JDKJ said:
rsvp42 said:
JDKJ said:
It's kinda ironic that you would use pragmatism to sell your position. It was also pragmatism that was used to sell, from among the competing proposed solutions, the Final Solution. It's tangential at best, yes, but nevertheless noteworthy.
I am honestly amazed you went there. Clearly this rather short exchange of ours just went from "let's discuss the issue" to "let's see how I can make the other guy seem like a Nazi." I'm not interested in playing that game. Enjoy the rest of your day.
If you want to take it in that sense -- a sense in which it wasn't all intended -- then, fine and dandy. Suit yourself. But if you also expect me to give you an E-Z Pass on your "greatest good for the greatest number" argument and blithely ignore that "greatest good for the greatest number" frequently results in the greatest bad for the smallest number (see, e.g., the Final Solution), then that's not your choice to make. That choice is mine to make. And I choose not to give you any E-Z Pass on the matter.
You realize I'm talking about emblems on Black Ops, right? What is the "greatest bad" you're warning about? Some yahoos can't use a swastika on a game? I am tearing up as I write this, such is my sadness.
I'm actually offended that you would bring up the Holocaust as some sort of perverted example of pragmatism and then suggest that my view is in any way related. This connection you're making is a fallacy, a red herring that distracts from what we were talking about. The fact that I even have to devote this paragraph to dealing with it is ridiculous. The fact that you haven't backed down from that line of thought is what's convinced me that our former discussion has ended. If you'd like me to spar with you in this half-assed tangent, I'd be happy to oblige when I have some more free time later and I could use a laugh.