Bioware Confirms Game Extending DLC

Darh Abdomino

New member
Sep 20, 2010
scorptatious said:
Zeel said:
scorptatious said:
Zeel said:
Me2 and Me3 are just dumbed down, casual shit that only pandered to the Halo fucktard and call of duty losers. While making sure that we could have sex with MORE NPCS!!12!@1
So people who like Halo and Call of Duty are fucktards and losers to you? God forbid someone would actually enjoy shooters!
snippy snip

No, everyone would think I'm a pompous prick. But they get away with doing the same to my FAVOURITE genre. It's absolutely sickening.
You mean they don't think you're one now?

I can agree to some extent about how some genres don't mix well together. But to me the Mass Effect games manage to mix both RPG and Shooter elements together pretty well.

If you don't like it don't play it. There's no reason going on here and constantly whining and shouting about it. Along with insulting people who disagree with you. It's just aggravating.
This. Exactly this. Mass Effect was the greatest game series I've played, all of it until the last 10 minutes of 3, but that's beside the point. RPG and Shooter are not mutually exclusive. All the complaints about the "dumbing down" of the series to satisfy the "Halo and CoD fan-boys" were rather unfounded in my opinion. Morality isn't a skill, it's a representation of your actions, so I wasn't that disappointed by ME2's system. 3's was fun too, if a tad annoying at times.

In any case, Scorptatious is right. You ARE being a pompous prick. You complain about how RPG elements are nowhere to be found, and discount any examples to the contrary. You dismiss any contrary opinions, something I find a lot more in the RPG crowd than any non-12-year-old group of shooter enthusiasts, they might give some crap, but they do it in good fun, or are just trolling, most of the time. People like you just get vile.

It honestly amazes me how you think the whole series has been ruined, when you had to spend at least $120(U.S) for normal ME2&ME3, and probably more for collector editions, DLC, and what ever else. If the only reaction you get from it is pure vitriol, go play something else. Kingdom's of Amalur seemed promising, and looks like a "classic" RPG to me. But what do I know? I'm just a stoopid Hal0 fan-wanker who doesn't understand who infallible you really are.

Tomo Stryker

New member
Aug 20, 2010
VonKlaw said:
The ending was not "too bleak", it was too shit and made no sense.
I would agree, the ending wasn't the quality we expected from Bioware. I wont lie though, I was disappointed and I did sign a couple of the online petitions. I did it because I care about the characters that they made and designed, I really felt like I bonded with them. Garrus, Tali, Miranda, and Mordin were all well written and I really felt like my experience with them shouldn't have ended in the fashion it did. If any of them were going to die, at least let them go out like heroes and not side characters who don't deserve an epitaph.

My two cents


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Tomo Stryker said:
Bioware, more specifically Casey Hudson has announced that they are creating game extending DLC. Downloadable content that will extend the game past the ending, like Fallout 3's Broken Steel.

Here is the link

Hudson, however, noting feedback from players that the ending was too bleak, said BioWare was working on new content that will be made available to download online to extend play beyond the current finish of the game.

Any thoughts on the subject people?
Yep, Bioware is gonna provide you the good ending for an additional fee and everyone from the most dedicated apologist to a critic so venomous it makes our buddy Zeel look like a fan-boy will buy it. Then, we'll have the exact same argument we've been having for weeks about this new ending and how it's a cop-out or its poorly written or it sucks or what ever people can ponder up.

I'd like to say I don't know why they're doing this, but I do, $$$$. They could just stick with the "Screw the fans" ending that they gave you, but that would be insane. They could slap together some insane deus ex ending in 5 minutes, throw it up as DLC for $15, and it would sell in the hundreds of thousands and regardless of how garbage it is there will still be people lavishing praise upon it just like they're doing now.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The world will end when this is announced they have to pay for it.

As much as I want a new ending, they are terrible at PR, thats for damn sure.

Tomo Stryker

New member
Aug 20, 2010
Terminate421 said:
The world will end when this is announced they have to pay for it.
Eh, the fanbase will be up in arms about it. The other half will be foaming at the mouth to get it, they won't care what the price is as long as they get the closure that the game deserves. Kinda sad that Bioware has resorted to EA's method of money making.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
Oro44 said:
Zeel said:
This just takes the fucking cake.

Day one dlcs, crappy rpg elements, sub par writing quality. And what gets these fanboys to move their asses? A shitty 5 minute cinematic. All because there's no shack up mini game at the end of the series.

God help us if they charge people for it.(which we know they will) I wont stand for that screwy shit either. Then again, maybe I shouldn't even give a shit? Maybe I should let you guys indulge for once. Let's see how much money EA games can pilfer.

This news is disappointing.
I'm not trying to judge, condemn or condone, but as an aspiring psychologist and sociologist I just want to ask something. I understand your disappointment in Bioware, I really do. Though I enjoyed MOST of ME3, it did have serious flaws (I don't even count the ending, its a separate entity as far as I'm concerned). But I want to ask, what do you hope to accomplish with the insults? I'm not asking this as an attempt to troll, or as "the guy behind the monitor", but as a human being. I am genuinely curious.
Well, one: That's Zeel you quoted. He's known for such behavior. Two, people are alternatively upset, angry, sad, cynical and/or tired of all this mess. People in such states tend to be more reactive and hostile. Thus, the cursing and insults.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
SadisticBrownie said:
Hmm, sounds promising, though sticking with indoc theory for now. Also, why hasn't Zeel been banned yet?
Fuck if I know why he hasn't been banned. He was banned previously, and came back. He's only one strike away, and that one strike can't come too soon.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
I wish he would read a condensed and less vulgar list of things people didn't like about it and apologize for the ending. It should also contain a list of reasons of why he made the ending the way he did.

But, this is just sad. Apologize for the ending, retconn a better ending. Hell, have competitions on who can write the best ending from the fanbase and have the Bioware team choose the fan favourites.

These captchas scare me: read me, write me
Dec 14, 2009
Zeel said:
littlealicewhite said:
Oro44 said:
Zeel said:
This just takes the fucking cake.

Day one dlcs, crappy rpg elements, sub par writing quality. And what gets these fanboys to move their asses? A shitty 5 minute cinematic. All because there's no shack up mini game at the end of the series.

God help us if they charge people for it.(which we know they will) I wont stand for that screwy shit either. Then again, maybe I shouldn't even give a shit? Maybe I should let you guys indulge for once. Let's see how much money EA games can pilfer.

This news is disappointing.
I'm not trying to judge, condemn or condone, but as an aspiring psychologist and sociologist I just want to ask something. I understand your disappointment in Bioware, I really do. Though I enjoyed MOST of ME3, it did have serious flaws (I don't even count the ending, its a separate entity as far as I'm concerned). But I want to ask, what do you hope to accomplish with the insults? I'm not asking this as an attempt to troll, or as "the guy behind the monitor", but as a human being. I am genuinely curious.
Well, one: That's Zeel you quoted. He's known for such behavior. Two, people are alternatively upset, angry, sad, cynical and/or tired of all this mess. People in such states tend to be more reactive and hostile. Thus, the cursing and insults.
My answer would have been: People and their stupidity piss me off and if my ranting frustrates any of these members who continue to be a giant cancerous sore on the Gaming industry. Then I've done the world a great justice.

But yours seems more reasonable.
Why must everything be a scorched earth response with you?

'Canerous sore'?

Hyperbole senses, tingling!


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Chevalier noir said:
Zeel said:
I will throw out such statements any day of the week.

If you aren't going to protest the subpar writing quality CONSISTENT throughout the game, UNTIL the ending removed your little LI lovefest then you deserve no respect.
WoW, you are hopeless. You are talking to someone who actually agrees with a lot of the points you have posted at least on principal, someone who does understand everything wrong with the decline of storytelling quality since the second game, someone who definitely understands these things better than you do.

You have proven yourself time and time again to not be worthy of conversing with. You have a terrible attitude. It doesn't even matter how right you are or what you have to say at this point, you insult everyone you talk to instead of debating things respectfully or even getting your points across very well.

I could make a new thread making most of the same points you seem to think you are making, but unlike you I would get reasonable responses because I don't act like a douche. The problem you are having communicating on these boards has nothing to do with bioware fanboys, the problem is on you.
This accurately describes his thought processes (sincerest apologies to anyone that just escaped TV Tropes.)


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Zeel said:
This just takes the fucking cake.

Day one dlcs, crappy rpg elements, sub par writing quality. And what gets these fanboys to move their asses? A shitty 5 minute cinematic. All because there's no shack up mini game at the end of the series.

God help us if they charge people for it.(which we know they will) I wont stand for that screwy shit either. Then again, maybe I shouldn't even give a shit? Maybe I should let you guys indulge for once. Let's see how much money EA games can pilfer.

This news is disappointing.
ever hear the saying "the straw that broke the camels back"?


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Zeel said:
Savagezion said:
Zeel said:
erttheking said:
I can't help but wonder how much this DLC is going to cost, there's rumors that it might be free but who knows. Anyway Zeel, I've presented my arguments, I'm done arguing with you. You may reassume irrationally hating ME3 and all you enjoyed it before the ending.
"irrational" are you saying nothing I've said is without merit? I can at least acknowledge the genophage arc was done reasonably well.

You can't acknowledge any points I made?

Curious question. How much are you willing to pay for this ending DLC? 10? 20? 30?

Tell me if I'm going too high.
Naw, you're good; keep going. We'll let you know. Hehe.

The reason people find your arguments humorous instead of interesting, Zeel, is because you are arguing, not debating. You base your points on emotional reaction instead of logic which is why you feel the need to insult people. You may have some logical points to be made but you are an emotional train wreck that is very unstable and so extremely bias and unwilling to look at thing in a rational light no one wants to agree with you.

Think about it, your bitching about Halo because Mass Effect 3 sucked. What I see is you hate Halo and its success and you need a scapegoat for Mass Effect 3 sucking so you are gonna blame that. It's "everybody you don't like"'s fault isn't it? It's the same thing the "Indoctrination Theroy" people are doing just a different approach. You are pointing fingers at why it sucks, they are pointing fingers as to why it "theoretically" makes sense.

Yours is in rage over it sucking:
"Bunch of Bastards!"

Theirs is in delusion of it sucking:
"It was all a dream!"

My only suggestion is try exploring other viewpoints. ME3's still gonna suck, I assure you, but you might avoid not becoming the meme people are trying to turn you into. Plus, you can gain some sanity back and might start actually having people care what you say.
First of all. let's get something straight.

I've noticed this influx of people trying to analyze my behaviour. I found it pretty amusing at first. It really isn't that complex. I enjoy arguing, people are idiots. That's all that needs to be said. But you guys keep getting freaking complex with it! OH MY GOD! Father issues! Scored lover! Scapegoat!! (???) and all this convoluted crap that would make the Indoctrination theory sound sane.

Seriously. I read your post and it came off as condescending as ever.

This is all I will say on the matter of my attitude. It works for me. I enjoy posting this way. I do not see a reason to change. Do you honestly think I care about convincing these fanboys? Let them squeal like little piglets. Thats half the freaking fun.

Anyways as for the rest of your rather long and unfettered rant. I don't need a "scapegoat" for Mass effect 3. What does that mean? Mass effect 3 is inferior to the rest of the series. of this I know to be a fact. Them spinning their shitty ending doesn't compare to me pointing out legitimate concerns in the series. How dare you make such a bizarre and factually inaccurate comparison. Shame on you.
you complain about these so called idiots but having dealt with them enough your far worse then they are or will ever be


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Zeel said:
Darkmantle said:
Zeel said:
This just takes the fucking cake.

Day one dlcs, crappy rpg elements, sub par writing quality. And what gets these fanboys to move their asses? A shitty 5 minute cinematic. All because there's no shack up mini game at the end of the series.

God help us if they charge people for it.(which we know they will) I wont stand for that screwy shit either. Then again, maybe I shouldn't even give a shit? Maybe I should let you guys indulge for once. Let's see how much money EA games can pilfer.

This news is disappointing.
ever hear the saying "the straw that broke the camels back"?
If you ask me. Someone beat that camel to death already.
me thinks the lady doth protest too much.