BioWare Explains Why There's No Homosexuality in Mass Effect 2


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Jan 17, 2009
HardRockSamurai said:
I find Muzyka's answer a little bit puzzling. The Mass Effect series has always had this "build-your-own-adventure" vibe; in theory, Shepard should be the players' concept, not the game designers'.
But his design is either straight badass or straight good badass. I found it hard to imagine him being gay. The female shepard, well, lesbians are hot and they know that.


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Person: Why is there no homosexuality in ME2?
Hudson: Because Shepard's not gay.
Person: Why?
Hudson: Because I said so!!
A perfect summary of the conversation.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
The first argument assumes that homosexual relationships are somehow inherently more explicit than heterosexual ones, which is pretty offensive.

The second argument *might* fly, but I'm not buying it from a developer that tried to maintain, if only briefly, that "there is no such thing as homosexuality in star wars."


GoGo Yubari

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Apr 3, 2010
thebobmaster said:
GoGo Yubari said:
Hopeless Bastard said:
... I'd have preferred they simply keep it as "we didn't want to write and record dialog for male and female romances of both sexes because that would've cost money. Seriously thats triple the romance dialog!"

The reasons they gave are utter crap.

Hell, an actual good reason is "homosexual males scare our target demographics."
Actually the male voice actor who plays Shephard said that he DID recite lines for gay male romance for Mass Effect but they never made it to the final game. That's yet another reason why there is anger about the issue on their forums. The lines were already there and it was pulled. Wussed out censorship plain and simple. Guess they just want the kiddies to buy Mass Effect games.
That why every Mass Effect game has been rated M, and all the tie in novels mature as well? To appeal to the kids who can't legally buy the games?
They are obviously actively trying to change that rating to Teen.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
What I don't get is why having a gay option in the game is considered important by people. Sure I like having the option for the whole love interest thing I guess... But if I want that sort of thing in a game, well lets face it, what a lot of people want is a steamy sex scene.

Go watch some X-rated stuff online or hire a dvd or something? I dunno.


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Mar 26, 2009
Jesus people, it's their fucking game. Let them design it how they want. Fucking pansies...


New member
Jan 10, 2010
Homosexual relationships hurt sales.
Mass Effect is different to say, Fable II in that your character and the subject of your affection actually exchange dialog.
I reckon that Bioware was probably trying to avoid getting in trouble from people with moral objections to homosexuality, as well as avoid alienating potential customers who are uncomfortable with the idea of a homosexual relationship in their game.
It's more likely that they would lose or alienate more customers by including a gay shepard than not, seeing as there are less homosexual people and bisexual people around than heterosexual people, and homosexuals are used to(or at least I'd assume so)their under-representation in popular (Particularly gaming) culture.
Plus, they might honestly believe that Shepard's character could not be homosexual.

jpoon said:
Jesus people, it's their fucking game. Let them design it how they want. Fucking pansies...
Oh yeah... that too.^^^

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
The lack of something like homosexuality is not something that needs to be explained, if it's not in there, don't question it.
Something like a lack of dedicated servers, or LAN support, that's something that needs explaining (at least in a series that always had it before...).


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I agree with the opinion that they just didn't want a gay Shepard. There's NOTHING wrong with not giving Shepard the option of being gay; sometimes, a fictional character just isn't gay. And that's okay.

You know what I did in ME2? I had sex with Jack, after getting Tali to agree to have sex with me, after Tali told me that she could die from having sex with me as things were at the time. Yeaaaaaah.

So, if you're a male Shepard, try to kill Tali with your penis. It's the least you can do.


In my hand I hold a key...
Oct 14, 2009
Meh. I'm in gay-friendly guilds in WoW, most of the folks I game with in those guilds have played ME 2 and could care less about a "lack" of homo characters. Sure, they got all excited (not in that way -_- ) over Dragon Age, but they didn't NOT play ME 2 because of a lack of gay characters.

As for me, i had no interest in any of the games, and really couldn't care if there are gay characters in games or not. Frankly, I'm never that invested in games to care about virtual "relationships"...


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Apr 5, 2009
"We still view it as... if you're picturing a PG-13 action movie," he said. "That's how we're trying to design it. So that's why the love interest is relatively light."

Why is girl on girl PG13 but two guys is R? My Commander Shepard ended up with GARRUS. Look up turian biology on the mass effect wiki. How is that more normal then say two human men. At one point the game you are forced to chat up and flirt with an asari (yes I know asari are technically not female sorta both but they look, sound, dress, and act like women). As a female who's only attracted to males I felt uncomfortable. So you force lesbianism on us but don't allow a gay option hidden off the side(like dragon age). WTF fix it in the 3rd.


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Dec 24, 2008
Normalgamer said:
TitsMcGee1804 said:
its just a load of PC-mongers moaning because they want equality, makes my blood boil

i reckon these idiots would struggle to actually find a gay man who actually gives a rats ass

they took away the sexual preference choice of a load of 1's and 0's, OMG BURN THEM AT THE STAKE!
There are plenty. The fact your insulting us is really, really unnessecary bro.
so you are gay?

well im sorry if I offended you, but if I was gay, I would take more offense at somebody including a 'gay option' (forgive the crudeness of that term) merely to tick boxes and not for actual story/character/gameplay choices....

seriously...i think any homosexual or ethnic or any kind of percieved minority who believes that things should be included for 'the sake of equality' is just an idiot, that doesnt mean I think ALL of those minority groups are idiots, just the ones that feel anything made for public consumption 'owes' them diversity

equality? the devs thought adding a gay scene to ME2 would have been detrimental to the experience (would have been a sacrifice to the consumer)...putting one in, all for the sake of keeping a few whiners (gay or not) happy?

In my books thats preferential treatment, which is quite frankly the opposite of equality

I do understand that you are not arguing the fact that they made the Sheperd character straight, just that they took away the choice of making him gay or straight, which, meh, i guess is reason to get annoyed, I just think if that upsets you, you need to stop being so easily offended, there are much problems with discrimination in society for you to smash your PC hammer against and rightly so, i am a firm believer in equality

bad grammar and punctuation...sue me


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Hmm, BW had a particular vision for Shep. One where being a lesbian is OK and being gay is bad. While it's a shitty message to send BW are obviously trying to mirror the attitude of a large portion of society. That said they could at least be honest about cowing to public pressure.

Hey, at least they didn't let that petulant child Wong issue the response.


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Mar 6, 2010
Well, I'm not saying that Shepard is a "finished" character, or even a pre-made character. After all you do get to control almost everything Shepard does, but Bioware has a story or personality that Shepard has to follow, where a gay shepard probably wouldn't very well fit.
Why not? Do gay men, by default, prance around with flowers in their hair, openly lisping and using 'fabulous' as adjective, noun, verb, and even punctuation? Maybe I missed the internal memo that insisted all lesbians must now, from this point, wear dungarees by default and bounce around looking like Matt Lucas. The things you miss.

Tell me, exactly how would sexuality make an impact on character. This is a universe where sexual choices are apparently such a non-issue that even ****ing a Turian is pretty tame. In this sort of world, it doesn't make sense to imagine that anyone might build their identity on it in any way whatsoever, so how would Shepard's taste of partner would impact on his / her character?


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Aug 6, 2009
Worgen said:
wait a min, didnt they talk about how jack had some previous same sex contact and that red head who handles your messages definatly seems bi at the very least. So Im not so certain the headline of this article is really that accurate
It's just people finding reasons to ***** because they love bitching.

I'm Bi, and didn't care 2 shits about there being no homosexual shepard.. Why? Because the story was like an epic movie. And save for Japan, I haven't seen many action movies cater to the bromance crowd. and honestly, WHO THE FUCK CARES!? It is THEIR story telling methods! Who the hell are we to whine if there is no bromance in the game?

One of the BEST Mods for Morrowind (And Oblivion, And Fallout 3) CutThroat's companions mod, doesn't have a homosexual option, infact, you can't even do it with Khajit or argonians (He says it is because he doesnt approve of beastiality.. I think it has more to do with animating them in bed AND making whole new dialouge branches specifically written in Khajit/argonian speak)
EDIT: Forgot to mention. Do you feel like forking out a few hundred thousand dollars/ A million bucks to your voice actors? If so, donate the money and in ME3 Shepard will have a gay/lesbian option probally.

Not to mention... Only Jack and your Aid show any CLOSE to gay intentions. So who would male shepard have gay love for?

Stop whining you yaoi fangirls, and stop whining you yuri fanboys.. just deal with it!


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Aug 6, 2009
TheodoreLuke said:
Was Captain Kirk gay, cause that's who i think of when i play ME.
I drift more between Sheriden (Baylon 5. Paragon)And Dirty Harry (I would quote one of the many Sci-fi asshole goodguys I know.. but I forget their names XD)


New member
Aug 20, 2008
TheodoreLuke said:
Was Captain Kirk gay, cause that's who i think of when i play ME.
Not in the eyes of the writers pehaps, but certainly in the eyes of a whole lot of fans... Do you know why homosexual fanfiction is called "slash"? Because of the little dividing character in "Kirk/Spock" - a storytelling staple rampant LONG before the Internetzorz. :D