,but then I played the first's bad...I mean,it's not terrible,but it's not great either...Thank fuck the next installements fixed it,and made AC my favorite game series of all time...
Also,Resident Evil 4...damn,that game was awesome.


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Nov 6, 2008
EvilPicnic said:
Assassins Creed=great game


Just Cause=shit game

Just Cause 2 being so awesome when it had such a bad start is a testament to the listening-power of the developers.
Sorry buddy but I HAVE to disagree with that- Just Cause 1 was way better than Assassin's Creed 1. Sure it was a bit aimless at times (I'm talking about JC, with AC it goes without saying) but everything it did it still did very well.

So I'd have to say Assassin's Creed 2, though Timesplitters 2 and Far Cry 2 come to mind as well.


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Jan 22, 2010
ChupathingyX said:
Although not technically a sequel, Fallout: New Vegas was vastly superior to 3 in almost every single aspect.
Yeah, I agree.

I wouldn't call 3 terrible, but the one thing that New Vegas did that instantly made me like it better was improve the godawful writing from 3.


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Apr 9, 2008
Definitely Street Fighter 2.
I have yet to find anyone else who even remembers the first one.


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Jan 20, 2011
Bek359 said:
icame said:
Woodsey said:
"Most of the time sequels only serve to ruin the original. A couple of times they are as good and very few they are even better."

I find most sequels in gaming are better than the originals. Films are where you need to be wary.

OT: Assassin's Creed 2 was miles better than 1. 1 certainly wasn't terrible, but it did have some gaping flaws, and the second game was such a transformation it was unreal.

icame said:
Mass effect 2 (Oh shit!)
Believe it or not, most people do actually consider it the better game.
I know. It wasn't my opinion that ME2 is better that made me do the "Oh shit!", Its the fact that I consider the first a terrible game, which is a... unpopular opinion?
I don't consider Mass Effect 1 TERRIBLE, but it pales ridiculously compared to its successor. Clunky combat + terrible inventory system + recycled environments + customization that mostly amounted to number-crunching, which I am wholeheartedly against (seriously, if a game requires me to use a spreadsheet to be effective at any point, I'm not doing it), = not very fun, especially upon replay. Yeah, they took out perhaps more of the RPG elements than they should have for the sequel, but it was FUN.
Mass Effect's story and characterisation shit all over ME2. ME2 just had the advantage of infinitely better mechanics.
Here's hoping 3 blends the two.


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Jan 3, 2010
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty World At War
Call of Duty Black Ops

Seriously though, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. 2nd one wasn't BAD, but it wasn't exactly great either. More of the same, a bit too linear, some arbitrary challenge gimmicks here and there. And then along comes CT with some fairly spiffy gadgets, noticeably different gameplay and non-linearity.