British Game Dev Decries Canadian "Vultures"

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
While I think the Canadians methods were totally underhanded, the root of the problem is still the British Government.

As usual.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Sparrow said:
WanderFreak said:
Yeah how about this UK: improve your own conditions. That way you wouldn't HAVE to ***** about everyone else being better than you. See how that works?

Complain about how your industry isn't supportive, how your tax breaks do not exist. Don't complain when someone else comes in and offers your workers a better alternative.

You're telling me if the US game development community crashed completely, the UK would simply say "Oh no, that's perfectly all right, you stay over there."
Woah, calm down there. I get that you're Canadian, but they're not attacking YOU. They're just pissed that the British government isn't doing much to help.

Also, by "UK" you're including Ireland. They have nothing to do with this, because as the OP says, this is about Britain. That means Wales, England and Scotland.
Ireland isn't part of the UK. Northern Ireland is, but certainly not mainland Ireland.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
NeoAC said:
Wait a minute, wait a minute. My province is facing such a budget crunch that they had to raise the HST by 2%, and yet they found enough cash to sponsor a game conference? Sigh, I hope they enjoy the extra dime they get of my Keith's as I drink away my disbelief at this sort of thing...
I hear you. Tax the game developers, not me. And don't use my money to woo those developers..
I don't care if games are made in canada or not, its not like the govn will let us have them any cheaper.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I'll take my stable wet weather over freezing to death and putting up with people speaking French at me despite knowing I speak English, thank you very much.

Also, this sounds amazingly underhanded, even though Britain has some problems.

DeathWyrmNexus said:
Pretty much this. Biting the hand that wants to pull you out of a tar pit just seems blatantly drilled in head retarded..
Out of your tar pit into their one, really.
Canada isn't a paradise, all countries have problems.


Dec 24, 2008
Just with the way the headline is done makes me think of Poe. "Quoth the Canuck, nevermore eh." Even though we all know the offical call of the wild canadian is "Coo roo coo coo coo coo coo coo"

To be honest, we are sorry. It's just that the Queen is over here and we got excited. The Queen, in Toronto, during pride. Somebody during the day had to say "More than one queen in the city today!"


New member
Feb 22, 2009
martin said:
Sparrow said:
WanderFreak said:
Yeah how about this UK: improve your own conditions. That way you wouldn't HAVE to ***** about everyone else being better than you. See how that works?

Complain about how your industry isn't supportive, how your tax breaks do not exist. Don't complain when someone else comes in and offers your workers a better alternative.

You're telling me if the US game development community crashed completely, the UK would simply say "Oh no, that's perfectly all right, you stay over there."
Woah, calm down there. I get that you're Canadian, but they're not attacking YOU. They're just pissed that the British government isn't doing much to help.

Also, by "UK" you're including Ireland. They have nothing to do with this, because as the OP says, this is about Britain. That means Wales, England and Scotland.
Ireland isn't part of the UK. Northern Ireland is, but certainly not mainland Ireland.
As it's been quoted many times, I did indeed mean Northern Ireland.

[sup]I should probally edit it...[/sup]


New member
Mar 23, 2010
GrandmaFunk said:
for the brits considering moving to Canada:

yes, we are nice and relaxed, but we also have to deal with this every year:
Only relevant east of the Rockies.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
All I hear from the games industry is whaaaaaa whaaaaaaaa, we didn't get tax breaks, instead all UK business got a tax cut. In 3 years time the games industry will be paying the lowest corporation tax in the G20.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
The Canadians release a counter statment.

"We are so sorry"

Thank you LRR for that perfectly timed video!


New member
Mar 15, 2010
NeoAC said:
Wait a minute, wait a minute. My province is facing such a budget crunch that they had to raise the HST by 2%, and yet they found enough cash to sponsor a game conference? Sigh, I hope they enjoy the extra dime they get of my Keith's as I drink away my disbelief at this sort of thing...
Couldn't have said it better myself! Also, Keith's FTW! :D


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Lol, that's an AWESOME prank, and the people at the UK mad about it are idiots.

Complain to the World Trade Organization? And say what exactly? "Canadians are charging game developers less! Make them charge more money so that we can get away with it!"

Seriously UK, the reason Canada is winning this little game of tug-of-war is because they lowered their taxes, maybe you should LOWER YOURS TOO! Instead of trying to get Canada to raise theirs (good luck with that)


New member
Feb 11, 2009
WHAT?! Since when have Englishmen not liked Canadians...I've always loved those buggers...But now there I see deceitful, underhand crafty play from the Canadians. Everything I know is wrong. My world has just been divided by zero.
Jun 26, 2009
So I'm supposed to hate canadians now...
To whom do I send this molotov to?
Please somone post 'blame Canada' would myself but I'm on the iPod.
OT: meh, not as if we make any good VG if I remeber correctly.


Coffee Bandit
Mar 22, 2009
Roughly 200 years ago, people were fleeing from the crown in droves, to escape many things. One of them was taxes and all the neglect that followed it.

It's been a long time since then, and the people that once sought greener pastures, are now turning into the very thing they ran from so long ago. It's still funny however, to see that the same mentality runs just as hot as it once did, in that anyone who complains about economic disparity or poor conditions is a "vulture" or some other such degenerate who is basically an enemy of the state or crown.

Video game developers no less. How ridiculous.

Set sail developers, gain your independence!

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Yeah, because we all know that we Canadians are all aboot takin' your super talents eh? We don't have any o' that 'round here, apart from Bioware, Ubisoft, and parts of EA to name a few.

Fuck off UK, its a joke, our government is too busy fucking itself over to worry about a few gaming shenanigans.


New member
May 7, 2009
You would think a conservative government would help the private sector, I mean they think that with all the public sector cuts that the private sector will just get bigger... Well it won't if you don't fucking help it.

Perhaps I should write to my local conservative mp, see if he can give me the a detailed reason as to why the UK doesn't support it's games industry.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
"The Canadians are aggressively competing to make their country an attractive place to make video games," he said. "Until the UK introduces games tax relief the UK video game industry will be at a competitive disadvantage."
Hey, stay on your side of the "pond". Don't mess with our hat!

Whats interesting is that it probably was not any official "Canadian" organization, it was probably some dumb groups idea of a political prank. Unless I mised something here, I didn't read that closely.

Also, how many game developer companies/studios are there in the UK. That I would know of, as an american, it might be my oversight over them, but i can't think of any.