Bioware are getting really lazy as of late. (Possible Mass Effect 2 spoilers)


New member
May 21, 2009
Daedalus1942 said:
or am I just nitpicking on little things?
This. I'll give you the low amount of gun choices though. I was really dissapointed in that decision. Other than that it wasn't bad. And the way you play the game determines how much of your crew comes back


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Tdc2182 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
or am I just nitpicking on little things?
This. I'll give you the low amount of gun choices though. I was really dissapointed in that decision. Other than that it wasn't bad. And the way you play the game determines how much of your crew comes back
So it does change? Because nobody died in my playthrough. Even shepherd came back. I thought the whole point was it's a suicide mission and they'll probably introduce a new main character in ME3. That's the feeling I got when I finished it. Shepherd was supposed to die, and stay dead.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
T3h Merc said:
Daedalus1942 said:
T3h Merc said:
ME2 was a failed renaissance of gameplay elements. This is not new.
Thank you for providing absolutely no interesting discussion to my post whatsoever. I wasn't whingeing about them "dumbing" things down and completely changing the game (like other people)
My viewpoint (if you had bothered to read) was whether or not you think Bioware are just getting lazy of late, and just riding their success of an already successful IP).
Sorry, I only skimmed your text and I gave a general answer. No I do not think Bioware are lazy by any means.
Care to elaborate and give your two cents on Biowares seemingly poor effort towards Mass Effect 2?


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
That line about all the Normandy crew teetering on the edge of treason in the last game made my day. Thank you, but I have to agree with everything that guy said.
Also, the line about him not knowing who the Illusive man was. It was interesting for me as I've read "Ascension" and it refers to him in that, but still It doesn't paint him as a noble man with ignoble methods.
There's three parts to it, just to be sure. He's also involved in a ME1 co-op Let's Play, which I'm surprised the Escapist hasn't abducted yet.

I have nothing against Game tie-in novels (well okay I DO but I'm trying to make a point,) but I feel a game series needs to be self-contained. Only devoted fans and ragenerds will likely buy the additional books.


Freelance Detective
Nov 8, 2009
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
I think most of what you're bringing in here is valid, whether others feel the same way or not. For my part, I'm inclined to agree that the mining sections of the game is a bit too much like what my friend Doug tells me EVE Online is like for my tastes, but as a gameplay mechanic for farming resources, it gets the job done.

The thing is, I can't call a project like Mass Effect 2 which took years of development and work a lazy endeavor, I really feel like that's a disservice to people who, whether you like certain choices or not, seemed to put alot into this.

I once spent 2 months working on this project at work, ( I do IT support for an ad agency ), I won't go into details but I put two months of my life into that, and the whole thing got derailed because of one person's decision and I wanted to kill someone. Now take years of working on a game and getting called lazy. I dunno, I feel like there's better ways to make this argument.


New member
May 21, 2009
Daedalus1942 said:
Tdc2182 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
or am I just nitpicking on little things?
This. I'll give you the low amount of gun choices though. I was really dissapointed in that decision. Other than that it wasn't bad. And the way you play the game determines how much of your crew comes back
So it does change? Because nobody died in my playthrough. Even shepherd came back. I thought the whole point was it's a suicide mission and they'll probably introduce a new main character in ME3. That's the feeling I got when I finished it. Shepherd was supposed to die, and stay dead.
I haent finished mine yet, but my brother lost two people. I think whoevers personal mission you do determines if that person comes back or not.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
My responses to your issues with Mass Effect 2:

Not leaning either way on the Mako and scanning. Both were good, and achieved their desired effects. People didn't like the Mako, so that was removed. People don't like the scanning, so that probably won't show up in ME3.

Weapons were sparse, and could have been much better. I wanted the mods back. And why the hell are ammo types one of the party member skills? Stick that back into the mods section.

Did not experience any glitches. Only thing I had noticed through almost two play-through was the game crashed once loading a mission.

Cooldown thing was bullshit. Should go back to the old system.

Don't remember seeing any spelling errors.

Don't remember seeing those blocks.

Companion thing seems to be intentional. Liara was a tad bit disappointing, but the Kaiden/Ashley thing wasn't.

I think this is kind of a stupid thing to bring up. What did you want Bioware to do? Let you waltz through ME2 at max level with all skills maxed out? There's a lot of game design and balancing issues that would arise from doing that. You get a few small bonuses for importing a character from ME, but I don't think any big bonuses were necessary.

The second game is much more linear than the first, and in terms of difficulty much easier. This is probably just a game design decision rather than Bioware being lazy. They did screw up the experience thing. It made combat completely unrewarding. Need to find some balance between the ME1 and ME2 EXP systems.

Well, you could have everyone die. In that case, it was a suicide mission. Knowing that this is a trilogy, I don't think the ending for ME2 was bad. I didn't find it anti-climactic, and the ending cut scenes set up ME3 quite well.

The boss
was a reaper fetus. In total, the amount of humans captured and processed were probably on the order of tens or hundreds thousands. They may have needed several million more to complete the reaper. This gives a completion percentage of less than 10%, probably even less than 1%. No reason to expect a reaper at that stage to be anywhere near as powerful as Sovereign was.

In general I think that you're not nitpicking, but neither is Bioware getting lazy. I think it's just more of Bioware doing their thing and taking the ME franchise in a direction that they want to go, and that direction doesn't match what you would like to see from the franchise. If the spelling errors and glitches did occur, they should be fixed ASAP. I give a bit of leeway for developers (people can't always be perfect); I want to see decent effort made to polish the game, and I thought that ME2 was very well polished. But there were bugs, as games usually do, and Bioware better fix that stuff up pronto.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Anoctris said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Thank you. I was wondering the other day whether I should bother getting this (the original didn't blow much wind up my skirt), and your points however minute they may be would not make for an enjoyable experience for me.

I knew they were changing the MAKO experience, but I thought they were going to improve the vehicle and the ground missions. Bleh.
The game is worth getting purely for the storyline (if you kiked the first game) but as it stands, wait til it becomes a hell of alot cheaper.


New member
May 22, 2009
It's time for me to be ultra nitpicky. There are actually, including DLC, 4 shotguns, 4 assault rifles, and 4 sniper rifles, all of which are usable by the player.

Another thing, every power being tied to the same cooldown makes sense, because as far as I can tell they've drastically reduced the cooldown on each power from the first game, so being able to cast them all quickly would be super cheap. And I never experienced any of the glitches or problems you mentioned. I did kind of miss the wonder of being in the mako on a blasted plane on some forgotten world, looking up at a huge gas giant or dying star overhead, but the wonder disappeared pretty quickly once I had to, you know, actually start playing those segments.


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
Daedalus1942 said:
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
How about the sidequest where you salvage the contents of a crashed freighter while it teeters on the edge of a cliff? Or where you come across a mine filled to the brim with husks? Or the one where you have to choose whether to let a missile blow up either a military base or a small city?

Not dismissing your complaints out of hand or anything, but I think you're selling the game short.

Semi-related: I never complained about the Mako sections, either, but I really don't miss them.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Some of the "flaws" you mentioned were things I either loved or didn't care about, and the rest I never experienced. At all.

In my opinion, Mass Effect 2 was an interactive masterpiece.

Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
Bah your just being pessimistic.

I never noticed any spelling errors. This might be because I listened to them talking, rather than skimming and skipping.

The final boss was obviously going to be weak, they said repeatedly that it wasn't complete. Though I will admit it was pretty corny.

I agree with you on the Mako issue. They really should have though of something better to replace it.

There was some comic that explained why Liara became a *****.

You're complaining about the character import too much. What's wrong with being bumped back to a low level? If they left you at max level you would be missing a lot of the game. Also, you're missing the important part of importing your character. You're forgetting that they're going to make all those trivial decisions actually mean something in ME3.

I do agree that there should have been more weapon variety

I have gotten some of the annoying object glitches, but none bothered me much. I tend to save often, so having to go back to the last save didn't mean restarting the mission.

The sidequests were on par with the last game in my opinion. They assignments in the last game were pretty much all the same thing: Go to cluster X, system Y, planet Z and land on it with your Mako. Go to point A, kill enemy B and minions, and use object C. Occasionally they would spice it up a bot with unique things like thresher maws or having to go on a space ship. At least is ME2 everything is a bit different than other assignments.

I though the suicide mission was good enough. Your story isn't the only one that happened. Other people had some characters die. It all varied dependent on if you got all the upgrades and got all the loyalties.

You're just nitpicking to an incredible level. It wasn't lazy to say the very least.


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
You really thought that the trilogy BioWare called "Shepards story" was going to involve him/her being dead for 1/3rd of it?

Sorry man, I'm going to have to revoke your RPGer card.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I didn't say Fallout 3 GOTY, just the original Fallout 3. 17 hours. I'm not trolling. This whole thread, however, does have the stench of troll all over it. I suppose accusing your opponent of what you yourself are doing is a valid tactic, though.
Yeah.. I'm talking about Fallout 3 too (by itself). I wouldn't touch the DLC's with a 20 foot pole. There is no way you finished Fallout 3 completely in 17 hours. You're clearly a troll, please leave my thread? If you'll retract your earlier statement and admit you only finished the story quests in 17 hours, I'll stop harassing you, but there is no way you could possibly have finished the entire game (without the dlc) in seventeen hours!
I've been looking forward to Mass effect 2 sine the end of the first game. I even bought the collector's edition in anticipation. I had some inconsiderate Escapist (wildpeaks I'm talking to you) ruin a major plot point for me and I still completed the game 100%. I love mass effect and was really disappointed in the sequel. As I stated earlier... please.. just, leave my thread...


New member
Apr 13, 2009
One thing I do admit is that there were a lot of glitches when I played. When I was trying to recruit Mordin I walked over to a counter and suddenly I'm inside of the ceiling and I can't get down. So naturally I have to reload my last save, which was 30 minutes ago.

T3h Merc

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
T3h Merc said:
Daedalus1942 said:
T3h Merc said:
ME2 was a failed renaissance of gameplay elements. This is not new.
Thank you for providing absolutely no interesting discussion to my post whatsoever. I wasn't whingeing about them "dumbing" things down and completely changing the game (like other people)
My viewpoint (if you had bothered to read) was whether or not you think Bioware are just getting lazy of late, and just riding their success of an already successful IP).
Sorry, I only skimmed your text and I gave a general answer. No I do not think Bioware are lazy by any means.
Care to elaborate and give your two cents on Biowares seemingly poor effort towards Mass Effect 2?
I think they have just reached the level where everyone wants more and Bioware cannot feasibly live up to.