Bisexual's Don't Exist So... I'm Not Real? Damn....

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
Dr. McD said:
I'm pretty sure that's "omnisexual".
Nope, pan- and omnisexual are interchangeable. Pan and omni just mean 'all', only one is Latin and the other is Greek.
Sexual attraction to tables would be... necrodendrophilia[footnote]necro=dead, dendro=trees, philia=love of. Wood tables are made of cut up trees... Uh, yeah.[/footnote], I suppose. The term for things like that is 'paraphilia'.

So anyway... pansexuality just means you're attracted to people of all genders and sexes, and don't limit yourself to just two binary genders and sexes (male and female). Because there are a whole lot more, really.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
TheDoctor455 said:
SkarKrow said:
TheDoctor455 said:
I believe you exist! Have an internet hug! -huggle-!

Seriously thought I've met a few asexual people before. Perfectly understandable things. After all humans are fairly gross things and I can see why you wouldn't want to put your dick in any of them! :D
I'm not averse to sex. I'm indifferent to it.
Fair enough man.

Saulkar said:
I don't exist?!

This must be a new breakthrough in quantum reality!
We're actually a simulation run by a near future society to see what the world would be like if bisexual men really did exist, kind of like a biphobic matrix.

But would you take the red pill, or the blue pill?... > >


Nov 11, 2011
Well here I was thinking that there were no such thing as 100% straight.
I always thought sexuality was just a scale. Everyone falls somewhere in between most of the times.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
I have always identified as a pansexual.

If there are straight people and gay people, it isn't hard to believe there are people who fall inbetween those sexualitys, or are just plain more open minded about their romance life.

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Hmm. I suppose you could consider me bisexual since I'm open to a relationship with anyone I find attractive- I just almost universally don't find men attractive. I'm attracted to femininity, not gender- I have already had several highly fulfilling sexual encounters with a pre-op male-to-female transexual with no personal doubts or hang-ups afterwards.

On the other hand, I consider male-to-female transexuals (even pre-op ones) to be women (on the grounds that, if that's what they say they are, who am I to argue with them?) so that confuses the issue a bit as I've never had sex with an unambiguous "man". I don't find men attractive at all, unless they're extremely feminine. So does that make me bi or straight? I honestly don't know, although I'm inclining towards bi.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
I understand that my view isn't popular, but I can only speak from my own, personal experiences. I don't believe in bi-sexuality. Everybody I've met who identified themselves as 'bi' were basically doing it for attention, when push came to shove, they didn't go through with the... 'deed.'

It's a sad state of the modern generation that younger people see it as some kind of fashion statement. You're gay or you're straight. Again, just my view on the subject.

CAPTCHA - Stand-Up Squirrel "Why do squirrels do the backstroke? To keep our nuts dry! Thank you, I'm here all week."


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I like my girls to be one of the guys.
I like my guys to be dreamy musicians.

Both sets of genitals look weird to me, so I couldn't care less which you possess.
Cute face?
Soft skin?
Friendly disposition?
Then we're all good :)


New member
Aug 2, 2008
This is just from people who are new to the concept of different sexualities. This is why being gay or straight isn't a choice, but bisexuals apparently choose their preference.

It makes no logical sense so it's safe to presume these people aren't making any sense either.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
I've had plenty of conversations with a close bisexual friend about what level of importance gender actually has. To be a bit more specific, we've discussed back and forth if it's really important, once you've found someone you love (or want to have sex with, etc.), if they're male or female. To be honest I thought such things were important before, but I think I'm letting go of those notions more and more. I think it dawned on me that even if this friend were to change from male to female we'd still interact in the same way, I would still listen to them and nothing between us could change for something that is really only a cosmetic difference.

To make a long story short: I don't believe gender really makes a difference (in relations) and so bisexuality (or any sexuality) isn't really that big of a deal. It's a preference, such as liking vanilla, chocolate or strawberry ice cream more. :)

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
For the record, I don't like the term "pansexual". I mean, I don't doubt that pansexuals exist. But, to me, it just seems like a pretentious variation of "bisexual". I mean, if you're pansexual, you are going to be dating both men and women (and everything in between, but intersex people are an extreme minority anyway, so they're not worth counting; trans people generally look like their according or identified gender); it's just that you put less emphasis on sex and more emphasis on personality. But since that's so grey anyway, there's no real point in creating another term for it, when just saying "bisexual" should be enough.

This isn't a dig at pansexual people, by the way. I'm just saying that there's no need for a term that does basically just say, "I'm a more colourful flavour of bisexual." No offence.

Arcane Azmadi said:
Hmm. I suppose you could consider me bisexual since I'm open to a relationship with anyone I find attractive- I just almost universally don't find men attractive. I'm attracted to femininity, not gender- I have already had several highly fulfilling sexual encounters with a pre-op male-to-female transexual with no personal doubts or hang-ups afterwards.

On the other hand, I consider male-to-female transexuals (even pre-op ones) to be women (on the grounds that, if that's what they say they are, who am I to argue with them?) so that confuses the issue a bit as I've never had sex with an unambiguous "man". I don't find men attractive at all, unless they're extremely feminine. So does that make me bi or straight? I honestly don't know, although I'm inclining towards bi.
That's somewhat like me, although I have found myself, on occasion, attracted to hypermasculine men. But, in general, I couldn't care less about genitalia, or whether or not you have breasts. As long as you have prominent nipples, a nice ass, thick and smooth thighs, and are reasonably attractive, I don't care what sex you are. It's just that those characteristics tend to fall more often on women than men.

So, if we're really going to use these flimsy labels, I'd say you're mostly heterosexual. Like most people. A lot of trans women, and even some transvestites, look pretty damn feminine anyway, and anyone who tries to call you gay for being attracted to a person who looks quite clearly feminine is just a dick. Only you can and should be able to identify your own sexuality for yourself.

Although, I guess some people would call having a thing for extremely feminine men a fetish, but as I've explained above, I don't really like the way society defines fetishes, since social acceptance to certain sexual interests and practices fluctuates, like my example about homosexuality.


New member
May 7, 2009
SkarKrow said:
==What do you guys think? Am I alone? Am I really the only actual bisexual man?
No my boyfriend and I are both bisexual men. Oddly enough on the Kinsey scale we're both predominantly Heterosexual with only occasional homosexual tendencies. I guess we're a living example of "If it's you, it's okay"

Hahahahaha yeah we love each other to death and we're stupidly compatible when we're not yelling at each other for being terrible human beings. (usually when videogames are involved :p )

Honestly? People who say you have to be 'one' or 'the other' either gay or straight.... I mean... that makes no sense. That's like saying you have to like either chocolate ice cream or vanilla BUT NOT BOTH!!!! If you like both chocolate and vanilla it's just a phase!!! :p

Whatever. I exist. My boyfriend exists. There's two living counter examples to the idea that male bisexuals don't exist.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
sagacious said:
SkarKrow said:
==What do you guys think? Am I alone? Am I really the only actual bisexual man?
No my boyfriend and I are both bisexual men. Oddly enough on the Kinsey scale we're both predominantly Heterosexual with only occasional homosexual tendencies. I guess we're a living example of "If it's you, it's okay"

Hahahahaha yeah we love each other to death and we're stupidly compatible when we're not yelling at each other for being terrible human beings. (usually when videogames are involved :p )

Honestly? People who say you have to be 'one' or 'the other' either gay or straight.... I mean... that makes no sense. That's like saying you have to like either chocolate ice cream or vanilla BUT NOT BOTH!!!! If you like both chocolate and vanilla it's just a phase!!! :p

Whatever. I exist. My boyfriend exists. There's two living counter examples to the idea that male bisexuals don't exist.
Good for you :D but yeah, why can't you like both?

Surely it's feasible and understandable that sexuality is a fluid thing and not a binary outcome?

I generally prefer guys to girls but I have a girlfriend and have done for the past 4 years (nearly, like 3 weeks off or something).

People should chill about this stuff...


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
SkarKrow said:
It may not necessarily be equal attraction to both, which is a fallacy, I'm 100% attracted to any gender if they're visually appealing and have a personality that doesn't make me want to summon darklings to rend their head from their shoulders.

Edit: I am aware that sexuality varies over time and changes as we age and learn, I am also twenty something but I've had enough relationships to know that I don't give a fuck about the gender of y partner. A personality is more important and I enjoy the sex either way.
Those two sentences would convince me more that you are pansexual(which often gets confused with bisexual but are two completely different things)but otherwise people like to lie about it for attention.

Girls pretending to like other girls to attract boys
Boys pretending to like other boys to attract girls

Apparently men are attracted to women who kiss women(something about a threesome fantasy)
Apparently women are attracted to men who kiss men

**Disclaimer: I am making blanket statements with that. I realise not all men and not all women fall into these categories. I am very much one of them who doesn't**


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Do we really need to structure sexuality like that? I mean, people seem obsessed with what names thy are called and what is attributed to those. If you know that you are bi then why do you need confirmation from your observable reality?

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
aprilmarie said:
SkarKrow said:
It may not necessarily be equal attraction to both, which is a fallacy, I'm 100% attracted to any gender if they're visually appealing and have a personality that doesn't make me want to summon darklings to rend their head from their shoulders.

Edit: I am aware that sexuality varies over time and changes as we age and learn, I am also twenty something but I've had enough relationships to know that I don't give a fuck about the gender of y partner. A personality is more important and I enjoy the sex either way.
Those two sentences would convince me more that you are pansexual(which often gets confused with bisexual but are two completely different things)but otherwise people like to lie about it for attention.

Girls pretending to like other girls to attract boys
Boys pretending to like other boys to attract girls

Apparently men are attracted to women who kiss women(something about a threesome fantasy)
Apparently women are attracted to men who kiss men

**Disclaimer: I am making blanket statements with that. I realise not all men and not all women fall into these categories. I am very much one of them who doesn't**
Ehh I don't like the pansexual thing it requires explanation and makes you look like a pretentious toss-pot when you have to explain it to people when it comes up. Society would be better off without such labels frankly but I fear we've dug ourselves a nice little hole over the last few thousands of years...


New member
Dec 28, 2010
SkarKrow said:
However I also came across an unsettling and frustrating amount of articles claiming that bisexuality is not a thing and that it's "a phase" or "a lie", especially with regards to male bisexuals. Perhaps in some situations this is true, but surely in the majority of cases it isn't?
Check out the podcast Sex Nerd Sandra, available at least on iTunes and Zune Marketplace and also streamable/downloadable at It's quite informative and often funny to boot (Sandra's co-host is a comedian), but the episode "The Invisible Bisexual" is what's relevant here. The guest for that episode is Regina Reinhardt, Ph.D of The American Institute of Bisexuality. I don't remember the whole episode in full detail, but a bisexual friend of mine (also male) and I were talking about it and I remember telling him that one of the things discussed in the episode was that the Institute conducted a study specifically to prove whether or not bisexual men do, in fact, exist and in the end, they concluded that bisexual men do exist and are real.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
SkarKrow said:
I've been reading around recently about my orientation in order to see if there are any support networks, legal protections in the workplace, etc, for bisexual peoples like myself. It turns out that there are indeed such things.
However I also came across an unsettling and frustrating amount of articles claiming that bisexuality is not a thing and that it's "a phase" or "a lie", especially with regards to male bisexuals. Perhaps in some situations this is true, but surely in the majority of cases it isn't?
There are also articles on the internet saying that ground up spiders cure cancer, that the Pilgrims were Aliens (yes, I stole that from South Park), and that Twilight is a good novel series.

The Internet Lies.

Bisexuals exist. They've been an acknowledge part of the gay/straight spectrum since the 1950s, and there is evidence of bisexual individuals, both male and female, throughout history. Any article that says otherwise is so far up it's own ass that it can floss.


New member
May 29, 2011
I know plenty of people who think along the same line. To them, anything besides heterosexuality is a choice and a sin and all that jazz.

I've always found this view to be very pretentious. What business do people have judging other people's sexuality? How on earth do they know how other people experience anything in life? The only way they could possibly think this is if a) they've barely put any thought into this matter, or b) they believe that everyone experiences things exactly the same as they do.

Which means. in this case, that they are actually the one who went through a bisexual phase, so now they think that all bisexuals are like that.'s almost always the first option, though.

It usually doesn't bother me when my fellow Bible Belt compatriots talk like that, but today I'm tired and annoyed so I ranted about it. I still love my state and everyone in it, but boy, do they hold some strange opinions sometimes.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Bara_no_Hime said:
SkarKrow said:
I've been reading around recently about my orientation in order to see if there are any support networks, legal protections in the workplace, etc, for bisexual peoples like myself. It turns out that there are indeed such things.
However I also came across an unsettling and frustrating amount of articles claiming that bisexuality is not a thing and that it's "a phase" or "a lie", especially with regards to male bisexuals. Perhaps in some situations this is true, but surely in the majority of cases it isn't?
There are also articles on the internet saying that ground up spiders cure cancer, that the Pilgrims were Aliens (yes, I stole that from South Park), and that Twilight is a good novel series.

The Internet Lies.

Bisexuals exist. They've been an acknowledge part of the gay/straight spectrum since the 1950s, and there is evidence of bisexual individuals, both male and female, throughout history. Any article that says otherwise is so far up it's own ass that it can floss.
I know, what had disturbed me was that the articles cited various research papers from universities as sources, I've explained this elsewhere in this thread I think but I can't be sure.

Basically, yeah I know it's bullshit, but sometimes you just have to get angry at the stupidity of people on the internet. So long as it isn't youtube, then you should just expect the stupid!