Buffy's Hubby Joins Mass Effect 3 Cast


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I actually forgot who Freddie Prinze Jr was, and for some reason thought it was the guy from Supernatural (EDIT: Jensen Ackles) that they were talking about. I could see that working... this? I don't know yet. All the talk about James Vega as this 'hard hitting, no nonsense pure marine' character- but the voice and the overall mannerisms of Prinze Jr just dont match it. I'd have preferred if Jacob had just stuck around. I'm having trouble distinguishing the two as different characters, other than skin tone.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Radoh said:
He refers to the squad mates as Henchmen.
Additionally, this is the same Commander Shepard that got into a fist fight with a Yahg right? That bigass thing that he totally wrecked the shit out of?
How the hell is James Vega going to be more punchy than that?
Totally superfluous character, and with the name Vega, I was so hoping for the Masked Spaniard.

How I wish to fight alongside you across the stars.
'But Spider-Man, how do you not turn every dead beat thug into a bloody puddle?'

It's simple, we kill the Batman he pulls his punches.

I like to think that Shepard pulls his punches, lest his might demolish faces.
I do believe you are quoting Spider-Man Two, the Video Game at me.

So he basically is just humoring Mr. Not-the-good-Vega instead of totally wrecking his shit? I guess that is acceptable, though I really would like the option to mash him up good given that so far all his character development points at Garrus wanna-be.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Oh hey, it's that guy from the Mass Effect 3 update a few months ago. I still don't care and not because that human is a juice-head (or is he a Gorilla?) but because he's human. Mass Effect 3 is an epic, Sci-Fi, action-adventure RPG. I want to know about the aliens who will be helping me murder genocidal robots. Also, isn't there anything else Freddie Prinze Jr. could be doing? Is it that he's hurting for work or is it that Bioware is unaware that he doesn't matter (or is it me, being pop-culturally dead?)


New member
Apr 25, 2011
The Great JT said:
I'm going to say here what I said elsewhere. Ahem.

"Rage...building...*Renegade Interrupt* I WILL MURDER FREDDY PRINZE JR. WITH MY BARE HANDS!! You had to get someone associated with that bucket of [OH GOD IS THAT CENSORED] Wing Commander movie involved, Bioware? REALLY?"

Yeah it was years ago, but the stink can still be smelled!
Hello, MisterJT. We meet again...

On a side note, the only way I will ever hate/love Prinze Jr. as James Vega is when I see what he and the writers do with his character. Thankfully, I always see Bioware as failing to disappoint in the Mass Effect series thus far.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
His pecks look weird... Not as weird as Brock Lesnar, but still weird.
Oh, and I guess thats cool he's in the game as well? None of the shows and movies he's ever been in, are shows/movies that I have been particularly interested in, so you mind as well say "some guy is part of ME3" /shrug


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
HobbesMkii said:
OT: I love that Freddie called them "henchmen." It's wrong, and yet it totally also fits, especially if Shepard is playing the evil route.
Radoh said:
He refers to the squad mates as Henchmen.
It's a Bioware thing. They always refer to the NPC allies as "henchmen". I have no idea why.

Additionally, this is the same Commander Shepard that got into a fist fight with a Yahg right? That bigass thing that he totally wrecked the shit out of?
How the hell is James Vega going to be more punchy than that?
But Shepard got decisively knocked on his arse every time he went toe-to-toe with the Yahg.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
MisterShine said:
At first I was feeling something that could be generously described as "confusion" when I saw this announcement on the Bioware site (glad to see I wasn't the only one who flashed back to Spoony's Wing Commander). However after watching the interview and seeing Mr. Prince's genuine excitement for the game and his character I'm actually looking forward to getting to know Vega in ME3, when before I honestly couldn't have cared less about him really.

I am however a little concerned at how the boxing scene is going to play out with femshep..
The bolded part does ring mostly true to me. I probably won't use him (he's a soldier, as is my Shep), but after watching this, I have a bit of respect for Vega now.

Initially, I didn't really care for him since he looks like a cast member of Jersey Shore. I laughed my ass off when I found out that FPJ would be playing him, and lost respect for Vega. But again, character video.

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
All of the characters in the ME series have had more depth than what their 'face value' would divulge. Looking forward to seeing what Vega brings to the cast!


Donny Crane.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I would rather have a B or C-list celebrity who actually is a fan of the series and will actually care how the character sounds than an A-list celeb that doesn't give two shits.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
I'll just say, I'm glad to see them finally release a trailer talking about something other then the combat.
The actor in question aside, I think this is the first piece of marketing for ME3 that is actually encouraging me to buy it.

(Alas, I'm a PC gamer, and there isn't a snowball's chance in hell I'm going to install Origin.)

The Dutchess

New member
Feb 24, 2011
When this character was first revealed I thought he looked pretty bland and uninteresting and didn't plan on taking him along.

Freddie Prinze Jr is voicing him ... that's just crazy!

Then I watched the featurette and I like it! I'm totally taking this guy along with me now and again with my perma-companion Garrus.


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Gotta say, Bioware has a heck of an opportunity here. A bunch of people are assuming this character will fit a specific stereotype, meaning that any depth to him will be a pleasant surprise to them, and that a complex, interesting character will simply blow peoples' doors off.
Personally, I wouldn't write him off just yet. Yes, Bioware made Kaidan and Jacob, but they also have Legion, Garrus and a whole slew of other excellent characters under their belt. He may LOOK like he's off the set of Jersey Shore, but beyond that all we're going off of is an extremely brief summary done by the voice actor and a brief trailer. Besides, if worst comes to worst, it could be entertaining to see a Jersey Shore character try to deal with potentially apocalyptic situations.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
Hattingston said:
Gotta say, Bioware has a heck of an opportunity here. A bunch of people are assuming this character will fit a specific stereotype, meaning that any depth to him will be a pleasant surprise to them, and that a complex, interesting character will simply blow peoples' doors off.
Personally, I wouldn't write him off just yet. Yes, Bioware made Kaidan and Jacob, but they also have Legion, Garrus and a whole slew of other excellent characters under their belt. He may LOOK like he's off the set of Jersey Shore, but beyond that all we're going off of is an extremely brief summary done by the voice actor and a brief trailer. Besides, if worst comes to worst, it could be entertaining to see a Jersey Shore character try to deal with potentially apocalyptic situations.
Actually I wouldn't be suprised if he was a fan favourite considering the character is written by Mac Walters (who also wrote Legion Wrex and Garrus)


New member
Jan 7, 2011
TBH a lot of people are being very judgemental and forgetting that a Gears Of War type character handled by Bioware in the Mass Efefct universe would be diverse in a cast of deeper thinking characters.

That's not even the case though, he's more a soldier type but is apparently going have the charcter development of how a person deals with the kind of events a soldier goes through. For what it's worth I found Jacob interesting since he didn't feel the need to have vebral diarrhea about his personal issues.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
ChildofGallifrey said:
The image in the article looks like a (mostly) shaved gorilla. I've been trying for the last 5 minutes to decipher the look on his face, and I still have no clue...
I'd say he looks more like Val Kilmer from Willow while in mid-pig transformation.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
When I read the title of the thread I missed out the word hubby so I thought Sarah Michelle Gellar was joining the cast and I was about to freak out.

Oh well, not really seen Freddie Prinze Jr. in much except Scoobie Doo and a couple of crappy slasher films. I haven't seen much of Vega that makes me especially excited about his character but then again watching the trailers to the previous games none of them really make any of the characters look interesting so I'll hope he is someone I'll care about and not another Jacob.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
RoseArch said:
Everyone hating on Freddie Prinze Jr ... Go watch 24 season 8. Like, right now. Then come back and acknowledge him for the great actor he is.
This. So much of this. Originally I was disappointed that Vega wasn't going to be the British guy from the first reveal trailer, but this guy is still good. Oh, and it rules to see big name actors who are in these sorts of things because they actually love the games, rather than just because they think they can get a huge paycheck for relatively little effort.

On a different note, the graphics on the whole are looking sweet. However, the facial animation looked, well, there didn't look like there were any facial animations. So I hope they fix that before March.

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
A member of the military who actually looks like a member of the military?!? And naturally, you can tell he's an idiot based on his physical appearance and demeanour. Of course.

*Shrugs* I'm sorry, but they can't all be shirtless teen psychopaths or Dirty Harry in space. Cue terrible wailing.