Borderlands 2 Season Pass does not include all DLC.

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
levy42088 said:
Jason- This isn't a case of "I bought A to give me A+B even thought the description said it will ONLY include A", it is a rightful case of "I was led to believe I was getting A + B, but they only gave me A"
What do you mean A and B? What about spring. Lets ignore this extra character rubbish. If you didn't get your season either that's two of us. We get a few more and we can do a class action lawsuit and sue Gearbox into the poorhouse. Where's my season, bitches?


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May 26, 2006
Regarding Gold Keys, if you were following Randy Pitchford [] or Gearbox [] on Twitter, you could have over 20 keys by now.


New member
Oct 23, 2012
Why do u think that i am the op? u think noone else in the world had this problem? cause then your wrong. the ones who r trolling r the people like u who try to put others down because they weren't as much of a borderlands fanatic as you. Lol dude YOU are holding on to ur idea so tightly that it cannot breathe, idk about u but do u think people r that paranoid to do a research paper on every purchase they make? I didn't look on google. I shouldn't have to. I went to play one afternoon, it says "season pass now available: click here" so what do I do? Since i trust steam isnt going to give me a trojan I CLICKED THERE!

Giving me smack about grammer? why? because i choose to save 2 keystrokes on my phone? sounds efficient to me, u still understood it, right??

And look what pops up, the steam store! 2 things are available. No way in hell gearbox can expect every single player to read the non existent product info and make that distinction

U said we worked through this issue together haha no man. U have not budged one bit from this stance. U don't care about anyone else you hermit.

Yes, u told me people should look at the forums, gearbox said this at some point they said that. But where does is say this info for those who don't distrust the world, the people who think that what is being described in the product description is what they will be purchasing. Ur argument not only is extremely IMMATURE, but you keep saying the same thing over and over. And it doesn't make it any more right. Once again, u went down on gearbox for several months to find out this piece of info. I did not. I had no reason for not trusting gearbox product info. But now I do, I shouldn't trust anything gearbox says on they're product info. Happy?

Jason, I don't know what ur talking about the seasons for. I am talking about A meaning 3 other dlc packs and B meaning the mecronomancer dlc. So now ur up to snuff reread what u said.


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Apr 9, 2008
rob_simple said:
Could someone explain to me what the pre-order code actually entitles me to? I've not used it yet because, well, I don't know why; but I'd like to know what I'm getting before I use it.
You get the Mechromancer character that the OP is talking about: the Mechromancer was the pre-order bonus and the Season Pass was purchasable separately and covers the (first?) four narrative expansion packs.
You should punch that in, the 'mancer is pretty badass.

As for the season pass, I actually bought it but I wouldn't buy it for any other game. I think they proved with BL1 that their dlc is well worth the price and considering that I was probably going to buy all of it anyway, I saved $10. So far they haven't disappointed; the Pirate DLC (BL2's first pack) is on par with the Zombie DLC (BL1's first pack) and even has a couple of things the Zombie DLC didn't have like a new vehicle and a couple of raid bosses.

I hate to say it but Gearbox has used all the weird money grubbing schemes I hate (except online pass) but considering the game is actually worth all the money, I'm willing to forgive them. At least it isn't as bad as LA Noir: that is to say that at least the game content pre-order "bonus" was only limited to one retailer: which happens to be the one I hate but whatever.


New member
May 19, 2011
Jason Rayes said:
levy42088 said:
Jason- This isn't a case of "I bought A to give me A+B even thought the description said it will ONLY include A", it is a rightful case of "I was led to believe I was getting A + B, but they only gave me A"
What do you mean A and B? What about spring. Lets ignore this extra character rubbish. If you didn't get your season either that's two of us. We get a few more and we can do a class action lawsuit and sue Gearbox into the poorhouse. Where's my season, bitches?
You misunderstood Jason. It's a Season pass. That means you get to pass over one season. So you could have skipped fall and went right to winter but since you used it to try and get right to spring then you wasted your code. Sorry bro, you should have done your research.

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
hazabaza1 said:
[sub][sub]By the way, anyone know if getting season passes after DLC has been released still gets you it, or is it only there for future DLC?[/sub][/sub]
I got the Seasons Pass the day after the Scarlett's Pirate Booty was released and still got it when I booted up the game. So I guess it includes all 4 campaign DLC no matter when you buy it


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Jason Rayes said:
hazabaza1 said:
[sub][sub]By the way, anyone know if getting season passes after DLC has been released still gets you it, or is it only there for future DLC?[/sub][/sub]
I got the Seasons Pass the day after the Scarlett's Pirate Booty was released and still got it when I booted up the game. So I guess it includes all 4 campaign DLC no matter when you buy it
Awesome, thanks. I've been wondering that about season passes for a while, never got an answer.

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
Swyftstar said:
You misunderstood Jason. It's a Season pass. That means you get to pass over one season. So you could have skipped fall and went right to winter but since you used it to try and get right to spring then you wasted your code. Sorry bro, you should have done your research.
Arrrghh, you are right. It clearly states exactly how it works, I must not have read it carefully enough. I'm such a noob. Still.........I can't help but think it's Gearbox's fault. EVERYONE knows how incompetent the general public are (After all, we're them) they should have taken that into account. So I'm still going to sue!! Torches and pitchforks for everyone. Huzzah!

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
nikki191 said:
to be honest i was wondering when the whole season pass thing was going to bite consumers in the ass.

out of curiosity has the season pass for borderlands 2 actually given people anything so far?
As pointed out above I got the new content DLC Scarlett's Pirate Booty already. Normally I would be reluctant to get a season pass too but with BL 1 Gearbox proved that they can do quality DLC, so Im willing to trust them this time out. Never bought one before for any game, so if I get burnt, well I got discounted DLC and a free lesson :p

hannes2 said:
I kind of agree that there should be a Season Pass that includes all DLC (and one could argue that it shouldn´t be called a "Season Pass", if it doesn´t),
I think because the Mechnomancer was a pre-order exclusive they wanted to make it a seperate thing. I mean imagine you payed extra and early for the game on the promise of getting a bonus, only to find said bonus could have been gotten at a cheap discount price as part of a season pass. I know I'd be pretty steamed. By making it a separate purchase they still make the pre-order folks feel special.


Jun 6, 2011
Well, if you got the pre-order bonus from gamestop I am pretty certain that you get the Mechromancer free. I know I did. Admittedly I was a bit confused when I plugged my code in and they started messing with my DLC menu all the time. Now why did that just dissapear I said scratching my head while staring at my screen. The next day later 1.02 drops. Oh crap did I just get a lunch box from a random mob drop?...*goes to character creation screen.* Insert giddy school girl scream here. (add a couple exposions. Or two...and maybe a few bullets.) >.>


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Dec 10, 2010
Jason Rayes said:
I think because the Mechnomancer was a pre-order exclusive they wanted to make it a seperate thing. I mean imagine you payed extra and early for the game on the promise of getting a bonus, only to find said bonus could have been gotten at a cheap discount price as part of a season pass. I know I'd be pretty steamed. By making it a separate purchase they still make the pre-order folks feel special.
Well, you either paid extra or early for the Mechromancer, not both and it´s not really pre-order exclusive. I get your point though, and I agree that the pre-order bonus shouldn´t be made obsolete by a season pass (although that could have been accomplished by offering an "Everything except Mechromancer" pack for a bit less than the "everything" one).