But all is not well in Hoofington (A MLP FiM Rp, 3 slots open, PM GM if interested.)


New member
Jan 24, 2010
the storm raged on lighting struck at trees the unicorns had abandoned their previous efforts to simply divert the rain, now the rain fell where it did, besides most ponies were inside so any flooding wasn't an issue, the real problem now was the lighting hitting trees which could really hurt some pony.
Midnight was trying to assist shadow sing the first set he made a schematic which had detailed sketches of every piece and how they fit together, this meant shadow could just make the pieces, while this did take time he could be making part of a set of wings while midnight very carefully put them together, he was very delicate with his telekinesis spell, the observatory often required him to rotate the telescopes at very precise angles so he could manipulate multiple things at once, and these movements were very precise.
Midnight asked Drama queen if she could find the Unicorn Last Second he then relayed his plan but only the party concerning her and the unicorn
"Get him here hopefully if Gearworks arrives he can help us me and shadow with the wings.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
"Yes, I could actually use help with crafting these things. I need help with delivering these things, and I need help with the metal bindings that actually keep them on our bodies during flight." Shadow said, his horn glowing a bright crimson as a set of bright orange wings floated over to a barrel of water and submerged themselves with a hiss and a cloud of steam. The wings were difficult to make, but for a skilled blacksmith it would take only a few hours to make ten. With this new ponies help, he could be finished in maybe an hour or two.

Each set of wings were bound together with three rows of metal beams that ran on either side of a horse, whether it was the belly or the back. Those are what kept the wings from flying off and letting a pony drop back to the ground. Now usually, the wings were designed differently for each pony that wanted one, although the only ponies who ever really wanted them were high class ponies that didn't have wings of their own.

"My name's Shadow by the way." Bringing his head back down from the clouds and turning back towards the anvil, the hammer falling back to the metal once again with a solid clang. The wings that had been submerged in the water brought themselves back up. They were almost complete, all they needed now were the metal bindings underneath the wings.

"These are your's. They'll help you deliver the other wings fast." Shadow said. Shadow didn't even turn his back around as metal poles dragged themselves out of the corner of his workshop and started binding themselves to the wings.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I created a group for discussion, this way we can talk to each other without having a huge amount off OOC's in the forum, also we can keep track f who's online and who's not.
Groups are really useful so I made one for our forum.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight having had his wings repaired, began flying towards Speedie, Bookworm and windsock, he's need them with their ability to fly, they would have to follow them, Midnight could already tell flight wasn't easy, even with the wings that didn't mean h could fly, he was clumsy and anything sudden would throw his wing beats, Last second would be essential, with his ability to see into the future he could predict an incoming projectile and as such avoid it.
He soon met with the three flyer, they were doing they're best to keep the storm down.
"guys listen to me, we can't fight this storm like we always did We need to go into the heart of the storm.
"OOh I saw some antagonists in there."
"WHAT you saw people in the storm and you didn't tell anyone?"
"well no that would have spoiled the plot"
Midnight face-hoofed but cleared his head
"alright fine whatever, we need to get the others, then we can make it into the storm.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
[b/]"Alright fine whatever, we need to get the others, then we can make it into the storm."[/b] the now-flying Midnight said, clearly annoyed by her lack of sharing. [i/]"Why is he annoyed? Everyone hates spoilers."[/i] she thought, completely confused by the exchange. None the less, she complied with his suggestion to find the others.

"Who else are we looking..." she started to say, before a black Pegasus fell from the clouds at great speed, missing her by inches. After a moments pause she said "...for anyway?", completely unimpressed by the falling villain - clouds were supposed to rain right? who knew what rained from evil clouds - black ponies made as much sense as anything.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight saw the black Pegasus fall,
"Get him, he must be one of the 'antagonists' and he's responsible for the storm." Midnight dived down but the Black Pegasi who didn't have a cutie mark, but he looked viscous and mean he was trying to kick at Midnight as he got close but midnight wanted the Pony unharmed so they could question him.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
I do apologize, when I find a story interesting I tend to let my mind wander and I sometimes make it look like I'm taking over the story when I'm not, I want you to know that. I tend to get carried away when I write. I meant no offense to you, and I know that this is your story.

Gearwork rushed to his workshop, while remembering what Midnight had told him. He was the one who almost doomed them all, that didn't sit well in his stomach. The storm had increased in intensity and he had to get his mechanical wings reinforced for the other ponies if they were to reach the center of the storm.

When he arrived he saw Coo perched by his work desk, but something was wrong about him. He seemed to have been scorched by the storm, and part of his right wing was badly damaged, how he made it home Gearwork didn't know. But reinforcing the multiple sets of mechanical wings would take some of time. "Coo, as soon as I finish reinforcing these wings I'll try to fix that wing." Coo nodded his headed to show that he understood.

Gearwork went on reinforcing the wings, he knew that these wings would need as much reinforcing as possible to weather this storm without hindering the pony using them. After a few few hours, Gearwork went on to repairing Coo's right wing. It looked worse than it actually was, and was done fixing it within an hour. "Coo, you could help me by helping the other ponies along with me, let's go." Gearwork told the owl. With that the grey owl hopped onto Gearworks back. Gearwork put the newly reinforced wings in his saddle bags, they easily folded up so he easily carry them. He also grabbed the few staffs that he had taken out earlier.

As soon as he came outside Gearwork noticed that a battle had started while he was inside, the storm was so loud that he didn't hear it. "What did I miss while I was inside?" he asked rhetorically. As soon as he said it he saw at a long distance away Midnight using a pair of wings that Gearwork created for him years before, but were damaged shortly afterwards. Gearwork had known about this and offered to repair the wings but Midnight declined, "How did he . . . Shadow. I'm surprised that he was able to repair those things. All the better, that we should become friends" Gearwork told himself. He saw Midnight along with Speedie, Bookworm, and Windsock take down a shadowy pegasus. "Coo, get Shadow and the other ponies that don't have these mechanical wings. Get them to gather near here, we need them." Coo nodded and flew off into town.

As the shadowy pegasus fall he saw Midnight fly towards it. After hearing the story Midnight told him, Gearwork knew he wasn't going to harm it, but not the other way around. Gearwork grabbed one of the staffs and teleported himself to the mine, he knew there was a machine that he built that could be improvised to be a cell of some sorts. As soon as he teleported to the mine, he found the machine he was looking for. A large machine about ten feet tall with a large clear dome, it was used to help carry large deposits of gems into town. As soon as Gearwork saw it he teleported both himself and the machine to near the spot where the shadowy pegasus and Midnight were about to land.

As soon as the thing was about to crash into the ground, Gearwork's horn glowed a dark metallic grey, and it stopped a foot above the ground. It looked at Gearwork puzzled by why it hadn't crashed into the ground and tried to charge him, but to no avail. Gearwork looked at the thing trying to charge him, his eyes darkened and a slight crazed smile grew on his face. "Try all you want, you can't break free." As he said this he brought the machine over and opened its top and dropped the shadowy pegasus into it, and sealed the top before letting it out of his telekinetic grip.

He saw Midnight land nearby, and shouted "Hey, Midnight. Over here! I helped you capture this thing. I'm pretty sure you might want to question it."


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight nodded
"Thank you, I best go in alone, he might try something sneaky."
Midnight then began to question the Black Pegasus, the others could only see their lips moving but it was clear that the Pegasus really hated Midnight, why was unknown but Midnight was growing more and more grave looking as he questioned. when he finally left he looked at the ponies assembled around.
"We have to enter the heart of the storm, there's an army of those things in there they won't surrender and the storm won't stop until they're defeated. Windsock I have a special task for you."
Midnight pulled out a tiny bottle in it was a blue liquid that crackled with electricity
"what is that stuff?" asked windsock, who was guessing he'd have to drink it despite he didn't want to.
"Lightning in a bottle or that's the name for this potion, It'll let you fly incredibly fast but only for a few hours, I need you to deliver two messages.
Midnight produced two envelopes, one white the other gold.
"The white one goes to Cloudsdale We might need their help and they need to be warned about this, the other goes to Canterlot, Princess Celestia needs to know about this attack."
Midnight gave Windsock the bottle
"as for the rest of us we need to fly through this storm, Last Second, use your time spell to know what's ahead, you'll lead us and we can follow you to dodge any oncoming projectiles or sudden winds. Speedie, your our strongest flyer you'll take up the rear and make sure no one falls out of formation, the rest of us will evenly divide into the middle with shadow and Gearworks making sure the wings are fully functioning. Once we're inside the heart, there's no chance to go back, so I hope your all ready."

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
"Midnight before you go, I already created a few sets of reinforced wings. I know that without the reinforcing those your wings will fall apart on you before you half-way through that storm so here." As Gearwork said this he pulled out a set of wings, they looked similiar to his regular sets but they were slightly larger and had a small crystal set in the center of it. "These crystals allow the user to fly for a longer period of time and helps lessen the strain these things might put on you. Also, I have sets for all of you who can't fly and staffs that the earth ponies and pegasi can use, it allows them to use magic, and enhance a uni- Aah! Not again!"

An image flashed before his eyes, he an image of four sets of armor, buried deep beneath Canterlot. He also saw an ancient vault with a highly intricate lock. He also saw an engraving saying "When darkness rises again, and the Shadows of Midnight fight back, the Maker will make use of these once more"

Gearwork shook his head and saw the other ponies looking him with concern. "I apologize, every once in a while I experience these "visions". I've been experiencing these things more frequently lately, that's one reason I tried to stop you, Midnight, I saw something in which I thought would save us, but it almost doomed us instead. I'm sorry about that Midnight." Gearwork looked apologetically at Midnight. "As I was saying these staffs are powered by stones that allow earth ponies and pegasi to be able to use magic, and it enhances a unicorns ability." Gearwork pulled out the sets of wings along with the staffs. "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I'll be right back" Gearwork's horn glowed a dark metallic grey and he teleported himself back to his workshop.

When Gearwork arrived he saw Coo perched by his desk and the owl looked at him puzzled. "You got the others, right?" He asked the owl, a little suspicious. Coo nodded his head in response. "Alright, then. Come along, we could be able to use your help a little." The owl flew from his perch and landed on Gearwork's head. "Okay, we'll leave in a moment, let just grab a few things." While he said this he telekinetically grabbed a few light crystals and put them in his bag. "I know we'll need these" he told the owl. "Okay let's go" and Gearwork teleported back to the group.

A minute or two had passed since Gearwork left when teleported back. Except this time he had a passenger; a large grey owl with a mechanical tallon, wing, and eye, that was perched on his head. "Everybody this is my pet/assistant Coo. He might be able to help us out." Everyone starred at the owl for a second before looking back at Gearwork.

"So, that's why you left, to get your pet?" somepony asked.

"No. He was at my workshop, when I went to get these." Gearwork pulled out a few light crystals. "I went to get these, and I saw Coo there, and asked him to come along. I figured since we're about to enter an incredibly dark storm, we could use a little light."

Before they were about to leave Gearwork came up to Midnight. "Midnight, I have to ask you something. Since you seem to know alot about what is going on, I have to ask you about what I saw. I know you may think that I'm a child at heart, and I kind of am a little, but the only reason I showed you that book, is because I saw similiarities in the book and what is going on now. I knew some of the history of the conflict between the tribes, but what you told me even shocked me. I have to tell you what I saw in my vision."

Gearwork told Midnight what he saw in his vision and what the inscription said. "I have to ask you, does it mean anything? Should I get to Canterlot or stay here with you and the group?"


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight tried to conceal his reaction, his reaction to hearing about Gearworks vision =every detail internally filled him with dread.
he sighed
"I had hoped that I was wrong, I wanted to be wrong, but There can be no more doubt, Thank you for the wings, but you must stay with us, I sent Windsock to Canterlot, I need you here, without you we wont be able to make it into the storm, and I'll need every spark of magic I can get, I haven't told anypony this but you've trusted me so I'll trust you." Midnight looked around to make sure the others were out of earshot.
"My magic is linked with the moon, It's a trait my family has always had, at midnight during the full moon, like it was last night, Mty magic is at it's peak, that's why I hadn't informed anyone, I couldn't see the storm clouds because I was far away I was in a place called the Everfree forest, gathering herbs that were more powerful on that night. but I'm getting off track, My magic has peaks and valleys and it's not just the moon its also changes through day and night, midnight is always when I'm mot powerful and Noon, when the sun is at it's zenith I'm at my weakest, especially on the night of a New moon. There were stories that eclipses had a similar effect, but that DOesn't need to be explained right now the moon is waning and it's close to noon so while my magic is still strong it's on the decline.
He then turned to the others.
"Anything else I may be missing,?"
Gearwoks was still curious he wanted to know what midnight knew but Midnight didn't want to say anything yet not until he was absolutely sure about Gearworks vision, It had confirmed his worst fears but now wasn't the time to exlain it.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearwork knew what he said greatly disturbed Midnight, even though the unicorn didn't seem to show a reaction. "I'll stay with the group, as long as you think it is wise to do so" Gearwork told Midnight. "I understand now why you need us. I do have questions, but I know that there is another time for answers. Also, I have something to show you why I understood how that hidden vault's lock would work."

As Gearwork said this, he pulled out a small grey amulet surrounded by numerous gemstones, each slightly glowing. In it were many different gears arranged in a specific but intricate pattern.
"This thing has been passed down in my family for countless generations. We probably knew what it's purpose was but has been long since forgotten. My family comes from a long line of blacksmiths/inventors, we were always skilled in forging and molding metal with little to no heat whatsoever. When I saw that vault I also saw a lock that needed a key. The lock looked exactly like this amulet, I now know that this is the key for that vault. If this is the key, then my family might have been the ones who helped create those sets of armor." Gearwork put the amulet back around his neck and put it back under his clothes.

Gearwork activated the wings and lifted himself into the air. The wings moved fluidly and silently as he moved through the air. Even though he rarely used them, he knew how to go with the rhythm of the wings. He knew that if he tried to fight against it he would have a hard time controlling them and have an even harder time maneuvering while flying. Gearwork maneuvered his way in front of the group, hovering about ten feet in the air. "Everyone! I need to tell you that to use these things effectively, you have to go with the rhythm of the wingbeats. Otherwise, you can kiss your flanks goodbye. We are about to face a powerful enemy, we can't have somepony unable to use these things. We are too few in number, and I will not allow any of you to fall behind." With what he to say over with he moved to the back of the group and watched the others take off.

They were a little shaky at first but within a few minutes they seemed have gotten the hang of it. They were able to hover, move and stop suddenly, and some of them were able to front and back flips. "I'm surprised how fast they got the hang of it. I'm glad I told them not to fight against the wingbeat rhythm, otherwise I don't know how fast they would have learned." Gearwork told Coo who was hovering right next him. The owl hooted in agreement, and then suddenly shrieked and flew upwards as a shadowy form shot past.

If this is a little too much or if it looks like I'm trying to take over your story, just tell me and I'll edit it out.

"What the-?" Gearwork looked at the shadow who just flew by. It was another shadow peasus, a different one than the one previously, for it was slightly larger, and a little more agile. The pegasus looked at Gearwork with absolute hatred and disgust, and said in an rasping hiss "How dare you mimic us. For that, you will die!" The being lunged itself at Gearwork, who moved to the right just before it went by him. Before it could fully turn around and attack again, Coo had flown in front of it and started swiping his tallons and pecking at its face. It screamed in agony, and everyone looked up to see this shadow pegasus being aasaulted by Gearwork's pet/assisstant.

"Coo! MOVE!" Gearwork shouted. The owl moved away and Gearwork who had taken out his staff aimed it at the shadow pegasus. A sudden blast of white light erupted from the staff and struck the shadow pegasus. When it ended, the shadow pegasus was gone, only a wisp of smoke was the only remnant of what was left of where it was.

* * *

"Coo! MOVE!" Gearwork shouted. The owl moved away and looked at Gearwork face, his eyes had darkened from a metal grey to almost black. Coo had seen this look few time before and he knew what Gearwork was about to do.

The look looked similiar to when he seemed to overthink or overwork on something, yet, there was something different about this look, it looked like something inside him snapped and there was look of pure hatred in what he was looking at.

He saw Gearwork pull out a staff with a purple crystal and also pulled out a light crystal. Gearwork placed the light crystal in front of the staff and aimed it at the shadow pegasus, then fired a magical beam of light at it.

* * *

The shadow pegasus screamed in agony as the owl assaulted his face, pecking and swiping at him. He couldn't believe that a filthy unicorn had somehow acquired the ability to fly through the use of machinery, as well as share with other unicorns.

Then there was this bird attacking him, it was defending that wretched unicorn. He couldn?t stand it anymore, he was going to kill them both, and then the group.

"Coo! MOVE!" the unicorn shouted, and the bird stopped attacking. ?What is that unicorn about to do? the Pegasus thought. He started to recover when he saw the unicorn pointing something at him. ?I doubt that will do any-? his thoughts were cut short when a beam of light hit him.

* * *

"Sorry about that" Gearwork said as he landed. He saw the horrified looks upon the others for he had just done to the shadow pegasus. "He was trying to kill me and Coo here. It was either us or him. Remember, they want to hurt or kill us. We must defend ourselves." he defended himself. "Let's head out."


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight had just finished putting on the Reinforced wings, he had his saddle bag, which contained two books and his own family heirlooms but he dared not reveal them until the time was right. but he just had to be certain of one thing.
"Gearworks that armor, would you say it was black as night? and did the plate for the torso have an empty hole perfect for a hexagonal gemstone?"
"yeah how did you know?"
"Your family may have made that armor but you weren't the ones to wear it. My family passed down very rare gems, in fact I believe those mines might contain some of those gems but I dare not remove them, because these gems are dangerous. but nevertheless, we fight this storm, trust me when I say that this is only the beginning, so we have to stop this now and hope that the old stories won't repeat themselves."

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
"I think I know what you're talking about, Midnight." Gearwork said. "I remember that a few years ago right after I moved to Hoofington, I came to the mines to see how I could help design any excavation equipment, and to see if I could find any more of these." Gearwork pulled out the staff with the violet stone that glowed with a golden light. Its shape was like two four-sided pyramids with the bottoms stuck together, and was incredibly small.

"I found this stone a couple of years before I moved to Hoofington, hidden away in a forgotten family vault. I accidentally discovered this stone that had this ability to grant earth ponies and pegasi the ability to use magic as well as enhance a unicorns magic. So after a few years I moved here to be able to see if I could find any more of these stones. With little success, I might add. I only have maybe a dozen or so of these stone that can be used. Otherwise it just makes for a great piece of jewelry." Gearwork looked around seeing that he started to get distracted and was boring the others and quickly shook his head.

"Sorry, I got a little sidetracked. As I was saying. Right after I moved here, I came to the mine to see how I could help, and find more of these stones. When I came upon a stone that I had never seen the likes of. It was in one of the deeper mineshafts, where only a few ponies can go, and where they can't use torches otherwise they wouldn't be able to breathe. It was an orange hexangonal stone the radiated an intense power. I was never actually able to obtain it, it seemed to overload the machines energy and cause them to shutdown if they got anywhere near it. I went down to see why my machines were overloading, when I found it" Gearwork looked at Midnight who was listening intently, and seemed a little awestruck by what he just said.

Gearwork continued "I tried to see if I could get the stone out myself, but I felt this unimaginable power to it. I felt that if I tried anything it would destroy itself. But something weird happened over the next few years. It changed from being a stone that I shouldn't go anywhere near it to that of a calm, but powerful energy. I haven't been in the mine since except to grab that machine to hold that other pegasus, and only then I was there for only a few seconds."

Gearwork looked at the others. "Let's go. We need to get to the center of that storm." He lifted himself into the air as he said this and started making his way towards the center of the storm as the others followed suit.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Shadow sighed as he emerged from his shop, jet-black wings sprouting from a metal harness on his back. The others appeared as if they had already taken to the air, which was fine by Shadow. In all truth, Shadow felt that this whole thing was rushed, and everypony here was reckless about this. Shadow flapped his wings, taking off from the ground in a burst of speed as he flew up to meet up with the others.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm listened closely to every word Midnight and Gearwork said, taking copious notes on everything said; with some minor editing, it would make a great addition to her story. Of course it was a little too tropey to be used as it was, but she could deal with that later. She was already thinking of what would need to change to improve the story. She could turn the mystical armor into magic stones, and change the characters around a little - Speedie would become something run or sprint or dash and Midnight would become... Twilight - a pretty good name... maybe she would make him female for the story...

her thoughts would have continued for some time had the other ponies not donned their mystical armor to prepare for the battle and lifted off into the sky. She quickly stowed her own gear and took off after them yelling "Wait for me!"

[spoiler="OOC"/]Lampshade hanging - I may have done it.[/spoiler]


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm watched the odd pony as she attempted to fly, now upside down and asking her questions like "Watcha writing?" and "Can I read it?" and "Do we know each other?" Bookworm took a small note about the strange questions, intending to add them to the story, then turned herself upside down and answered her questions.

"I'm taking notes for a future short story and your welcome to read them if you want." Bookworm said, handing the small pile of papers to her opposite. The papers were covered in shorthand notes, almost illegible as a result of the arcane script she used and the speed with which she wrote. What was readable were strings of words that made little to no sense to anyone outside an artistic mind set - notes on improvements to the story, lists of words she could use to describe things, tropes and clichés to use and subvert, and plot points - several of which had yet to occur.

"And I don't think we have met; my name is Bookworm. and you are...?" she asked, holding out her hoof, her head sideways. She was trying to figure out what to use the unknown pony for. Bookworm was considering comic relief - who else had made any odd comments or acted strangely during the storm? (OOC: I can't think of anyone who has made any odd comments... no one at all... *whistles nonchalantly*)