BNP Protests


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Bunch of worthless arseholes relying on a lack of effective leadership and a series of scapegoats to direct everyones discontent at. The only people I loathe more are the significant numbers of the general public who fall for this- its hardly a new trick, and it never ends well.
I'm supposed to be a lefty, but when I look at the media, talk to people, and hear about the success of parties like the BNP I just feel the need to go out with a shotgun and start blowing lungs out through peoples backs - you know, throw a little turmoil into the mix, nothing makes a sensitive well rounded human being like a little arbitrary pointless suffering.
Between religion, right wing parties, greedy useless middlemen wankers that label themselves capitalists but actually aren't and the mouth breathing pig ignorant fucktards we call the general public that tolerate and even assist the antics of the above, I find it hard to see much of value in humanity. I mean, there is stuff, but it seems for every grain of true quality or beauty you find, theres a sea of crappy selfish useless people just waiting to dilute and sanitise it, to make it like them.
Can't we have an island somewhere where those of that have brains can go and live? That way the rest of the world can carry on hating people because they were born on a different landmass to them and some twat they never met told them to to their hearts content.

Manic Overkill

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Apr 16, 2009
Okay, I've seen the link. I'm appalled that there even a party let alone a party that has even twooo seats. I hope they get crushed because there policies would lead to the alienation of Britian from the outside world, I'm an asian so I'm not impressed at all.


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Dec 3, 2008
razer17 said:
IsoNeko said:
Y'know. I'm all for anti-immigration. But then theres just pure racism. I mean, I don't want to be supporting hitler, but I don't want to be supporting immigration either. Why isn't there a midway agreement?
immigration helps the country, and to be honest the polish do more work than some Brits i know who sit on their ass and claim benefits, and child benefit on about a hundred kids. also more people leave the UK every year than enter.

I hate the BNP, i seriously hope Nick Griffin gets everything he deserves for spouting his racist propaganda. i think he should be kicked out of the country or
killed. can't spread hatred when your beyond the grave now, can you. anyone who discriminates against people for stupid reasons (like racism) doesn't deserve air
The only problem is if he's killed then he might become a martyr for the and may cause vendetta like campaigns to form afterwards.

I do agree with absolutely everything you've posted by killing will undermine the opposition against him and have negative ripple effects. Luckily the BNP during the protest are on camera shoving a fair few people out of the way, and fairly violently, so they can't put too much of a positive spin on things


New member
May 14, 2008
IsoNeko said:
Y'know. I'm all for anti-immigration. But then theres just pure racism. I mean, I don't want to be supporting hitler, but I don't want to be supporting immigration either. Why isn't there a midway agreement?
Plus i think it is really ironic of those who threw the eggs were displaying the sort of intolerance and ignorance of another's views that they are supposedly campaigning against. If you don't like the BNP, (I, for one, am not a fan) then just ignore them and vote for another party


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Jun 8, 2009
hxcfreak said:
So...i believe in freedom of speech which means the BNP can say all the racist things they want and the people throwing eggs are wrong. Don't take this wrong i'm not saying the BNP can kill people and things of that nature they can just run their mouths without protest.
yes because if we dident let the bnp hav their say their party would be driven underground like some represt minority fighting against the state and i hav 1 word to say to that IRA


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Jul 26, 2008
y8c616 said:
IsoNeko said:
Y'know. I'm all for anti-immigration. But then theres just pure racism. I mean, I don't want to be supporting hitler, but I don't want to be supporting immigration either. Why isn't there a midway agreement?
Plus i think it is really ironic of those who threw the eggs were displaying the sort of intolerance and ignorance of another's views that they are supposedly campaigning against. If you don't like the BNP, (I, for one, am not a fan) then just ignore them and vote for another party
I hate it when people say stuff like this. Where the hell as that ever worked! The BNP are obviously morons who no one will actually vote for but they are still going to continue to spread all their hateful crap to anybody, including children through their newly founded BNP Youth (like the scouts for racists).

Ignoring them is simply not enough to silence them, I'm sorry to say this but some people just don't have the right to free speech.


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Feb 3, 2009
messy said:
razer17 said:
immigration helps the country, and to be honest the polish do more work than some Brits i know who sit on their ass and claim benefits, and child benefit on about a hundred kids. also more people leave the UK every year than enter.

I hate the BNP, i seriously hope Nick Griffin gets everything he deserves for spouting his racist propaganda. i think he should be kicked out of the country or
killed. can't spread hatred when your beyond the grave now, can you. anyone who discriminates against people for stupid reasons (like racism) doesn't deserve air
The only problem is if he's killed then he might become a martyr for the and may cause vendetta like campaigns to form afterwards.

I do agree with absolutely everything you've posted by killing will undermine the opposition against him and have negative ripple effects. Luckily the BNP during the protest are on camera shoving a fair few people out of the way, and fairly violently, so they can't put too much of a positive spin on things
ok kill might be a bit hard, maybe incapacitated in some other way. and they can't use the violence thing as a reason for people to vote, i mean, just look at the Bradford race riots. (yes both sides where involved but BNP members stirred it up) and the BBC secret agent show, where they infiltrated the BNP. the things the members where saying was shocking and disgusting.
one guy dreamed, flipping dreamed, of going to the top of a road in bradford with a gun and rocket launcher to kill "paki's" as he called them.
edit - theres a link to that documentary a few posts above.


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Sep 3, 2008
Yoshi_egg80 said:
The Jono said:
Oh so this is a British republican party but without guns? *flame shield activate!*
With guns, actually. It's not in their most recent general manifesto, but they used to have a statement calling for a Swiss-style system where every adult (it might have been every adult male, can't really remember) owns and maintains a gun. For militia duty, or whatever.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
razer17 said:
messy said:
razer17 said:
immigration helps the country, and to be honest the polish do more work than some Brits i know who sit on their ass and claim benefits, and child benefit on about a hundred kids. also more people leave the UK every year than enter.

I hate the BNP, i seriously hope Nick Griffin gets everything he deserves for spouting his racist propaganda. i think he should be kicked out of the country or
killed. can't spread hatred when your beyond the grave now, can you. anyone who discriminates against people for stupid reasons (like racism) doesn't deserve air
The only problem is if he's killed then he might become a martyr for the and may cause vendetta like campaigns to form afterwards.

I do agree with absolutely everything you've posted by killing will undermine the opposition against him and have negative ripple effects. Luckily the BNP during the protest are on camera shoving a fair few people out of the way, and fairly violently, so they can't put too much of a positive spin on things
Ok kill might be a bit hard, maybe incapacitated in some other way. and they can't use the violence thing as a reason for people to vote, i mean, just look at the Bradford race riots. (yes both sides where involved but BNP members stirred it up) and the BBC secret agent show, where they infiltrated the BNP. the things the members where saying was shocking and disgusting.
one guy dreamed, flipping dreamed, of going to the top of a road in bradford with a gun and rocket launcher to kill "paki's" as he called them.
edit - theres a link to that documentary a few posts above.
See I think the only logical way is to create a party which does the things that the BNP offer that people vote for (lower immigration) without the fascism so that at the very least will at least split the vote. I did considering suggesting making there party illegal, but the minute something is forbidden it becomes so much more attractive. One hope is that the area they were in power locally actually saw a fall in votes this time round (I forget the area).

Will just have to hope the majority of the British public is smart enough to vote, failing that the stupid people stay at home on voting day. Or finally massive protests in the street which i for one would attend


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Aug 16, 2008
Haha, I have nothing against people pelting them with eggs, but I think that people attempting to "stop" them is a bit off, they're a legitimate political party (or so they would have us believe) and therefore people can vote for them.

To suggest that they should be stopped kind of goes against the whole idea of democracy and free speech in my opinion. I'm not saying that I like them, they're racist, holocaust denying pricks, but they do regrettably have a right to exist.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
the protesting against the bnp is giving them publicity that they never had before aswell so its kinda counterproductive


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Not Good said:
Oh look at that, another white supremacist party. I suppose Britain will look like this in 2 years if they keep it up:

Oh, come on. There can't be THAT many white supremacist parties, right? I don't know much about European politics, so could someone fill me in?


New member
Apr 2, 2009
razer17 said:
IsoNeko said:
Y'know. I'm all for anti-immigration. But then theres just pure racism. I mean, I don't want to be supporting hitler, but I don't want to be supporting immigration either. Why isn't there a midway agreement?
immigration helps the country, and to be honest the polish do more work than some Brits i know who sit on their ass and claim benefits, and child benefit on about a hundred kids. also more people leave the UK every year than enter.

I hate the BNP, i seriously hope Nick Griffin gets everything he deserves for spouting his racist propaganda. i think he should be kicked out of the country or
killed. can't spread hatred when your beyond the grave now, can you. anyone who discriminates against people for stupid reasons (like racism) doesn't deserve air


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Jul 9, 2008
bobadom said:
ElephantGuts said:
Sound like a bunch of racist pricks to me.

See, atleast the US has been made so sensitive to racism that something like this would never stand here.
just to remind you one of the mst extreme racist groups in the world (the kkk) is still around in some parts of america
Yes, and my point was that there's a reason they aren't a political party.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
yeah the Bnp got some seats which I think is awful as they are scumbags BUT everyone is overlooking the UKIP( United Kingdom Independence Party) which came second in the European election, They are like the BNP just less racist as they are against immagration they are not as strong about it While the BNP wants to ship everyone out and be Nazi's The UKIP want to ship a few people out and be Seperate from the EU(European Union). Now this may seem reasonable but cutting ourselfs off from other nations seems like a step backwards in global relations and could cause disaster.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Not Good said:
Oh look at that, another white supremacist party. I suppose Britain will look like this in 2 years if they keep it up:

We will need to create a V then to stop that.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Counter-productive, thats for sure. All this has done is given them more publicity.