BioShock 2 Dev Calls Console Wars "Silly"


New member
Feb 8, 2010
THANK YOU! Finally a developer with an actual fucking brain.

Dexter111 said:
You know what I find silly?

Developers going "Exclusive" for the extra money and in some cases alienating their fanbase so a few Microsoft/SONY CEOs can buy their 5th car.

As if games coming only on a certain platform would have anything to do with their fans...

How about instead of making fun of the symptoms you actually try to do something against the cause?
I like exclusive titles because if their wern't each console wouldn't have distinguishing features (apart from hardware and stuff). BUT, there should be no exclusive DLC for a friiggin multi-platform game.
powercall said:
Developers, when you make a game for both platforms make the DLC availible for them as're missing out on money by alienating the other. I'm looking at you GTA4!
Fanboys get over yourselves and stop wasting our time.
Well said sir, well said *claps*.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
As a programmer and a mac user, the software is what's important to me. I don't really care if Half Life takes 20 seconds to load every 5 or so minutes in the middle of the maps because the 360 has trouble handling the big environments (I'm guessing). The game is fun. This is why I think console wars are a waste of time. The console means so little as long as you're enjoying the game, which only runs on top of the console.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Fanboys are silly... in related news, the sky is blue.

Really console wars are just silly little fights between guys who generally have more to prove to themselves then anyone else. As a developer (unless you work for Microsoft) I think that would be important to know.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Well fuck... what am I then? I hate both Gears of War and Uncharted.

One's pretty and the other is trigger-happy... and that all that's really going for them.
That's how i see them anyway.

Go team... C64?


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
ReverseEngineered said:
I whole-heartedly agree with Marin.

Our consoles are merely platforms. They allow us to play the games we love. Yes, platforms are different, but as long as they enable playing the same game, it shouldn't matter which one you choose.

The fact that we have these competing, non-compatible platforms is a problem for us as gamers. Developers have to choose which platform to develop for, leaving many of us out in the cold, or spend that much more money to develop for all multiple platforms. We find ourselves unable to purchase some games unless we buy multiple platforms, whose initial cost is considerable. Inevitably, games end up performing better on some platforms than others, leaving us disappointed when we've chosen the worse platform. All in all, multiple platforms increase the costs to developers and gamers.

Competition is good, but platforms, because they aren't interchangeable, segment the market. With a car, you can choose any car you want and still be able to drive on the same roads and park in the same spots, but with computing platforms, your choice of platform limits what hardware and software you can use and who you will be able to use it with. It's no different than VHS vs. Betamax or HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray. As long as their are two competing formats, everybody loses -- only when we standardize do we get to reap the benefits of interoperability and the cost savings of only doing something once.

So stop arguing that your XBOX is better than your PS3, or that your Mac is better than your PC, and instead argue that you should be able to just buy a damn console and a damn game and play them. We don't want exclusives; we want to make purchases without fear of being on the losing side of a popularity contest. We want to make games cheaper for all of us, not choose who will live and die in the entertainment industry.
This is the problem though. When was the last PS3/360 game that was the same game? When did both systems have the same DLC on the same day and have the same graphics? He can call it silly and pointless and whatever else. But the bottom line is that it is a war they have created. I own both systems and I can no longer preorder any multiplat game. Since I won't know which version is the inferior one until the game is released and reviewed.
Jan 3, 2009
squid5580 said:
I disagree that they are silly. Fanboys are silly yes. The whole my console is better than your console is silly. And once they figure out how to make the same game (the exact same experience) for both consoles (since the Wii is a different beast entirely) the console war will be rendered silly. Until they stop with the "exclusive to this console" DLC, make games that run the same on both consoles and give us gamers the same deal no matter which console we decide to buy it on (like Dante's Inferno where buying it for the PS3 is a much better deal than the 360). Once multiplat developers stop treating one side like 3rd class citizens and the other like kings or queens the console war is anything but silly.
If the consoles are exactly alike, what is the point of 2 systems?

Differences are what make consoles flourish each generation.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Console wars are so ridiculous, often masquerading in the interests of 'healthy competition'. The culture of the 'wars' are far from encouraging healthy competition.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
It's called cognitive dissonance. Since they've latched onto the idea that they did the right choice by buying their console, and then reinforces it by buying games for it, they will end up saying stupid things to make sure that they don't are wrong. The brain does anything to make your choices make sense.

Although in easy terms, we could just call it denial...


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Shurikens and Lightning said:
squid5580 said:
I disagree that they are silly. Fanboys are silly yes. The whole my console is better than your console is silly. And once they figure out how to make the same game (the exact same experience) for both consoles (since the Wii is a different beast entirely) the console war will be rendered silly. Until they stop with the "exclusive to this console" DLC, make games that run the same on both consoles and give us gamers the same deal no matter which console we decide to buy it on (like Dante's Inferno where buying it for the PS3 is a much better deal than the 360). Once multiplat developers stop treating one side like 3rd class citizens and the other like kings or queens the console war is anything but silly.
If the consoles are exactly alike, what is the point of 2 systems?

Differences are what make consoles flourish each generation.
I didn't say anything about the consoles being different. I did say that the games that are on both should be the same. It doesn't benefit Sony or MS to have this as much as it is hurting the actual developers. Think about it. If a devoper makes a multiplat game say Bayonetta. On the 360 it works amazing and on the PS3 you get a load screen to pause the game. it works out well for MS since they might be able t osell more consoles. It may hurt Sony a bit since people won't be buying new consoles for it. And who takes all the heat? The developers who should have either made it exclusive to one or made sure that both operate with the same standards. Exclusives should be the deciding factor.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Seeing as I have all three consoles I'll just say it: You can't talk shit about any console unless you have it...

Unless it's the Wii. I haven't played that thing in over year.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
Uhm, speaking from a psychological point of view, he kind of has it backwards: Confirmation Bias is what most fanboys use to support their irrational love of something, not what causes that irrational love. Need for affiliation is what causes the irrational love in the first place. Of course, Confirmation Bias is probably the more irritating part of the equation, at least to those who don't cleave to their point of view in mindless lockstep.

It's a subtle difference, but worth noting.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Tell it to 'em, 2K! That's more like it. It's time logic and reason trumped confirmation bias. We're all gamers, after all. There is no need to discriminate on basis of console, or to rip games because they're not on your system.

Ripping on exclusivity cartels and deals themselves, however, I heartily agree with, because such things just further the silly notion that there's some sort of "war" going on between these three main publishers. They're in it for a profit, and suffocating the others until they're out of business is unnecessary for that purpose. You're just giving them more control over you if you take up some sort of ridiculous company loyalty.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
ItsAPaul said:
... (except Wii owners because their system's the worst obviously).
The fact that you said that with a Mario avatar is beyond ironic. So let me get this straight, The Wii is the worst because it doesn't have a 55% failure rate(Xbox 360), charging $100+ to repair a PS3 when it get's the yellow lights, and having to upgrade my PC in order to play games without it skipping. I'll stick with the system Ive been using for 4 years...The Nintendo Wii which is another reason why Nintendo kept themselves out of the "Console Wars".


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Wow, I kinda was under the impression the console wars had pretty much ended (among gamers, anyways). I haven't seen any fighting about it for a long time now and had assumed that everybody had grown past their infernal bickering in favour of an appreciation for all consoles and the acknowledgement that they each have redeeming qualities and great exclusive games, as well as a few faults they each need to work on. No?


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Aura Guardian said:
ItsAPaul said:
... (except Wii owners because their system's the worst obviously).
The fact that you said that with a Mario avatar is beyond ironic. So let me get this straight, The Wii is the worst because it doesn't have a 55% failure rate(Xbox 360), charging $100+ to repair a PS3 when it get's the yellow lights, and having to upgrade my PC in order to play games without it skipping. I'll stick with the system Ive been using for 4 years...The Nintendo Wii which is another reason why Nintendo kept themselves out of the "Console Wars".
This is just horrifying. You've actually managed to turn a comments thread about an article that decries fanboyism, into a console war thread? This and the statement you quoted both stand as proof that "defending" a piece of equipment from "offensive" statements is beyond ridiculous.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Silva said:
Aura Guardian said:
ItsAPaul said:
... (except Wii owners because their system's the worst obviously).
The fact that you said that with a Mario avatar is beyond ironic. So let me get this straight, The Wii is the worst because it doesn't have a 55% failure rate(Xbox 360), charging $100+ to repair a PS3 when it get's the yellow lights, and having to upgrade my PC in order to play games without it skipping. I'll stick with the system Ive been using for 4 years...The Nintendo Wii which is another reason why Nintendo kept themselves out of the "Console Wars".
This is just horrifying. You've actually managed to turn a comments thread about an article that decries fanboyism, into a console war thread? This and the statement you quoted both stand as proof that "defending" a piece of equipment from "offensive" statements is beyond ridiculous.
The only reason why i chose his post is because he has a Mario icon. Everyone else is saying...well see for yourself.
randomrob said:
i like this guy. Every generation has a console war. This generation is actually very evenly matched (apart from the wii, which is shit), (i have a wii so i can say that)

SendMeNoodz84 said:
Seeing as I have all three consoles I'll just say it: You can't talk shit about any console unless you have it...

Unless it's the Wii. I haven't played that thing in over year.

aaronx83 said:
well...if they call it silly why dont they release it on the wii
viva the wii

Sir John the Net Knight said:
I stand outside the whole fanboy crap, this is because I believe every system has problems.

The Wii is a Frankenstein's monster, cobbled together of outdated technology. Designed specifically to appeal to people who still use the term, "New-fangled, gaming contraptions".

The 360 is a hastily built cash-in, with the life-span of a fruit fly. It caters to gamers who foam at the mouth and can't complete a sentence without liberal use of "F-Bombs" and/or "N-Bombs".

The PS3 is an overpriced, bulwark that boasts sophisticated technology that never gets utilized. It seems to attract people who consider themselves above the other two systems, but are still not bright enough to figure out how to work a PC.

In short, every console has a giant zit-like problem that needs to be worked out. I will not fanboy for any of them.
How can you defend the one system over another if you own both?

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I always thought the console wars were incredibly stupid. Which is why, and I'll say it again, I loved the last console generation because it appeared, to me at least, that the console wars had finally come to an end. *sigh*
Really why should you limit yourself to one gaming platform if you don't have to? I know I don't. The only current gen console I don't have right now is the PS3 and the only reason I don't have one is because a) I can't afford it and b) there's no games on it that interest me that aren't available on other platforms.
And even if you can only afford one of the consoles, why the fanboyism? Does it make you feel like you're a part of something? 'cause if so, congratulations you're a pod person.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
John Funk said:
BioShock 2 Dev Calls Console Wars "Silly"

Are you a diehard PS3 fanboy and registered Sony Defense Force member? Are you a member of Microsoft's legion of Xbots? If you are, then BioShock 2 developer 2K Marin thinks you're silly.

When the original BioShock came out, it was somewhat of a hot spot for fanboys: 360 owners rubbed the acclaimed game in the proverbial faces of everybody who owned the hated PS3, while said PS3 owners took every opportunity they could do pick on the exclusive ... until it actually came out for the console and said haters were forced to agree that it was actually kind of awesome.

This not-so-proud tradition was hardly limited to PS3 owners, though - how many 360 fanboys trashed Metal Gear Solid until Rising was announced? PS3 owners might blast Gears of War while Xbox 360 owners hate on Uncharted, but if the games were released on the competing platforms, you can bet that there'd be quite a few minds changed very, very quickly.

Speaking with Destructoid [], BioShock 2 creative director Jordan Thomas discussed the idea of fanboyism and how it applied to the console wars. "There's a cognitive effect known as 'confirmation bias' which leads people to latch onto conclusions that support their preferences and ignore data which doesn't," said Thomas, "This leads to wild, unreasoning loyalty to a chosen platform, sports team, or brand of soda."

"From a development perspective, the console wars are a bit silly; our target is consistency, and it's always kind of sad to see people throwing their energy into 'platform partisanship,' because it seems to flood the critical channels and drown out other creative discourse."

So do you hear that, fanboys? Every time you bash the other system for having exclusives that you secretly want, you make 2K Marin sad. And when you make 2K Marin sad, they send Big Daddies after you to punch holes in your chest with giant drills.

Fanboy at your own risk.

I'm not big on console war... but it's funny it's the same poeple who had keep delaying the PS3 version cause the coding on that console was hell