Best time if your in highschool?

8-Bit Grin

New member
Apr 20, 2010
I love my highschool experience.

I get along with pretty much everyone, had a terrible time when I lost my virginity, got arrested for something trivial...

I've pretty much completed the cliche high school to-do list.


New member
Jun 18, 2010
K read the whole thread.

While i was in HS I was told Uni would be a much better fit for me. Wow. They were wrong.

I'm a smart person that doesn't bother acting particularly smart. I don't spellcheck, I don't correct other people when I know they're wrong, and I don't get into debates with someone I know I'm smarter than. I just try to "be".

In HS: How smart you are isn't a big deal. There were popular smart kids and popular dunces. Our prom king senior year was the star football player that didn't take any honors/advanced/AP classes yet still had read Thoreau before we covered it in American Literature. It turns out I was one of the most popular kids in HS. I wasn't "cool" by any means. The rich kids that drove their dads' Lexus's were "cool". But I would make a point to not sit by my close friends in class. I saw enough of them already. I sat by Angie D. and Jake. Q. They were nice people that wanted to be included. They were just awkward and I got a lot of enjoyment out of getting them to open up and participate in the shinanigans during class.

In Uni: I went to an ivy league school majoring in a difficult major, biochemistry. It was supposed to be just great being surrounded by smart people. I want to explain the people at my Uni by example:

One of the first weeks of class I am called upon to present a problem on the board in our most difficult class that year (general chemistry). I am very nervous and make a notation error while transcribing my notes. Then I hear someone snigger, "I thought we weren't in high school anymore".

That's how I summarize 95% of the people I met in college. Unfortunately, most smart people are assholes. Some people love the nerd aristocracy. I don't. I am the clique C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER. Sorry nerds that think they're finally superior, I'm about to gain your trust and then thrust the uneducated janitor into the spotlight of awesomesauce.

TLDR: HS was great. Far more diversity than my uni and much more fun.

ps - post school would be great if I could figure out what career I want to pursue. Having so many choices sucks in a lot of ways. I shouldn't complain, since most people in all of history have had only one choice, but damn.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
High school was pretty awesome for me, but I suppose people say it because they like to live in the past and not deal with the troubles of today or the future. That, and they have rosy tinted goggles. Would I go back? Maybe, but I'm more of an optimist about the future


New member
Sep 16, 2004
i merely placed the most likely answer for "doing it right" as you put it, i am under no illusions as to what college is as yeah i am attending, and it sucks ass most of the time especially when the teachers have little to no knowledge of what they are supposed to be teaching, the only reason they are teaching it is they were a free body to do so
Hmm, sorry to hear that man. Maybe you should think about changing schools (or major perhaps?), it doesn't sound like the one you are in is working out for you. I didn't necessarily like all my profs, but I never felt like they didn't know what they were talking about. And while the work load was brutal, it was work I cared about and was interested in, so that made it a good time (and yes, the parties and girls didn't hurt either, as you say, heh. That kind of thing is inevitable at that age when you are doing that much work, you have to blow off steam now and then, I think).

I don't know whether or not I peaked in college, maybe. I've had some peaks beyond that time, with perhaps more to come. But for sure it was among the best times of my life, and I look back on it with fondness. I can't say the same for high school (my experience in HS is much like you describe your experience with college).


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Ahh good old high school... I remember it fondly. And that odd boy who wore most creepy blue lipstick and had a haircut that looked like pulled of some of that anime kids are raging about.

I would not call it the best time of my life. But I certainly cannot call it a bad experience! It was quite fun and enjoyable.

green_dude said:
High School is the worst time of your life for 90% of people. The ones that get nostalgic about it are the douchebags who found they couldn't cope in the "grown-up" world after 18 years of acting like an infant.
Also that's kind of a far fetched theory is it not?

By your logic I can deem that everyone who hated high-school are the unpopular kids that hid in the corners unable to socialize with others.
(But I do not think so. Actually even the wierd kid with blue lips was quite fun to talk to. Also he held his liquor quite well.)


New member
Jul 30, 2008
God yeah High School was awesome! The only thing I regret was being so eager to leave that when I graduated, I realized how much I missed it. How much fun it really was. Some friends I might never see again, and how much the dynamic of our group changed. It's astounding, really.


New member
May 17, 2010
To answer the Op, there is no definite time of your life that will be universally superior. It depends on the star aligning and you putting in the effort. Go to a HS with people you hate and it will suck. Go to a HS and don't study and it won't be fun. I enjoy uni more then high school (for me secondary school) but I dislike how big it feels, I knew everyone by name in my secondary school, so it was a bit different. I prefer it but I do miss that feeling of being able to talk to anyone in your class about anything.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I don't think that the saying applies to the actual education part. I think it has more to do with your age, mentality, and the fact that once you're out of highschool, you become another working member of society, with responsibilities and rules that you didn't have before. You don't get to spend time just messing around with friends, and you can't just sit around and do nothing all day.

Once you're out of school, you'll see what I mean.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
I was tutored at home by my teachers for about half my high school career, due to back pain, meningitis, CSF leak, back surgery, high CSF pressure, and finally "New Daily Persistent Headache Disorder" (which I'm still recovering from). So on the one hand it often seemed like a pretty shitty time for me, but on the other there's a good chance I'll have to face even more chronic/bizarre medical problems throughout my life. All I know is that college is incredibly frustrating when you actively hate all of your classes.
I suspect I hit my peak happiness around 8th grade, unless things significantly improve in the future. Not sure why people would assume that their happiest time would apply to everyone else though...


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Not the best but yeh it was alright, I wouldnt change anything that happened and the things i did made me who iam and at the momement i like me.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
For me it was though College is right up there too...I didn't have to worry about shit in high school. The only thing I did was hang out with friends, have fun and had to finish my homework, now I have to worry about real life stuff....I want to be high school


New member
Jan 4, 2009
At the time of high school things were getting better to me but I had grown so distrustful towards any fellow classmates apart from my best friend due to the bullying pretty much the whole class had taken part in I still disliked pretty much everyone.

But at least I was left on my own for the most part and my stuff stopped disappearing.

Junior high was the worst time of my life without a doubt so compared to that I guess high school was good?

But definitely not the best time of my life.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
i was told College was the best time of my life. I could not have agreed less and agree more that High school was the best time of my life.

guess it helps i went a to an art high school with girls all over the place, versus the sausage fest that was my science/tech college. O how i miss taking naps on the shoulders and arms of girls in art history class in High School. (among other things that can't be mentioned in polite conversation)

test were ez and classes were nothing more than stop gaps for hanging out. I actually had to do work/study in college >.<

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
I'd say college was the best time of my life -- undergrad years, that is. I'm in grad school now, and suddenly it feels more like a job, with "here, have this project, now do it indefinitely and work crazy hours." Undergrad is, you get there, you do your homework, you quit. Seriously. You go home for the night and get drunk/play video games/etc. all you want to. There is no obligation to work 8 hours a day if you don't have to. There's no need to go to lecture if you know the material already, or if you have a better way of learning it. Since you're not getting paid, no one cares if you decide to take a week off.

Most importantly: you get summers, Spring Break, 2 weeks around Christmas, and a host of holidays off. Just the first three total almost FOUR MONTHS of vacation. At my school, we also get all of January off, so that's five months, almost half an entire year without work.

Think hard about this: you will never have that ever again.


I swear I'm not bitter. :p


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I was told highschool would be different, that I'd be respected for what I had to say and could actually learn stuff I myself was interested in.
Boy was I misled, and though I look back fondly on my highschool years, I don't for an instant want to go back. College didn't quite work out for me either, but at least I'm likely going back, or applying to university. Still, I do definitely have fond memories of highschool.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
I never particularly enjoyed High School and I was ecstatic upon my graduation. It wasn't a living hell for me, just something to keep me occupied.