Call of Duty: Black Ops Tops Guinness' "Greatest Videogame Ending" List


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
draythefingerless said:
TheBobmus said:
Ah yes, I can see how 3 CODs all beat Bioshock here. Not even for number 1 slot, just that they beat it at all...
My only conclusion about how these results could have been obtained is that I think they just went round a few American schools, and most of these 'gamers' had only ever played a few games of COD with their older brother.
tbh, bioshock was pretty shitty after the Andrew Ryan scene. if that scene was the ending, that would warrant it number 1. unfortunately it happens 2/3rds of the game in, so it cant be counted as an ending. same way i think FF7(wich doesnt have a good ending tbh) is just there cause all people remember was AERIS IS DEAD OMG NOOOO, even thou thats halfway thru the game.
Funnily enough, I was actually talking about the end of Bioshock...
The fight with Atlas was a great and memorable boss battle, not to mention the rescuing of the Little Sisters (if you played the 'good' route) which made for an emotional end to such a brilliant game.

COD4, which ranks a full 12 places above Bioshock here, would seem to fall prey to the same phenomenon of a 'halfway-ending' you presumed I had confused in Bioshock. Yes, the nuclear explosion was good. Lying down in 'Last Stand Mode' then executing what was effectively a quick time event was not so good.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
Baresark said:
That is 0.0197% of the total gaming population, and that is based only on ones who own a 360.
I can clearly see inFamous, StarCraft II and Super Mario Galaxy up there, so that can't be right.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Forty-eight of those games are sixth and seventh gen. Chances are none of the voters have played Earthbound, Contra, the first Final Fantasy, or System Shock 2. Not even Silent Hill is on that list.

It's a popularity contest, plain and simple.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
What? This list is pretty poor. I agree with Reach on there but it should be top.

Who the hell did they ask?

Monkeyman O'Brien

New member
Jan 27, 2012
Yeah I think they got one bit wrong. Instead of "The list was assembled from the polled opinions of "13,000 videogame fans"" it should read "The list was assembled from the polled opinions of "13,000 window licking retards""


New member
Jun 19, 2010

This is ridiculous. I mean, Black Ops?! Surely you jest!

Also, Super Mario Bros. in 11th place? It doesn't have much of an ending at all! How is it the 11th best ending of all time?

You know what games had really good endings? Persona 3 and 4 and Radiant Historia. And apparently they're worse than Black Ops and friggin' Super Mario Bros! Of course! Why not!


New member
Jul 25, 2008
The list was assembled from the polled opinions of "13,000 videogame fans"

More precisely, the Alternate Vote (AV) system doesn't work, the list is topped by not the most loved but by the lowest common denominator.


New member
Oct 23, 2011
Mario did not deserve a spot there. A great game, but forget the story. Maybe Paper Mario- that told a decent tale.

Halo Reach... Eh. All in all, a fairly mediocre game (though I played with a community of friends for several months, and it was unimaginably awesome). The ending actually managed to be reasonably emotional. It just made you sad, and caused you to think of the inevitability of war- someone will die.

But 2nd place? No. I would say Red Dead, or OoT, or Portal 2.

Wait a second-

Where the hell is Kingdom Hearts?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Wait, so let me get this straight. Mass Effect 2, the game whose ending contained...

Scored lower than Call of Duty Modern Rehash 4: The Revision?

I'm going into politics for the sole purpose of being able to nuke the world, this is inexcusable. And yes, I'm very biased.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
Force Unleashed 2's ending is on that list? You mean the game that literally ended on a canon destroying cliffhanger with no signs of a sequel being made?
and that's obviously why it's on the list!
I mean seriously, there are some good game endings on there, but alot are player choice, Mass Effect 2's ending depends on your teams survival during the suicide mission, and inFAMOUS has two endings (I know the good ones cannon) as does KotOR.

This list is dog crap, no use to anyone!


New member
May 20, 2009
...really? you know after Guinness World Record 2005 i kinda lost faith in the whole institution. I remember looking at that bright green book going "wow who would buy this crap?" And I know it's been said but since when does a vote decide the world record? For it to truly be the record every person on earth would have to play every game ever made and then polled. and even then record are supposed to be objective quantitative achievements, "best anything" is subjective. there are people who think a big mac is better than anything ever made on Iron chef.
Aug 17, 2009
Azuaron said:
KAPTAINmORGANnWo4life said:
But...Oblivion didn't really have an ending. If it did, what was it? The end of a Guild? The video from after the end of the Main Quest? The end of Shivering Isles?

Too loose. Too obvious in its pandering. Nothing to see here.
As someone who just "finished" Oblivion (hahaha, yeah, I'm still playing), I'd say the ending starts when you get Martin to Cyrodiil and ends when that bureaucrat guy commissions the armor for you.

And, as far as endings go, it was pretty freaking awesome.

And I'm certain you already know this. Even if you slightly disagree with my time cutoffs, you know what the end to Oblivion is. It's the main quest. That's why it's called the Main Quest.

And, come on, Shivering Isles is an expansion pack. It's a separate game that allows the importing and exporting of a character from Oblivion. The story of Shivering Isles is not actually a part of Oblivion any more than Shadows of Undrentide is a part of Neverwinter Nights.

You're trying to act like Oblivion doesn't have any narrative flow with a defined end because it's open world, but you know it does; everyone knows it does. The game doesn't force you to participate in the narrative flow, but that doesn't mean it isn't there.

My point was, smart one, that the "Ending" of a game clearly wasn't defined well, as a game that essentially ends when the player feels like ending it, is stacked up next to games with a clear, linear plot. Oblivion is just as much about the world and side missions as it is about the main quest.

And no, Shivering Isles is not a different game. You're the same character as in Cyrodiil, and travel there directly during the course of events from Oblivion. In fact, it is the ending of the narrative, as the Champion of Cyrodiil is in Skyrim, directly referencing Oblivion, and the fact that he completed the Main Quest, Dark Brotherhood, and Thieves' Guild questlines.

The point I was raising was that the survey was garbage, but now that I've responded to your incredibly intelligent missing of that point, I can see how it could hold some validity to some people.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
13k people, and it seems most of them were COD fanboys. Go figure.

Personally, I would have loved it if Portal 2 was closer to #1, if not #1. And this isn't just me being Valve biased, I'm honestly saying this. I felt the ending to Portal 2 was AMAZING, and that it was the best ending of any game I ever played, ever.
HavoK 09 said:
and i can picture quite a few posts saying WTF NO SKYRIM?
I'm sure Skyrim was disqualified since it never had an ending to begin with :p

At any rate, me thinks the selected group was biased.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Red Dead Redemption is in the wrong place. I mean, really, I knew what was coming, and I avoided it, but eventually... it got me. I knew what was going to happen, and it got me so emotionally involved that I had tears in my eyes as
John got riddled with bullets, and the game switched to Jack and Abigail riding away, hearing the shots, and racing back to farm, only to discover John's corpse, surrounded by his blood. Now, as far as I know, the weather is random here, but for me, it was rainy, and gloomy, and fit so perfectly, I just felt so terrible, and angry that one of my favorite characters ever was murdered. Then, when I saw the graves of Jack's parents, and him standing over them, 3 years later, all I could feel was, "Let's get Ross, now." And then, it turned out that Jack was pretty much an annoying version of John, and with really bad facial hair.

him over there

New member
Dec 17, 2011
Huh, I can't believe they spelled Mother 3 wrong.

How the hell can you have a record of a subjective nature. Doesn't a record not only have to be statistical but quantifiable? It blows my mind that they did this, especially since they apparently just asked random videogame fans instead of anyone within the industry. I mean I guess it keeps away the bias of saying a project you worked on but still, they couldn't have asked critics or journalists?