Bindal said:
In other words, you want every to just cater to you specifically and if you're not interested in something, people shouldn't even make it.
Can you be anymore egoistic and self-centered than that?
Yes, I could, but I've no interest in talking to you as of your last post toward me, so kindly bother some one who cares and actually values what you have to say.
Charcharo said:
Make no mistake mate. I know some people dont like the "Master Race" joke. The thing is... I also dont care
. I like it. That is MORE then enough for me.
I tend to liken the people that use it unironically to the same irrational fanboys that should be shunned and mocked for how utterly blind they are.
So yeah, don't be that guy, I like trolling that guy.
Actually changing the levels, AI and balance is a VERY big deal. It is not a straight remake then. it is something more.
Well tell me of a game that is deserving of its hype and status. Sure as hell aint Skyrim
Now to answer your question:
No. Here is a list of mods you need check:
Lost Alpha, Priboi Story, Valley of Shorohov.
Research and Development, Minerva Metastasis, Lambda Wars
Eastern Front.
Check these mate. That will somewhat answer your question better then I could.
So it's a better remake then most. Still a remake. Using the example given of Zero Mission, they changed a LOT of shit in the level layout and AI, item locations and even added a BUNCH of shit to it in the form of bosses and locations.
It's STILL a remake -.- Just cause they got under the hood to do more then update textures does not change this.
Of course Skyrim doesn't deserve the praise it gets, and mind you' I like Skyrim, but ...
It's a frame work, a sand box. The story is crap when it dares to show it self, combat is just as bad, and ya know Bethesda's legendary bug testing, not to mention the character models *shudders*.
Only reason TES is still around is because of the modders coming in and finishing the game by bug fixing, making the game look better, and adding worth while content to it. If it wasn't moddable it would have died off a LONG time ago with not a single fuck to be given.
As to what game deserves to be treated like gods gift to gaming with way HL is? No such game exists, not even HL deserves it, it probably deserves it less since it's 'innovations' are likely what lead to the current state of the FPS.
*Looks up the mods and sighs*
really ... that's your play? throwing mods for more games I've no interest in at me?