Call of Duty: Black Ops Tops Guinness' "Greatest Videogame Ending" List


New member
Nov 9, 2008
It has all the appearance of a list specifically designed to be disagreed with so that people get angry and talk about it a lot, which provides a lot of free publicity. And I am more than willing to comply! I disagree list, I disagree heartily!

Actually, there's a lot of these I can't comment on because I haven't played them, and I'm more bewildered than angry at the choices. Bioshock's ending was a long and tedious escort mission, followed by a ridiculously easy and anti-climatic boss battle and then a "you were good" or "you were evil" ending cinematic. What was great about that? Really, the whole last act was god-awful. Assassin's Creed 2's ending was all sorts of stupid and unsatisfying. Fallout 3's ending was...well it was the ending of a pretty poor story, but it was also a pretty stupid forced choice between your death or Lyons' and then a "you were good" or "you were evil" ending cinematic. Starcraft 2's ending was, well not exactly bad but there wasn't much too it. Certainly not what I would call great.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Zhukov said:
I suppose I should be angry about this. You know, "CoD sucks! People are stupid (except for me)! Gaming isn't good anymore!" And all that.

But mostly I'm just wondering when Guinness World Records started doing things by popular vote. Aren't they supposed to deal with measurable stuff?

Not that it matters. After all, every Real Gamer[sup]TM[/sup] knows that Solitaire has the best ending ever.
I think you'll find that Minesweeper has the best ending of all time.

That cool mother fucker.

EDIT - While trying to find that image, I found this wonderfully apt picture.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
This list has too few RPGs (a genre famed for good [i/]stories[/i]) for me to take it seriously. Where's Dragon Age: Origins?

Also great endings should be memorable right? I finished KotOR (Dark-side) in 2001 and can recall the ending perfectly. I completed Black Ops 2 years ago and the only thing I remember about the ending is that there was an underwater base out of a James Bond movie under a ship. Something isn't adding up.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
If anyone were to ask me whether I thought democracy was a great idea, I would point them to this list and say nothing more.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Nothing before 2000? Games with good ending only occurred in the last 10 years, facepalm.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
Ah yes, I can see how 3 CODs all beat Bioshock here. Not even for number 1 slot, just that they beat it at all...
My only conclusion about how these results could have been obtained is that I think they just went round a few American schools, and most of these 'gamers' had only ever played a few games of COD with their older brother.

Insurance Salesman

New member
Sep 15, 2009
As a couple of other posters have already pointed out, this is a category that is COMPLETELY subjective. Why on earth would a name as reputable as Guinness include what is basically a popularity contest in their book?


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Seriously? The Fight club ending for paranoid cold war conspiracy theorists that you could see coming from a million light years away is considered the best ending? Who did they poll? 12 year olds?

Deskimus Prime

New member
Jan 26, 2011
There are no words in Elvish, Entish, nor the tongues of men for this...bullshit.

There's nothing on here more than 5 years old, not an AAA title, or isn't mind-buggeringly idiotic.

I agree with Bioshock, Shadow of the Colossus, the two Portals, FFVII (though VI should take its place, that 20-minute cinematic clueing up every character's epilogues) and maybe the first Halo in terms of sheer balls-to-the-wall action.


Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
Metal Gear Solid 3 should be at the top of that list. I mean seriously, how many games make *you* pull the trigger in that kind of cutscene? On your *own mother figure*?


New member
Jul 10, 2010
TheBobmus said:
Ah yes, I can see how 3 CODs all beat Bioshock here. Not even for number 1 slot, just that they beat it at all...
My only conclusion about how these results could have been obtained is that I think they just went round a few American schools, and most of these 'gamers' had only ever played a few games of COD with their older brother.
tbh, bioshock was pretty shitty after the Andrew Ryan scene. if that scene was the ending, that would warrant it number 1. unfortunately it happens 2/3rds of the game in, so it cant be counted as an ending. same way i think FF7(wich doesnt have a good ending tbh) is just there cause all people remember was AERIS IS DEAD OMG NOOOO, even thou thats halfway thru the game.

Arbi Trax

New member
Jul 13, 2011
Susurrus said:
No PS:T?

No Unreal 1?

When I finally get around to building my Doomsday device and ridding the world of wretched humanity (of the type that voted for this rubbish), you may have a place in my bunker. We can have tea and biccies and play old games while we wait for the radiation to die down.