Can we STOP spelling Microsoft with a "$" PLEASE!!!


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Palademon said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
Nintendo before the Wii

haha, nintendo has been releasing the same games over and over and over. and they're not doing it for you, they do it cause they know it will sell.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
Fannie Mae? General Motors? Anyone who opens a retail store in Reno?


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
To be honest I have only experienced two issues with MS.

The first is the points system as opposed to buying things with money amounts. That's a " dick move".

The second is that Xbox Live will disconnect and not re-connect automatically. On the PC if my connection went for a millisecond I'd experience either lag or a countdown timer to disconnect. On Live it just boots you from the game and you have to re-sign in.

headshotcatcher said:
PayJ567 said:
People can do as they like. How about YOU just don't get bothered by it. You're the problem here not the people who post it as you're the one making a thread about it and unnecessarily telling people what they can and can't do.
That's like saying "Nazi Germany wasn't in the wrong, it was those stupid Allied forces for being bothered by them!"
You are seriously comparing genocide to a person getting irritated by a company being called an insulting name?

Dear Lord.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I agree. I prefer to use English and inserting a random $ in the middle of a word is not proper english and very annoying. Also, stop bitching about Microsoft just cause there big. Being big or popular does not making something evil. Just because your not popular doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
martyrdrebel27 said:
Palademon said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
Nintendo before the Wii

haha, nintendo has been releasing the same games over and over and over. and they're not doing it for you, they do it cause they know it will sell.
They were doing it for us. But they used to have other games. Besides, tons of their popular game franchises have had good games, even on the wii.

But with the Wii they've realised if they get my grandparents playing it will sell.
But before, it would sell because they knew people WANTED THEM. Not jsut because kids like Mario. Mario used to be HARD!

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
are you a microsoft employee ?

if not, then why would you care about it ? they don't pay you for defending them.

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
LordNue said:
Dragon Zero said:
Okay if no one else will I'll post this:

Funnily enough I used that today on these forums since someone made an excellent point on a topic of interest and I simply had to inform him that it was very hard to take him seriously with that being used. That said, yes, I do find it very, very annoying when people do that for Microsoft, Sony, Macintosh, Activision, Sam's club, Steak 'n' Shake etc. its incredibly immature and as I said diminishes your overall point. However, I'll be the first one to tell you that:

1) You shouldn't change something you do just because some jaggoff on the internet tells you.

b) Alot of times its better just to move on and not let it get to you b/c he that angers you conquers you, you'll put more energy into hating those people than they deserve, be a dick to dickish people and they'll only be encouraged, always share, heart of the cards, etc. etc.

Now the Original post could stand to have phrased it much more gracefully or just taken it better and some of the people are certainly acting as prickish as he but we should all move on and shake hands. Or is it the other way around?
HAHA yeah, forget bettering yourself and being less of an obnoxious person to interact with! Lets stick it to the man and have an immature "Deal with it!" attitude towards everyone ever! That's totally the best way to go on every issue.[/quo
LordNue said:
Dragon Zero said:
Okay if no one else will I'll post this:

Funnily enough I used that today on these forums since someone made an excellent point on a topic of interest and I simply had to inform him that it was very hard to take him seriously with that being used. That said, yes, I do find it very, very annoying when people do that for Microsoft, Sony, Macintosh, Activision, Sam's club, Steak 'n' Shake etc. its incredibly immature and as I said diminishes your overall point. However, I'll be the first one to tell you that:

1) You shouldn't change something you do just because some jaggoff on the internet tells you.

b) Alot of times its better just to move on and not let it get to you b/c he that angers you conquers you, you'll put more energy into hating those people than they deserve, be a dick to dickish people and they'll only be encouraged, always share, heart of the cards, etc. etc.

Now the Original post could stand to have phrased it much more gracefully or just taken it better and some of the people are certainly acting as prickish as he but we should all move on and shake hands. Or is it the other way around?
HAHA yeah, forget bettering yourself and being less of an obnoxious person to interact with! Lets stick it to the man and have an immature "Deal with it!" attitude towards everyone ever! That's totally the best way to go on every issue.
I think I might have phrased that in a rather incoherent way (not at all an impossibility) or a way that caused you to mistake my intent. I was basically going with the view that if you are going to take advice from someone, it'd be better in my opinion to take it from someone who at least interacts with you on a daily basis rather than just someone who you don't know at all on the internet who just happened to get annoyed and started demanding you to stop something because it annoys them. Like when you're playing an online shooter and someone tells you to stop doing something (be it camping, using a certain gun, defusing a a bomb) because they are annoyed by it. Hopefully I've cleared that up (either that or just made me seem more like some madman at a keyboard) and have helped in making my statement more coherent.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
Aw come on, it'$ really not that big a di$traction i$ it? Methink$ you're ju$t being picky, $ir.


New member
Jul 19, 2008
Wow three posts in and the thread is dead.

Also, they have a monopoly positions and milk us mugs for everything we're worth... well you lot anyway, all my pc's cept one run linux.



New member
Aug 18, 2009
the only reason why people do it is because they cant put a $ in apple. it always ends up "a$$le" which... ya know... works for me. but most people dont get it. speaking of which im officially saving up for a macbook pro! im just another soulless lemming.... oh well. they are pretty.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Serves them right for having an "S" in their name. Name a corporation with an S in the name, someone will replace it with $.

I'm waiting for them to change their name to Micro-dollar-oft, then issue a statement saying "well fuck you, internet. Enough of your sass mouth."

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
martyrdrebel27 said:
unless you can show me one company that actively hates and rejects money and profit, microsoft is just another face in the crowd. They're not the most greedy or the most customer-unfriendly. they're not evil. they're not good either, don't get me wrong, they're just capitalists.
We need to make a company called Microdollarsignoft, Micro$oft for short. Free advertising!