Canadian Hopes to Resurrect Dinosaurs With Chicken DNA

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
lewiswhitling said:
Johnn Johnston said:
Silly Canadians. Everyone knows it was frog DNA in the films.
nononono! it was actual dinosaur DNA, but they filled in any gaps with a frog's. The whole dinos being chickens came from the third one.. or second.. i think?
My mistake. I just hope that if he clones himself some raptors, he'll have studied:


New member
Mar 7, 2008
lewiswhitling said:
cleverlymadeup said:
lewiswhitling said:
The only way raptors will ever pose a threat to mankind is if they learn to fully capitalize on the wild chicken's innate tree climbing and limited gliding ability. Otherwise they're just cannon fodder..
where do you think they learned how to do that?

what we thought of as a scaly raptor is probly wrong, they most likely had feathers
Chickens probably became more and more dependent on climbing trees as they got smaller. I doubt raptors could climb or glide very well. The feathers likely were used more for communication and intimidation... maybe even warmth imo.
actually there's a whole episode of NOVA about a winged and feathered raptor they found and what they think it could and could not do

it's a pretty cool show

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
I always knew we Canadians would be the first ones to have dinosaur legions.

Don't act surprised when the beer-swilling T-Rex Corp. descends upon your puny nations, hockey sticks in hand, leading the charge to the doughnut store on the backs of their mighty reptilian steeds.


New member
May 10, 2009
Doclector said:
I don't agree. If they manage to bring back something too powerful, they could have an evolutionary edge on us. Sure, we have all the technology, but they are naturally evolved to hunt anything. We're not naturally evolved to be able toescape them, especially as the modern world would've dulled our instinctive survival skills.

If they bring back small stuff, and treat it well, fair enough. But bringing back something like t-rexes for example (which I know isn't possible now, but no doubt, they'll look to develop the technology further) could spell disaster if any subjects escaped.
Australia would just airstrike escapees.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
"...Homeobox genes (or Hox genes), which flick on during development and govern which body parts go where, were first found in fruit flies in the 1980s, says Sean Carroll, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. (Experiments to find Hox genes were straight out of a horror movie: scientists created insects with legs where their mouths should be.)..."

"...The first step is figuring out the normal process of chicken development, ?so we don?t develop a mutant chicken that has nothing to do with development or evolution,? he says. (Think of mothers who took thalidomide, a drug used to treat morning sickness in the 1960s, many of whose babies were born with flipper-like hands and feet.)..."

Source:'ll be interesting to see what happens in things don't go flawlessly (and we know nothing is perfect). Not really sure I'd want to see the results of flawed experimentation. I mean the fruit fly had legs where its mouth was supposed to be! Ahh!

At any rate, there are so many practical/ethical/etc. things to go through so I'm not sure if I'd like to see this go through. On one hand, proving evolution and advancing science is great, but on the other, how far will we need to go? Maybe it will end up like the movies, where next thing you know we've got experimentation problems among all kinds of life forms (humans included), or new biological weapons (Though it would be cool to see an army of dinosaurs).

The Kangaroo

New member
Feb 24, 2009
wouldyoukindly99 said:
HardRockSamurai said:
...itty bitty chicken-sized dinosaurs...who [can] spit poisonous venom and eat our faces off...
Or if things go awry, dinosaur-sized chickens. Soon they will be eating people nuggets and Mcpeople sandwhichs from ChickDonalds and drive their Lost my momentum.

Sweet! Science is only a few steps away from creating actual live pokemon!
And Beedrill will STILL SUCK!
And bulbasaur will still be made out of pure win


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Glerken said:
He's breeding...Raptors?
Did he completely miss the documentary "Jurassic Park"?
i almost died laughing at this. but awesome idea, and if we do it in space then when the raptors break free they cant get to us =D


New member
Jan 13, 2009
JimmyBassatti said:
Silly Canadians :p
It would be cool, but I mean, we don't need full-sized dinosaurs, which, someone will do, even after we all say "Nooooooooooooooooo!" But, alas, I'll make sure to put electric fencing around my house :p
What if we could have mini dinosaurs? The we could collect the and make them battle.....


New member
Oct 23, 2008
I need 100 copies of Jurassic park 1 sent down to these scientists NOW! We can still stop this people


New member
Nov 20, 2008
sgtshock said:
civver said:
Screw you, Canadian taxpayers.
Oh come on, you're paying for the possibility of seeing a real live dinosaur. If that doesn't excite you, your inner child is truly dead.

muffincakes said:
I'm sorry, didn't they already make a movie about this? I know it's been a while, but in the movie it seemed like a bad idea, and that will probably carry over to real life as well, so how about we just don't do it and say we did?
Hey, if even the most cheapskate zoo is able to keep a bull elephant or man-eating tiger in a cage, I'm sure whatever multi-million dollar research group is doing this can house a chicken-sized dinosaur.
I wish that were true, because being safe from dinosaurs seems like a good thing, but it isn't true at all. Tigers and elephants have both escaped from zoos before, and they were both rather violent about it, so I'm going to stick with saying let's just make-believe.

Tiger Escapes Zoo []
Elephant Escapes Zoo []


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Yeah, because bringing dinosaurs back to life could never backfire on us in any way whatsoever. Someone shows these people Jurassic Park, NOW!


New member
Aug 2, 2008
...Wait, that doesn't sound like he's making dinosaurs. It sounds like he's horribly mutating chickens into lizards.

Either way, if he's successful then he's my new God.


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
If he succeeds all those Battery Hens we've eaten will come back for revenge...Battery Human's at Dino-farm...come and eat them straight from the cage! Herd discounts for up-to 10 biped carnivores!

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
I love how often "show them Jurassic Park!" comes up in the comments, because it shows these people totally didn't read the article and how the professor leading the project was the science consultant for all three Jurassic Park movies.

(Me? I'm all for some KFD. Bring 'em!)

-- Steve