Bioware Confirms Game Extending DLC


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2010
Why are you even replying to Zeel anymore? Look at how he talks to you for god's sake.

Here's a summary of the language he uses to describe both the game and the players.

screwy shit
whiny fanboys
deserve no respect
flakey fanboys
little shit-producer
casual shit
Oh wait you're being a big hypocrit
royally screwed
freaking stupid as shit
completely boned
You're just lying
pompous prick
<--- a favourite of mine in light of this!

you guys keep ruining the gaming industry
tacky ass
overhyped sexual bullshit
it's clear as day how fanatical they're getting
<--- another favourite of mine

I will throw out such statements any day of the week.
you deserve no respect.

Page 3

He didn't post here at all so I assume he had a stroke from stress or something.

Page 4

My answer would have been: People and their stupidity piss me off and if my ranting frustrates any of these members who continue to be a giant cancerous sore on the Gaming industry. Then I've done the world a great justice.
<-- this one deserves to be quote verbatim

Are you attacking me or what?


New member
Apr 1, 2011
OhJohnNo said:
AC10 said:
I think it should be free.
Now you see, THIS is entitlement.
No. As a consumer, I have the right to a product that did not lie to me. Before you start the whole "BUT THEY DIDN'T PROMISE YOU SHIT" they said in a interview that the endings would not be a linear choice of A for good ending, B for bad ending or C for neutral ending. And what did they do at the very end of the game? They made it a A, B or C ending ripped straight from the Deus Ex 1 ending sequence.

They told us to keep our save files since they would play a hand in the final game, massively. Both minor changes and ending changes, but that wasn't there either.

Entitlement gets thrown around a hell of a lot with the game community, now even Devs and publishers are calling gamers 'entitled' for showing them up on their shit. As a consumer I have the right to oppose or even sue in cases like "False Advertisement" if a company does so, if entitlement is knowing my own rights then I am the most entitled bastard to live.

It should be free because they promised us a ending that would not be A, B or C for each ending, even if you want to get into the fact that our past actions do not matter in the end. Then again, I am talking from the perspective that this DLC will be them doing "The Truth" DLC that someone was speculating at earlier. If it is, then it damn well better be free because they essentially lied about what the ending was going to be like. If it isn't, then they are extorting their fans and customers for money, which in some places is illegal.

The word entitlement holds so little because it is no longer the definition that it once was, now it is just a word used to make smart consumers look like pretentious dicks.


Still going with the guess that "The Truth" DLC that someone was speculating might be exactly what this is.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Zeel said:
And of course a HALO fanboy would mention the "NEW WEP CUSTOMIZATION' WHOOO!! I don't really understand why that was such a big fucking deal. it's just slapping two of five choices. It's not revolutionary. Again, Mass effect 1 had a PLETHORA of weapons and armor and customization. How can you even begin the argument that ME3 has more rpg elements than 1?
I do think that the new weapon system in ME3 was an improvement over that of ME1. The problem with Mass Effect 1's gear (and Dragon Age 1/2 as well) is that there is a very small set of usable endgame gear. By that I mean, if you're level 50 and not wearing predator armor with master spectre weapons, you're doing it wrong. The weapons in Mass Effect 3 are a vast improvement in this regard. In ME3, weapons have different stats, just like in ME1, but they also have variable functionality that can be a benefit or a hindrance given your playstyle. Take, for example, the scimitar shotgun vs the geth plasma shotgun. The scimitar fires quickly but does less damage than any other shotgun while the geth plasma shotgun has a longer range at the cost of capacity and rate of fire. The Geth Plasma is unquestionably an endgame piece and the scimitar is acquired on the second mission. Nonetheless, I still used the scimitar all the way through because it's intrinsic attributes complemented my playstyle. This situation does not occur in mass effect 1 (or either of the two dragon ages). The weapon mod selection was pretty bland and generic, however.


New member
Oct 22, 2010
If your that upset with the ending and you pay for this you should be ashamed of yourself, If they make it paid content and then 12 million people buy it what have they learnt? Hmmm if we make the whole game a massive deal and put in a subpar ending..we can exploit the people who are passionate about our game and sell a better ending later :D it really wouldn't surprise me if that was their plan the whole time


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Okie dokie, Zeel.

Indecipherable said:
My answer would have been: People and their stupidity piss me off and if my ranting frustrates any of these members who continue to be a giant cancerous sore on the Gaming industry. Then I've done the world a great justice.
<-- this one deserves to be quote verbatim
I can beat it, Indecipherable. Here is a better one:
Zeel said:
How dare you make such a bizarre and factually inaccurate comparison. Shame on you.
Couple that one with his hypocrite one. Zeel is unaware he is the "wider demographic" games are streamlining for it seems.


New member
May 3, 2011
This might be the 'The Truth' DLC that was rumored about for a while now. So we still don't know if the indoctrination theory is real or not yet. The Problem is if they say 'we had this planned all along' no will believe them. And maybe they didn't maybe this is just an out.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
Hunter65416 said:
If your that upset with the ending and you pay for this you should be ashamed of yourself, If they make it paid content and then 12 million people buy it what have they learnt? Hmmm if we make the whole game a massive deal and put in a subpar ending..we can exploit the people who are passionate about our game and sell a better ending later :D it really wouldn't surprise me if that was their plan the whole time
it may make people who aren't doing it join in since they see they can bully the dev into giving them a different ending.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Consider me cautiously optimistic, I posted in a thread earlier about this sentiment. It will be how they approach this that decides my ultimate reaction. Right now Hudson acknowledging the unhappiness is a big step forward, but if they think I'm going to actually pay extra for the ending to the game I already paid $80 for, they can spin on their greedy, shortsighted business practices, because while I do not particularly hate DLC, I will -not- support companies selling me an incomplete product.

Captcha: Knock Off, Yeah... that's fitting.


New member
May 6, 2011
Zeel said:
scorptatious said:
Zeel said:
Me2 and Me3 are just dumbed down, casual shit that only pandered to the Halo fucktard and call of duty losers. While making sure that we could have sex with MORE NPCS!!12!@1
So people who like Halo and Call of Duty are fucktards and losers to you? God forbid someone would actually enjoy shooters!
They just need to stay the hell away from RPG games. I can't count how many shooter games are released monthly. Why must they infect my genre? do I go to their genre and ask for shit like 'dialogue choice'?

No, everyone would think I'm a pompous prick. But they get away with doing the same to my FAVOURITE genre. It's absolutely sickening.
RPG's are my favorite genre of gaming as well. I was introduced by playing BG, Might and Magic, and of course kotor. And, hate to break it to you, but ME3 is an RPG. Yes. It is.

I mean, comparing ME1's rpg elements to to ME3's all that changes is the removal of the truckload of worthless weapons that would cram my inventory because I buy a knew weapon that was better than my current one maybe once every few hours, and the removal of 30% of the more passive talents, which in ME3 have been combined with active talents. The upgrade system of ME3 makes it so you choose which type of a weapon, one that you prefer the most, such as the mattock when it is discover it, and spend credits and mods into upgrading how you want to. And yes, every class can use every gun, but you use YOUR judgement if you would rather have a sniper rifle or shorter cool-downs on abilities.

What I'm trying to say is that making a rpg MORE open-ended inventory and class wise does not "stop" it from being an RPG. Just because the game is focusing less on class restrictions and focusing more on how you want to build your class personally does not stop it from being an RPG. And lastly, the type of combat - guns and tech versus swords and magic, shooter versus a hack-n-slash- used in an RPG doesn't matter as long as it lets you customize and play your character the way you want to and to make choices which effect the game (Albeit ME3's ending, of course.) Really, man, you need to be more open minded about more RPG's, just because a game doesn't follow a certain genre formula does not make it instant shit. I know that I won't change your mind on anything, and I'm not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion, and I'm not trying to start anything, this is simply how the game is from my perspective.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Zeel said:
erttheking said:
Zeel said:
This just takes the fucking cake.

Day one dlcs, crappy rpg elements, sub par writing quality. And what gets these fanboys to move their asses? A shitty 5 minute cinematic. All because there's no shack up mini game at the end of the series.

God help us if they charge people for it.(which we know they will) I wont stand for that screwy shit either. Then again, maybe I shouldn't even give a shit? Maybe I should let you guys indulge for once. Let's see how much money EA games can pilfer.

This news is disappointing.
Oh yeah, god forbid that we be satisfied with the rest of the game and not with the ending, god forbid that we criticize them for not giving us what they promised us, and god forbid that they actually respond. And again you drop the word fanboy, do I have to look up the princess bride meme again? Seriously you use that word at the drop of a hat, I seriously think that you're just spouting it off at random at everything ME related.
They didn't give you what they promised the WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE GAME.

"Choices that impact the story" where, pray tell is that? Please man. Can you show me where that promise is kept?
My play through of 1 romanced Ashley. My playthrough of 2 Romanced Miranda. My playthrough of three told Miranda to hit the road ACTUALLY FELT BAD SEEING HER CRY. And then getting yelled at by Ashley for romancing Miranda in the second one.

There is one example. Will get back to you when I stop playing the multiplayer long enough to play more of the game.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Tbh, I would have liked everyone on Normandy to die in a large battle with teh reapers that was won, and then for the game to cut to Shepard and Garrus at a bar. Youknow, closure. Alright. Thats not really closure but that ending would have been pretty epic, if Wrex was there aswell it would be a bonus.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Zeel said:
Krion_Vark said:
Zeel said:
erttheking said:
Zeel said:
This just takes the fucking cake.

Day one dlcs, crappy rpg elements, sub par writing quality. And what gets these fanboys to move their asses? A shitty 5 minute cinematic. All because there's no shack up mini game at the end of the series.

God help us if they charge people for it.(which we know they will) I wont stand for that screwy shit either. Then again, maybe I shouldn't even give a shit? Maybe I should let you guys indulge for once. Let's see how much money EA games can pilfer.

This news is disappointing.
Oh yeah, god forbid that we be satisfied with the rest of the game and not with the ending, god forbid that we criticize them for not giving us what they promised us, and god forbid that they actually respond. And again you drop the word fanboy, do I have to look up the princess bride meme again? Seriously you use that word at the drop of a hat, I seriously think that you're just spouting it off at random at everything ME related.
They didn't give you what they promised the WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE GAME.

"Choices that impact the story" where, pray tell is that? Please man. Can you show me where that promise is kept?
My play through of 1 romanced Ashley. My playthrough of 2 Romanced Miranda. My playthrough of three told Miranda to hit the road ACTUALLY FELT BAD SEEING HER CRY. And then getting yelled at by Ashley for romancing Miranda in the second one.

There is one example. Will get back to you when I stop playing the multiplayer long enough to play more of the game.
You get to romance Ashley regardless of anything you do. Cheat on her with Miranda? still romanceable! Don't pursue a relationship from 1? Still romanceable! Hell you can tell Miranda to stick around.. and guess what. STILL ROMANCEABLE.

your choices get a few extra dialogue and then it falls into place with the plot. It's not like you're influencing the direction of the story. Just going down a path with minor alterations.

By the way, Ashley Romance? I approve.
Personally my biggest gripe with the series was that they have tried to recreate Virmire too many times. That was a moment like the Nuke from CoD:MW. I literally sat there for 10 minutes trying to figure out who to save and who to ditch. Ashley won out simply because I wanted to romance her.

The thing that I figured out long ago. In any "choice" game unless its made with an AI that can actively change the game based on your choices you are ALWAYS left with what the developer wants not what you want. I remember people complaining that Shepard didn't say what they wanted him to say in 2 for the choice they made. Gaming isn't really about choice right now in my opinion its about enjoying the ride.
Yeah it put my choices on the back burner so that it could convey the story. Do you know how big a game would have to be to account for EVERY possible choice someone made and change the entire game accordingly? Way more than 2 disks for the Xbox thats for damn sure. You can make the argument that if they used If/then statements in their code then it could have worked out. Yeah it probably could have and they also probably do have those in some places. But if they did it for the entire past 2 games the strain on the limited processing power of a console probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

You asked me yesterday to put why I liked the game. Truthfully there is no real reason I like it. I am enjoying it immensely for my own reasons that I can't really describe. I mean besides the ending I have been avoiding spoilers about the game and I redid 5 hours of the game (I really don't save often enough) just to see if I could change the outcome of a part and only lose 1 squad member instead of 2.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Zeel said:
Krion_Vark said:
Zeel said:
erttheking said:
Zeel said:
This just takes the fucking cake.

Day one dlcs, crappy rpg elements, sub par writing quality. And what gets these fanboys to move their asses? A shitty 5 minute cinematic. All because there's no shack up mini game at the end of the series.

God help us if they charge people for it.(which we know they will) I wont stand for that screwy shit either. Then again, maybe I shouldn't even give a shit? Maybe I should let you guys indulge for once. Let's see how much money EA games can pilfer.

This news is disappointing.
Oh yeah, god forbid that we be satisfied with the rest of the game and not with the ending, god forbid that we criticize them for not giving us what they promised us, and god forbid that they actually respond. And again you drop the word fanboy, do I have to look up the princess bride meme again? Seriously you use that word at the drop of a hat, I seriously think that you're just spouting it off at random at everything ME related.
They didn't give you what they promised the WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE GAME.

"Choices that impact the story" where, pray tell is that? Please man. Can you show me where that promise is kept?
My play through of 1 romanced Ashley. My playthrough of 2 Romanced Miranda. My playthrough of three told Miranda to hit the road ACTUALLY FELT BAD SEEING HER CRY. And then getting yelled at by Ashley for romancing Miranda in the second one.

There is one example. Will get back to you when I stop playing the multiplayer long enough to play more of the game.
You get to romance Ashley regardless of anything you do. Cheat on her with Miranda? still romanceable! Don't pursue a relationship from 1? Still romanceable! Hell you can tell Miranda to stick around.. and guess what. STILL ROMANCEABLE.

your choices get a few extra dialogue and then it falls into place with the plot. It's not like you're influencing the direction of the story. Just going down a path with minor alterations.

By the way, Ashley Romance? I approve.
Personally my biggest gripe with the series was that they have tried to recreate Virmire too many times. That was a moment like the Nuke from CoD:MW. I literally sat there for 10 minutes trying to figure out who to save and who to ditch. Ashley won out simply because I wanted to romance her.

The thing that I figured out long ago. In any "choice" game unless its made with an AI that can actively change the game based on your choices you are ALWAYS left with what the developer wants not what you want. I remember people complaining that Shepard didn't say what they wanted him to say in 2 for the choice they made. Gaming isn't really about choice right now in my opinion its about enjoying the ride.
Yeah it put my choices on the back burner so that it could convey the story. Do you know how big a game would have to be to account for EVERY possible choice someone made and change the entire game accordingly? Way more than 2 disks for the Xbox thats for damn sure. You can make the argument that if they used If/then statements in their code then it could have worked out. Yeah it probably could have and they also probably do have those in some places. But if they did it for the entire past 2 games the strain on the limited processing power of a console probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

You asked me yesterday to put why I liked the game. Truthfully there is no real reason I like it. I am enjoying it immensely for my own reasons that I can't really describe. I mean besides the ending I have been avoiding spoilers about the game and I redid 5 hours of the game (I really don't save often enough) just to see if I could change the outcome of a part and only lose 1 squad member instead of 2.