Boy Sees Boobs in Comic, Tells Mom, Mom Tells News


New member
Jun 3, 2009
It's always the Spectre, and EC Horror comics. Blackest Night brought back the worst effects of comics too. Seriously that whole family deserves to be kicked in the face by every creator ever. Sorry your son saw some boobs, he'll see plenty more in 2 years.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
CaptainCrunch said:
dsmops2003 said:
You have to understand Ogden Utah is right next to Salt Lake City which is the heart of Mormon country. To them that shit is offensive.
It's not so much that it's offensive as it is a contradiction of the "family friendly" labeling.

Utah as a state has loosened up a lot in recent years, so let's try to keep this thread from becoming "Utah = Mormons" please. They have shops that sell bongs, a burgeoning heavy metal community, and gay bars in SLC and the surrounding communities. There's even a store down in Springville that sells all manner of pornographic wares, and Utah County is really where you'll typically find the suburbian "uppity Mormon."

/hippie speech

It's funny that they didn't think to avoid using the comic in front of the green screen though.
Sorry I really wasn't trying to imply that utah=mormons. Im just saying that odds are he is LDS. And this would be offensive to someone of the mormon religion. My wife and her family are mormon (im not and she doesn't currently go to church) so I'm not hatin'. Ive been to SLC a few times and the surrounding cities and its really nice there. I totally agree though that the company that packaged these "family" comics have no quality control. This was at dollar tree which if you have ever been to one should not be surprised that this happened as their entire range of products are schlock.


Nov 12, 2009
I want to go to my local dollar store right now and buy all those packages of comics
so they don't end up in the hands of children. Just mine.

Sir Kemper

New member
Jan 21, 2010
Wait... so he was upset he saw boob's and gore?

Hell he was lucky, I had to wait untill one of my relative's sent me a manga to see gore and boobs in one awsome package.

XT inc

Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
that kid's going to get ripped on forever for saying "I seen the naked lady and got mad".


New member
Jan 13, 2009
That kid is either gay or an idiot, if that was me I would have kept that comic. Well at least he found out what he likes early, should spare him a freaky couple years of college XP (That store is lucky, if Fox had gotten this story first they would want blood)


New member
Apr 20, 2010
You know what really happened? The kid was caught jerkin' it to a comic and the mother was so sure that her son would never do such a thing that actually catching him made her go to the extreme of "NO ONE SHALL KNOW OF THIS HORROR, WE SHALL FABRICATE A NEW STORY! One in which a boy does NOT like boobies!" Thus this news report.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
Straying Bullet said:
The mother is a fool, at least briefly scan the content to be sure what you are buying is actually child-friendly.

Either way, I am glad they haven't sued the store for it.
Especially given the skeleton with a scythe right on the cover.
You'd think that would set alarm bells ringing.

But yeah, I'm glad people aren't freaking out that much over this, calling for the blood of the higher-ups at DC, and claiming that comic books as corrupting children. I guess we only have to wait around 60 years before video games are viewed in a similar light.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Susan Arendt said:
Straying Bullet said:
The mother is a fool, at least briefly scan the content to be sure what you are buying is actually child-friendly.

Either way, I am glad they haven't sued the store for it.
Especially given the skeleton with a scythe right on the cover.
Psh....Skeletons with huge scythes aren't necessarily a bad thing. Better than those spawn of Satan Teletubbies!


New member
Aug 17, 2009
kid so lucky all my dollar store had was rubber dinosaurs and bouncy balls. I would have killed for comics from the 80's.


New member
Dec 21, 2008
Wow...way to go, Utah. I thought we were above this as a state by now...oh, wait, that's just most of Salt Lake City...*reminds self to stay away from southern part of state*


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Wow, the kid's doing it wrong. Your supposed to keep that stuff away from your mum and show it to your friends then wait for one of them to accidentally slip up and tell their parents, who tell your parents. Kid's these days. When I was that age, if I'd found that kind of stuff I'd be looking for magnificent ways of hiding it from my parents.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Tenmar said:
The kid is a snitch. What ever happened to the 80's kid that finds some sort of pornographic material and instead of running to mom they run to their friends to show how cool the content was and how adult it was?
They found the internet instead.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
Man over here (Netherlands) they'd just say something like "So?". Not that hardcore pornography should be available to kids, but seriously guys an image of a pair of boobs never killed anyone.
Sep 14, 2009
HG131 said:
Davrel said:
That kid is a fool.
Agreed. A fool and a pathetic waste of time. His mother is just as bad. You don't complain to the press for that stuff, you just tell the kid "Ok, so?" and get on with your life. He's 10, not 6!
exactly this. jesus your son is under a fucking ROCK his whole life with the way your setting! jesus, its some boobies, big deal, its on a piece of paper and a comic, shit if i was that boy that thing would have been well hidden inbetween my bed and drawers for some good times =]

i hate how much people try to childproof the world..they are GROWING UP VERY SOON, teach them how to deal with it, and they wont grow up a mess, instead of hiding it, and having them find out about it later and have no idea how to treat it