BioWare Announces Post-Ending DLC for Mass Effect 3 [Updated!]


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Murmillos said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Killing us with machines in order to protect us from machines. Sounds like circular logic to me...
Killing us to protected the REST OF THE UNIVERSE from potentially more harmful machines.
They are not protecting us (as that's why they are killing us off... duh).
OK, so what about that whole "We help them ascend" spiel he goes on, talking about how we will "live on in Reaper form" like he considers melting us all down into our genetic material and pumping us into a machine is a good way of saving us. Not organic life as a whole, us specifically.

Even if you're right, I can think of plenty of better ways to stop organic life fucking itself over with technology. Maybe perhaps just tell us that 'hey, creating machines to do everything for us, them giving them self-awareness might not be such a great idea'. That seems like a pretty sound way to preemptively avoid such an occurrence, rather than just sitting on your hands until we're in too deep, then wiping us out claiming it's for the good of the galaxy.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Buretsu said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
gabx said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Well, it still doesn't seem to fix the annoying CIRCULAR LOGIC of the Catalyst, the jarring twist of the ending, none of the mechanics of the endings actually being explained, and the Mass Relays being destroyed.

But it fixes the most pressing issue at least, and it does it for free, so I guess I can be grteful for that.
I'm kind of tired of people using the phrase "circular logic." Circular logic would imply that you have a premise and you use that premise to prove itself. The Catalyst's premise is that machine always rebel, etc. so he concludes that he needs to stop it. You might not agree with his premise, but it is not circular logic.
Killing us with machines in order to protect us from machines. Sounds like circular logic to me...
Killing only advanced civilizations in order to protect every single living organism in the galaxy.
I'll just refer you to my above post.


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
The first step on the road to redemption is admitting you fucked up. I kinda see this here, since it at least shows that they were listening, but I will wait and see what is covered in the extended cut before I make my final judgment.
I'm sorry, but no one screwed up, so there is no call for redemption. If their original ending made you unhappy, that's your problem, not theirs.

Also, refer to my explanation of why the Mass Effect 3 ending wasn't as bad as people made it out to be [].


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Oh thank god, some info!

I'm tentative about this information, because it could go either way. I know I'm going to be slightly disappointed either way, but hopefully they fix the "what's the point of all this work if it comes down to that" feeling.

Well, 'checks backlog' I have enough things to do until the summer rolls around.


Elvish Ambassador
Nov 23, 2009
HBaskerville said:
Varya said:
I'm so glad they aren't changing the ending. I was one of the few who liked it and felt it went over well with the overarching theme of the game. I do think it could benefit from an extension, giving us more closure and some explanations though so this is good news.
I'm curious how you think "God Did It" matches the overarching theme of the games.

Also, any cinematics that show team members on their home worlds are impossible due to the lack of Mass Effect transport. So unless they show everyone living (or dying in the case of Turians and Quarians) on Earth I don't see how cinematics are going to change anything. I guess they could show the cowardly Joker, along with Liara who used her magic teleportation powers to get from Earth to the escaping Normandy, repopulating the species with EDI on planet Bullshit.
There's no way I can argue against someone who has clearly made up their mind to hate on this nomatter what. I like the theme of hopelessness, that nomatter what you do, the best you can get is "not evreyone dies". Frankly, I saw that comming. And yes, my teammates might be doomed, but you know what, thats fine. Also, kinda fitting with the themes. The point was that everyone was willing to die so that others might live, and of they die doing that I call that a win. Yes, I too question how things really fitted toghether, but that was nitpicky things, what I liked was the overarching ending. Details might be iffy, but I'm willing to forgive that. But now I'm getting what I exactly what I felt was lacking so yes, I'm happy with that.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
The problem isn't that the ending doesn't provide closure, the problem is that the ending is dumb.

johnnnny guitar

New member
Jul 16, 2010
hmmmm well I'm going to wait for it to come out to judge but if all this does is extend the shittyness then bioware would have fucked up even worse then with the original ending


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Prof. Monkeypox said:
I like the "free" part...
I concur. Either Bioware said shove it to E.A., or E.A. was smart enough this time to realise that selling the content would F them over.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I'm probably the only one who thinks this would be hilarious to see but what if this extended cut was forced onto everyone, even those who don't care about closure. I know everyone is tired of all the Mass Effect 3 threads but I think it would be fitting if there was controversy behind every part of this game.

In any case, hopefully we can see what else BioWare has to offer at PAX other than this.

Diana Kingston-Gabai

Senior Member
Aug 3, 2010
gabx said:
I'm kind of tired of people using the phrase "circular logic." Circular logic would imply that you have a premise and you use that premise to prove itself. The Catalyst's premise is that machine always rebel, etc. so he concludes that he needs to stop it. You might not agree with his premise, but it is not circular logic.
Technically, the Catalyst's premise is that organic species will always create synthetic species which will then exterminate the former, and its solution is to use synthetics to destroy organics so that they won't create synthetics that will destroy organics.

Now, I'm _reasonably_ sure this is "Mass Effect" and not "Battlestar Galactica"... :)


New member
Jun 24, 2011
they're giving into fans cries of despertation?! i'm gonna sue them if the ending after the ending isnt how i pictured the ending. cuz we all know that the endings ending isnt going to be a good ending. now just have to file a lawsuit and all that jaz before hand. how dare they. how dare they!!

...ok fail at trolling. xp. oh wait. hope nobody is from arizona >.>