Bioware Confirms Game Extending DLC


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Of course. I bet my mate 50 quid that the ending was literal then bioware makes the ending make sense. CURSE YOU BIOWARE CURSE YOU!!!


New member
Feb 25, 2010
The_Waspman said:
If it does happen, I'd like to say right now... Called it!
Hey, I'll back you up! I have no illusions that, should it come to pass, that if they release a "Take Back Omega" DLC then it would have been planned from the very start - it's glaringly obvious but, in my opinion, not offensively so.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Varrdy said:
The_Waspman said:
If it does happen, I'd like to say right now... Called it!
Hey, I'll back you up! I have no illusions that, should it come to pass, that if they release a "Take Back Omega" DLC then it would have been planned from the very start - it's glaringly obvious but, in my opinion, not offensively so.
Well, they have published a comic book of Aria taking Omega back, so its obviously been on their minds. Also, having Aria as a temporary squadmate (a la Liara in Mass Effect 2) would be fairly cool.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
too bleak? i havent seen anybody complaining about "too bleak" ending.... can someone point me to those people? i have a big boot to share with them.....

i have seen colorblind people complaining about getting the same ending no matter the choice, but thats an another story.....


New member
Jul 18, 2011
OhJohnNo said:
AC10 said:
I think it should be free.
Now you see, THIS is entitlement.
>they have the right to charge you to fix a faulty product.

Zeel said:
They just need to stay the hell away from RPG games. I can't count how many shooter games are released monthly. Why must they infect my genre? do I go to their genre and ask for shit like 'dialogue choice'?

No, everyone would think I'm a pompous prick. But they get away with doing the same to my FAVOURITE genre. It's absolutely sickening.
This just in: RPGs shouldn't be mainstream

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Tomo Stryker said:
Bioware, more specifically Casey Hudson has announced that they are creating game extending DLC. Downloadable content that will extend the game past the ending, like Fallout 3's Broken Steel.

Here is the link

Hudson, however, noting feedback from players that the ending was too bleak, said BioWare was working on new content that will be made available to download online to extend play beyond the current finish of the game.

Any thoughts on the subject people?
You mean, like the stuff they advertise when you beat the game? They're working on that?



New member
Apr 28, 2009
I'd like to believe this is purely a decision based on appealing to fans and maintaining their loyalty, by acknowledging their grievances.

But my intuition says that EA just saw a massive money-making opportunity. With all the uproar about the game and the large numbers of people upset, that's a lot of people you can sell the DLC to. So as far as EA is concerned they were probably breaking down Bioware's doors, demanding they make DLC.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
Bioware turning the real ending into dlc?

[/sarcasm]Who expected that after finding out it was so shit?!


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Zeel said:
On the Virime thing we agree. The suicide mission was their fool hearted attempt at recreating the magic of Virime. It doesn't even compare. I think this is a good representation of how slowly the writing starts to dive.
I don't think the Suicide mission was to recreate Virmire personally. I thought that they wanted something similar with the Legion loyalty mission. And they got it with a few people (James from Extra Credits was one)
The lead writer for Mass Effect and Co-Lead Writer for Mass Effect 2 I think/am pretty sure wasn't there while the other co-lead Writer for ME2 was the Lead Writer for 3 I feel that is where they fell flat. They needed to keep the writing the same.

Take a look at the Legend of Korra for example. The company that did The Last Airbender is also doing The Legend of Korra. They are keeping almost everything that made The Last Airbender great and building on it with a new story.
So far with 3 I am not seeing them build off of ME2 much besides the combat. Or how your choices effected what news you heard while sitting in an elevator.(I miss the elevators for that reason.)
I feel like they had a huge master plan. But then when they lost the lead writer for one they lost the plan and was like hey lets just make it seem like we still have it. I don't think during the interviews they were talking out of their asses I think that they genuinely thought they were going to supply what they promised but then somewhere got way off track and gave us three endings instead of the promised amount.


New member
May 26, 2010
"The games pit the main character, a male or female version of Commander Shepard depending on player preference, against an ancient race of machines called "Reapers" intent on wiping out organic life in the cosmos."

Ah yes, "Reapers"...

Seriously though, yay for an extension that will hopefully explain/redo the ending, but this is a massive dick move if it isn't free.

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
I did put a big post debating with Zeel here, but I deleted it. Forget I said anything. It came off harder than I intended it to.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I don't know if it'll overwrite what we have, but at best I just hope it offers some closure for the characters and the galaxy. However, if it's more then 5 bucks I probably won't bite. And you can bet I'll read what other people think of it before I actually give EA/bioware more of my money.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Savagezion said:
Zeel said:
erttheking said:
I can't help but wonder how much this DLC is going to cost, there's rumors that it might be free but who knows. Anyway Zeel, I've presented my arguments, I'm done arguing with you. You may reassume irrationally hating ME3 and all you enjoyed it before the ending.
"irrational" are you saying nothing I've said is without merit? I can at least acknowledge the genophage arc was done reasonably well.

You can't acknowledge any points I made?

Curious question. How much are you willing to pay for this ending DLC? 10? 20? 30?

Tell me if I'm going too high.
Really Zeel. Tone the fuck down and start discussing it in a more calmer manner. This way no-one is taking you seriously.
I hate Bioware and the constant dumbing down of the RPGs, but I express my anger in a more calmer manner because I know that, if I start shouting and insulting, it will only provide other people with an easy way to dismiss my entire opinion as nothing more but whining.

OT: I'm amazed they still don't get it(or they refuse to) why the people are angry.
Please EA, this is the only time I'm begging you to close a studio.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Okay... okay, I can get behind this. I was bitter as hell at first, but I remembered how fun the game can really be. This DLC, what looks like an epilogue, seems like almost exactly what fans have been asking for.
And I'm not expecting it to be free, either. If Bioware DID make it free, that would restore a whole lot of lost faith and fandom, almost certainly. My only concern is how much it WOULD cost. If we're getting a small expansion, something like the additional Half-Life 2 episodes, it'll be worth $10, easy. If it really is only a handful of missions, then... well, it'll probably still be $10, but I'm hopeful for less.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
If there is any justice at all in the world the DLC will just be an hour long video montage that plays at the end of ME3 and goes into lurid pain-staking detail about how every single character that Shepard has ever interacted with during the length of all three games was ultimately killed during the Reaper invasion and outside what has already been established by the original ending nothing Shepard ever did mattered in the slightest.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
TheCommanders said:
The question is, what will it be? I do like the sound of, "We also recognize that some of our most passionate fans needed more closure, more answers, and more time to say goodbye to their stories."
Ah yes, this is one of the best lines they could have put. Because it does capture a lot of why people hated the endings. That said, I'll get it even if it's paid. But it would certainly help them immensely if they made it free, kind of an act of goodwill.


New member
May 20, 2009
Let me guess. Shepard sometimes dreams about that dead kid with all the whispers and junk. Shepard got knocked out somehow, or was tired and was dreaming for half of the game. Now he wakes up, has morning wood and feels like kicking some Reaper butt with his new found weapon of mass destruction. Or maybe now we get yellow explosions at the end too.