Canadian Hopes to Resurrect Dinosaurs With Chicken DNA


New member
Nov 20, 2008
I'm sorry, didn't they already make a movie about this? I know it's been a while, but in the movie it seemed like a bad idea, and that will probably carry over to real life as well, so how about we just don't do it and say we did?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
civver said:
Screw you, Canadian taxpayers.
Oh come on, you're paying for the possibility of seeing a real live dinosaur. If that doesn't excite you, your inner child is truly dead.

muffincakes said:
I'm sorry, didn't they already make a movie about this? I know it's been a while, but in the movie it seemed like a bad idea, and that will probably carry over to real life as well, so how about we just don't do it and say we did?
Hey, if even the most cheapskate zoo is able to keep a bull elephant or man-eating tiger in a cage, I'm sure whatever multi-million dollar research group is doing this can house a chicken-sized dinosaur.


New member
May 15, 2009
sgtshock said:
Oh come on, you're paying for the possibility of seeing a real live dinosaur. If that doesn't excite you, your inner child is truly dead.
I'm not paying. The Canadian taxpayers are. It's hilarious.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
The Great JT said:
Did they not see the Dexter's Lab episode where Dexter resurrects a T-Rex with a dog's brain and heart?!
Glerken said:
He's breeding...Raptors?
Did he completely miss the documentary "Jurassic Park"?
No, apparently...


New member
Jan 27, 2009
If there's a genetic lever for "growth spurt" then we'll be all set with our army of giant chicken dinosaurs. From there we either take over the world until Japan mounts a counter-attack with mecha, or put KFC out of business with Canadian Fried Dinosaur Chicken (CFDC).

I think this kind of thing has been successfully attempted with emu eggs before, resulting in baby emus growing lizard-like tails before dying in their eggs.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Lord_Panzer said:
The phone, basketball, insulin, tracer bullets, the pacemaker, the zipper, and now dinosaurs.

Rest of the world: You're welcome.
What the hell is a tracer bullet?


New member
Nov 12, 2008
quiet_samurai said:
Honestly who wouldn't want thre to be dinosaurs?

Me, because they could easily kill us and very effortlessly. Many carniverious dinosaurs had so much bactera in their mouths that a single bite would easily mean death if we some how survived an attack by freak chance. Wishing for dinosaurs is like wishing for the things in Aliens to be real.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Crap, Canadia is going to have dinos as well as super people and killbots when they invade!? America has no chance on C-Day unless we stop them now!


New member
Apr 24, 2009
asteroth21nox said:
quiet_samurai said:
Honestly who wouldn't want thre to be dinosaurs?

Me, because they could easily kill us and very effortlessly. Many carniverious dinosaurs had so much bactera in their mouths that a single bite would easily mean death if we some how survived an attack by freak chance. Wishing for dinosaurs is like wishing for the things in Aliens to be real.
Thanks for the lesson, but it doesn't change my mind.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
popdafoo said:
These are going to be some fucked up chickens...

Actually I really hope this works. It would be pretty badass to have a pet dinosaur, even if it is just a reverse chicken or whatever.
So long as we could have it declawed and detoothed so it wouldn't kill us. Or if we could tame it like we did dogs.

I would love a little pet dino. Although he would probably scare my cats...


New member
Dec 27, 2008
asteroth21nox said:
quiet_samurai said:
Honestly who wouldn't want thre to be dinosaurs?

Me, because they could easily kill us and very effortlessly. Many carniverious dinosaurs had so much bactera in their mouths that a single bite would easily mean death if we some how survived an attack by freak chance. Wishing for dinosaurs is like wishing for the things in Aliens to be real.
The dinasuars will be very small, first of all. The eggs would have to be laid by a chicken. I suppose they could genetically engineer larger chickens, or make them small only to grow large when leaving the egg, but they will be not much larger than a real chicken. And even if a huge number of large dinosuars were built, and the security systems aroudn them failed, there's lots of military to fight them. Like tanks, rockets, high powered sniper rifles (hit teh brain through the eye) and yes if it could be bad. On the other hand, with global warming, bringing back animals which are adapted to said incredibly warmed climate could be a good thing. I don't see everyone being eaten by dinosaurs. I think you're just a scared primate. After all, mammals were mercilessly hunted by dim-witted dinosaurs for millions of years, until the asteroid hit.
I would like to add on what you said about bacteria. The only possible thing I can think of which would be truly dangerous would be age old diseases. And on that subject, I have already thought of a threat to this creature, current diseases. Although we share so much DNA with dinosaurs that I don't think there's much to worry about. Just do it. Get it built, and find out the consequences, don't fret over what "might, maybe, possibly happen"


New member
May 9, 2009
Wouldn't they all die immediately? Dinosaurs died because it got too cold... And the scientist lives in Canada?

You can learn to be a rocket scientist, but common sense is either gifted or lacking from birth.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Wasn't this the plot to the Roger Corman movie "Carnosaur?" They used Chickens to make dinosaurs in that movie too.