Bioware Confirms Game Extending DLC

Electric Alpaca

What's on the menu?
May 2, 2011
I represent a lost sale of {i]Mass Effect 3[/i] with this news.

I hope it's a Michael take, I hope Shepherd lands in a meadow with a happiness gun (it fires rainbows) that when fired at someone makes all their hopes and dreams come true.

I also hope there's chocolate waterfalls, marshmallow clouds, a smiley face Sun, two friendly gophers and a big sign saying "Reapers are gone, but before they left they rebuilt Earth and everything else they may have coincidentally ruined including the vase on Normandy"

Everyone who died is alive again. Joker doesn't have brittle bone anymore. Fully interactive explicit sex scenes with Liara. No Jessica Chobot. Ashley back to minger mode. ETC


New member
Sep 5, 2009

"Building on their research, Exec Producer Casey Hudson and the team are hard at work on a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey," Muzyka continued. "You'll hear more on this in April. We're working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we've received. This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue."
This quote from Dr. Muzyka seems to explicitly say that they are going to work on the ending, not just additional pre-ending content.

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Fair enough I think. I didn't mind the ending, but it will shut up the hordes of fans that feel like they have some sort of misplaced rights to dictate Biowares own freaking story...

kayo of the Well

New member
Mar 15, 2012
A possibility is that they premeditated this by deliberately designing the ending in a way that would warrant DLC. At this stage in Bioware/EA's life I wouldn't be at all surprised.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
Too little, too late, and it'll likely be a patronizing "fuck you" to the fanboys who couldn't shut up about it.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Tomo Stryker said:
Bioware, more specifically Casey Hudson has announced that they are creating game extending DLC. Downloadable content that will extend the game past the ending, like Fallout 3's Broken Steel.

Here is the link

Hudson, however, noting feedback from players that the ending was too bleak, said BioWare was working on new content that will be made available to download online to extend play beyond the current finish of the game.

Any thoughts on the subject people?
I think the key line from that link, despite more promising text that follows is this one

LINK: "Casey Hudson acknowledged in an online post that the chosen conclusion to the gripping science fiction action trilogy had generated "a lot of discussion and debate," but stood firm on the decision."

If it didn't say that then;

LINK: "BioWare was working on new content that will be made available to download online to extend play beyond the current finish of the game.

"We'll keep listening, because your insights and constructive feedback will help determine what that content should be," he said. "This is not the last you'll hear of Commander Shepard."

Would be more hopeful, but as it stands, they took our money and our hope for a proper ending, I don't see a proper ending a reality, so, who cares, atleast the first 98% of the game rocked, just write off everything after earth as carelessness.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
dancinginfernal said:
Please don't do this, Bioware.

Don't cave in to the raving idiots.
Ah, yes... please don't give those raving idiots what you promised them in the first place, Bioware ("wildly different endings"). Please don't cave to anyone who wants an ending that makes sense or keeps Shepard in character. We want the different-colored endings where the "good" one is the one that Reaperizes/homogenizes everything! Because that's totally a great idea. All those themes of diversified unity throughout the entire series were just silliness anyway. Everyone knows that can't work. You have to either destroy, control, or combine everything in order to have peace and harmony because otherwise everyone is too different and they'll just end up fighting. And there won't be any more conflict if all those krogan and salarians are all half synthetic!

Shepard shouldn't be able to call the Godchild thing on its idiotic anti-logic after uniting the residents of Rannoch. Shepard has always been the type to look in the face of all that is wrong with the universe and say, "Oh, well, if you say that's inevitable, I guess I'll just believe you and go with your options."

Yes, only a raving idiot would want Bioware to fulfill their promises when this is just *so much better*, the perfect set of intelligent, logical endings which bring closure and make you feel like your choices matter, because it's all so wildly different and totally transcends the "choose A, B, or C" formula just like Casey Hudson said.

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
Zeel said:
Gearhead mk2 said:
I did put a big post debating with Zeel here, but I deleted it. Forget I said anything. It came off harder than I intended it to.
Indulge me.

The best posts in my opinion are the hateful ones. :]
Well, I may have got your posts mixed up with those of other people so this may be inaccurate, but from what I could tell, you were slamming everything in the ME series past Virmire, saying it was dumbed down to cater to the shooter fans and the story and writing suffered for it, and that we were all idiots for playing it, but you still liked it for reasons we mere mortals could not possibly understand.

Also, as a Halo fan, who DARE you compare us to CoD? Sure, we have our fair share of homophobic yankee 5-year-olds, but at least thats not our ENTIRE COMMUNITY.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Flailing Escapist said:
Game extending DLC? Fucking liars. Didn't you say you were so proud of the ending there was NO WAY you were going to change it or add anything after it?

Whatever, I sold your "sad" game (the ending isn't sad it's just that you guys make me sad) and I'm enjoying some RE:ORC and some SH:Downpour and they aren't perfect games but they DON'T annoy me.
Who said that the extension is going to be after the end? They said that it would explain stuff and add more closure, so that'll be before the end


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Gearhead mk2 said:
Zeel said:
Gearhead mk2 said:
I did put a big post debating with Zeel here, but I deleted it. Forget I said anything. It came off harder than I intended it to.
Indulge me.

The best posts in my opinion are the hateful ones. :]
Well, I may have got your posts mixed up with those of other people so this may be inaccurate, but from what I could tell, you were slamming everything in the ME series past Virmire, saying it was dumbed down to cater to the shooter fans and the story and writing suffered for it, and that we were all idiots for playing it, but you still liked it for reasons we mere mortals could not possibly understand.

Also, as a Halo fan, who DARE you compare us to CoD? Sure, we have our fair share of homophobic yankee 5-year-olds, but at least thats not our ENTIRE COMMUNITY.
Maybe he just isn't good at shooters and can't handle those games


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Hm, being a mass murdering Physcopath is counter productive Zeel? Well who saw that coming...oh yeah EVERYONE!

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Zeel said:
Zen Toombs said:
Zeel said:
What does keeping the collector base change? I assume its just some dialogue?
If we counted dialogue, almost every decision mattered. But for some reason I don't think that was your point.

Collector's Base Destroyed

0 to 1,749 EMS: Your only choice is to destroy the Reapers. Earth is destroyed.

1,750 to 1,899 EMS: Shepard can choose to destroy the Reapers, or control them. If you destroy the Reapers, Earth is destroyed in the process as well. If you control the Reapers, Earth is devastated but not destroyed.

1,900 to 2,349 EMS: Shepard can choose between destroying and controlling Reapers. Both choices save earth, and humanity survives, however Earth's buildings still get vaporized.

2,350 to 2,649 EMS: Shepard can control Reapers, and save Earth

2,650 to 2,799 EMS: Shepard can destroy Reapers, and save Earth. Shepard Dies.

2,800 to 3,999 EMS: Shepard is able to create a link between Synthetics and Organics, and Earth and the Galaxy are saved

4,000 to 4,999 EMS: You can destroy the Reapers and Earth is saved. If you shot TIM on time and saved Anderson, Shepard breathes (Survives).

5,000+ EMS: You can destroy all Reapers. Earth saved as well. Shepard will breath, whether you attempted to save Anderson or not. (Perfect Ending)

Collector's Base Remained Intact

0 to 1,749 EMS: Shepard's only choice is to destroy the Reapers. Earth is destroyed.

1,750 to 2,049 EMS: Shepard can control the Reapers or destroy them. Destroying the Reapers also destroys Earth. Controlling the Reapers damages earth but does not destroy it.

2050 to 2,349 EMS: Shepard has choice between controlling and destroying Reapers. You save Earth from destruction either way, and humans live, but Earth is still devastated and buildings vaporized.

2,350 to 2,649 EMS: Shepard can destroy the Reapers. Earth is badly damaged but isn't destroyed completely

2,650 to 2,799 EMS: Shepard can destroy the Reapers and save Earth.

2,800 to 3,999 EMS: Shepard can create the Synergy between Organics and Reapers to save Earth and the Galaxy

4,000 to 4,999 EMS: Shepard can destroy Reapers. Earth survives. If you shot The Illusive Man on time and saved Anderson, Shepard Survived.

5,000 + EMS: Shepard can destroy Reapers. Earth survives. Shepard also survives regardless if you tried to save Anderson or not. (Perfect Ending)
These line are the only difference. I thought just dialogue acknowledgment was bad. This is worse.

and again another renegade decision that screws you over. Good job with the morality system Bioware. I'm really impressed.
How does the Renegade decision screw you over (in this case)? It actually makes it EASIER to get a "better" ending, because the EMS levels are lower.

Oh wow, I as I was putting the chart together to explain the data I realized I screwed up. You were totally right, this is just another Renegade decision that only screws over the player.

Mind you, I can totally get behind THIS decision being Renegade, it has all the hallmarks of it. I can also get behind THIS decision biting you, but not for the above reasons. It should have been something like "save the base and you get access to new fancy tech, but Cerberus is stronger" and "destroy the base and you don't have access to fancy tech but Cerberus is weaker" or something. Note: this is off the top of my head, and I can also see that if they handled the collector base correctly then each decision could roughly equal each other (i.e., in Destroy, Cerberus does more damage but each of your ships does a bit more, balancing it out. In Save, Cerberus does less damage but each of your ships do less.)