Bioware are getting really lazy as of late. (Possible Mass Effect 2 spoilers)


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Kavonde said:
Daedalus1942 said:
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
How about the sidequest where you salvage the contents of a crashed freighter while it teeters on the edge of a cliff? Or where you come across a mine filled to the brim with husks? Or the one where you have to choose whether to let a missile blow up either a military base or a small city?

Not dismissing your complaints out of hand or anything, but I think you're selling the game short.

Semi-related: I never complained about the Mako sections, either, but I really don't miss them.
Yes, the teetering ship was amazing, and I crapped my pants whenever it moved, but let's be honest... There were like 4 or 5 great sidequests worth mentioning. The rest were just rubbish.
As for the mako, I really enjoyed driving it. Ok the maps were bland repetitive, but the actual handling of the vehicle was not that difficult (i own it on pc).


New member
Jun 26, 2009
T3h Merc said:
Daedalus1942 said:
T3h Merc said:
Daedalus1942 said:
T3h Merc said:
ME2 was a failed renaissance of gameplay elements. This is not new.
Thank you for providing absolutely no interesting discussion to my post whatsoever. I wasn't whingeing about them "dumbing" things down and completely changing the game (like other people)
My viewpoint (if you had bothered to read) was whether or not you think Bioware are just getting lazy of late, and just riding their success of an already successful IP).
Sorry, I only skimmed your text and I gave a general answer. No I do not think Bioware are lazy by any means.
Care to elaborate and give your two cents on Biowares seemingly poor effort towards Mass Effect 2?
I think they have just reached the level where everyone wants more and Bioware cannot feasibly live up to.
That's a fair comment. Where could they really go from Mass Effect?
But they could have at least taken time to improve things rather than just replace things that didn't work in the first game with things that didn't work in the second either.
Who honestly in Bioware thought scanning would be a good idea? I never thought I'd actually be bored playing a Mass Effect game, but I was.
The least they could have done was get playtesters who finished the first game. I'm sure then they'd have said "Scanning's kind of awful, sorry guys".

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
Honestly, I disagree, although anyone who knows me should not be the least bit surprised. Other people have dealt with most of the points that bothered me, so I'll just talk about a few.

They took out the Mako because everyone fucking hated it. Seriously, when 90% of your fanbase complains about a feature in a game, you don't put it in the sequel. Admittedly, scanning isn't much better, but the point is that they're trying new things. It's growing pains, if you will.

As for Liara, everyone says that, but did you talk to her after doing her quests and find out why she was so cold and pissed at the Shadow Broker? It actually ended up being fairly well done, in my opinion.
She's pissed at SB because he was going to give Shep's body to the Collectors. She went in, stole your body from him (and lost a friend in the process), and gave it to Cerberus when they said they could revive you, which she laments as having been a selfish decision on her part because she just wanted you back so much that she overlooked what Cerberus may have done to you.

It's better to have a universal cooldown, because otherwise you could just spam any power, although I do agree that medi-gel should have been on it's own cooldown. As it is, you have to think about which power you can use and what fits the situation. For example, say I'm an Adept and a Krogan is charging me. He has about half a bar of armor and a full health bar below that. I have 2 effective options: Use Warp to bring down his armor, or use Shockwave to knock him down without doing much damage, but leaving him wide open. Without a universal cooldown, I could do both and be fine. But with a UC, I have to think about it. If I use Warp, will I be able to kill him before he gets to me? Will doing so put him in a blood rage? If I use shockwave, will I be able to kill him, or even get his armor down, before he gets up?

What, you expected them to bring over your level and abilities? You'd have been much too powerful and they would have had to resort to leveled enemies, which has the same effect as lowering your level.

What side quests did you have to think about in ME1? They were all "Go here, kill this". In this one, at least all the sidequests are unique.

As for the boss:
He was still a larvae. They called him an embryo, even. It's very likely that the human-looking thing that we fought would just have been the core of the reaper and it still would have looked like a Squid when completed, because all the Reapers seen in the final cutscene looked like that?

But back to how powerful it was...dude, again, it was an embryo. How could it be even close to as powerful as Sovereign?

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I didn't say Fallout 3 GOTY, just the original Fallout 3. 17 hours. I'm not trolling. This whole thread, however, does have the stench of troll all over it. I suppose accusing your opponent of what you yourself are doing is a valid tactic, though.
Yeah.. I'm talking about Fallout 3 too (by itself). I wouldn't touch the DLC's with a 20 foot pole. There is no way you finished Fallout 3 completely in 17 hours. You're clearly a troll, please leave my thread? If you'll retract your earlier statement and admit you only finished the story quests in 17 hours, I'll stop harassing you, but there is no way you could possibly have finished the entire game (without the dlc) in seventeen hours!
I've been looking forward to Mass effect 2 sine the end of the first game. I even bought the collector's edition in anticipation. I had some inconsiderate Escapist (wildpeaks I'm talking to you) ruin a major plot point for me and I still completed the game 100%. I love mass effect and was really disappointed in the sequel. As I stated earlier... please.. just, leave my thread...
Disagreeing with you doesn't make him a troll. In fact, I'm getting more of that vibe from you.

God's Clown

New member
Aug 8, 2008
I honestly didn't see any spelling errors at all. I can agree with you on several points, namely the scanning near complete lack of different weapons. The cool-down thing didn't bother me much, though med-kit and attack abilities should be on different cool-downs for sure.

Story wise, it is the second part of a three part trilogy. Take the good Star Wars trilogy to mind. A New Hope was good, Empire Strikes Back - kinda boring, The Return of the Jedi - Amazing.

As for the final "boss," he was a Reaper fetus. You can't expect much of a fight from a fetus.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
I thought the gameplay in ME2 was smooth, steamlined, generally solid and good fun. The gameplay in ME1 was a pile of shit, to put it nicely. o_o It was clunky and imprecise.

Planet scanning was dull, but so was driving around in the Mako on terrain that looked like it was randomly generated, to go into a building of which the inside is built from around 3 different templates that are repeated a bazillion times in the umpteen-bazillion repetitive sidequests. However, once you have found the side-quests in Mass Effect 2 past the tedium of planet scanning for them, they are each different and fun, and some actual effort seems to have been made for them.

I think the new 'inventory system' is better too, I had way too much shit piling up in my inventory in ME1, and my weapons were all arranged really nice in ME2 to make it less complicated. I'd also rather not bother with juggling my squads items as well as my own, so the loss of that option didn't effect me.

Most of the other stuff you mentioned (such as bugs and bad spelling on the subtitles) I never even experienced, but I was playing the PC version, and I don't know which system you played it on.

Personally I think Mass Effect 2 was nothing short of an excellent game, and everything I hated about ME1 is now a lot better.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
United States
No I don't think Bioware's getting lazy. It all comes down to one simple question. Did you have fun with it? Me personally I was sucked into the game from square one and time passed in a blur until I beat it. I didn't notice the issues you spoke of and I didn't mind the planet scanning thing so much.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I didn't say Fallout 3 GOTY, just the original Fallout 3. 17 hours. I'm not trolling. This whole thread, however, does have the stench of troll all over it. I suppose accusing your opponent of what you yourself are doing is a valid tactic, though.
Yeah.. I'm talking about Fallout 3 too (by itself). I wouldn't touch the DLC's with a 20 foot pole. There is no way you finished Fallout 3 completely in 17 hours. You're clearly a troll, please leave my thread? If you'll retract your earlier statement and admit you only finished the story quests in 17 hours, I'll stop harassing you, but there is no way you could possibly have finished the entire game (without the dlc) in seventeen hours!
I've been looking forward to Mass effect 2 sine the end of the first game. I even bought the collector's edition in anticipation. I had some inconsiderate Escapist (wildpeaks I'm talking to you) ruin a major plot point for me and I still completed the game 100%. I love mass effect and was really disappointed in the sequel. As I stated earlier... please.. just, leave my thread...
Disagreeing with you doesn't make him a troll. In fact, I'm getting more of that vibe from you.
You can't tell me he managed to finish Fallout 3 100%? in 17 hours.
And I'm not a troll. I'm a big Mass Effect fan who sincerely anticipated Mass effect 2 only to be severely disappointed when I finally got it.
I avoided reviews and threads on absolutely anything to do with the game so It wouldn't be spiled, only to find Bioware spoiled it for me within the first half an hour.
Even my achievements from the first game didn't carry over (would it have been too much to ask for those little bonuses I acquired in the first to carry over the 2nd game considering they bumped my level back so much?)


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I havn't played it yet but from what i've seen and read about it they were lazy this time round. I mean the game seems very linier with little room for anything but story.

Then again they were mainly making Dragon Age Origins at the time they started Mass Effect 1 and 2 so they might have had there hands filled with those. I would say your nit picking but really if no one else does then games wouldn't improve so well

Colonel Alzheimer's

New member
Jan 3, 2010
DeadlyYellow said:
Might I just be lazy and point you in the direction of Shamus's blog?
A lot of the things this guy says are completely false. For example:
-Shepherd was never Cerberus' 'nemesis'
-The alliance does not accept what you are doing
-The Collectors are part of the Reaper threat
-Cerberus kind of brought Shepherd back from the dead, so he is obligated to join them

This is about as far as I got before rage quitting this blog.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Splyth said:
No I don't think Bioware's getting lazy. It all comes down to one simple question. Did you have fun with it? Me personally I was sucked into the game from square one and time passed in a blur until I beat it. I didn't notice the issues you spoke of and I didn't mind the planet scanning thing so much.
I did, but only due to the story and characters.
The gameplay was very lacklustre.
I did enjoy the mention of "Gillian" in one conversation and throwbacks to the Ascension novel.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
colonel_alzheimers said:
DeadlyYellow said:
Might I just be lazy and point you in the direction of Shamus's blog?
A lot of the things this guy says are completely false. For example:
-Shepherd was never Cerberus' 'nemesis'
-The alliance does not accept what you are doing
-The Collectors are part of the Reaper threat
-Cerberus kind of brought Shepherd back from the dead, so he is obligated to join them

This is about as far as I got before rage quitting this blog.
As for "Shepherd was never Cerberus's nemesis" you're right in direct terms, but I'm sorry to say nearly every single quest in that game revolved around something questionable that either Cerberus or the Geth were doing.
Shepherd wasn't directly chasing Cerberus (i'll grant you that), but he/she destroyed alot of the Illusive Man's plans. So indirectly, that guy is spot on in that respect.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I didn't say Fallout 3 GOTY, just the original Fallout 3. 17 hours. I'm not trolling. This whole thread, however, does have the stench of troll all over it. I suppose accusing your opponent of what you yourself are doing is a valid tactic, though.
Yeah.. I'm talking about Fallout 3 too (by itself). I wouldn't touch the DLC's with a 20 foot pole. There is no way you finished Fallout 3 completely in 17 hours. You're clearly a troll, please leave my thread? If you'll retract your earlier statement and admit you only finished the story quests in 17 hours, I'll stop harassing you, but there is no way you could possibly have finished the entire game (without the dlc) in seventeen hours!
I've been looking forward to Mass effect 2 sine the end of the first game. I even bought the collector's edition in anticipation. I had some inconsiderate Escapist (wildpeaks I'm talking to you) ruin a major plot point for me and I still completed the game 100%. I love mass effect and was really disappointed in the sequel. As I stated earlier... please.. just, leave my thread...
Disagreeing with you doesn't make him a troll. In fact, I'm getting more of that vibe from you.
You can't tell me he managed to finish Fallout 3 100%? in 17 hours.
And I'm not a troll. I'm a big Mass Effect fan who sincerely anticipated Mass effect 2 only to be severely disappointed when I finally got it.
I avoided reviews and threads on absolutely anything to do with the game so It wouldn't be spiled, only to find Bioware spoiled it for me within the first half an hour.
Even my achievements from the first game didn't carry over (would it have been too much to ask for those little bonuses I acquired in the first to carry over the 2nd game considering they bumped my level back so much?)
I didn't mean you were a troll because of your opinion of Mass Effect 2. It's your opinion, you're entitled to it. I do, however, think that calling someone out for what was at worst a white lie and at best an accidental embellishment as a troll is infantile, and not just because the word "troll" is severely overused as it is.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I didn't say Fallout 3 GOTY, just the original Fallout 3. 17 hours. I'm not trolling. This whole thread, however, does have the stench of troll all over it. I suppose accusing your opponent of what you yourself are doing is a valid tactic, though.
Yeah.. I'm talking about Fallout 3 too (by itself). I wouldn't touch the DLC's with a 20 foot pole. There is no way you finished Fallout 3 completely in 17 hours. You're clearly a troll, please leave my thread? If you'll retract your earlier statement and admit you only finished the story quests in 17 hours, I'll stop harassing you, but there is no way you could possibly have finished the entire game (without the dlc) in seventeen hours!
I've been looking forward to Mass effect 2 sine the end of the first game. I even bought the collector's edition in anticipation. I had some inconsiderate Escapist (wildpeaks I'm talking to you) ruin a major plot point for me and I still completed the game 100%. I love mass effect and was really disappointed in the sequel. As I stated earlier... please.. just, leave my thread...
Disagreeing with you doesn't make him a troll. In fact, I'm getting more of that vibe from you.
You can't tell me he managed to finish Fallout 3 100%? in 17 hours.
And I'm not a troll. I'm a big Mass Effect fan who sincerely anticipated Mass effect 2 only to be severely disappointed when I finally got it.
I avoided reviews and threads on absolutely anything to do with the game so It wouldn't be spiled, only to find Bioware spoiled it for me within the first half an hour.
Even my achievements from the first game didn't carry over (would it have been too much to ask for those little bonuses I acquired in the first to carry over the 2nd game considering they bumped my level back so much?)
I didn't mean you were a troll because of your opinion of Mass Effect 2. It's your opinion, you're entitled to it. I do, however, think that calling someone out for what was at worst a white lie and at best an accidental embellishment as a troll is infantile, and not just because the word "troll" is severely overused as it is.
He started going on about Fallout 3 and BSing about finishing the entire game in 17 hours. If that's not derailing my thread, then I don't know what is.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I didn't say Fallout 3 GOTY, just the original Fallout 3. 17 hours. I'm not trolling. This whole thread, however, does have the stench of troll all over it. I suppose accusing your opponent of what you yourself are doing is a valid tactic, though.
Yeah.. I'm talking about Fallout 3 too (by itself). I wouldn't touch the DLC's with a 20 foot pole. There is no way you finished Fallout 3 completely in 17 hours. You're clearly a troll, please leave my thread? If you'll retract your earlier statement and admit you only finished the story quests in 17 hours, I'll stop harassing you, but there is no way you could possibly have finished the entire game (without the dlc) in seventeen hours!
I've been looking forward to Mass effect 2 sine the end of the first game. I even bought the collector's edition in anticipation. I had some inconsiderate Escapist (wildpeaks I'm talking to you) ruin a major plot point for me and I still completed the game 100%. I love mass effect and was really disappointed in the sequel. As I stated earlier... please.. just, leave my thread...
Disagreeing with you doesn't make him a troll. In fact, I'm getting more of that vibe from you.
You can't tell me he managed to finish Fallout 3 100%? in 17 hours.
And I'm not a troll. I'm a big Mass Effect fan who sincerely anticipated Mass effect 2 only to be severely disappointed when I finally got it.
I avoided reviews and threads on absolutely anything to do with the game so It wouldn't be spiled, only to find Bioware spoiled it for me within the first half an hour.
Even my achievements from the first game didn't carry over (would it have been too much to ask for those little bonuses I acquired in the first to carry over the 2nd game considering they bumped my level back so much?)
I didn't mean you were a troll because of your opinion of Mass Effect 2. It's your opinion, you're entitled to it. I do, however, think that calling someone out for what was at worst a white lie and at best an accidental embellishment as a troll is infantile, and not just because the word "troll" is severely overused as it is.
He started going on about Fallout 3 and BSing about finishing the entire game in 17 hours. If that's not derailing my thread, then I don't know what is.
How do you know he was BSing? Were you looking over his shoulder as he played? Maybe you two just define finishing the game as two different things (for example, you brought up going through every dungeon earlier, but maybe he just thinks he had to beat the major side quests and the main quest)? Besides, he wasn't derailing your thread, he mentioned it once in relation to ME, you're the one who made such a huge deal of it.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
orannis62 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Xzi said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.
Arguable, like your entire post/opinion. I don't like scanning very much, but I still enjoy it more than driving around a (mostly) barren planet to get to a mineral/objective.

And the biggest issue I have with your complaints is the side-missions thing. Side missions from ME1 were all very basic and interchangeable...go here, kill this. In ME2 practically all of the side-missions had unique stories or objectives, and I found them to be a hell of a lot more compelling than those in ME1.

None of this has anything to do with Bioware being lazy. If you complete even half of the game, you're still looking at 20+ hours worth of quality storytelling/gameplay. Getting 100% completion in Fallout 3 took me a total of 17 hours. Obviously Bioware is still one of the few developers left that can really qualify as excellent.
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I didn't say Fallout 3 GOTY, just the original Fallout 3. 17 hours. I'm not trolling. This whole thread, however, does have the stench of troll all over it. I suppose accusing your opponent of what you yourself are doing is a valid tactic, though.
Yeah.. I'm talking about Fallout 3 too (by itself). I wouldn't touch the DLC's with a 20 foot pole. There is no way you finished Fallout 3 completely in 17 hours. You're clearly a troll, please leave my thread? If you'll retract your earlier statement and admit you only finished the story quests in 17 hours, I'll stop harassing you, but there is no way you could possibly have finished the entire game (without the dlc) in seventeen hours!
I've been looking forward to Mass effect 2 sine the end of the first game. I even bought the collector's edition in anticipation. I had some inconsiderate Escapist (wildpeaks I'm talking to you) ruin a major plot point for me and I still completed the game 100%. I love mass effect and was really disappointed in the sequel. As I stated earlier... please.. just, leave my thread...
Disagreeing with you doesn't make him a troll. In fact, I'm getting more of that vibe from you.
You can't tell me he managed to finish Fallout 3 100%? in 17 hours.
And I'm not a troll. I'm a big Mass Effect fan who sincerely anticipated Mass effect 2 only to be severely disappointed when I finally got it.
I avoided reviews and threads on absolutely anything to do with the game so It wouldn't be spiled, only to find Bioware spoiled it for me within the first half an hour.
Even my achievements from the first game didn't carry over (would it have been too much to ask for those little bonuses I acquired in the first to carry over the 2nd game considering they bumped my level back so much?)
I didn't mean you were a troll because of your opinion of Mass Effect 2. It's your opinion, you're entitled to it. I do, however, think that calling someone out for what was at worst a white lie and at best an accidental embellishment as a troll is infantile, and not just because the word "troll" is severely overused as it is.
He started going on about Fallout 3 and BSing about finishing the entire game in 17 hours. If that's not derailing my thread, then I don't know what is.
How do you know he was BSing? Were you looking over his shoulder as he played? Maybe you two just define finishing the game as two different things (for example, you brought up going through every dungeon earlier, but maybe he just thinks he had to beat the major side quests and the main quest)? Besides, he wasn't derailing your thread, he mentioned it once in relation to ME, you're the one who made such a huge deal of it.
He said he'd finished it 100%. Completing all 23 Quests in the game in 17 hours? I don't think so. If he can prove it by showing me a screenshot with his hours spent I will concede and shut up.

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
So, I recently finished Mass Effect 2, and what a game it was.
The story was great, and so were the characters. Unfortunately that was about all their is to rave about.

Why the hell did they take out roaming the planets on the Mako? I know people bitched about it (I certainly wasn't one of them), but scanning was not a good alternative, it was boring and tedious and just lazy in my opinion. You scan a planet, find a mission and then can NEVER go back to it when you've completed it.

They took out the inventory system and micromanaging of mods and upgrades completely, gave you 3 shotguns (one of which only Grunt can use, 2 sniper rifles, 2 smg's, 2 pistols and 2 assault rifles ( 3 IF you bought the Collector's edition).

There were so many glitches I had during cutscenes and when I'd just be walking along and suddenly "oh look, I'm walking along the rooftop of the derelict reaper, wait shit... I can't get down" Oh, look I have to reload. Just poor work Bioware, just poor.

The gameplay was fairly enjoyable, apart from the bullshit they introduced with each power being tied to the exact same cooldown. Even the medpacks were tied to a cooldown, seriously... wtf!? I don't have to use psychic power to apply a medkit. How hard was it to keep the old biotic system where each power had it's own cooldown time? It worked, and for me was more realistic.

The spelling errors... oh my god... I remember once when I was talking to a slave on Illium they spelt slave as slake (yes slake) not once, not twice, but 3 times. The grammar and spelling in those little burst transmissions (and indeed the whole game including cutscenes) you'd get from the Illusive Man weren't much better either.

Sometimes in the subtitles they'd have these black blocks behind the words to cancel out the chance of characters behind them making the writing hard to see. Did we really need those Bioware? It's noticeable, it's lazy and you never needed them in the first game.

As for all the previous characters in the game, they were lazy with that too. You completed one crappy little mission for them all, and to top it all off the love interest from the first game i chose (Liara T'soni) barely said hi to me and is now a crazy cold hearted *****.

The biggest problem (that really pissed me off because I spent 2 playthroughs of the first game getting to level 60) was the fact that realistically apart from certain semi important story elements and characters there was no reason to play Mass Effect 2 with a previous savefile from the first. They still bumped me back to level 3, and completely altered all my powers. I had virually no biotic powers in the first and relied solely on my party for those options. I was the heavy hitter. In mass Effect 2 I find Shepherd's been "upgraded" and I can no longer use any of the skills I had besides charge.

And now the actual game...
The sidequests were shoddy as was exploration. I actually had to strain my brain in the first to complete some of the sidequests, but in ME2 they practically hold your hand and tell you where to go. The entire game literally consists of gaining party members and doing really crappy little sidequests (for money mostly). The scanning is pointless and the amount of experience you get for missions on other planets (125 exp) is bullshit. Why couldn't they keep it like the first game where you gained experience based on who you killed? No, instead they made the levelling story-based which really pissed me off.

It seems to me that the entire game was scrapped in favour of purely focusing on the last mission.
The whole game is just gaining crew members and building them up, until the "Suicide Mission" (which everybody came back alive from, so that was a lie) and then after all that screwing around, they stick you with possibly the most lame final boss ever. They build on this absolutely amazing, imaginative story throughout the game and then you get to the end and it's quite anticlimactic really.

Realistically the Boss (not saying what) is just pointless. How would making the Boss look completely different to a normal reaper change how it would be perceived? That boss technically would just have the same powers as a normal reaper.

Okay, so I've finished my rant and despite all the godawful flaws, I'm not disappointed I bought this game, just disappointed with alot of the decisions that Bioware made for it especially considering all the hype it got. It did better than the first game which really ticks me off as it was far superiour to 2 in nearly every way.

What say you, Escapists? Are Bioware getting lazy as of late (provide examples) or am I just nitpicking on little things?
Ok, people really need to stop paying attention to hype. It means absolutely nothing in terms of the actual game, and can ruin a perfectly good gaming experience.

But in interest of proper discussion, let go through all these points in order:

Scans replacing the Mako: I myself preferred driving around planets on the Mako, and altough it's controls were a bit wonky and the physics could have used some tweaking, it gave great depth to the galaxy and added variety to the combat system. The sense of discover one feels when they find a secret enemy base and be able to pillage is was second to none. The scans however, make exploring the galaxy a chore rather than a quest for new experiences. they also got repetitive fast, making any new side missions found less of a treat.

Verdict: Lazy

Reducing the Inventory system: This I felt really streamlined the shooting experience, rather than the cluttered logistics of ME1. ME1 had me continuously upgrading and comparing equipment so much that it kept me away from missions (like the scanner). A good section of the equipment was barely used (like giving Tali a sniper rifle, despite her having no sniping skills), and usually became obsolete to use compared to other more specialized characters. ME2 fixed this by making each character stick to their strengths meaning you had to think about what you needed rather han just run in randomly, which heightened the combat in my opinion. and BTW, there are technically 3 shotguns, assault rifles and sniper rifles, as you get the choice to grab the super version later on if you had the starting version.

Verdict: Sensible

Glitches in cutscenes: well this changes from disc to disc for some reason. My discs have so far never glitched, despite the fact that I've played them very often.

Verdict: Situational

Power attached to one cooldown: while the old system was more flexible, the one power at a time meant that one could not just spam the target with biotic/techpowers, meaning that one actually had to fight their opponent rather than turn them into jelly. However, this meant that the more specialized classes such as engineer and adept were nerfed in favour of more combat-oriented classes such as soldier or infiltrator, making the class choices of the game less open. And they really should have kept unity and medi-gel separate from the other powers, as choosing between healing yourself or blasting that last baddie away with a power is a very hard choice.

Verdict: Lazy (for the most part)

spelling errors: considering that pretty much every game in history generally has had some typo or mist-placed bits, and unless the errors are every where at all times (which they aren't, I saw maybe 10 or so in total and those were generally in the low-priority messages or side assignments) I consider this a non-issue.

Verdict: Non-Issue

Black blocks: Really are you being this petty? The blocks are generally meant to smooth the reading experience and continuity. People generally notice it more if the writing suddenly disappears in mid-sentence than a black block that clears it up. You may be taking "reading between the lines" WAY too seriously.

Verdict: Non-Issue

Sidequests: Yes the sidequests were generally very poor and pointless. compounded by the scanner, this was certainly a step down.

Verdict: Very Lazy

Previous characters: That was more an emphasis on the usable characters than the old ones. We know that they'll have some impact on the story of ME3 depending on what you did.

Verdict: Fine

Upgrades from ME1: Did you really expect that Bioware would let you keep the level 60 ME1 character in ME2? That would make the gameplay far too easy, and would be pointless anyway, as the number of upgrades that one has in any class is far lower than level 60, which would make those extra levels pointless. The lower levels means you have to pick what you want to specialize in making each experience a little different in combat. This is along the same lines as the weapon stream-lining.

Verdict: Sensible

Story: I agree with you on that account. The story was completely based around the final mission. At least ME1 has a bit more of an exploratory mood about it before going epic.

Verdict: Really Lazy

Final boss: THe final boss actually makes a lot of sense considering that the Reapers consume the organic tissue of the currently enslaved race (speculation). And as the Protheans looked a lot like squid people so it makes sense that Reapers made from Protheans genetic matter would look like squids. The same would go for any Reapers made from human matter.

Verdict: Very Sensible (hypothetically)

[HEADING=2]Final Verdict: Good & Bad[/HEADING]

The game made some things better but made others worse, but gnerally speaking, ME1 was better, as it made us feel like we were in the future galaxy.

There we go, an in-depth answer to your rant. Now can we please stop discussing Mass Effect until the next installment comes out?