Capcom Explains Why 30 FPS Isn't That Bad


New member
Jun 24, 2010
sethisjimmy said:
CardinalPiggles said:
sethisjimmy said:
Meh, 30 FPS isn't a deal breaker, but it's obvious this comes from the limitations of consoles. Better they add more features and content than solely try and up the FPS. That's the mistake RAGE made, and that game looks terrible on 360. Textures load only as they enter your FOV, and unload when they exit your FOV, and they aren't even good textures, not to mention the miniscule draw distance.
Didn't id software fix that shit? Or was that only fixed on the PC version?
Ah jeez I just realized that I wasn't connected to the internet when I played it, so there probably was a patch I just haven't downloaded it yet.

I kinda feel stupid for berating it now.
Well I don't actually know if there was a patch for it, but I think there was.

I'd like to get the game (now it's cheap) and try it for myself, but I won't if the textures won't friggin' work properly.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Meanwhile Nvidia and Amd set out to kill these guys, because no one has a reason to buy their top end GPUs anymore.


New member
May 10, 2011
It depends on the game.

Shadow of the Colossus had an atrocious framerate on PS2... didn't stop it from being one of my favorite games ever made.

Likewise, I've played games with silky-smooth 60 fps that I hated.


New member
Dec 19, 2008
While playing a game at 60 fps looks absolutely amazing, I've never seen the difference until I see both versions. I never complained about Skyrim on my 360. It was beautiful looking around with much smoother FPS, but if someone set up a TV, not telling me which framerate the game was, I wouldn't pay attention. I would be playing Skyrim.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
As someone who's played Borderlands 2 at 30, 60 and 120 fps, you can very clearly tell the difference between all three.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Oh capcom, first you were trying to sell people DLC they already bought, and now you're trying to sell them an idea and let their imagination do the work. I love you guys, stay classy.


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
30 FPS honestly isn't that bad, yes 60 FPS is pretty much optimal but every game is far from unplayable on 30 FPS. 30 FPS is necessary, 60 FPS is a luxury. Not being able to play a game at 60 FPS should NOT be a deal breaker for anyone who is being reasonable.

thesilentman said:
30 isn't bad, it's just that some ALL PC gamers get a kneejerk reaction to not being able to play games in 60. It's some sort of elitism factor here.

My personal thoughts? It's elitism as usual and the FPS on my TV won't appear to make a difference but my computer monitor will. I don't care a single bit as long as the game is fun.
Agree with this, I notice a lot of people seem to care more about being able to say "zomg my uberbeastmode computer can run x at 60FPS" than they actually care about the noticeable difference between 30 and 60 FPS. People care more about achieving the number so they can brag about it than what the number actually does.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
yes, let's pretend that 30 FPS isn't all that bad for a DMC. They're really trying anything to sell this game because there is ZERO hype for it.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Personally I don't think this is that bad. Yes, it would be better if it runs at 60, but in order to manage that they would have to cut corners. Another thing is that a game set to run on high fps on a console sometimes got the problem of drops in fps. Some of us find the difference between 30 and 60 to be subtle, but I think we all agree that a sudden drop from 60 to 40 in the middle of an intense fast paced section is quite jarring.

I'd rather have a stable low fps than a bouncy one.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
Capcom is silly, and 60FPS is beyond better than 30. There's no discussion here, and any intellectually honest person knows it.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
I don't believe the bit he said about the 60fps. Maybe I'm just a freak who doesn't notice due to years spent gaming for hours on end, but I've played countless games for absurd periods of time on my PC at 60fps and the picture never seems to blink and my eyes don't seem to get irritated (unless I'm absurdly high).

So I call bullshit.

That said, I haven't played more than a few hours of any DMC, and don't really intend to start now so this really has nothing to do with me aside from me being a former Capcom fan who now feels like a victim of their endless franchise abuse... So I guess I'm sympathetically bitching and pointing out flaws for my fellow former Cap-Commies.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Yopaz said:
Personally I don't think this is that bad. Yes, it would be better if it runs at 60, but in order to manage that they would have to cut corners. Another thing is that a game set to run on high fps on a console sometimes got the problem of drops in fps. Some of us find the difference between 30 and 60 to be subtle, but I think we all agree that a sudden drop from 60 to 40 in the middle of an intense fast paced section is quite jarring.

I'd rather have a stable low fps than a bouncy one.
Here's the thing though; they're not lowering the framerate so they have an overhead, they're lowering it to squeeze in fancier effects and terrain shifting, so that doesn't necessarily mean the game will have a stable framerate. What it does mean is that if it does drop during busy periods, you're going from 30 to 20.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Sylveria said:
Crapcom, telling us to use our imagination to fill in the blanks is something that passed back during the Atari age, but now, no, go fuck yourselves.
That kind of thinking right there is one of the main reasons I miss the Atari days...

OT, since I'm a PC player (and the only DMC I played was 4, which was a usual Capcom port, i.e., a piece of garbage on PC), I don't care that much, I won't play the game anyway. But 30 fps is usually alright by me, my brain is quite able to fill in the gaps, and my eyes can't go that fast anyway... I'd rather save them the extra effort anyday! :)


New member
Mar 30, 2011
... I spent years playing WoW at 16-24 FPS and thought it looked pretty good. The idea of a game running at 60 always baffled me.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Grey Carter said:
Yopaz said:
Personally I don't think this is that bad. Yes, it would be better if it runs at 60, but in order to manage that they would have to cut corners. Another thing is that a game set to run on high fps on a console sometimes got the problem of drops in fps. Some of us find the difference between 30 and 60 to be subtle, but I think we all agree that a sudden drop from 60 to 40 in the middle of an intense fast paced section is quite jarring.

I'd rather have a stable low fps than a bouncy one.
Here's the thing though; they're not lowering the framerate so they have an overhead, they're lowering it to squeeze in fancier effects and terrain shifting, so that doesn't necessarily mean the game will have a stable framerate. What it does mean is that if it does drop during busy periods, you're going from 30 to 20.
Sure, but trying to make the game run with 60 fps would pretty much make it certain that the game would have unstable framerate. However this is the reason I can't wait to see the end of this generation and see new systems being released that should be able to deliver 60 fps even in titles like this.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Puts a picture of new Vergil on the newsfeed thumbnail...

60 FPS is great, but it's not the be all end all of games.

I'd prefer it if it were 60, but my day won't be ruined if it's not.
It's ok man, it's ok...take a look at this, block your ears and just pretend there is no new Devil May Cry aside from the HD collection.



New member
Feb 1, 2011
60 FPS is a speed the brain and the eye can catch up with and understand," he said. "But at 30 FPS there's a technique where you take advantage of the brain's ability to fill in the blanks. So even though you have it running at 30 FPS, you create the motions and the poses in such a way that the brain will naturally fill in what would have been the extra frames.

Well, that doesn't make sense at all. If that's an honest excuse, they're, to put it bluntly, idiots. I really see no reason to literally cap it. If they can cap it at 30, they can cap it at 60. At least, they should be able to if they know what they're doing.
MrFalconfly said:
Personally I know squat about how many framerates the human eye can perceive but I do know that people don't go out of movie-theaters complaining about choppy framerates (movies usually run 24fps).
Watching a movie is a passive activity. Playing a video game is not. They also apply motion blur to movies (although the same could be done here, I guess), however that becomes a different thing entirely when playing a game. Especially in multiplayer games, the fact that you need at least 60 FPS for it to be fair is easily evident.