BioShock 2 Dev Calls Console Wars "Silly"


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Agreed. I was a Gamecube fanboy until I got a PS2 a good number of years ago. Right now, I'm able to play No More Heroes 2 and Bioshock whenever I want. Just need to save up for a PS3 to play Demon's Souls, and I'll be set for a good few months.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Sev said:
Lesson is, kids: The only reason why people hate the other console is because it has awesome games that theirs doesn't have.
That's ridiculous! The real lesson is 'fanboy' can be used as a verb and 2K has an army of Big Daddies they're not afraid of using.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
The_Oracle said:
Sev said:
Lesson is, kids: The only reason why people hate the other console is because it has awesome games that theirs doesn't have.
That's ridiculous! The real lesson is 'fanboy' can be used as a verb and 2K has an army of Big Daddies they're not afraid of using.
And we've seen them! Remember the Uber-Edition?

He speaks thruths, but I prefer the PS3 as a console (call me wierd but I like the controllers), and I'd still not like Halo all that much even if it was on PS3.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
"This is why PC is the best." I kid, but it had to be done and over with before some obnoxious PC gamer finds it necessary to post this.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
i like this guy. Every generation has a console war. This generation is actually very evenly matched (apart from the wii, which is shit), (i have a wii so i can say that)


New member
Jul 25, 2008
To be fair, what game has had to be down-graded so it can be put on the 360 instead of only the PS3.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Well of course the console wars are silly. I bash consoles for entirely different reasons - their ubiquity quite often leads to developers shifting most/all of their respective development focus onto the console version of any given multi-platform title, and then the PC version ends up being a mediocre port. It's even worse when established franchises that were wonderful on the PC go multi-platform and suffer for it across the board, not that most console players notice because they never played the original games.

So what I really don't like are lazy developers, and the annoying fanboys who think that our well reasoned complaints about those developers shoehorning in design elements that do not make any sense on the PC are just "PC elitists being whiny bitches" [small](if you have ever said this online, be very thankful it is impossible to be punched in the teeth via the internet).[/small]


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Indeed they are silly. Silly PS3 owners hating on the vastly superior xbox! Jokes!
The only reason I don't have a PS3 is because I also have no money... which is a shame, because I hear great things about Uncharted 2, the God of War series, and Demon's souls...

Gildan Bladeborn said:
if you have ever said this online, be very thankful it is impossible to be punched in the teeth via the internet
Can you not do that on PC games? xBox live and PSN both have options for it for those who talk incoherently into microphones


Apr 28, 2008
I'll just sit back here on my happy PC hill and watch the console flame war :D

In reality, I don't get why everyone is so up in arms about these things. I own all 3 consoles and a gaming PC because I LOVE GAMES. I don't care what they're on - a game should be judged by its merits as a game and nothing else. And with both consoles essentially costing as much as 4 games now (as games are $70 here in Canada, after tax you're at $80 = $320) there's not much reason you can't afford to buy the other one, is there?

Gildan Bladeborn said:
Well of course the console wars are silly. I bash consoles for entirely different reasons - their ubiquity quite often leads to developers shifting most/all of their respective development focus onto the console version of any given multi-platform title, and then the PC version ends up being a mediocre port. It's even worse when established franchises that were wonderful on the PC go multi-platform and suffer for it across the board, not that most console players notice because they never played the original games.

So what I really don't like are lazy developers, and the annoying fanboys who think that our well reasoned complaints about those developers shoehorning in design elements that do not make any sense on the PC are just "PC elitists being whiny bitches" [small](if you have ever said this online, be very thankful it is impossible to be punched in the teeth via the internet).[/small]
I guess you played the AvP demo as well? ;)
I know what you mean though - but we always get flamed and seen as unreasonable. People don't seem to realize things we complain about shouldn't have ever been an issue in the first place.

For instance, if the devs did a quick port and the mouse still has a smoothing algorithm applied to it that's not toggleable... why do that? It just fucks with the controls and makes the game feel wrong. We aren't saying the PC version has to be day and night different and superior, we just want attention to basic things like the CONTROLS OF THE DAMN GAME.

I also hate when we get a 360 port and it still has the fucking 360 buttons for quick time events and stuff. Is that really necessary? Couldn't you just take them out? It's things like that which I hate.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
The one thing that embarrasses me most about gamer culture is console fanboys. People who insult games they haven't played and put frankly pathetic amounts of effort into explaining why their opinion is the correct one. The fact that people will literally blind themselves from opinions different from their own to protect their purchase just says something really petty about the human mind.

It's fine if you like your 360 and it's fine if you think all PS3s are garbage, and if you absolutely need to go on the internet and tell the world about this, hey, it's your life, go ahead. But don't trick yourself into thinking that you're an expert on the gaming industry, don't ignore blatant truths and faults with your own system and its games, and don't assume your opinion on a very subjective matter is the be-all-end-all conclusion that people are idiots for not recognizing.

It's a fucking gaming console. Come on. I feel pathetic for taking the six minutes of my life to even make this post; I can't imagine being the kind of person who spends hour talking about this trash.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
I feel for you Marin. I hate fanboys, it's the same thing with apple iPod, iPad, iPhones, etc etc, it's all rubbish. I don't have an iPod or a Zune. I dislike it that they and SOny and Microsoft (again) make us buy into shizz with DLC. frick DLC. and frick paying for that shizz.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
John Funk said:
"From a development perspective, the console wars are a bit silly; our target is consistency, and it's always kind of sad to see people throwing their energy into 'platform partisanship,' because it seems to flood the critical channels and drown out other creative discourse."

So do you hear that, fanboys?
Hey, if those guys don't like 'platform partisanship' maybe they could put their money where their mouths are by being consistent about their release dates across different platforms instead of selling out for a timed exclusive. Of course, it's a little silly not to take a pile of free money when someone waves it under your nose if nobody suffers for it in the long term, right?

Silly too is ignoring the fact that Sony and Microsoft are competing like hell with their game consoles... it's serious business for those guys, literally, they're in the business of waging war over customers via video game consoles. Of course it's going to rub off on their most invested consumers. Also the "state of the art" in tying players down to one device or the other keeps advancing, like now they have exclusive online identities with a score that you boost by playing games for that platform. Take a break from one machine, now everyone else has higher scores. It's cheesy and dumb, I could even use the word "silly" again. On the other hand we're talking about people whose hobby (as SILLY as this sounds) is racking up scores or completing challenges in videogames... you could call hax on something like dangling something like a "HOW XBOX ARE YOU" score in front of a gamer's face.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
AC10 said:
I'll just sit back here on my happy PC hill and watch the console flame war :D
Likewise, I tend to ignore the ports of console games as they mostly suck, especially if they do not provide a demo to try it out, and happen to somehow slip through the PC game reviewers the month it is released (Devil May Cry 4, and Force Unleashed the Jedi Knight 2 wannabe).

I also own several consoles and a DS, but I have and always will be a PC gamer.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Spirultima said:
To be fair, what game has had to be down-graded so it can be put on the 360 instead of only the PS3.
Allegedly, FF13 is a lot smaller and more linear because it went to the 360. They?re also saying that gta4 was supposed to have a larger map before it was made multi and that the next one will have a mandatory install for the 360 (requiring an HDD) so they can make the environment bigger. It?s all just space issues that they will probably fix in the future with multi-discs and mandatory installs.

I?m pretty tolerant of fanboy gamers: these machines are expensive and most of them just want to make themselves feel that they made the right choice. They could be a bit more grownup about it but lets face it: the wii (the children?s toy), ps3(machine with great features that are never used), and 360 (spontaneous combustion) all leave a lot to be desired and a good game PC costs as much as all three of those put together. I can't blame anyone for making fun of these overpriced toys. Except the devs.

What I?m not tolerant of are developers who are fanboys and feel the need to make fun of consoles they don?t want to learn to develop for. That?s just thinly veiled laziness or maybe stupidity but I?m willing to give devs like valve the benefit of the doubt.


Apr 28, 2008
Outamyhead said:
AC10 said:
I'll just sit back here on my happy PC hill and watch the console flame war :D
Likewise, I tend to ignore the ports of console games as they mostly suck, especially if they do not provide a demo to try it out, and happen to somehow slip through the PC game reviewers the month it is released (Devil May Cry 4, and Force Unleashed the Jedi Knight 2 wannabe).

I also own several consoles and a DS, but I have and always will be a PC gamer.
Yep! I figure if you don't play them all then you can't complain about it. My list of currently hooked up gaming platforms goes as follows:

PS2 (actually my roommates but I'll count it anyways)
Nintendo DS

I just hate when PC gaming gets slammed by people who don't game on the PC. It's like saying "I hate raspberries" even though you've never eaten one. One thing I wish console gamers, in general at least, would do is start demanding some higher standards - especially in the realm of multiplayer. Having a "play the game!!!!" button, is just bloody awful. Starcraft, 12 years old now, with the original had more configuration options than that. It's just frustrating trying to play a console game online and having no control at all over the settings.