Capcom Explains Why 30 FPS Isn't That Bad

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
sethisjimmy said:
Meh, 30 FPS isn't a deal breaker, but it's obvious this comes from the limitations of consoles. Better they add more features and content than solely try and up the FPS. That's the mistake RAGE made, and that game looks terrible on 360. Textures load only as they enter your FOV, and unload when they exit your FOV, and they aren't even good textures, not to mention the miniscule draw distance.

Given DMC 1-4 where on consoles at 60FPS, how are the consoles limiting things here?


What this
Jun 14, 2012
30 isn't bad, it's just that some ALL PC gamers get a kneejerk reaction to not being able to play games in 60. It's some sort of elitism factor here.

My personal thoughts? It's elitism as usual and the FPS on my TV won't appear to make a difference but my computer monitor will. I don't care a single bit as long as the game is fun.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
I've said it before but I never used to notice the difference between 30 and 60 fps. However since I play alot more games now that run at 60 fps on pc, when going back to play a game at 30 fps I have to say the difference is very noticeable in that 30 fps starts to look like a flick book animation. Its sort like the difference between HD and SD to me, in that you don't often realise the improvement until its taken away.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
And I explain why it is that bad:
It looks like shit!

Yes, yes, I know, I'm very smart, shower me with praise.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
MrFalconfly said:
Well OK.

Personally I know squat about how many framerates the human eye can perceive but I do know that people don't go out of movie-theaters complaining about choppy framerates (movies usually run 24fps).
The thing with film is that motion blur "fills in the gaps". You don't notice choppiness because the movement of people and objects in a particular frame is at least partially captured, usually well enough to where your brain doesn't catch on that it's just seeing individual pictures played very quickly.

Computers are still incapable of replicating motion blur very well. I've personally never played a game that had that option enabled where it didn't bother me enough to switch it off. CGI in film also has this same problem- one particularly bad instance is in one of the Star Wars prequels (I forget which) where Anakin basically Force Jumps into the saddle of a creature. Even with all the money and technical expertise poured into the movie, the effect looks more like a crappy Blur filter applied in Photoshop than of a human being moving quickly.


New member
May 22, 2009
Lunar Templar said:
sethisjimmy said:
Meh, 30 FPS isn't a deal breaker, but it's obvious this comes from the limitations of consoles. Better they add more features and content than solely try and up the FPS. That's the mistake RAGE made, and that game looks terrible on 360. Textures load only as they enter your FOV, and unload when they exit your FOV, and they aren't even good textures, not to mention the miniscule draw distance.

Given DMC 1-4 where on consoles at 60FPS, how are the consoles limiting things here?
If I had to guess i'd say they are at the point now where if they want to improve their graphics over the last game, they have to choose between either sticking with 60 FPS and the same graphical quality, or lower it to 30 FPS and have higher res textures and better graphical quality and such, because current gen consoles can only handle so much.
Might not be true, but I really can't see any reason why they'd willingly decrease the FPS if they didn't need to.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
What Itsuno doesn't get, or doesn't want to admit is that FPS isn't only for the eye. A game on 30 fps has literally less responsive controls compared to the same game on 60 fps.
Also, I have to pay 60$ and then to use my imagination to fill the blanks that the developer couldn't? What a pathetic excuse.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
As other people have said, you are mostly going to only notice the frame rate drop if you sit close to the screen, like with a PC.

If you DO play on PC, well you get either learn to deal with the headaches you will inevitably get from the reduced frame rate, or you eat shit because Capcom doesn't give a fuck.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
sethisjimmy said:
Lunar Templar said:
sethisjimmy said:
Meh, 30 FPS isn't a deal breaker, but it's obvious this comes from the limitations of consoles. Better they add more features and content than solely try and up the FPS. That's the mistake RAGE made, and that game looks terrible on 360. Textures load only as they enter your FOV, and unload when they exit your FOV, and they aren't even good textures, not to mention the miniscule draw distance.

Given DMC 1-4 where on consoles at 60FPS, how are the consoles limiting things here?
If I had to guess i'd say they are at the point now where if they want to improve their graphics over the last game, they have to choose between either sticking with 60 FPS and the same graphical quality, or lower it to 30 FPS and have higher res textures and better graphical quality and such, because current gen consoles can only handle so much.
Might not be true, but I really can't see any reason why they'd willingly decrease the FPS if they didn't need to.
so ... you think Ninja Theory is incompetent to then? cause that's what it sounds like

the game isn't that much better looking then DMC 4. assuming your right, kinda just adds another reason to not get it. hamstringing gameplay for graphics is a cardinal sin far as I'm concerned, least, far as games like DMC go. since, ya know, they kinda live or die on gameplay

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Andy Shandy said:
Ladies and gentleman allow me to present: Man Not Caring

Couldn't care less the FPS of the game, so long as I find it fun.
You fool, FPS means fun per second! This is why the PC master race is better because it can have more fun per second compared to the console peasants. LRN2PLY NOOB

Seriously some of us don't have the hardware to run games at 60 FPS.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
thesilentman said:
30 isn't bad, it's just that some ALL PC gamers get a kneejerk reaction to not being able to play games in 60. It's some sort of elitism factor here.

My personal thoughts? It's elitism as usual and the FPS on my TV won't appear to make a difference but my computer monitor will. I don't care a single bit as long as the game is fun.
If you are going the ignorant blanket "elitist" route you should at least get it right. Sorry but PC gamers actually spit on 60 FPS as crap as well. I'd say they would at least accept 90 FPS as a nice minimum from my experience.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Instead of making up loads of unnecessary explanations, why don't they admit that the consoles are not capable of running it at 60 fps?

And yes, there's a huge difference between 30 and 60 fps.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
sethisjimmy said:
Lunar Templar said:
sethisjimmy said:
Meh, 30 FPS isn't a deal breaker, but it's obvious this comes from the limitations of consoles. Better they add more features and content than solely try and up the FPS. That's the mistake RAGE made, and that game looks terrible on 360. Textures load only as they enter your FOV, and unload when they exit your FOV, and they aren't even good textures, not to mention the miniscule draw distance.

Given DMC 1-4 where on consoles at 60FPS, how are the consoles limiting things here?
If I had to guess i'd say they are at the point now where if they want to improve their graphics over the last game, they have to choose between either sticking with 60 FPS and the same graphical quality, or lower it to 30 FPS and have higher res textures and better graphical quality and such, because current gen consoles can only handle so much.
Might not be true, but I really can't see any reason why they'd willingly decrease the FPS if they didn't need to.
Because the God of War style floating combat wouldn't work at 60 FPS. They're using the GoW style of slowing down to 10% for every hit like you're waiting for applause. At 60 FPS, that would be jerky and disorienting. That's why GoW worked at 30, and DMC, a much faster paced game works better at 60.

THIS IS WHY WE HATE THE GAMEPLAY! Everything else is so much smell on the shit.
Not to... rain on your parade or anything, but God of War does run at 60 FPS. Even 3 on the PS3. The slowing down at the end of combos is just because of their whole "cinematic" marketing BS, but everything during the game is still running at a clean 60 FPS. It's not actually cutting out frames, it's just slowing down the action, and yes, there is an actual tangible difference from a technical stand-point.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Rocklobster99 said:
DoPo said:
Grey Carter said:
Itsuno pointed out that 60 FPS would be "better," but went on to claim that long gaming sessions at higher framerates have a tiring effect on payers' eyes because the frames "almost shake or flash."
Hold on, if that is true for 60 FPS...isn't it also true for 30 FPS? I'm confused. What is going on? Why is my brain getting tied in knots trying to think this part through?
Because he's full of shit.
Ah, gotcha - at 30 FPS you have to fill in the blanks. Add shit and 60 FPS is tiring to the eyes.


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
BiH-Kira said:
What Itsuno doesn't get, or doesn't want to admit is that FPS isn't only for the eye. A game on 30 fps has literally less responsive controls compared to the same game on 60 fps.
Also, I have to pay 60$ and then to use my imagination to fill the blanks that the developer couldn't? What a pathetic excuse.
Visually, there's nothing different between 30, 40, and 60. As someone has previously stated, the human visual system can process 10 to 12 separate images per second. When buddy says that "You'll have to use your imagination to fill in the gaps" he talking about what you already do sub-consciously.

As for less responsive controls... So? It's stated in the article, PC users will be capped to 60. PC's more about the knee-jerk uber-precise movements. We got what we need on the PC, and PC players can live with 30 frames a second, hell, even 20 in a shooter. (Not having an easy time, mind you.) I find Consoles are all about lining up the shot, and pressing the buttons at the right time. There's less precision, just setting up the shot and timing it correctly. If they're able to get that in a good state (A studio in that size, a minor speed-bump of a challenge.), what will be the difference?

The answer? Nothing. You'll get the same hack-and-slash experience as before.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
thesilentman said:
30 isn't bad, it's just that some ALL PC gamers get a kneejerk reaction to not being able to play games in 60. It's some sort of elitism factor here.
Don't start with that shit. Not all of us PC gamers are such pricks about FPS and you know it.

OT: I don't really care, so long as it looks good, it looks good. I'll not complain until i've seen the game in action after it comes out.

captcha: Fast asleep

I should be.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
You cannot really compare framerate and the human eye... only make a close assumption. But it varies from person to person. So saying that people are more accustomed to 30 and more prone to feel "strained" at 60 after longer sessions is... well fairly random in all honesty.

That said, it is cheaper and less straining on consoles to lock something at 30 fps. Although the more that is going on, on the screen, and at a higher pace, it gets slower and more blurry at 30, whereas 60 fps will run a lot more smoother! ... This is DMC we are talking about right? Not excactly a single piece moving chess game style of game is it?

Ah well...