Bungie: Reach Will be Our Last Halo Trilogy Content


New member
Jan 12, 2009
The Great JT said:
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't three games equal a trilogy? Halo Reach seems to be a fourth game, ergo it's not a trilogy. No, wait, it's a fifth, since ODST is technically going to be the fourth.

Dear god, someone needs to tell these people that their games suck.
Because it doesn't include the Master Chief ODST isn't technically part of the trilogy. Since there have only been three Halo games with Master Chief in them and Reach isn't out yet, it still counts as a trilogy, if that's the way it's being run anyways. Also just because it sucks to you doesn't mean it just plain sucks.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Nice getout cluase in there with the 'current trilogy' mention. Its just a way of milking this for all its worth, advertising it as the last big thing before just rolling out a whole new set of mediocre (at best) FPSs that will be touted as "Set in the Halo universe" or "From the developers of Halo"


New member
Oct 10, 2008
HG131 said:
Doug said:
HG131 said:
NOW will people shut up about it being milked? THERE ARE MORE GUTAR HERO GAMES THAN HALO GAMES! I don't hear people saying THAT is being milked!
I think its very certain Guitar Hero is being milked; somewhat like saying the sky is blue. Add to that, I'll believe that they are stopping making the Halo games when I see it.
Let me just say this. Bungie doesn't own Halo, so MS will still make Halo games. Also, may I also say, for those who think Halo has a bad story, READ THE BOOKS!
Were the books the main media source? No? Then I should be expected to want to delve further into a story that I didn't like after having viewed the main media source. Better yet, WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO THIS TO GET THE STORY TO A GAME? Shouldn't that be included in the fucking game!? No I get what is apparently the hollow shell of some giant universe. So no, I'm not going to buy the books or even borrow them, because I just got swindled out of around $160 by the people who endorse/wrote the books.

Also, you said people should shut up about halo being milked. I only have one thing to say about that. Halo Gamer Fuel Mountain Dew. Explain to me how that is not milking or get over the fact that I stated something that is obvious.

Side note: So long as Reach is good I don't care. I'm sure they will make more, and hope they will be up to the same gameplay quality that the other few have been. Oh and yay for the possibility of a new story for the new halo trilogy.

True Nero

Dahaka Trainer
May 26, 2009
MY BULLS**T DETECTOR JUST WENT OFF!!! if they expect us to believe that this is the end, i honestly think they take us for sheep with an income to blow on games that are hyped up... but that's what i expect from Bungie.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
HG131 said:
NOW will people shut up about it being milked? THERE ARE MORE GUTAR HERO GAMES THAN HALO GAMES! I don't hear people saying THAT is being milked!
Duh. Because guitar hero appeals to a wider audience and due to the fact music has been around for a very, very long time it should sell more. Appealing to individual music categories as it goes.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
NoMoreSanity said:
The Great JT said:
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't three games equal a trilogy? Halo Reach seems to be a fourth game, ergo it's not a trilogy.
I think they're counting it as a spin-off, ala ODST.
Not really.

ODST is basically story filler in between the events of Halo 2 and 3, and Reach looks like a prequel. Reach was the training ground that they used for Spartans. So if anything, it'll probably just chronicle how John becomes Spartan 117 (Master Chief Petty Officer) and how Reach gets destroyed, which of course is a recurring reference in Halo 1-3.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
That's probably for the best.

HG131 said:
NOW will people shut up about it being milked? THERE ARE MORE GUTAR HERO GAMES THAN HALO GAMES! I don't hear people saying THAT is being milked!
Really? Wow. But you've Got to admit, the Halo anime is crossing the line.
Mar 26, 2008
The Great JT said:
Dear god, someone needs to tell these people that their games suck.
I'm sure people have tried but Bungie are too busy counting the vats of money they're making off people who actually like the game.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Arrers said:
That's probably for the best.

HG131 said:
NOW will people shut up about it being milked? THERE ARE MORE GUTAR HERO GAMES THAN HALO GAMES! I don't hear people saying THAT is being milked!
Really? Wow. But you've Got to admit, the Halo anime is crossing the line.
Was the Animatrix 'crossing the line'? Because that has been almost universally viewed as a solid piece of entertainment.

It's the same thing. Wait until it's released, then you can judge whether or not it's 'crossing the line'. Doing so before it's even out is more premature than The Lonely Island


New member
Aug 25, 2009
you know whats really delicous? halo milk and it's a great source of gameplay and story to.

Sneaky Paladin

New member
Jan 21, 2009
well good now we can focus on making more copies of it. that's what will happen I KNOW it.

Oh yeah anyone know if you need halo 3 to play ODST?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The Great JT said:
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't three games equal a trilogy? Halo Reach seems to be a fourth game, ergo it's not a trilogy. No, wait, it's a fifth, since ODST is technically going to be the fourth.

Dear god, someone needs to tell these people that their games suck.
So its a saga!


New member
Apr 3, 2009
The Great JT said:
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't three games equal a trilogy? Halo Reach seems to be a fourth game, ergo it's not a trilogy. No, wait, it's a fifth, since ODST is technically going to be the fourth.

Dear god, someone needs to tell these people that their games suck.
They'll believe their games suck when people stop buying their games. And seeing as I and many, many others will get the games when they come out, I reccommend you shut your piehole and return your head to to the sphincter it condescended out of.

Seriously, I hate GTA game with a passion to rival a scorned woman, but you don't see me whining about it in any GTA threads. I don't wanna hear your shit unless you can list reasons.

BTW: Side stories are side stories. They don't count in the lineup of the main story, obviously.

In any case, I'd just like to know exactly what part of the whole backstory it's supposed to cover. Nothing much happened on reach except the training of the spartans. Besides that, it was the military's HQ and got slagged when the covenant ships arrived.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
KDR_11k said:
Isn't the rule of thumb that no trilogy should have more than four entries?
I personally liked the 6 and 1/2 books that were in the hitchhiker's guide trilogy ^o^


New member
Jul 15, 2009
The Great JT said:
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn't three games equal a trilogy? Halo Reach seems to be a fourth game, ergo it's not a trilogy. No, wait, it's a fifth, since ODST is technically going to be the fourth.

Dear god, someone needs to tell these people that their games suck.
Wow. 1, Halo was a pretty freakin' good game. 2, ODST's an expansion/spin-off/CoD re-skin (that's right you read correctly.) 3, Reach is a prequel (read the book can't wait.) and finally 4, ...die in a hole.

...Let the flaming; COMMENCE