Can we STOP spelling Microsoft with a "$" PLEASE!!!


New member
Aug 25, 2009
brandon237 said:
I will spell Micro$oft however I want, thank you very much, even spell-checker agreed with me on that one! They're a big corporation and all big corps deserve it. Activi$ion, $ony, Bethe$da. And so do their products, Window$ Vi$ta, you can't argue that one.
Yes, corporations are so EVIL! What with their all their money, and employees, and providing services and products!

Seriously, unless you are burning all your money and making everything yourself, that's a horribly ignorant thing to say.

As far as the whole "Micro$oft" thing is concerned. It's stupid. I agree with the OP, they are indeed out to make money, lots of it. However, so is every other company on the planet.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
You know, I would have agreed with you three days ago, but I just found out this []


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Look Bill, you're rich as hell, quit posting on our forums. Go cure world debt or something.

I joke of course, but firstly, I've never seen this? And secondly - does it really bother you that much?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I believe it's because they're the only console that charges for online, and they've done things such as charging for L4D content that was free on PC.

I dunno, I don't spell it with a $, and I think it's stupid when people do, but Microsoft certainly isn't a saint of a company.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
well they ARE admit it there products prices re 100$ and up and there online service costs money whilst the competition offers it for free!


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Generic Gamer said:
Kavachi said:
First of: Op is either an idiot or works for Micro$oft, or just a fanboy. Micro$oft and $cientology have always been written this way, because most things they do are rip-offs. It's true I got windows on my comp, but that is because gaming requires that. Bill Gates has made himself the norm, and now he can just make one buggy product after another, to get rich real fast. Now that he's gone you notice that Windows 7 is actually a good product right of the bat, that is because the new leader isn't out for profit, but for quality for the clients. (and ofcourse a little profit).
I've yet to use a Microsoft OS that crashes when using Microsoft programs. Microsoft doesn't make "buggy products" so much as people try and break them and third party companies make buggy products for Microsoft OS. There will be the off hiccup with hardware (again the manufacturer's fault normally) but that's fixed pretty quickly. My old Netgear wireless card doesn't work under Windows 7 because there's no driver written for it, who's fault is that?

Each OS has a different kernel and needs programs to be specifically compiled for that kernel to work. Some can be run under emulators but that's a workaround rather than the rule. If one wasn't a standard then each program would need to be compiled for multiple kernels which would cost a lot more.

It pisses me off a lot when I use Linux and I get a load of shit on the boards about 'evil Micro$oft' and all that, it's short sighted jerking off by a bunch of Linux hipsters. If you really want to see a customer unfriendly software developer look at Apple! They only let their OS be installed on their hardware, limit what software you can install and periodically try to deactivate devices that have been modified. Look at every installation of iTunes, it brings the entire Apple menagerie with it! Frankly Apple treat their customers with more contempt than Microsoft are even able to summon.
T_T someone I can agree with, I never had problems using microsoft made programs. But people install all this shit on their computer and when it crashes they blame microsoft. You get a virus it's microsoft's fault. But like you said apple is tight fisted with what you can and can't do (we needed a legal ruling to say we can jail break devices), and linux users are morons who bash microsoft like they are unqiue. I use windows and linux, both work great. But no one ever bashes Sony, Apple, EA, Acitivsion for the crap they pull and if you do fans will come and bash you for it.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I spell Microsoft with an "s".

Because the dollar sign being used in place of an "s" in a metaphorical sense is for children.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
you know, despite my defense of microsoft, i also made it clear that i know they're not good guys. i don't think they're good or evil. i only defend them now because they catch a lot of undue shit from people, and i find it ridiculous.

but my problem isn't so much with the M$ because they're a defensable company in the same way that any business is, but really more a fight of asthetics. i'm sick of seeing that stupid meme, fad, trend. whatever the hell you want to call it. it's annoying to look at. and okay, throw one in every now and then, but for it to be the rule rather than the exception is just watering your point the fuck down. it's like when your normally awkward friend or associate tells a joke and gets his peers/coworkers to actually laugh for once, and feels loved, so he tells that SAME FUCKING JOKE FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS. i don't get it, usually the internet has the attention span of a fucking zygote, but this thing just. won't. fucking. die.


New member
Feb 16, 2009
SilentBobsThoughts said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
even the piece of shit that was Vista.
I liked Vista. It did everything I needed it to do. Call me a moron for not liking the same stuff as you or agreeing with you. I dare you.
meh, vista wasn't as terrible as i expected it to be after hearing about it so much, but i liked xp better.

i had a vista issue with windows media player not playing anything, and it turned out to have something to do with Media Foundation Protected Pipeline, something that ate a shit load of memory and prevented WMPlayer from working, so i switched to iTunes (ugh, what a horrible piece of shit that is, in my opinion) and after some service pack updates and time, i think it worked itself out, it played music by accident once, i just never tried, all my music is now in aac format for itunes. i just haven't gone back. and in vista, WMPlayer is like... built in, it's not a program, so i couldn't delete and redownload.

and vista ALWAYS asks me 3 or 4 fucking times if i'm sure i wanna do something, if i have the authority, and has plain told me i DONT have the permission to do something on a computer purchased, owned, and operated EXCLUSIVELY by me...

its not bad, but it certainly isn't good. in my experience.


New member
May 27, 2009
R?ally that both?r?d about it? Ju$t $p?ll oth?r word$ lik? that. It'$ $ort of fun.
Nint?ndo D$

Hmm. ran out of ideas here. What does the ''£'' look like? A ''L''?

OT:Seriously though, it's the internet, and it's just a small thing. There are far worse things to get annoyed about.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Not do what exactly?


New member
Dec 29, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
SilentBobsThoughts said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
even the piece of shit that was Vista.
I liked Vista. It did everything I needed it to do. Call me a moron for not liking the same stuff as you or agreeing with you. I dare you.
meh, vista wasn't as terrible as i expected it to be after hearing about it so much, but i liked xp better.

i had a vista issue with windows media player not playing anything, and it turned out to have something to do with Media Foundation Protected Pipeline, something that ate a shit load of memory and prevented WMPlayer from working, so i switched to iTunes (ugh, what a horrible piece of shit that is, in my opinion) and after some service pack updates and time, i think it worked itself out, it played music by accident once, i just never tried, all my music is now in aac format for itunes. i just haven't gone back. and in vista, WMPlayer is like... built in, it's not a program, so i couldn't delete and redownload.

and vista ALWAYS asks me 3 or 4 fucking times if i'm sure i wanna do something, if i have the authority, and has plain told me i DONT have the permission to do something on a computer purchased, owned, and operated EXCLUSIVELY by me...

its not bad, but it certainly isn't good. in my experience.
Thank you. I have argued with my cousin to a point where I nearly punched him (Not anything to do with the I dare you part of my post) because he seemed it appropriate to insult me because he likes to fuck around with his computer and change important settings ect, when my Vista did everything I needed it too, and how Windows 7 is so OMG AMZNG! and I have Windows 7 now, and Vista on my other laptop, but I've gotta say, Windows 7 is kinda annoying, I'm used to different things I guess.