Bungie: Reach Will be Our Last Halo Trilogy Content


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
UsefulPlayer 1 said:
I would consider Halo3: ODST a full game, it's just that their reselling you most of Halo 3.

I mean it's a stand-alone disc with all the maps and all the multiplier aspects of halo 3, except that it has some new features and a campaign.

So if you bought any of the map packs and thought you paid for the multiplayer aspect of halo 3 then think again when you pay another full $60 for ODST.
OR, if you're like me and haven't purchased most of the MP DLC for Halo 3 and have no interest in playing the Halo 3 campaign anymore, then it allows you to sell Halo 3 and put that towards the purchase of the new ODST.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
HG131 said:
I know the story of Reach. Yes it's a prequel, but the end of it takes place very shortly before the events of Halo when the Pillar of Autumn goes into Slip Space.

ODST was originally meant as just an expansion pack but Bungie said that increased it's length to make it a completely stand-alone game. So it counts as a full game on it's own really.

The thing is that all of the games take place in the same time-frame so should really be counted altogether (whereas Halo wars was set 20 years before).


New member
Apr 23, 2008
HG131 said:
NOW will people shut up about it being milked? THERE ARE MORE GUTAR HERO GAMES THAN HALO GAMES! I don't hear people saying THAT is being milked!
I think its very certain Guitar Hero is being milked; somewhat like saying the sky is blue. Add to that, I'll believe that they are stopping making the Halo games when I see it.


New member
May 11, 2009
good, halo's finnally ove... wait ...
Halo: Reach will be the last title they develop for the "current Halo trilogy.
fuck. there will be more trilogies. and they will tie into this one somehow.
Feb 13, 2008
KDR_11k said:
Isn't the rule of thumb that no trilogy should have more than four entries?
Hitchhikers. Six.

Do you think they came up with the naming after listening to this? [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWL_OPa65aE&feature=related]

[small]I am so evil[/small]


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
UsefulPlayer 1 said:
I would consider Halo3: ODST a full game, it's just that their reselling you most of Halo 3.

I mean it's a stand-alone disc with all the maps and all the multiplier aspects of halo 3, except that it has some new features and a campaign.

So if you bought any of the map packs and thought you paid for the multiplayer aspect of halo 3 then think again when you pay another full $60 for ODST.
Well, I'm pretty glad I didn't bother shelling out for the Map Packs then. I always thought it was kind of silly that 80% of the Halo 3 MP game modes required some form of DLC. ODST will address that for me adequately.

I am so evil
Odin-be-damned, you're the Devil incarnate.


New member
Jun 22, 2008
HG131 said:
UsefulPlayer 1 said:
I would consider Halo3: ODST a full game, it's just that their reselling you most of Halo 3.

I mean it's a stand-alone disc with all the maps and all the multiplier aspects of halo 3, except that it has some new features and a campaign.

So if you bought any of the map packs and thought you paid for the multiplayer aspect of halo 3 then think again when you pay another full $60 for ODST.
I just facepalmed... IRL! 10 Hour campaign (If you rush) and an unlimited Survival Mode. PEOPLE NEVER COMPLAINED ABOUT GOW2 HAVING LESS THAN THAT!
Actually, from what I remember, loads of people did complain about that pre-release (Gears of War 1.5?). And they also complain about Guitar Hero. Not to the extent that they complain about Halo, being that most people on here think Halo is overrated, but just the same.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
HG131 said:
Let me just say this. Bungie doesn't own Halo, so MS will still make Halo games. Also, may I also say, for those who think Halo has a bad story, READ THE BOOKS!
Indeed, although only for the story, don't expect great literature. ;)

I enjoyed the one I have read, but found it to be averagely written.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
HG131 said:
Doug said:
HG131 said:
NOW will people shut up about it being milked? THERE ARE MORE GUTAR HERO GAMES THAN HALO GAMES! I don't hear people saying THAT is being milked!
I think its very certain Guitar Hero is being milked; somewhat like saying the sky is blue. Add to that, I'll believe that they are stopping making the Halo games when I see it.
Let me just say this. Bungie doesn't own Halo, so MS will still make Halo games. Also, may I also say, for those who think Halo has a bad story, READ THE BOOKS!
I read the books - there ok, interesting, but not great.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
GloatingSwine said:
KDR_11k said:
Isn't the rule of thumb that no trilogy should have more than four entries?
Hitchhikers has five. Six if you count that one that doesn't count because some other bloke wrote it.
I meant a comment someone (Adams himself?) made about trilogies having to end at some point.

The Kangaroo

New member
Feb 24, 2009
Cargando said:
HG131 said:
Cargando said:
HG131 said:
Cargando said:
Halo will become to Bungie what Star Wars is to Lucas Arts.
Hello Time Traveler! What's it like in the year 2100?!
Not to dissapoint but why do you think I came back here?
Well, I need some proof of your statement.
There're not going to make The Hobbit into a film.


New member
Jul 19, 2009
if you hate the halo 3 campaign, buy ODST and sell the halo 3 disc. then you don't have to think about the "OMG TERRIBLE" campaign. I thought the campaign was decent.