Cambridge Deems Twilight Worthy of Analysis


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Deviluk said:
I'm not surprised. Cambridge is a complete dump!
Yeah, not a bit like Hull.

Actually, I have already had to study Harry Potter in a Children's literature seminar, so this doesn't seem at all unusual. I dislike the HP series (or at least, the second half of it) but it is necessary to recognise what children/readers like nowerdays. It is dismissive to just call Twilight and stuff shit and be done with it. In my opinion, many Romantacist novels are fairly shit too, but it is necessary to work out whether these books are of significant cultural value and why that might be the case.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Elesar said:
I'm entirely against this. I understand it's a pop culture thing and I understand it's a phenomenom but it's not worthy of study, because there is NOTHING underneath it. You want to study a pop culture thing? Study the 2004 Battlestar Galactica. Study District 9 or Moon. Study Final Fantasy VII or Silent Hill 2. Fuck, you want vampires? Study Let the Right One In. Those are all things that have deeper meanings and, more importantly are well made. Shit is shit. Don't care how popular it is, nothing can unshit the shit. I don't care why people like this shit, STUDYING it will make them feel more justified in liking it.
Next thing you know we'll be studying Jonas Brothers alongside the Beatles in music.
You,sir, are my hero.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Ok let's study the book and teach students; to pine over someone who does nothing but stares at you all day. That anyone can write crap and sell millions of copies as long as they write directly to pre-pubescent teens who tell their parents that they want to "read" to expand their intellige.... Oh that was hard to write with a straight face. And something that has no moral values or sense of meaning whatsoever.
English was my favourite subject in school and I have to admit, if this was on the curriculum then I would have dropped out. Even Harry Potter had deeper meaning, hidden literary tongue in cheek jokes, and references to historical/mythical events. You can actually do a lot with the Harry Potter books. Hell you want others, do the Percy Jackson series. A series of books that teach a younger generation about Greek Gods etc.
And I'm sorry, but if this is also going into part of a children't literary course's??? I wouldn't let my pre-teen daughter read this (even if I had one) due to the fact that if my daughter ever grew up thinking that she should give her whole life over to a man and do everything for him and pretty much be a useless waste of space living only for some sad sparkly one dimensional poof, I think I'd disown her. Oh and let's not get started on the rumour I heard about the sex at the end of the series, the pregancy and the werewolf falling in love with a baby??!! Um, am I on drugs here?? We want to study a book that .... should be burned.
This woman has done a great disservice to the literary world, the world of vampires/werewolves, and well women in general.
Can we stone her now????


New member
Feb 11, 2010
I do hope they study these novels as a course of "Literary Criticism" to identify exactly what makes these books so bad yet so popular.

LitCrit 101: Fanfiction, how to recognise it and analyse it; Mary Sues, identifying them and how to avoid writing them; Fangirls, a popular culture phenomenon.

Required reading: Twilight.


"Breathe Deep, Seek Peace"
Sep 28, 2009
I suppose in analyzing childrens literature one must acquiesce to the populace and it's trends.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
SuperMse said:
Now, calm down everyone. They never said that the book was good; they only said that it should be studied as a cultural phenomenon. I can't say I disagree with that.
Yeah, pornography and violence have made a profound impact on society, but I don't see them incorporating Hustler mags and R rated movies as part of the curriculum. LOL


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Postman667 said:
SuperMse said:
Now, calm down everyone. They never said that the book was good; they only said that it should be studied as a cultural phenomenon. I can't say I disagree with that.
Yeah, pornography and violence have made a profound impact on society, but I don't see them incorporating Hustler mags and R rated movies as part of the curriculum. LOL
Umm, plenty of colleges have classes which examine R-rated movies, including mine. As to porn in the classroom, well, TIME has me covered there. [,9171,1176976,00.html]


New member
Sep 29, 2009
SuperMse said:
Postman667 said:
SuperMse said:
Now, calm down everyone. They never said that the book was good; they only said that it should be studied as a cultural phenomenon. I can't say I disagree with that.
Yeah, pornography and violence have made a profound impact on society, but I don't see them incorporating Hustler mags and R rated movies as part of the curriculum. LOL
Umm, plenty of colleges have classes which examine R-rated movies, including mine. As to porn in the classroom, well, TIME has me covered there. [,9171,1176976,00.html]
I meant that more in a high-school setting, but I understand what you mean.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
I'm actually lucky...while my sister likes Twilight, she's not a fangirl, and the only other two young girls I see on a daily basis absolutely hate Twilight...

As for studying it, sure why not. It's not like they're calling it interesting or anything, they're just curious as to WHY kids find it good.

Next up, though, are they going to examine Miley Cyrus? Because that'd go along with this~ (of course from a musical point of view)

Arbitrary Cidin

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
The center's current material includes fairytales, ABC books, and classics like Treasure Island or Alice in Wonderland. Added to the material will be videogames, comics, and books such as Twilight and Harry Potter.
This is a gamer website. I think you pulled the wrong story out of this information.