Best time if your in highschool?


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Vault101 said:
I wonder if she would have felt the same had she actually been in boarding school for 5 years....probably, I guess it depends on personality
I've been in one for 6 and a half years, and I think it's better than living entirely in the secluded little hamlet that I go back to in the holidays.

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
Levitas1234 said:
All i do in school is get high and chill with friends, it's been pretty good.

Edit: lol just noticed, 1337 posts
Once you leave you'll realise just how great a time you really had if that's what you do.

Certainly that's what I feel like at the moment. Not that I don't enjoy my life at the moment, it's pretty sweet.

School for me though was definitely the best time of my life so far. The last 3 years that is.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
Marter said:
I was never told that. If anything, I was told college/university would be the best time.

Also, for the record, I like high school just fine. It's better than being at home, anyway.

Being at school, with distractions, is actually fairly good.
Yeah I heard that as well about college.

But I did have a really fun time in high school the only year that really sucked was my sophomore year when the school implemented stupid rules.

And college is fun, but it sucks that none of my friends are here :(


New member
Nov 2, 2009
It was good, but I like being in college just as much. Even though it's getting a bit harder to get through, while in high school you could jerk off and still pass everything.


New member
Oct 18, 2007
Generally, adulthood is better. If you're doing it right you get to play and explore, and there's sex, you're way less sensitive because a lot of the emotional whoopsies that happened to you in your teenage years are old news. Furthermore, a lot more of your ideas are your own instead of being defined exclusively by what you were raised with, your artwork/creativity has had time to become less derivative, and you usually can earn money for yourself and get things for yourself more easily than when you're still a minor.

People say a lot of stuff, and high school being the best years of your life applied better when it was an optional extra that not everyone got, rather like university today.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Highschool was one of the best times of my life. It was stressful, but I sure do miss it. Particularly the sports. I loved every minute of football, even though it was hard as hell. Unfortunately my choice of college (Penn State) effectively ended my football career. Fun fact: I was the only starter on my team who built his own gaming rig.

College is probably better, though, IMO. Hanging out with friends on the weekends and just having a good old time over a case of beer never gets old. Plus having your own place is a thrill in and of itself.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Vault101 said:
Im going to paste exactally what I said to the other guy

[spoiler/]Im sure the kid who was bullied constantly and had suicidal thourghts wouldnt agree (no I didnt have eather of those things)

anyhow there may be truth to what you say but I dont like that mentality, high school is over for me, what should I do? shrug and say "well thats it...funs over time to be a miserable adult!" ,

screw that I say, this is my life and it is what I can make it, yes I know hard times come around and we all have to do things that we dont want to, but Im not about resign myself to (a completley false) fact the the greatest time of my life has passed

Ive never understood this Idea that my life has to follow a certain pattern (a patern set down by society) school partying work settle down and kids, yearning for my high school days, no way, the past is in the past, I can wish I did things differently all I want it wont change anything, sure its impossible to tell what I will or wont want in the future and I could completley change

to tell highschool kids that its a pointless waste of time and quite frankly the stupidest thing ever

telling highschool kids its the best time of their life is stupid and pointless
I agree with what the other guy said in response to you. Now I will concede that everyone will have a different idea as to what is the best part of life, because we all value things differently. I enjoyed the fact that in high school, particularly junior and senior year, you have the feeling and responsibility of being an adult while not really having to take the world head on. Would it suprise you to find out I never went to a party in high school? How about that I was not a jock or very popular at all? Or that once apon a time I was bullied? So the "social pattern" you refer to is a moot point. The experience is what you make of it.

Don't confuse what I am saying though. I'm not saying that there is no joy after high school. It is no less fulfilling to get married, have kids, or accomplish a life goal. It is just different in the fact you don't have anyone depending on you for anything really.....and taxes. :? (
All I'm saying is enjoy it while it lasts.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Vault101 said:
at which point I had somthing of an identity crisis, at least the dumb girls had lots of freinds, socalizing, alchohol,sex and that other stuff, at leasts the nerdy ones had nerdy freinds or if not that acedemic acheivment, and the all rounders...were all rounders
I might know what you mean, I felt like most people had a sort of direction while I didn't, if that's how you felt. I was kind of shy as well, and I was really ambivalent and fickle. The people who weren't academically inclined knew from early on so they did a childcare certificate, an apprenticeship, or hairdressing or something, and the "nerdy ones" would go to uni, and everyone in between seemed to have some kind of niche for themselves in music or church or whatever. I didn't have that security of knowing where I belonged. I didn't feel like I could properly conform to either group.

I was one of those people who should've been part of the "nerd group" (i.e. teachers said I was intelligent), but I had bad habits and was mostly friends with the laid back or non-academic types (I wouldn't call my friends dumb) because I felt more comfortable with them, and comparing my achievement level with them. I think lots of people felt the same way I did. It's easy to stereotype people and complicate things in your own mind.

InterAirplay said:
Despite being a lonely freak, I love High School. I went to small schools full of decent and pretty sensible people, so after I finally got over my own crippling ineptness I actually spent the last year of school relaxed, fee and easy. I got no work done, but fuck, I really enjoyed that year of my life. It was just looking forward to the weekend, wondering what piss-easy unsupervised class I had next and casually rolling in late to banter with a few people, be it some hillbilly jocks that I had to live with in the nearby hostel or nerding it up in Computing with the WoW players. Yeah, I made a fool of myself when I came out of it with very little achievement to my name, but by Christ, I had never been so carefree. And it was still my hardest educational year"! made me realise that I could have spent so much more time in earlier years just chillin' and used my final years to work hard.
If you take away the computer class, the hostel, and the hillbillies, replace "small school" with a large-ish K-12 school, and cross out "so much more", then I'm generally spoken for. I wouldn't have said I loved school back then, but I like thinking of the school environment where you're surrounded by people around your age and take it for granted. I never did try hard academically and nor did I care much about punctuality, but towards my last year I was more carefree socially. I figured I may as well as talk to people for the hell of it and not be all self-conscious because I was leaving soon anyway. I learned how to make friends more easily, although I still retired to the library from time to time.

I'd somehow end up having an insane and hilarious conversation with some random kid on the bus, end up with a group of fourteen year old boys crowded around my computer screen watching laddergoat, or spend a couple of hours walking to school because I missed the bus. I'd do little things to amuse myself like buy my friend a cactus called Earnest for her birthday and bring it to school, or pick up stones and draw faces on them and leave them in places for people to stumble across. I bought a tonne of boxes to school and we built a "fort" on the grass in front of the admin and didn't get in trouble for it because it was in the name of art. Hordes of little kids had destroyed it by the time I got out of class. I did make a fool out of myself by generally being weird and not getting into uni because I procrastinated to a ridiculous extent with everything I did (while resenting the fact that I wasn't one of those smart kids who could do well while doing that), but I'm grateful for the friends I made, and that my parents didn't let me be homeschooled like I wanted to some years back so I could sit around on the computer all day.

I definitely don't miss being branded by the name of an institution with those stupid uniforms. I kind of miss debating fundamentalist teachers and contributing to class discussion though. As for high school being the best years of my life, I hope they weren't, I don't want to spend my entire adult life looking back in rosy retrospection.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Nobody ever told me, and I'd have to kick them in the face if they did.

COLLEGE was the best time of my life.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Ambi said:
Vault101 said:
at which point I had somthing of an identity crisis, at least the dumb girls had lots of freinds, socalizing, alchohol,sex and that other stuff, at leasts the nerdy ones had nerdy freinds or if not that acedemic acheivment, and the all rounders...were all rounders
I might know what you mean, I felt like most people had a sort of direction while I didn't, if that's how you felt. I was kind of shy as well, and I was really ambivalent and fickle. The people who weren't academically inclined knew from early on so they did a childcare certificate, an apprenticeship, or hairdressing or something, and the "nerdy ones" would go to uni, and everyone in between seemed to have some kind of niche for themselves in music or church or whatever. I didn't have that security of knowing where I belonged. I didn't feel like I could properly conform to either group.

I was one of those people who should've been part of the "nerd group" (i.e. teachers said I was intelligent), but I had bad habits and was mostly friends with the laid back or non-academic types (I wouldn't call my friends dumb) because I felt more comfortable with them, and comparing my achievement level with them. I think lots of people felt the same way I did. It's easy to stereotype people and complicate things in your own mind.

.......not getting into uni because I procrastinated to a ridiculous extent with everything I did (while resenting the fact that I wasn't one of those smart kids who could do well while doing that).....

Yeah you hit the nail perfectly on the head, I was just the same

In the end it was my own lazyness and bad habits that let me down as I should have at least done ok in my grades, and unlike the other kids I would NEVER label myself as stupid because I knew it wasnt true

I could say that going to a not so average school for the first two years (my hometown) didnt help while I was there I sort of got the attitude why bother? there are n consequences if I dont try

but Im not making excuses for myself, I think im gradually getting out of my bad habbits anyway, and highschool wasnt that bad in the long term (I think the bigest problem was getting rid of my hobby, my art ,which was the one thing defining me, anyway Ive started again and working on it, no matter what I do Ill always be drawing somthing)


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I hope not. High school was hell for me. Teenage girls can be the scum of the earth sometimes, you know? College is so much better.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
I am having an excellent time in highshcool. I have tons of friends, finally have a relationship going, and the people I don't like are forgetting the alphabet at the most important time one can.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Vault101 said:
Yeah you hit the nail perfectly on the head, I was just the same

In the end it was my own lazyness and bad habits that let me down as I should have at least done ok in my grades, and unlike the other kids I would NEVER label myself as stupid because I knew it wasnt true

I could say that going to a not so average school for the first two years (my hometown) didnt help while I was there I sort of got the attitude why bother? there are n consequences if I dont try

but Im not making excuses for myself, I think im gradually getting out of my bad habbits anyway, and highschool wasnt that bad in the long term (I think the bigest problem was getting rid of my hobby, my art ,which was the one thing defining me, anyway Ive started again and working on it, no matter what I do Ill always be drawing somthing)
You have inspired me to pick up my sketchbook again. I used to be the creative type when I was little and people told me I was good at art, but then the standard lifted to involve planning processes and I got caught up so much in changing ideas that I left the actual art making process to the last minute. I don't know why, I might have been afraid of screwing everything up and not being able to meet the standard I set for myself, so I just handed in C- work just to maintain the idea that I could do better if I really tried. Or maybe I was just lazy, I don't know. In retrospection I think I could do the work easily but things looked so much different when I was under pressure.

They called you stupid? That's harsh. You don't seem stupid at all, although I do believe spell check would be of use, haha.

The school I went to was decent enough, apart from their pathetic disciplinary policies and religious indoctrination (grade 8: "EVILUTION IS A LIE!!!1" grade 12, last term: "Okay, now the state curriculum requires us to teach you about evolution properly...").

InterAirplay said:
Ambi said:
As for high school being the best years of my life, I hope they weren't, I don't want to spend my entire adult life looking back in rosy retrospection.
This is why I'm so desperate to get out of here and to Glasgow where my friends have gone to. I have a spot at a college there lined up and have had a fair few figures telling me I have writing talent, so I'm charging ahead with a journalism idea. I think I can do it. I'm really just mad for LEAVING, I NEED to be in a city environment with my friends because I am SO scared that I'll miss it all, the parts of my life I want to be looking back on fondly when I start settling down. You know? I need to have those good times. I don't know what else I could do. Even if I don't get to continue my education, I'll just take up a job there and stay. Being away and with my friends would make all the difference right now.

If that fails, I'll just move to Australia where my best friend went to and me and her can live together. That'll never happen, but I like having a loving close friend somewhere. Maks me feel like I'll always have SOMEONE. XD I'm pathetic.
If that is the standard for being pathetic, right now I think I'm on the level of a stereotypical basement dweller, only my parents don't have a basement, and I'm not an obese man-child surrounded by empty pizza boxes strewn over D&D material (although it would be interesting if I actually had hobbies like that). At least you got into college (that's like uni, right?).

I need to get off the internet (at least temporarily) in search of a real life because I always forget how good things are until I experience them again. My friend is going to Glasgow next year for her sister's wedding. I could tag along if I wanted. That made me sound like a creep (shit, I really do need to get off the internet). It likely won't happen anyway, it would be expensive and selfish and surely there is a more creative and profitable use for my money, although I would like to go away somewhere.

All I know is that I can't be indecisive forever, lest I be driven into the retail misery spoken of in threads in these parts. No, I'm not above retail work, retail work is easy, it's not that bad. No dammit, it is, I need some motivation to do something beyond that...


New member
Dec 11, 2010
While I miss not having any serious responsibilities, College beats the shit out of high school, no contest. Granted, this is only if you have the good sense to get out of your parents' house.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
i was beaten up at a regular basis i wore glasses the size of kansas generally bullied not good at anything and had no in retrospect BEST YEARS EVER


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I'd have to say freshmen year of college is supposed to be the best time of your life. Why? Because its so fucking surreal, and even if it wasn't all that amazing, you'll always remember it as if it were some awesome dream you had.