BioWare: A Dead Shepard Stays Dead


Random Lurker
Jun 6, 2008
3nimac said:
Sounds pretty lame. If Bioware wanted us to be able to import saves, why would they go against that and introduce an option that would prevent us from doing so?

Also the fact that i can play ME3 without previous saves completely defeats the point of choices in ME2 being final... They can never be final if i can still play ME3.

It does not make any sense.
Are you seriously suggesting that people who buy Mass Effect 3 without having played Mass Effect 2 (or who have lost their saves) should end up with a coaster (because it would refuse to let you play without an ME2 save)?! That's just crazy.

This whole thing has been totally blown out of proportion, and what BioWare is saying makes perfect sense: if your Shepard dies, then you can't play as your Shepard in ME3 (since they're dead) -- but you can still play as another Shepard. If this bothers you, then make sure at least one of your Shepards doesn't die. It's not hard.

3nimac said:
Also why did they kill him once already? Couldn't they have instead saved the project lazarus for after this suicide mission, and provide a way out for every possible outcome of the mission, and begin ME2 with something else?
I haven't seen the "Shepard dies" ending, but I suspect that if (s)he does die then his/her body is left behind in a completely inaccessible part of space, so it just wouldn't be possible to recover.

ThrobbingEgo said:
It would be cool if they added a funeral scene, and maybe a small mission starring a side character, to the third game if you import a dead Shepard. Just as a bonus, and a reason to play a suicide Shepard.
That'd be a fun idea.


New member
Mar 16, 2009

I lived on my first run through! FUCK YER!.

yer, back on topic. I fully understand biowares choice in this, although its cool if u servive Me2 as an import from Me1.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Amnestic said:
TheDoctor455 said:
Sparrow said:
And this is why you do your loyalty missions, folks.
And upgrade the ship.
And upgrade your armor.
And upgrade your weapons.
And upgrade your biotics.
And upgrade your tech.
And scan planets.
And... er... I guess that's about it...
Well really you only need the loyalty missions. As I recall, Shepard survives as long as one other party member doesn't kick the bucket. Everyone else is just flavour and making you feel better about not leaving anyone behind.
Im sorry.. but i had Legion, Tali and Jack all die during the last mission and i still lived.

3nimac said:
Also why did they kill him once already? Couldn't they have instead saved the project lazarus for after this suicide mission, and provide a way out for every possible outcome of the mission, and begin ME2 with something else?
They can't exaclty 'save' the Lazarus project to save you from the suicide mission cause with out the lazarus project you wouldn't be able to go on the suicide mission in the first place. Plus although 'unlimited' funds were pumped into the first project even the 'illusive man' has a limit somewhere. plus there are rumors that he wants you to die on the last mission anyway.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Bigsmith said:
Im sorry.. but i had Legion, Tali and Jack all die during the last mission and i still lived.
I meant "Shepard won't die as long at least one party member survives" rather than "Shepard won't die as long as your party all survives."

While the second is still technically true, my meaning was that all you need is one party member left alive for Shepard to survive - as far as I know.

Miral said:
I haven't seen the "Shepard dies" ending, but I suspect that if (s)he does die then his/her body is left behind in a completely inaccessible part of space, so it just wouldn't be possible to recover.
His body falls a few hundred feet and then

The entire Collector Base explodes around him. Yeah, he's not coming back from that one folks. Whatever was scraps were left of his body are probably burned up in a sun or sucked into a black hole.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Happy I survived, then. Even happier all my squad members survived as well.

Makes me wonder how Bioware will get rid of them at the start of ME3. There's no way they'll let you start with 11 squad members...

tman_au said:
Seriously who hangs onto their save games for 2-3 years.
Um.... A lot of people? I still have my saves from Mass Effect 1. Hell, I still have saves from Gamecube games.


I came here to laugh at you
Jul 15, 2009
the protaginist said:
So the Lazarus Project won't work twice, I suppose?
Sorry, but the Lazarus case was god and god was once(or so says Nietzsche)
OT:Seems pretty logic, Bioware doesn't just make fake claims but I have trouble picturing a Mass Effect 3 about Shepard but without Shepard or a Shepard that has nothing to do with the previous games.


New member
May 28, 2009
I thought the whole point of Shepard dying in ME2 was to get something new in ME3.

Wasn't that pretty much all the rumors that came out of Bioware before the release of the game? He dies, he's gone.
It's not a suicide mission if there's no real repercussions.

If you can play as Shepard in ME3, then...what was the point of a suicide mission?


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
UlteriorMotive said:
If you can play as Shepard in ME3, then...what was the point of a suicide mission?
It means you can't carry your choices into ME3. It's quite clear from the non-import options in ME2 that not importing a character gives you a severely cut down game experience. You'll likely get a far more enjoyable playthrough with an imported game from ME2 - something you can't get if you let your Shepard die.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
i really dont get why so many people are finding this hard or confusing or not liking it.
to continue the reference made earlier, return of the jedi would have been wrong if luke skywalker died at the end of the empire strikes back. (there would be no jedi for one...)
mass effect is the story of one man and his quest to fight a menace that threatens the entire galaxy. if he dies halfway through that quest, then unsurprisingly, he does not get to see the end of it.

am all in favor of the proposed easter egg of a video of the reapers harvesting everyone if you import a dead shepherd though. would give a reason to try kill shepherd at least.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
HELLGAS103 said:
Awesome. The only people who died in my team are the useless ones that i didn't like such as Thane and Jacob.
I lost Thane and Jack on my first playthrough, and I'm pretty sure I'll lose Zaeed on this one.

tehroc said:
Sounds pretty lame to me, so no matter what, it doesn't matter at all what you do in Mass Effect 2. A fresh Shepard is established into Mass Effect 3 with a canonical background with what happened in the second game. So how is that different from any other game ever made?
Because this game still has the OPTION to bring in a character you've made before.


New member
Apr 10, 2010
It really is simple if you died in ME 2, OR you didnt play ME 2, you play a different shepard, whose baically chosen the options that give you the middle of the road experience in ME3.

There is a masive consequense from dying in ME2, your personal shepards story is so over. Thats a pretty big one, ME2's decisions seem like they're gonna come back and bite you, hell even the rachni from the original looks like it may have more effect on ME 3.

Two games worth of deisions is alot, and ME 2 seemed to have more big decisions than 1.

Without Shepard the story would have to be so different as to be an entirely different game, its made abundantly clear that ONLY SHEPARD is even remotely capable of doing this.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I buy Bioware games because they DON'T make decisions for you. If ME3 kills Shepard and I know this before I purchase the game, it simple. I won't buy it. Add this to Bioware making it more "Fun" and it's a done deal. One loyal customer will be gone!

End of story.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
You really need to go out of your way to have Shepard die in 2. It's not that big a deal for most players.
Besides; when they first showed Shepard's death in one of the 2 trailers I was hoping you could create your own custom Specter instead of being some boring human. I wanted to be a Krogan Battlemaster.