Cambridge Deems Twilight Worthy of Analysis

300lb. Samoan

New member
Mar 25, 2009
The good news: scholarly study of video games. I'm excited.

The bad news: intelligent people are going to waste their time reading Twilight and therefore not spend that same time studying video games. DAMMIT


New member
Jul 16, 2009
HardRockSamurai said:
I predict that THIS is how the internet will react:

Calm Down, they could beat the crap out of it.


Apple Blossoms
Feb 10, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
Just when you think school can't get any worse, they add Twilight to the curriculum.
Did you HAVE to title the thread as you did? You're making Cambridge sound like a bunch of twink-hungry pedophiles, on the front page.


Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Rather than being like the rest of the internet, I shall react by saying:

Well kids studying harry pottershould have a good ti... GRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!


I feel better now.


New member
Jun 14, 2009
GeekFury said:
Wait, what? Twilight is demend worthy of being on the school circulum, yet I take in my H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Hoawrd, Douglas Adam, Terry Pratchett, J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephan King and Frank Herbert books into school, legitamate authors, and I got told they were'nt suitable for my english book reports when they told us to choose books.. I should have brought in a few of my Anne Rice novels when I had my goth phase or some tat teen trash and that'd have been more likely to have been approved. Good lord and we wonder why the youth today are so worthless.
Did you even read the article? There is a world of difference between Cambridge studying Twilight and your high school being picky about what you can do a book report on.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
*starts talking like golum* those silly humanses, they don't give the precious the amount of discussin its deserves *loving fingers discs of Star Wars* they'll never understand the preciouses, never understand, their heads to full of sparkles and doggy teeth.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
MR T3D said:
at least almost all the others have appeal to both sexes, this.... this...


Sorry coudln't resist.
Ot: Love it or hate it Twilight is more popular than jesus and we may as well know why.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
The title of this thread showed up as "Cambridge Deems Twilight Worthy of Anal" on the main page, and I lol'd pretty hard.

On topic, it's relevant if only from the standpoint of a cultural phenomenon, if you count what 13 year old girls are obsessed with as culture.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
So it's more of a study of the affect rather than analysis of the books.
I honestly wouldn't be too surprised to see the latter but not now, these books need to slip into obscurity first to be later re-discovered by feminists (who probably hate the series) and other scholars looking for something nobody is talking about.

Like how Jane Austin became popular again. And I have to say I probably enjoyed the last two twilight books a bit more than anything by Austin.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Grand_Arcana said:
Therumancer said:
I don't think they're researching Twilight because it's hip. I think (or at least hope) that they're looking into why it is so popular. I hope that the education system doesn't pervert it into something that it isn't: good. Between reading "Kubla Khan" and The Life of Pi I've come to the conclusion that the only thing worse than literary elitists dismissing a masterpiece is when they worship a piece of dross.

On the bit about analyzing video-games, I completely disagree. If we as gamers cannot think critically enough to analyze the video games we play then the whole "Games as Art" philosophy is rendered illegitimate by the very same people who created it. All forms of storytelling should be analyzed. That doesn't mean that they should all be worshiped without very good reason. This is why I reject abstract art until someone can reason its value to me.


My understanding from what I read was that they are analyzing it so they can use the phenomena for education and conditioning to the messages they want the youth to absorb. It mentions specifically aiming to use such things to convey messages in a critical and ethical manner. I've heard it all before, which is why I can make an educated guess at what they mean. Basically it's the exact kind of thing that lead to some of these educational "gangsta rap" videos being shown alongside saturday morning cartoons in lieu of some of the commercial space.

There is no mystery to anyone WHY Twilight is popular, I mean it's pretty bloody obvious, and involves many of the same things that makes any other teen fad popular.


As far as "Games as Art" goes, I'm not a big fan of the idea. Some games might wind up becoming art on their own, but as far as people trying to treat gaming in general as a field of artistic development, I think it gets ridiculous and pretentious. I also think it takes more than including some politically correct statement, or vague historical analogy to qualify something as real art, as opposed to simply using the media as a propaganda device.

In general, I have some respect for the efforts of some developers like Cleril, and the guys who did "The Dark Path" for trying to create art using games as a medium, but I don't feel such attempts reflect on gaming as a whole.

For the most part people trying to claim games as serious art, remind me of White Wolf fanboys trying to claim the same thing about their RPGs. I own this one book for the older version of their game, which is called "Montreal By Night". Without going into a deep rant about it, a basic synopsis is that it's a city run by the Sabbat (the more evil and monsterous Vampires) and full of descriptions of things like people beying buried up to their neck in grain inside a silo and having vampires drop an undead baby onto their faces like a Yo Yo, or Vampires dressing up like characters from a Mortal Kombat inspired fighting game and abducting random people to beat up and try and do the Fatalities for "real". It features drawings like a picture of some female vampire in a dominatrix outfit, holding a bloody abortion hook, with a female victim chained to a urinal bleeding from between her legs in
the backround. Pretty much low-brow shock horror for Vampire fans, which is cool because I like Shock Horror. However near the end of the book it includes this pretentious full page declaration "Is it Art?" basically trying to claim a book like this as a serious work of art, and what's more fanboys were eating this stuff up and trying to make that arguement about stuff like this.

In a strict interpetation I suppose you can all anything art if you try, however I personally don't go for that. If you decide to take a dump on an American flag on a stage in front of a crowd, your not a performance artist, your a bloody rabble rousing pig. As such I really don't take "video games as art" seriously. I tend not to make those arguements. While there are attempts to go in that direction, I do not think any of them have really succeeded. Mostly it seems "art" games wind up being pretentious more than anything.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
i have lost all faith in humanity, you may condemn my ever lasting soul to the woods of suicide oh lord for what i am about to do....

no but seriously?

what's next "The Literary merit of My Immortal"? (search it up if you don't know what i'm talking about)


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
Twilight worthy of scholarly analysis? Aye. There's nothing to be analyzed here. Movie Bob summed it up perfectly. It's Mormom Abstinence Porn. The world has gone mad! Mad I tell you!


New member
Jan 11, 2010
People, read the article again. Read it a third time if you have to, ignoring the first sentence in bold.

The author just needs to remove that first sentence. It's just causing too much confusion. No people, students aren't going to be studying Twilight. It's Cambridge ffs.


New member
Oct 21, 2009
jordik said:
robrob said:
Plus, why all the hate over Twilight and none over Harry Potter? They're putting that in there too, which is also useless trash aimed at moronic teenagers. It seems that time has given that one some sort of legitimacy though.
For me, the difference is that Harry Potter stays within set rules for 'magic': it does not wildly contradict hundreds of years of lecture and literature like Twilight's "sparklypires" and homo-erotic werewolves.

Also, at its core Harry Potter has a positive message, whereas Twilight is misogynistic to the core. I want to physically hurt Bella for being such an absolutely idiotic douche.

Harry Potter is average to good teen lecture, Twilight is Mary Sueish fanfiction of the worst sort.
yeah, those things definitely make it a finer piece of literature, adding nothing original and making sure it had a happy ending for all the children. That doesn't change the fact it was literary popcorn for teenagers and that if you analysed one of the books, you've actually analysed all of them, since it barely changes from one to another.

There's nothing wrong with that for books, I quite enjoyed The Da Vinci Code despite it being the equivalent of watching afternoon soaps, but I'm betting the lack of hate for Harry Potter is coming from the fact that a lot of people who post here are the people who grew up with it and "like" it more than an in depth critical review of both sets of books and judging whether there is merit in taking advantage of their popularity in order to improve education of children, and whether we can teach the same analytical skills with books like Harry Potter and Twilight as we can with Shakespeare.

If this article was written 10 years ago and had Harry Potter as the focus, you'd get exactly the same idiotic rage.