Call of Duty: Black Ops Tops Guinness' "Greatest Videogame Ending" List


New member
Feb 25, 2010
This is so hilariously outrageous im not even going to get mad about it.... or at least im going to try to not get mad about it....grrrrr.....


Waiting patiently.....
Nov 27, 2009
Portal 2 probably tops my list for the best ending, especially the "That just happened" part.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Guys, remember- Black Ops was the first time a lot of gamers were exposed to a "plot twist". At least the gamers that were polled (worthless stat taking methods ftw).


New member
Nov 23, 2011
Now, I generally love CoD singleplayers (don't judge), but surely MW2's ending was way, way better? Black Ops' level before the final level was, for lack of a more tasteful word, awesome, but after that there was another full mission so it doesn't count as 'the ending'.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
HavoK 09 said:
and i can picture quite a few posts saying WTF NO SKYRIM?
I doubt it. Skyrim's ending wasn't exactly great.

OT: *inserts comment about this list being complete bollocks*

Also, where the fuck is Final Fantasy X? Fallout: New Vegas? World in Conflict? Warcraft 3?


New member
Nov 10, 2011
I absolutely love how many people are "like, seriously? I didn't even play it, but I bet it sucked." I am not a fan of call of duty, but I borrowed the game, and I had a hard time stomaching all of the incoherent plot pieces they shoved down my throat. But then I finally got to the ending, and it was fucking amazing.

It made hours of action porn turn into a beautiful, fully realized story in a couple of minutes. It made mediocre characters into great ones, and was probably the best action game ending of all time. It made minor details that seemed out of place fit together. It connected with the real life death of a president in an insane but sane way. It was amazing. Like someone said before, this was actually my only experience with a video game that had a plot twist ending. (bioshock's Ryan scene was not the ending, even if you, like I did, stopped playing it after that)

Oh, and portal 2's ending was not that great. Great story, yes. Ending. Not the best thing that ever happened.

Oh, and video games are not really known for having great plots/stories. Yeah, a fight club twist a the end, what an original story blah blah blah. This is a video game. It's not the best ending in all of human media, but at it's a lot better then the ending of... I don't know... Assasin's creed II.

Maybe it doesn't deserve to be number one. Actually, I'm sure of it, but it's number one on my list of games.

I'm also glad that Halo Reach's ending made it up there. It was a mediocre story, but that was a powerful ending. Especially how it was a good GAME ending. A game that actually incorporated game mechanics into the story.

Oh, and bastion should be on there.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I don't think Black Ops should be at the top of that list, but I did like its ending.

Plot wise, I think it was one of the better Call of Duty games, but no one really seems to talk about that.


New member
May 23, 2008
Fallout 3? Fallout fucking 3?


Fallout three's ending (without DLC) is up there with the worst endings of all time. It's about on par with 'rock's fall, everybody dies' of NWN 2. I mean, how on earth could anyone pick this as a good ending for anything? If the ending described how despite your best efforts everyone you had met gained buttock cancer it would be only marginally worse.

I mean, the ending lacked interest and pathos, and worse, made no sense. The game insulted you if you asked your UTTERLY IMMUNE TO RADIATION friend to pull the damn switch for you. That was after they changed the game to make that possible; before that it forced you to do it and auto-killed you, even if, frankly, you were carrying enough anti-rads to survive bathing in fat boy juices. (That would be the water near the bomb in megaton, of course. What were you thinking?)

Oblivion's end was also drosstastic, although to it's (rather marginal) credit, it's ending was only a 'meh' rather than the projectile-vomit inducing FO: 3 ending.



Also, while I haven't finished AC 2 or 1, I doubt their endings are good on the grounds that the ending of ACB is god-awful dross that is poorly written, poorly scripted, and annoying to play through. It partially depends of course on where you judge the 'ending' to start from.

Is it just the 'vision'? That is terrible dialogue and involves extreme cut-sceen related annoyance. Plus it involves being desmond, who is the most painfully loathsome character I've been forced to endure being for quite some time. I mean, who the balls enjoys being that guy? His voice is like being punched in the kidneys, and whenever you're being him the game removes all your gear and minimaps and so on because you are at risk of enjoying his eye-bleeding desmondosity.

The last fight as ezio is ok, although the painful 'run exactly this one path through a battle' leading up to it is BS; where's my free running gone, ubisoft?

And depending on where you count the ending as starting, don't get me running on the stupidity that is the whole game post getting the apple. Why isn't fun allowed, huh? WHY I NO FUNZ NO MORe, UBEYSTOFFED?


New member
Aug 20, 2009
what about the Metal Slug 3 ending?

it makes COD look like Hello Kitty Island Adventure.
also just looking at the URL damages their credibility.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Black Ops beat out ALL OF THOSE? Starcraft II had a much better ending then Black Ops.

I think out of the 13000 people asked, that majority thought the ending was the Match ending screen. they like it short and sweet.


Blessed are the righteous
Jun 27, 2009
What kind of stupid list is that? I don't mean the contestants, I mean the concept! Do they have a "best movie ending" too? Why isn't it obvious to them that any such poll will result in a simple popularity contest?! I sure as hell wouldn't expect the hoi polloi to objectively weigh the merits of each game or movie's ending, and neither should they.

They might as well have asked "tell us which brand-name has been most drilled into your subconscious through marketing and pop-culture saturation." You'd get the exact same list.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Fallout 3 and Pokemon are on this list? But...they don't end? There's always more to do. And no Mother 3? Shame. Greatest ending? Maybe not. One of them? Definitely.

Though, I will agree to Reach's ending belonging there. Wasn't much a fan of the series, but the ending to the prequel was quite fitting.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I'm curious what is considered an ending. For me, it's everything that happens after I put down the controller (or those rare events where I have to press one more button like FFVII or the jet ski in RE 4). After Shep takes out the Human Reaper, the rest of the scene where she's running for her life is the ending. Beating Orphan in XIII, then watching the cutscene showing what happens in Cocoon. Defeating Liquid/Ocelot in Metal Gears Solid 4, then seeing that movie detailing what happened to everyone. Those are what I consider endings because I'm no longer playing the game. Boss fights aren't endings to me, nor is the final level of a shooter. So with that in mind, I have to scratch my head at Black Ops winning. To me, it's just Mason swimming up through the ocean, seeing a bunch of ships, then getting that little movie about how things aren't exactly what they seemed. Not a bad ending, but I don't think it's the best.

Hm...I'm not sure what I consider to be the best ending. I guess Final Fantsy VIII gets my vote. Nice and long, shows what happens to everyone, and covers all the questions I would have had. It was a happy ending that wrapped the story up nicely.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
I am disappointed that this list of the best endings of the last 10 years didn't feature Bastion. That's probably the most memorable ending I've played in a long while...

Lt. Rocky

New member
Jan 4, 2012
Marking a world record by a vote of a very small percentage of the gaming community is obviously going to be a tad flawed, nevermind pointless. The list seems more of a popularity list of the games themselves rather than only their endings.