Blizzard Dev Offers Apology for Response to Sexualization Question


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
y'ever notice how women never show up to these conversations to say the same arguments that guys are presenting about them? cause statistically, if these things were true, and women were human and were all like "nah I really do like being marginalized as an object of sexual lust" and thought they were being misrepresented by activists, you'd think you would hear about that more often

conversely, have you noticed that whenever a woman DOES show up and says anything to the contrary, a bunch of guys shout her down, call her names, question her mental ability, and explain to her in a low to high range of patronizing tones about how she's wrong about her own feelings cause apparently she's too dumb to know better, the poor dear? god forbid she perpetuates lies! that would be horrible. soon we'd have entire groups roaming around the internet, spreading around hate and misinformation in order to take complete control of the conversation to hush up dissent, and soon nobody would be able to do anything about it without being labeled horrible things and ignored entirely

thank god that hasn't happened yet


New member
Jul 24, 2011
All things considered, I'm not terribly surprised the topic came up.
One can be cynical all one wants over the motives, but the way I see it, there's a problem with female representation in videogames as a whole. If one is not working to remedy the problem, then that one is going to become part of the problem.

Making some smexy supermodel with clothes that leave little to the imagination? Congradulations, you're contributing to the problem of the oversaturation of sexualized women.

Not going to make a female playable character? People are gunna give you heat over it coz you're not helping make women look any better in the world of videogames.

Sometimes criticism exists for a reason. Especially when it comes to women's rep in games these days. If you wanna ignore it, do so at your own peril. If you feed the criticisms, be prepared to get called on it.

'm not saying this is right or wrong. Not saying anyone's obligated to do anything here, 'm just saying it how I see it.

edit: Yay, lucky 777. >.>


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Psychobabble said:
Yep, that's not a question, that's an indictment. Fuck RPS and the horse they rode in on. This is exactly the wrong way to go about getting the idea of gender equality taken seriously. Such a social change requires a dialogue from both sides where mutual understanding can be reached. You will get nothing from this aggressive "have you stopped beating your wife" malarkey.
But don't you see? That solves nothing! Clearly, when asked that question, if you respond with, "But I don't beat my wife", you are simply lying to yourself and actively ignoring the real issues! You're just pleading ignorance so you can perpetuate social injustices!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I shit you not, I had someone say something similar to me recently. On this very topic, in fact. Or, well, on the topic of sexism; within and without gaming. All because I claimed that, while I know, and have known for some time, that there are serious gender[footnote]And not just female.[/footnote] issues that need addressed today, I do NOT approve of Sarkeesian's overly polarizing attitude nor her methodology of "research".

Because clearly, as I am a 30-year old white male, the only way I could possibly support gender equality is if I were to become a self-hating, submissive, and apologetic 30-year old white male who thought that every man on earth is, at best, a misogynist in waiting.

Well nothing except mistrust, paranoia, anger, and further disconnect from actually getting people to listen to you.
Psh. You know as well as I do that anyone who doesn't avidly support "journalism" like that of the RPS article above is clearly just a misogynistic pig who hates women.

Sad thing is: I foresee this whole issue only getting worse with nary a solution in sight. Not because the industry isn't trying but because of the polarizing sensationalism that's built up around the issue.

Articles like this really are doing a disservice to the movement towards gender equality. And, that alone, really pisses me off.

You know it would serve these sensationalist twonks right if these companies decided to avoid this issue by just not including female characters at all.
A novel idea. I like it! In fact, let's yank male characters from games as well. Let's insist all devs craft player avatars and NPCs that look like this from now on -

Boom. Problem solved for all.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Uhura said:
I find it bizarre that there's always someone who brings up burkhas in these discussions. As if there aren't any other options between chainmail bikinis and burkhas. Or when people argue that "dressing sexy" is the standard that pretty much every western woman follows nowadays. I mean, I get that not a lot of people are interested in fashion or clothes but isn't it kinda obvious that there is variation in modern fashion and style and that the goal isn't always to look as sexy as possible?

I don't think it's surprising that people (men and women) would want to see some of that diversity also in video games.
My thoughts exactly. In fact, I'd like to see a similar tack taken into account when doing male character designs as well.

I get that most game character designs are based around flights of fantasy. Built around unrealism and whimsy, to some degree or another. However, that shouldn't limit the design guidelines used for female and male character designs.

If anything, perhaps these fictional character designs should take notes from real "character" designs.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Epic_Bubble said:
Ugh not this debate again the poor guy, its the individual design that got the green light by the producer and people go "zomgz bewbs hotness why you no sexualisation equalisez blahah blah"

It seems like nowadays every single time there a good looking women as a heroine that people get overly aggressive and offended.

Bottom line if you don't like the design don't play the game
I hate this line of argument, "if you don't like the character design don't play the game" ... what about if I love the whole game and the only thing that annoys me is this one character design? Well, I am going to play the game 'cos I love it but that 1 thing taints my experience.

It's not about a good looking woman as a heroine, it's the fact that females "armor" designs are 90% of the time thin fabric/metal that covers the nipples and crotch and/or they are the proportions of a barbie doll, such as Dragons Crown.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
I do love the ultimate futility of these arguments. Because it comes down to this.

Games may be art or cheap (or expensive) entertainment but in the end they are fantasy. And so people will inevitably head towards the fantasy they most enjoy. For the majority of gamers being pubescent teen boys or men engaging in what they clearly understand is fantasy and so what will they want in women? Unrealistically sexualized females. Why? Because society trains them to be misogynistic bastards? No.. Because it's fantasy. In my fantasies I don't want to have to put up with plain women and endeavor to have fulfilling relationships with them in which i find out about their inner character. I have real life for that. I want fantasy, in which relationships are disposable and fun I don't have to overly work for them; simply because I don't have time for more, I have a life.

So that's why. If you don't like it, create your own games, sell them to like minded people and enjoy yourself. Stop thinking that fantastic characters are some how the (mis)representation of real people (hint: they aren't real) and stop trying to change something that if you were actually a fan of more then arguing for the sake of it, you would realize that it's not worth the time to argue about because distributors will sell to those willing to buy and a game should be more then character design, if character design is all you had to ***** about was the game really that bad? As a gamer, i care more about the game then how realistic the characters are represented. It's not that critical.

And as for those that think the way fantastic characters are treated is the way to treat real people have bigger problems then just sexism, and they certainly aren't the norm.

Oh and implying that we can't tell the difference between real and fantasy makes you an ass.

(edit: for clarity sake, my gf is not plain, she is hot. I lucked out. High five me.)


New member
Jan 17, 2010
Louzerman102 said:
Colt47 said:
Wow... RPS just smashed head long into the fail button with that one. Also, RPS wants to discuss gender politics in reference to titles that are primarily geared towards a male demographic? It's like a guy complaining about the color of the deodorant bars in the womens section of Target or vice versa.
It gets better. Have you read the response article where Greyson whines about the entire event while crying?
Quick! Someone hold him down! I need to taste his tears of infinite sadness while they're still dewy and fresh!


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Paradoxrifts said:
Louzerman102 said:
Colt47 said:
Wow... RPS just smashed head long into the fail button with that one. Also, RPS wants to discuss gender politics in reference to titles that are primarily geared towards a male demographic? It's like a guy complaining about the color of the deodorant bars in the womens section of Target or vice versa.
It gets better. Have you read the response article where Greyson whines about the entire event while crying?
Quick! Someone hold him down! I need to taste his tears of infinite sadness while they're still dewy and fresh!
stop that, you're being far too silly.

Also I already used them as a beverage for my big wah and french cries "unhappy meal"

It bothers me that the vocal minority is either whiny self entitled asses like Greyson or nihilistic neckbeards who make hi sound like he's right in their desire for cheap U MAD BRO! lols.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
omega 616 said:
I hate this line of argument, "if you don't like the character design don't play the game" ... what about if I love the whole game and the only thing that annoys me is this one character design? Well, I am going to play the game 'cos I love it but that 1 thing taints my experience.
Then deal with it. People found Navi annoying in Ocarina of Time, didn't stop it from being a loved game. When Banjo-Tooie came out, people were disappointed that all the things that were hyped from the secrets of the first game didn't come to fruition, didn't stop it from being a great game.

The main problem with what you just said is this part, "Well, I am going to play the game 'cos I love it", because if you're going to say that you love it, even in spite of this thing you don't like (And one of the most superficial elements to a game, what the clothes you're wearing look like) then obviously this isn't an important enough issue for you or else you'd refuse to buy it. It's like eating an entire cake all while saying how bad it is for you and how you'll gain a ton of weight for it all while continuing to stuff your face.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
Deadcyde said:
Paradoxrifts said:
Louzerman102 said:
Colt47 said:
Wow... RPS just smashed head long into the fail button with that one. Also, RPS wants to discuss gender politics in reference to titles that are primarily geared towards a male demographic? It's like a guy complaining about the color of the deodorant bars in the womens section of Target or vice versa.
It gets better. Have you read the response article where Greyson whines about the entire event while crying?
Quick! Someone hold him down! I need to taste his tears of infinite sadness while they're still dewy and fresh!
stop that, you're being far too silly.

Also I already used them as a beverage for my big wah and french cries "unhappy meal"

It bothers me that the vocal minority is either whiny self entitled asses like Greyson or nihilistic neckbeards who make them sound like they are right in their desire for cheap U MAD BRO! lols.
The only way I know how to respond to cheap, blatant emotional manipulation is to proverbially come out out of the corner swinging both fists hard as I can. Do you know who else responds with tears when the grown-ups tell them that they cannot get their own way? Children do. Mr. Grayson is sharing with us that he is acting like a child, and it is behaviour that is unbecoming of any grown adult.

I really can't wait till every game installs an adjustable clothing sliders. That way the prudes and killjoys can go off and play iAmish, raising virtual barns and churning milk into butter, while the rest of us get dress our virtual avatars up pimp as fuck while we're busy escaping the from the mundane realities of everyday life.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
weirdguy said:
y'ever notice how women never show up to these conversations to say the same arguments that guys are presenting about them? cause statistically, if these things were true, and women were human and were all like "nah I really do like being marginalized as an object of sexual lust" and thought they were being misrepresented by activists, you'd think you would hear about that more often

conversely, have you noticed that whenever a woman DOES show up and says anything to the contrary, a bunch of guys shout her down, call her names, question her mental ability, and explain to her in a low to high range of patronizing tones about how she's wrong about her own feelings cause apparently she's too dumb to know better, the poor dear? god forbid she perpetuates lies! that would be horrible. soon we'd have entire groups roaming around the internet, spreading around hate and misinformation in order to take complete control of the conversation to hush up dissent, and soon nobody would be able to do anything about it without being labeled horrible things and ignored entirely

thank god that hasn't happened yet

Actually we do show up. All the time.

You want to know what happens half the time when I input my opinion about something that relates to my sex?

I'm either told that that's just my objective opinion and it doesn't have any weight to how most women act, I'm slammed with "fact checking" women like "social games" and other inane studies about what women like to do, or I'm told that I'm just being a feminazi with my panties in a twist and maybe I need to sit down somewhere and stop ruining videogames.

I've spent enough pages arguing back and forth in these arguments to realize that these arguments are completely surface deep.

Women aren't allowed to claim that not all of us like Princesses all that much without being called a subjective opinion. But the dudes here are allowed to make sweeping claims like women only like simulation games because my girlfriend/wife (ie, probably the 4 women most of them have ever really gotten to know in their entire lives) likes to play them all the time.

They don't ACTUALLY want to know what women's opinion are in this matter. They just want to talk about what they think they know what women want in this conversation. Half the time any women inputting anything will just get brushed under the bus or told to chill out.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
Dragonbums said:
Actually we do show up. All the time.

You want to know what happens half the time when I input my opinion about something that relates to my sex?

I'm either told that that's just my objective opinion and it doesn't have any weight to how most women act, I'm slammed with "fact checking" women like "social games" and other inane studies about what women like to do, or I'm told that I'm just being a feminazi with my panties in a twist and maybe I need to sit down somewhere and stop ruining videogames.

I've spent enough pages arguing back and forth in these arguments to realize that these arguments are completely surface deep.

Women aren't allowed to claim that not all of us like Princesses all that much without being called a subjective opinion. But the dudes here are allowed to make sweeping claims like women only like simulation games because my girlfriend/wife (ie, probably the 4 women most of them have ever really gotten to know in their entire lives) likes to play them all the time.

They don't ACTUALLY want to know what women's opinion are in this matter. They just want to talk about what they think they know what women want in this conversation. Half the time any women inputting anything will just get brushed under the bus or told to chill out.
Then, may I ask you what your opinion is?

Gosh, I sound like a fucking white knight, but it would be interesting to know.


New member
Nov 5, 2012
Epic_Bubble said:
Ugh not this debate again the poor guy, its the individual design that got the green light by the producer and people go "zomgz bewbs hotness why you no sexualisation equalisez blahah blah"

It seems like nowadays every single time there a good looking women as a heroine that people get overly aggressive and offended.

Bottom line if you don't like the design don't play the game

kurupt87 said:
I am 100% with the dev. The entire gaming industry has taken this whole sexualisation issue to absurd lengths. Frankly, it's embarrassing.
100% this.
Yeah because it's not like the medium has matured at all, I mean why discuss irrelevant gender politics in the magical land of turtle stomping plumbers?

Edit: although yeah that was a bullshit loaded question and the guy responded like a champ refusing to get sucked into an argument, Blizzard has always been about exaggerated proportions and crazy armor, that's their design aesthetic. And those character models are too cartoony and kinda tasteful to really inspire controversy, maybe it was a slow day over the the RPS offices?

Oh yeah one more thing, the gaming JOURNALISTS have taken things to this point because some development teams just won't stop (I'm looking at you Team Ninja!) but goddamnit gaming is growing up and we have to air the dirty laundry and talk out the issues or risk being exposed as the basement dwelling, perverted, misanthropic superhuman badasses that we all know ourselves to be in our heart of hearts.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Clive_Paddington said:
Dragonbums said:
Actually we do show up. All the time.

You want to know what happens half the time when I input my opinion about something that relates to my sex?

I'm either told that that's just my objective opinion and it doesn't have any weight to how most women act, I'm slammed with "fact checking" women like "social games" and other inane studies about what women like to do, or I'm told that I'm just being a feminazi with my panties in a twist and maybe I need to sit down somewhere and stop ruining videogames.

I've spent enough pages arguing back and forth in these arguments to realize that these arguments are completely surface deep.

Women aren't allowed to claim that not all of us like Princesses all that much without being called a subjective opinion. But the dudes here are allowed to make sweeping claims like women only like simulation games because my girlfriend/wife (ie, probably the 4 women most of them have ever really gotten to know in their entire lives) likes to play them all the time.

They don't ACTUALLY want to know what women's opinion are in this matter. They just want to talk about what they think they know what women want in this conversation. Half the time any women inputting anything will just get brushed under the bus or told to chill out.
Then, may I ask you what your opinion is?

Gosh, I sound like a fucking white knight, but it would be interesting to know.

From an artistic standpoint (being an illustrator myself) it's pure laziness in terms of design.

It went from being something edgy and radical like when it was first introduced decades ago, to being nothing more than a cop out in terms of designing women that are not only unique in abilities, but appearance.

Whether developers want to admit it or not, videogames are as much a visual medium as they are an interactive one. As such, what a character wears and how it's presented will mean A LOT for first impressions.

A user a couple posts above asked what issue did people have with Miranda in relation to the fact that even though her outfit was skimpy as fuck, her personality was sound. Therefore it should be fine.

But that is exactly the problem. It's a crying shame.

If you were to show Miranda from Mass Effect to some random street civilian, the last thing on their mind is going to be how interesting or awesome Miranda's character is. They are going to notice first and foremost her skin tight suit which brings out everything in all the right places. In fact, they are probably just going to see her on the surface as nothing more but one of those sexy catty women.
Her outfit, does not reflect her personality in the slightest (and for someone as high ranking as her in the Cerberus chain, makes her woefully under prepared for any attacks on her person. The only thing she's got going for her is her biotics)
An even better example would be Ashley from Mass Effect.

Ashley is an Alliance soldier through and through. Follows orders, has quick judgement, sticks by regulations - by all accounts her design in Mass Effect 1 reflected her perfectly.

The reason why her redesign was met with so much backlash in ME3? Her design went against everything she is as a character.

Long wavy hair- Not only against Alliance regulations, but also will get you killed in a fire fight pretty fast. Something Ashley would never and did not do in Mass Effect 1

Heavy makeup- not saying women aren't allowed to wear makeup, but let's be serious here. When you are a soldier (and a spectre at that), you don't have the time nor energy to apply 5 layers of powder with full lipstick to boot.

High heeled boots- Why? Just why?

This was in stark contrast to Kaidan (providing he live) who would do the exact same thing Ashley did, yet they designed him in the third game to fit in with what they both went through.
He looks more rugged.
He's more tired, and perhaps a bit despondant. You can SEE that in his design. You don't see that in Ashley's redesign in ME3.

Nothing about Ashley's design in ME3 made any damn sense to either her personality, her current occupation, and the situation around her. It was there to make her look sexy first, everything else second.

And that's the mentality of most of the game industry when it comes to women's design.

Bayonetta did it right. Why?

Because her character is centered around her sexiness. Bayonetta is fully aware that she's hot. She's in control about how hot she wants to be, and she'll make sure everyone else around her knows it. It doesn't come off as blatant sex appeal because they designed her around practically making fun of the practice in the first place.

Now people would rebutt that and claim we want all women to look like Amish. Which is stupid.

I want you to go outside and look at how most women dress on a day to day basis. It sure as hell ain't catsuits and bikini armor 24/7.

When artists design male characters, often times their environment, personality, and current situation are reflected in their design.
However when it comes to most female characters it is simply how to make her look attractive (with only hints at relation to the environment) first and character development second. So yeah, that female character may have the best personality in videogames, but that greatly diminished if she's displayed in a sexy fashion where her breast line takes up half the composition.

It's very possible to make sexy yet reasonable designs for women. Any artist that tells you otherwise are either lying, or need to go back to design school.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Deadcyde said:
Clive_Paddington said:
Dragonbums said:
Actually we do show up. All the time.

You want to know what happens half the time when I input my opinion about something that relates to my sex?

I'm either told that that's just my objective opinion and it doesn't have any weight to how most women act, I'm slammed with "fact checking" women like "social games" and other inane studies about what women like to do, or I'm told that I'm just being a feminazi with my panties in a twist and maybe I need to sit down somewhere and stop ruining videogames.

I've spent enough pages arguing back and forth in these arguments to realize that these arguments are completely surface deep.

Women aren't allowed to claim that not all of us like Princesses all that much without being called a subjective opinion. But the dudes here are allowed to make sweeping claims like women only like simulation games because my girlfriend/wife (ie, probably the 4 women most of them have ever really gotten to know in their entire lives) likes to play them all the time.

They don't ACTUALLY want to know what women's opinion are in this matter. They just want to talk about what they think they know what women want in this conversation. Half the time any women inputting anything will just get brushed under the bus or told to chill out.
Then, may I ask you what your opinion is?

Gosh, I sound like a fucking white knight, but it would be interesting to know.
My Gf read this article and mentioned she doesn't mind unrealistically sexy female characters. She likes the idea of pretending to be someone unrealistically sexy and kick ass for a while. (because for some reason she doesn't believe me when i tell her she's sexy all the time) Probably like I don't mind being a burly neckless meathead with a chainsaw on his gun and a misspelled last name for a while.

Because it's.... you guessed it.. fantasy!

So stop fucking with my escapism you self entitled twats.

Your Escapsim, is not someone else's pal.

I for one would like to escape from the pressures of society with having to look pretty and keep up with my appearance all the time.
But I guess, only certain people are allowed a slice of the "Escapism" pie.


New member
Nov 5, 2012
Shraggler said:
Chaosritter said:
Ever heard of slutwalks? Women are actually protesting for being able to dress up in skimpy clothing without being considered sex objects or fair game.
Which is just one the most pretentious, smug, stuck-up, asinine bullshit concepts I've ever heard or witnessed.

"Don't consider this fair game!" the hypothetical woman says while wearing a third of a T-shirt and "booty" shorts.

Why would any male perceive any differently? "Op! Can't go for her, she might not want me to, despite her suggestive apparel and public appearance in a social setting. Can't even approach her or I might get Mace'd!"

It's so insultingly stupid that it seems intentionally assholic. As if men are supposed to be clairvoyant mind-readers.

Chaosritter said:
Exhibit A:

Miranda from Mass Effect.

Notice the skin tight latex suit and the boob window. Doubles as potential love interest for the player.

She's also a Cerberus officer, skilled fighter and powerful biotic. And guess what, she has a personality as well.
This is all true, but apparently it doesn't matter because boobs.

She also has her own personal demons and neuroses, and she also quests to save the proverbial "helpless princess" - her sister. And, should you take on that mission, she displays quite a bit of emotion and rage toward those who would stop her. She kills pretty much everyone opposing her in an effort to save her sister. How is that not compelling? How is that not empowering?

Also, and this isn't directed at you Chaos, what do people find offensive & wrong with her suit?

Look at everyone in Mass Effect, including the dude behind her. More often than not, a character (human or alien) will be wearing something skin-tight in that game. Male, female, Asari, most characters are wearing some form-fitting outfit.

In Miranda's case, she's a special agent of sorts, clearly accustomed, assigned and expected to physically strenuous missions. Loose clothing does not that easy make and a pragmatic choice it is not. Taking into account this is a science fiction universe set in the future, who's to say that black latex-looking outfit isn't something akin to wetsuits used in SCUBA diving, or hell, the tight-fitting garments used in yoga and aerobic classes?

The idea appears to be the same: warmth/protection against the elements, flexibility and societal functionality. Latex is incredibly restrictive, both for physical movement and airflow. In a latex bodysuit your range of motion is relatively low and you're sweating just standing there, never mind running, diving and engaging in combat all over the place, as Miranda does. Therefore, her outfit is not likely latex. I'm assuming that you didn't mean to imply that what Miranda is wearing is actually latex Chaos, I'm just generally making a rational point toward those who scream "OMG SEXIST!!!" upon viewing the screenshot you provided.

OT: Sexism implies some sort of negative bias or (illogical) discrimination based on one's sex.

We're a sexual species. Sorry. There needs to be two to tango and there is a clear, natural and inherent drive to do so. Women are beings of desire. They have been since probably before writing was even a thought. It's painted throughout history and even the animal kingdom, of which we are a part.

It's been that way for thousands, if not millions, of years. It's not going to change until we no longer need to fuck each other to propagate the species.

This is such a first-world non-issue. Someone creates attractive/sexy female characters in games and some people are out for blood. I mean fuck... PRIORITIES.
Ah, too long, too lazy to erase all the extra. I'll just say what I came to say and leave.

1. We have evolved past the concept of reproduction as a biological imperative (we have that consent thing now)

2. Sometimes girls like to dress attractively FOR THEMSELVES. It's called positive self image.

Oh and one more thing, if you're worried about getting maced from merely approaching a girl. Something is wrong with your approach (maybe don't look so rapey?)

And those slutwalks were great places to pick up women, so I'll hear nothing said against them.


New member
May 23, 2012
Karnesdorff said:
Vedrenne said:
Ignoring all other game companies, focusing entirely on Blizzard, name three high-profile characters of theirs who dress like pole dancers. I will grant Sylvannas as half-a-point, out of the goodness of my heart.
Um, most female WoW player characters once they pick up some gear? Gear that is all enclosing on males and yet somehow little more than a midriff exposing chainmail bikini on a female? And before you say they're not high profile, who do you see more often? A random NPC or the thousands of chars running about?

Riiiiight. I forgot that most people don't actually play wow and just makes assumptions.

Such sets of armor are actually so rare and rarely sought after that assuming them to be the common-place norm is just silly. Not only that, with the transmog system in place players don't even have to use the same armor piece for appearance and can still get stats.

What you're assuming is that having the option for a flimsily dressed female character makes it sexist. What you fail to understand is that a player character can be customized to the player's liking, and thus such options are a choice that the player can freely make.

I'd like to, as always, point out that male characters in WoW are not excluded from this rule. Some armor does show off parts of the male player's torso and legs. Just like for female characters, these are rarely sought after and rare in general.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Specter Von Baren said:
Well, no, it's nothing like that.

What don't gamers like? Day one patches but they still buy games and consoles with them. DLC, they still buy DLC. Micro-transactions, still buy hats and skins. Always online, still bought sim-city and diablo 3.

If we avoided everything we hate the only games we could play, would be indies!

Anyway, I love Mass effect 2 and I love Jack but when you first meet her, she is wearing belts over her tits ... WHY? There is fuck all reason for that but she is a woman so she has to be sexualized. Just how many shots of Miranda are of just her ass? Samara has a the deepest V cut top in the whole universe, to show off them blue titties.

There are exceptions to this of course but women in video games are very consistently made fan service of.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Dragonbums said:
Deadcyde said:
Clive_Paddington said:
Dragonbums said:
Actually we do show up. All the time.

You want to know what happens half the time when I input my opinion about something that relates to my sex?

I'm either told that that's just my objective opinion and it doesn't have any weight to how most women act, I'm slammed with "fact checking" women like "social games" and other inane studies about what women like to do, or I'm told that I'm just being a feminazi with my panties in a twist and maybe I need to sit down somewhere and stop ruining videogames.

I've spent enough pages arguing back and forth in these arguments to realize that these arguments are completely surface deep.

Women aren't allowed to claim that not all of us like Princesses all that much without being called a subjective opinion. But the dudes here are allowed to make sweeping claims like women only like simulation games because my girlfriend/wife (ie, probably the 4 women most of them have ever really gotten to know in their entire lives) likes to play them all the time.

They don't ACTUALLY want to know what women's opinion are in this matter. They just want to talk about what they think they know what women want in this conversation. Half the time any women inputting anything will just get brushed under the bus or told to chill out.
Then, may I ask you what your opinion is?

Gosh, I sound like a fucking white knight, but it would be interesting to know.
My Gf read this article and mentioned she doesn't mind unrealistically sexy female characters. She likes the idea of pretending to be someone unrealistically sexy and kick ass for a while. (because for some reason she doesn't believe me when i tell her she's sexy all the time) Probably like I don't mind being a burly neckless meathead with a chainsaw on his gun and a misspelled last name for a while.

Because it's.... you guessed it.. fantasy!

So stop fucking with my escapism you self entitled twats.

Your Escapsim, is not someone else's pal.

I for one would like to escape from the pressures of society with having to look pretty and keep up with my appearance all the time.
But I guess, only certain people are allowed a slice of the "Escapism" pie.
So you want a game where you wear sweatpants and search the couch for cheetos? I'm hearing your pissed off but no idea what it is you actually want other then to crap all over other peoples fun.