BioWare Explains Why There's No Homosexuality in Mass Effect 2


New member
Aug 6, 2009
scifidownbeat said:
Gay Shepard would only be a possibility! They wouldn't have to change the canon or anything. They wouldn't even have to mention that there was a possibility to be a gay Shepard! Bioware could just sneak it in and people could just find out on their own. Anti-homosexuals would stay ignorant (no pun intended) of the feature and normal pro-homosexual people would be satisfied.
somethinorother63 said:
Bioware should simply say that the characters you can have sex with are not gay. Hence no gay relationships.
...that actually makes a lot of sense. It would be quite the coincidence if every squadmate on the Normandy was bisexual.
GTA sex scene fiasco? as soon as someone finds it, FOX news will claim liberal homosexual pedophile zombies are taking over America.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
First off who gives a flying f*** that you can't be gay. Is that going to make the story that much more interesting? "LOL, Commander Shepard is having gay sex with his crewmates!" Ugh, can't you enjoy it for the story that the fella's at Bioware have weaved for you.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
As a male chauvinistic pig, I have no problem what-so-ever with the heterosexual stance that Bioware has taken that is their choice just as any author or movie script writer has when making their own product. As much as I love lesbians....


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
Oh, come on! I have nothing against gay guys/gals, but why does every game/tv series/whatever have to obtain gay stuff in them. It doesn't suit everywhere. Let BioWare do their thing.

Political correctness gone mad


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Maybe neither Garrus, Generic Man, nor Thane, are gay?

Garrus seems more like a bromance type of guy. Thane had a wife, so he's straight (or bi), and Generic Man is too Generic to be homosexual.

just my 2 teef, you sex maniacs you.

Axel Jet

New member
Apr 6, 2010
You can be a male or female, make a character that looks any nationality, and if you play as a female you can get into homosexual relationships. But a homosexual male Shepard just didn't fit into the concept of the character? Weak. So the basic Bioware concept for Shepard is anything but gay. I still believe they were just to lazy to work it in.

Axel Jet

New member
Apr 6, 2010
Ben Bazooka said:
Oh, come on! I have nothing against gay guys/gals, but why does every game/tv series/whatever have to obtain gay stuff in them. It doesn't suit everywhere. Let BioWare do their thing.

Political correctness gone mad
that should have been the exact response they gave instead of trying all that time and money crap.


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Oct 12, 2009
kesslerparadox52 said:
OK, if you can be a lesbian, you should be able to be a gay dude, too. There really isn't any good reason why you can't.
If you're a total mass effect fanboy like me, u'd know asari arent really chicks... they have no gender.


New member
May 10, 2009
They should've just said "Because we decided that Shepard's not gay"

Like someone posted on the first pages, people complaining and wanting "equality" in games just makes my blood boil too. How is the game more or less equal if you can be gay? Personally I think we're lucky that BioWare's even bothered with romantic entanglements, because let's face it, those storylines are PURE fan service.

I think controversy around sexuality is like it is around racism. No one really notices it until you bring it into the spotlight. And ironically? Most of the time it's the "minority" that people are being racist or phobic of that bring it up to begin with.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Im glad that homosexuality is now widely accepted in mainstream culture(well,in the west atleast) but i hate this attitude that if homosexuality isnt present in something than there is some agenda there. These guys shouldnt even have to explain why they didnt put any gay relationships in,its just not relevant.


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Jul 4, 2008
I personally don't see why anyone should get even slightly fired up about it... it's their game... if they don't want their main character archetype to be a gay guy... it should be their goddamn right to say so.
doesn't make them homophobes, it's kinda proven by dragon age there that they ain't touchy about the subject.

I guess people gotta find SOMETHING to pick at in every game... otherwise the human race isn't complete, you gotta have someone complain about something for it to be an internationally recognized product... seriously show me a game that nobody complained about ever... and I'll think differently... but for now i just play what i want to. don't play what i don't and I look for the "Good" parts of everything i play.


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Dec 21, 2009
TitsMcGee1804 said:
Normalgamer said:
TitsMcGee1804 said:
its just a load of PC-mongers moaning because they want equality, makes my blood boil

i reckon these idiots would struggle to actually find a gay man who actually gives a rats ass

they took away the sexual preference choice of a load of 1's and 0's, OMG BURN THEM AT THE STAKE!
There are plenty. The fact your insulting us is really, really unnessecary bro.
so you are gay?

well im sorry if I offended you, but if I was gay, I would take more offense at somebody including a 'gay option' (forgive the crudeness of that term) merely to tick boxes and not for actual story/character/gameplay choices....

seriously...i think any homosexual or ethnic or any kind of percieved minority who believes that things should be included for 'the sake of equality' is just an idiot, that doesnt mean I think ALL of those minority groups are idiots, just the ones that feel anything made for public consumption 'owes' them diversity

equality? the devs thought adding a gay scene to ME2 would have been detrimental to the experience (would have been a sacrifice to the consumer)...putting one in, all for the sake of keeping a few whiners (gay or not) happy?

In my books thats preferential treatment, which is quite frankly the opposite of equality

I do understand that you are not arguing the fact that they made the Sheperd character straight, just that they took away the choice of making him gay or straight, which, meh, i guess is reason to get annoyed, I just think if that upsets you, you need to stop being so easily offended, there are much problems with discrimination in society for you to smash your PC hammer against and rightly so, i am a firm believer in equality

bad grammar and punctuation...sue me
No, I'm not gay, but read the bold in your first quote, that's how you insulted us
And we're not angry they included the option AT FIRST. We're angry they had it, and then chose to get rid of it, and then make up bullshit as to why they got rid of it.
The real reason they got rid of it: Homosexuality scares our TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC and less people buying it becuase of their homophobic views means less money for us. So we chose to go with a safer way and completely undermine the first game and DA:O.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Mandal0re said:
Im glad that homosexuality is now widely accepted in mainstream culture(well,in the west atleast) but i hate this attitude that if homosexuality isnt present in something than there is some agenda there. These guys shouldnt even have to explain why they didnt put any gay relationships in,its just not relevant.
I'm going to second that. Just because BioWare gives options for romance doesn't mean they are required to fit everybodies specific preferences. If your going to give them flak for this then I expect to see Final Fantasy on the chopping block next.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Normalgamer said:
TitsMcGee1804 said:
Normalgamer said:
TitsMcGee1804 said:
its just a load of PC-mongers moaning because they want equality, makes my blood boil

i reckon these idiots would struggle to actually find a gay man who actually gives a rats ass

they took away the sexual preference choice of a load of 1's and 0's, OMG BURN THEM AT THE STAKE!
There are plenty. The fact your insulting us is really, really unnessecary bro.
so you are gay?

well im sorry if I offended you, but if I was gay, I would take more offense at somebody including a 'gay option' (forgive the crudeness of that term) merely to tick boxes and not for actual story/character/gameplay choices....

seriously...i think any homosexual or ethnic or any kind of percieved minority who believes that things should be included for 'the sake of equality' is just an idiot, that doesnt mean I think ALL of those minority groups are idiots, just the ones that feel anything made for public consumption 'owes' them diversity

equality? the devs thought adding a gay scene to ME2 would have been detrimental to the experience (would have been a sacrifice to the consumer)...putting one in, all for the sake of keeping a few whiners (gay or not) happy?

In my books thats preferential treatment, which is quite frankly the opposite of equality

I do understand that you are not arguing the fact that they made the Sheperd character straight, just that they took away the choice of making him gay or straight, which, meh, i guess is reason to get annoyed, I just think if that upsets you, you need to stop being so easily offended, there are much problems with discrimination in society for you to smash your PC hammer against and rightly so, i am a firm believer in equality

bad grammar and punctuation...sue me
No, I'm not gay, but read the bold in your first quote, that's how you insulted us
And we're not angry they included the option AT FIRST. We're angry they had it, and then chose to get rid of it, and then make up bullshit as to why they got rid of it.
The real reason they got rid of it: Homosexuality scares our TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC and less people buying it becuase of their homophobic views means less money for us. So we chose to go with a safer way and completely undermine the first game and DA:O.
Im struggling to see your position here...i have offended you but you are not gay (even though i havent said anything that would offend a gay person) you are a carebear who takes it upon yourself to whine about an issue that is like, not directly your problem

see that makes you worse than a gay person whining that they feel left out, that can be understood if not condoned, they might get bullied about their problems and this kind of attitude in gaming doesnt help, fair enough...

and i never played ME1 till the end and i didnt know it had a gay option, therefore saying that they took it out of ME2 for character development sake is a little they were the same character, so in that respect i disagree with their excuses, and i stand corrected

still, there is hunger, disease and poverty in the world...stop getting your knickers in a twist about such a trivial issue (in the grand scheme of things), and also, the 'real reason' you explained about, do you not understand that this is an industry, do you really think the suits at EA really care about peoples feelings when their dividend could be 41 cents instead of 40?

yeah it sucks, but some people love money more than their fellow pun intended

edit: at any of the points in that last sentance


New member
Dec 21, 2009
TitsMcGee1804 said:
Normalgamer said:
TitsMcGee1804 said:
Normalgamer said:
TitsMcGee1804 said:
its just a load of PC-mongers moaning because they want equality, makes my blood boil

i reckon these idiots would struggle to actually find a gay man who actually gives a rats ass

they took away the sexual preference choice of a load of 1's and 0's, OMG BURN THEM AT THE STAKE!
There are plenty. The fact your insulting us is really, really unnessecary bro.
so you are gay?

well im sorry if I offended you, but if I was gay, I would take more offense at somebody including a 'gay option' (forgive the crudeness of that term) merely to tick boxes and not for actual story/character/gameplay choices....

seriously...i think any homosexual or ethnic or any kind of percieved minority who believes that things should be included for 'the sake of equality' is just an idiot, that doesnt mean I think ALL of those minority groups are idiots, just the ones that feel anything made for public consumption 'owes' them diversity

equality? the devs thought adding a gay scene to ME2 would have been detrimental to the experience (would have been a sacrifice to the consumer)...putting one in, all for the sake of keeping a few whiners (gay or not) happy?

In my books thats preferential treatment, which is quite frankly the opposite of equality

I do understand that you are not arguing the fact that they made the Sheperd character straight, just that they took away the choice of making him gay or straight, which, meh, i guess is reason to get annoyed, I just think if that upsets you, you need to stop being so easily offended, there are much problems with discrimination in society for you to smash your PC hammer against and rightly so, i am a firm believer in equality

bad grammar and punctuation...sue me
No, I'm not gay, but read the bold in your first quote, that's how you insulted us
And we're not angry they included the option AT FIRST. We're angry they had it, and then chose to get rid of it, and then make up bullshit as to why they got rid of it.
The real reason they got rid of it: Homosexuality scares our TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC and less people buying it becuase of their homophobic views means less money for us. So we chose to go with a safer way and completely undermine the first game and DA:O.
Im struggling to see your position here...i have offended you but you are not gay (even though i havent said anything that would offend a gay person) you are a carebear who takes it upon yourself to whine about an issue that is like, not directly your problem

see that makes you worse than a gay person whining that they feel left out, that can be understood if not condoned, they might get bullied about their problems and this kind of attitude in gaming doesnt help, fair enough...

and i never played ME1 till the end and i didnt know it had a gay option, therefore saying that they took it out of ME2 for character development sake is a little they were the same character, so in that respect i disagree with their excuses, and i stand corrected

still, there is hunger, disease and poverty in the world...stop getting your knickers in a twist about such a trivial issue (in the grand scheme of things), and also, the 'real reason' you explained about, do you not understand that this is an industry, do you really think the suits at EA really care about peoples feelings when their dividend could be 41 cents instead of 40?

yeah it sucks, but some people love money more than their fellow pun intended

edit: at any of the points in that last sentance
Hey dumbass, instead of insulting me because you didn't follow my post, read what I said before, you insulted us in the bold. Your not going to make it very far if your going to flame someone without actually paying attention.