Billy Bob Blames Games for the Sorry State of Hollywood


New member
Dec 6, 2009
First of all his name is Billy Bob. That's a hick name if I ever heard one. And second he is wrong. Movies are actually getting better. Not all movies from 50's 60's, 70's 80's and 90's were great? We only remember a few chosen ones that were great. Others sucked and we never even heard about them. It's the same in this decade except now we have movies, great TV shows and video games. But I think the main focus today is on TV shows.

I can't believe Angie gave to this idiot. Oh Angie, you must regret it so...


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Worst movies in history?

Ummm.......Manos: The Hands of Fate? Red Zone Cuba? Plan 9 From Outer Space? Teenage Bride? Stop or my mother will shoot? Or that DVD Cleaner series which is literally just static?


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
Billy Bob blames games for the sorry state of Hollywood? Well Billy Bob can go fuck himself. It's not our fault Hollywood writers can't create relatable characters to save their own lives.

And anyway, what's the last good movie he's done? Other than being the worst actor in Armageddon?


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
Videogames and Bad Movies has almost nothing to do which each other.(Almost because of the adaptations)

If movies are getting bad, which i don't agree, videogame is not one of the reasons...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
funny, I would blame hollywood for the sorry state of mainstream gaming. I guess that means we're even then.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
For the Love of Saint Peter!

In Every Era of Hollywood, there has been bad movies.

Video games is just the latest in a long line of scapegoats.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Great, because the media loves to blame Video Games and gets away with it, he does too!

If I met him I'd simply say
"Well you aren't helping."


New member
Apr 4, 2009
thublihnk said:
Shadowkire said:
I find it funny how he defends Hollywood from his own criticisms by saying that even the violent movies have messages. Has anyone found a message in any of the Die Hard movies yet?

Fables have messages too Bob, but they can be told within ten minutes and dont spray blood and bullets everywhere.

F**king idiot.
Hey. Die Hard was f*cking awesome, and while it was definitely peripheral there were meanings to be gleaned from the series. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Don't get me wrong I love the Die Hard movies, I just brought them up because in my mind they have no message, they are just entertainment.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
That's funny, because I blame Billy Bob for the sad state of Hollywood!

This is coming from a guy whose latest film is a crappy generic revenge/action flick starring The Rock. Please dude, you are IN some of the movies showcasing the sad state of Hollywood. You sound like an ignorant dipshit.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
i agree, but i think people like him is part of the problem, i do think that there are many movies that being directed towards gamers, problem is the guys who make the movies dont understand games or gamers, they look at games like CoD and think "oh, they just want explosions and murder", and miss the point of games, its fun because its interactive and with that we can in some way relate to the character even if it has no personalty, we dont want to watch that, they could also figure that out by looking at the sales numbers, which by now much be 10 million copies sold and compare that to the viewing numbers of the televised tournaments.

If "cinematic" games dont work then why should "gameingfied" films work?.


New member
May 17, 2010
Video games as an industry is in much worse shape than gamers think, imo as a 4-hour-a-day (on average) gamer since the early 1980s.

Two statistics for you: 80% of mass-reviewed games (games which have at least 5 reviews on feature killing as the primary mode of gameplay (whole genres have this - FPS, RTS, RPGs).

Even games made by amateurs usually with little to no financial incentive or beholden to those interests, on, have a 50% chance of featuring killing as the primary mode of gameplay.

Let's think outside the box for a moment. Let's say you're a developer who wants to make games. Why with such tremendous frequency do you make games featuring killing?

Killing, after all, is a small part of life in general, even in the ridiculously violent world we live in. Why over-represent it to such an extent in video games? Video games can be about ANYTHING. Imagine if 80% of paintings depicted murder.

Reasons are given, typically "it's fun to kill", but are these really more than just excuses?

Imo, comics, not movies, are the closest medium to video games. Comics feature "superheroes" who appear as if their main superpower is spending all day at the gym. These "heroes" seek out "supervillains" and carry out justice on them, nevermind that there's already a system of justice in most countries called the "justice system" that somehow functions with no superheroes involved.

Arguably the reason these "superheroes" exist is to display their superiority to "normal" humans, per the "ubermensch" philosophy which one might have hoped would have died with the Nazis.

All of this is excused by comic fans with the explanation that adolescent boys are pathetically insecure and require overmuscled ubermensch as role-models or outlets of release in order to avoid killing themselves.

This makes one wonder if the solution is not comic books at all which is at best a method of escape (like video games), but building a better society in which people don't need to escape in the first place.

So - how's that better society coming along?


New member
Feb 26, 2009
if thats his argument, then he should try to help get Six Days in Fallujah released. we need games like that one


New member
Nov 18, 2009
PunkRex said:
Sir John the Net Knight said:
There's only one way I can respond to this...


Is that artwork from Timesplitters, it looks like Captain Ash?[/quote]
It is the video game equivalent to Chuck Norris......SAXTON HALE!!


New member
May 16, 2010
billy bob is wrong period, the worsening of movies tv and video games has a larger tip of the hat toward the fact that we live in a instant gratification global culture.

tv dinners, fast food, MTV, internet, movies on demand, high speed internet, on and on as our consumption has gotten faster and faster our demand for real quality has diminished, back when my c64 took 5 minutes to boot a game i sure wanted a good game for my wait, or the idea i had to to go out actually rent a video to watch it, or read a book because i did not have 500 channels that were 90% crap to find something decent to watch i had maybe 25 channels with nothing to watch at all.

games in general actually take a good bit of concentration and focus, mtv is the medium where we got bite sized clips of songs that were not too long for tv play, lots of spaz cuts form one camera to another and shaking the camera around and eclectic roller coaster ride of ok song horrible song ok song beyond horrible song but just hang in there 4 to 6 minutes and the song would change. and in each video there would be and number of cuts and jump to keep you just drooling blankly at the tv.

this is where i think the attention span of youth really got assaulted. more so than the idea that video games did it.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
DkLnBr said:
My response? Grand Theft Auto IV represents the trouble and hardship faced by immigrants when they come to America seeking a new life, and it portrays how they are eventually forced into a life of crime when they fail to achieve their dream.
Check. Your move Thorton
Ummmm....Bad Santa is about the struggles of human nature and the complexities of-


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Wasn't going to see the movie anyway.
Didn't look more fun than the rest of the revenge/murder everyone I hate movies they like to put out.
Even if it had the Rock.

One more thing...
Was he in the trailer? Because I don't remember seeing him at all.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I disagree, sort of. Video game prevalence has led to shorter attention spans, but not all games are about killing; those are just the ones that get the most publicity, ironically thanks in large part to those who want to see them abolished. Short attention spans demand faster moving plots, which Hollywood associates with violence and action. Between that and the demand to make movies that are guaranteed to make a profit, you have violent movies with derivative scripts, largely sequels and remakes. In other words, shit.