ANOTHER Bioshock sequel?
lets review this series, shall we?
Bioshock 1: The story of one man's dream world at the bottom of the sea, and it's eventual destruction. The protagonist kills the bad guy, Rapture falls, and everyone is dead.
Bioshock 2: 10 years later, Rapture is still the home of hundreds of humans and splicers and big daddies, despite all the leaks, civil war, and explosions from the first game in what I call the "retcon" approach to sequels. This time you play as a Big Daddy, thereby destroying the terrifying, lumbering beast's intrigue and everything that was interesting about them.
Bioshock Infinite (initial impression): Bioshock 1&2. But instead of a pseudo paradise under the sea, plagued by monsters and civil war, the story takes place in a pseudo paradise in the SKY, plagued by monsters and civil war.
Am I the only one who thinks this series should have stopped after the first game?