BioWare Explains Why There's No Homosexuality in Mass Effect 2


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
Bioware already gave a reaspn why they didnt give that option which is what this articale was about in the first place. As far as my grammer goes it has always been a weakness of mine being excellent in math and engineering.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
danpascooch said:
You can blame them for not having gay relationships in the game, but you can't blame them for dodging the question after they made the choice, I mean, is there any politically correct answer they could give?
They could have admitted that they don't think their primary demographic would have made use of the feature if it had been added, or they could have admitted that they didn't want to pay the voice actors, writers, and whomever else sets up the scenarios any more than they had to.


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
aithilin said:
danpascooch said:
You can blame them for not having gay relationships in the game, but you can't blame them for dodging the question after they made the choice, I mean, is there any politically correct answer they could give?
They could have admitted that they don't think their primary demographic would have made use of the feature if it had been added, or they could have admitted that they didn't want to pay the voice actors, writers, and whomever else sets up the scenarios any more than they had to.
This is exactly what i mean if someone doesnt want to do somthing They souldnt have to explain why they didnt do it this time. In fact they already stated why they didnt add that for mass effect 2. They gave thier answer but you refuse to accept them not taking one side or the other on this subject. No one has to do it especially since they are the designers. Either accept their answer or step aside and boycott them.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
It's probably because of the lawsuit against the first game. Most of the pictures used on the news were from the homo sex scenes


New member
Jul 4, 2009
Jacob Gallegos said:
aithilin said:
danpascooch said:
You can blame them for not having gay relationships in the game, but you can't blame them for dodging the question after they made the choice, I mean, is there any politically correct answer they could give?
They could have admitted that they don't think their primary demographic would have made use of the feature if it had been added, or they could have admitted that they didn't want to pay the voice actors, writers, and whomever else sets up the scenarios any more than they had to.
This is exactly what i mean if someone doesnt want to do somthing They souldnt have to explain why they didnt do it this time. In fact they already stated why they didnt add that for mass effect 2. They gave thier answer but you refuse to accept them not taking one side or the other on this subject. No one has to do it especially since they are the designers. Either accept their answer or step aside and boycott them.
Oh, I don't care what answers they give; I don't play their games anyway, and Mass Effect 2 looked like crap to me. But the question was asked what answer they could have given and those two are just honest business answers. They didn't want to add something, so they didn't, fair enough. But they can't expect everyone to just go on buying their product when it stops being interesting to them.

And, "Either accept their answer or step aside and boycott them"? Seriously? A game company is infallible now? Either put up with whatever they say or refuse to buy anything they produce? People asked a question, they got two different answers, and one was fairly dubious. Asking for clarification, or making it known that "hey, I'd like my male-Shep to be gay next game" or "y'know, I wish I could have carried over my lesbian" is a viable option for future games is not some blaspheme against a mediocre game. If they add the option, they widen their market. If they allow carry overs from previous games, then the new market may buy the early games to have a full development established.

It's not black and white dichotomy. People are allowed to ask questions and tell a production company what sort of things they'd be willing to spend money on.
Apr 28, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
I mean, seriously, have you seen Miranda's ass?
That thing is a work of art.

Say what you will about Bioware, but they know how to make one fine ass.

OT: Kind of odd since female shep can have a realationship with Kelly. Plus Liara from the first game.

Just still seems odd...

Doc Cannon

I hate custom titles.
Feb 3, 2010
Daipire said:
Doc Cannon said:
\But they don't bring up the fact that asari all look like females and you can have some kind of homosexual relationship if you play a She-Shepard... so relationships in the game are not completely heterosexual.
Oh, so it's not homosexualitiy, it's beastiality, and that *can* be put in video games? :S

No offense to all the beasties out there (or whatever it's called) but i'd be better with my video game characters screwing a dude, rather then a dog.
First of all, the asari are nothing like a dog. They are pretty much attractive women with blue skin and an octopus on their heads (kind of like Twi'leks).
And what I meant to say is that, considering they are most definitely not like dogs, si that what those folks from Bioware should have said was that they thought a male homosexual relationship wasn't in their plans, not all homosexual relationships. I mean, maybe you are not able to make new friends with benefits in ME2, but you can keep playing your female gay-for-aliens character from ME1 (without a love scene, granted).

So yeah, I think it all goes down to the general impression that "oh my god: lesbians!" is hot and acceptable.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
TitsMcGee1804 said:
its just a load of PC-mongers moaning because they want equality, makes my blood boil

i reckon these idiots would struggle to actually find a gay man who actually gives a rats ass

they took away the sexual preference choice of a load of 1's and 0's, OMG BURN THEM AT THE STAKE!
There are plenty. The fact your insulting us is really, really unnessecary bro.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Sightless Wisdom said:
They don't want a gay Shepard...makes some sense I suppose. In any case it's their game and they chose what freedoms you have so it's not exactly our place to complain.
Why is that? They are asking for our money, I think that puts us in a place to complain. Especially since telling them what we want is how they *gasp* know what we want.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
wait what? I crated a female character just for this! omg and I've been trying so hard to get into someone's pants... fail bioware, that's why valve is winning the showdown.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
That's just bullcrap. What's this about "level of maturity?" So you can have sex heterosexually but when it's gay it's all of a sudden an immature subject?


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I don't see the big deal.

It'd be interesting to see the Broke back mountain of video games thoguh.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
RanD00M said:
Susan Arendt said:
I mean, seriously, have you seen Miranda's ass?
Yes I have.And it is a very lovely ass.But there is more to her then her ass.You know,like her daddy issues.

OT:Well I wanted to get down with Liara again.But could I? No.So I tried to flirt with every other female.And did I get anywhere? No.
All I wanted was for my Shepard to feel the sweet touch of a woman before she had to do something quite possibly life threatening.
I know, but I'm one of those women who just loves fixing the broken soul. Getting Miranda to believe she was more than just the sum of the parts her daddy created for her would've been a worthwhile endeavor, I think.
So Miranda's ass is the result of her fathers biological experimentations? I would have assumed that Bioware spent the bulk of their developement time perfecting it.

On topic though, it's already been said, but Shepard is already very much characterised. I don't see why they would need to shoehorn in a gay shepard just to satisfy the fans.

I mean, between Miranda's ass, and Tali's hips, what else could one want?

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
ExaltedK9 said:
Susan Arendt said:
RanD00M said:
Susan Arendt said:
I mean, seriously, have you seen Miranda's ass?
Yes I have.And it is a very lovely ass.But there is more to her then her ass.You know,like her daddy issues.

OT:Well I wanted to get down with Liara again.But could I? No.So I tried to flirt with every other female.And did I get anywhere? No.
All I wanted was for my Shepard to feel the sweet touch of a woman before she had to do something quite possibly life threatening.
I know, but I'm one of those women who just loves fixing the broken soul. Getting Miranda to believe she was more than just the sum of the parts her daddy created for her would've been a worthwhile endeavor, I think.
So Miranda's ass is the result of her fathers biological experimentations? I would have assumed that Bioware spent the bulk of their developement time perfecting it.

On topic though, it's already been said, but Shepard is already very much characterised. I don't see why they would need to shoehorn in a gay shepard just to satisfy the fans.

I mean, between Miranda's ass, and Tali's hips, what else could one want?
Well, I figure he made her to be physically perfect, and that tush is the closest to perfect one could possibly get.

The one sticking point I have is that Shepard is already a "done" character. I mean, I get to choose her appearance, her history, how she behaves in combat, how deals with other words, other pretty much being forced into the whole "saving the world" story, I get to decide everything about her. So why not her sexuality?

I'm by no means saying that this is something that BioWare is wrong for not including. Just wish they had, is all.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
I'm guessing it's because Bioware didn't want to deal with Fox news again. I don't blame them. I sure as hell wouldn't want to deal with old Fox News


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Susan Arendt said:
RanD00M said:
Susan Arendt said:
I mean, seriously, have you seen Miranda's ass?
Yes I have.And it is a very lovely ass.But there is more to her then her ass.You know,like her daddy issues.

OT:Well I wanted to get down with Liara again.But could I? No.So I tried to flirt with every other female.And did I get anywhere? No.
All I wanted was for my Shepard to feel the sweet touch of a woman before she had to do something quite possibly life threatening.
I know, but I'm one of those women who just loves fixing the broken soul. Getting Miranda to believe she was more than just the sum of the parts her daddy created for her would've been a worthwhile endeavor, I think.
So Miranda's ass is the result of her fathers biological experimentations? I would have assumed that Bioware spent the bulk of their developement time perfecting it.

On topic though, it's already been said, but Shepard is already very much characterised. I don't see why they would need to shoehorn in a gay shepard just to satisfy the fans.

I mean, between Miranda's ass, and Tali's hips, what else could one want?
Well, I figure he made her to be physically perfect, and that tush is the closest to perfect one could possibly get.

The one sticking point I have is that Shepard is already a "done" character. I mean, I get to choose her appearance, her history, how she behaves in combat, how deals with other words, other pretty much being forced into the whole "saving the world" story, I get to decide everything about her. So why not her sexuality?

I'm by no means saying that this is something that BioWare is wrong for not including. Just wish they had, is all.
Well, I'm not saying that Shepard is a "finished" character, or even a pre-made character. After all you do get to control almost everything Shepard does, but Bioware has a story or personality that Shepard has to follow, where a gay shepard probably wouldn't very well fit.

In Bioware's other game, Dragon Age they give you a blank slate to customize right down to their sexuality, and it fit in that game.