Call of Duty: Black Ops Tops Guinness' "Greatest Videogame Ending" List


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Riobux said:
What was the ending of Call Of Duty: Black Ops again?
Yes, I second that. I think you were on a ship and had to run out while it was sinking. But I'm not sure. Not really a memorable game climax.
I'd like to know more on the sampling and questions asked. It does seem highly skewed towards FPS games (so I expect the limited sampling would be the cause of that)

For example - if you got 6500 people from 11-19 it would change the results differently from 6500 25-33. 13000 does seem a bit small but it can be hard as some games can get bombed by groups of friends (or marketers) trying to distort the facts.

TLDR - Needs moar infos.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I just don't even know where to begin.

Who wants to bet that of all the people who voted for Black Ops, about a third of them didn't actually even play the campaign?


Seeker of Ancient Knowledge
Aug 3, 2011
Quazimofo said:
kenu12345 said:
no problem, just do the most logical thing... insert COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF COMMAS, COLONS, SEMI-COLONS, AND PERIOD CHAINS!

also, i really dont understand how infamous 1 has a better ending than 2. any ending that incites tears is absolutely goddamn fantastic. (seriously, if you aren't in the middle of playing infamous 1 or 2, and/or dont really have them on your 'MUST BUY ASAP' list, look up the good ending)
yeah i have both i guess everyone thought the first one was cool was because of the big reveal(you know what i mean)


New member
Jun 13, 2010
No Deus Ex.


Right fuck it. Gaming is bloated pile of shit. I'm out. I'm done. Bye bye. So long.

*Tries not to have an anuerism*


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I've played or seen just about every game on that list, and there's really only a select few that I'd say were above average.

Ya know, fuck it. This really isn't worth the effort to complain.

You're stupid Guinness. There, I'm done. Moving on.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Random berk said:
Seriously? Of all the games that I have played on that list, almost every one of them had a better ending than Black Ops. Partly because I had to think fairly long and hard to remember which scene from that game was actually the end. Did it even show what happened after you strangled whatever 2-dimensional Russian was the villain for that particular game? Or did it just fade to black? Goddamn it.
Yeah, I mean really... Black Ops had a pretty good ending for a COD game, but number one? Obviously most of those 13000 people thought COD was the greatest game ever...


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Wait for it...wait for it...wait for it...

Ow, crap!

Sorry everyone, I was trying to care and I think I pulled something. I need an ice pack.

Commissar Sae

New member
Nov 13, 2009
Random berk said:
Seriously? Of all the games that I have played on that list, almost every one of them had a better ending than Black Ops. Partly because I had to think fairly long and hard to remember which scene from that game was actually the end. Did it even show what happened after you strangled whatever 2-dimensional Russian was the villain for that particular game? Or did it just fade to black? Goddamn it.
Yeah you swim to the surface into a Micheal Bay wet dream. I remember it because I started laughing my ass off.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I find it hard to take that list serious when you have force unleashed 2 there...

Also very hard to believe BlackOps got 1st place... i mean some of those games endings where the most epic things i ever saw, so how did black ops got first?

I'm pretty sure other people agree with me when i say this list is kinda a piece of b.s. .


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Mass Effect 2 at 19? Seriously? At least they put Red Dead near the top, but there is no way in hell BlOps deserves the top spot.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Sigh, Black Ops was probably the worst Cod campaign, and its ending wasn't all that special, but even more painful is that braid wasn't on there. That had one of the most brilliant endings I've ever seen.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
I probably would've given this to God of War or Starcraft 1, or one of the PoP or Uncharted games since those actually had something of a character arc. Black Ops was just a stupid M. Night Shyamalan twist.

Airsoftslayer93 said:
Red dead redemption should have won.
Red Dead Revolver had a way better ending.

Khanht Cope

New member
Jul 22, 2011
This has to be the most pathetic fail attempt to certify a record Guinness has ever pulled... not that I'd have any idea because I haven't read Guinness for about 7 years.

/hollow statement for effect.

Where to start on how bad this method is... and the worst thing about it is that attempting to poll every gamer on the planet would probably; if anything, skew it even MORE in the direction of unobjective, ignorant and mindlessly fanboyish bias.

How fatuous is it for any individual to dare to call the greatest endings in the entirety of gaming history? let alone a 'gamer' who's only ever owned an X Box 360 and whose game rack is limited to CoD 4-MW3 and a handful of lackluster games. (which would explain The Force Unleashed II) Nostalgia being equally unreliable as it is strongly connected to the unique appreciation of having experienced something for the first time in a younger stage of life.

And despite their ignorance or dellusions; the reality of polls on games is that most individuals don't care to go so far as to even consciously attempt to judge objectively.

Consider that 'gamers' are a notoriously immature, unsophisticated, biased and petulant collective to survey.

Never mind that even with the right intent, the matter of what methodologies one would use to identify 'greatest' and the appropraitely desired definition of the word itself is so subjective.

For a popular survey on something so subjective as this; the best you could do is a relatively small sample of extremely well-educated media and literature critics and expose them to every game (worth playing) ever made; while ensuring they had vast experiences of other media as sources for comparison, so they weren't under illusions about originality or sophistication. Accepting results only should controversy be minimal.

How big a priority are plot sophistication, unexpected twists, allegory, presentation, emotional congruence, originality, or simplicity and finality relative to each other in the measuring of 'greatness'?

Terrible. Just awful.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
So now Guinness is getting in on the "fad" of 'vidja games'. Sales that bad Guinness? So bad that you have to drum up attention with 'controversial' polls, lists, and claims? That's just petty. I thought you were better than that.

Oh wait...this is the same organization that keeps track of who stood on one foot the longest or who can shove the most number of quarters in their belly button.

Yeah, nothing shocking here. Useless info that means nothing.

Zhukov said:
I suppose I should be angry about this. You know, "CoD sucks! People are stupid (except for me)! Gaming isn't good anymore!" And all that.

But mostly I'm just wondering when Guinness World Records started doing things by popular vote. Aren't they supposed to deal with measurable stuff?

Not that it matters. After all, every Real Gamer[sup]TM[/sup] knows that Solitaire has the best ending ever.
Pff. Surely you jest. REAL video game aficionados know that Spider Solitaire had the superior ending.