Capcom Explains Why 30 FPS Isn't That Bad

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New member
Dec 29, 2010
I would like to take this opportunity to point out that those expecting the PC version to be superior or hell, let's start with functional, haven't experienced recent Capcom attempts at PC ports of their games.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
Hammeroj said:
thesilentman said:
30 isn't bad, it's just that some ALL PC gamers get a kneejerk reaction to not being able to play games in 60. It's some sort of elitism factor here.

My personal thoughts? It's elitism as usual and the FPS on my TV won't appear to make a difference but my computer monitor will. I don't care a single bit as long as the game is fun.
No, 30 isn't bad to you. To most people who are used to gaming on 60 FPS, it's night and day. 30 can and does indeed look really choppy and uncomfortable (with this problem rising the faster paced the game is). You may also be one of the people who don't see the difference between 480p and 720p (or higher). What then? People who don't appreciate games being capped at crappy resolutions are elitists? Get real, would you.

I don't know what you're thinking, but the word 'elitist' isn't the worst descriptor of a person, especially when you're using it in a context like this.
Assumptions, assumptions everywhere! Surprise, I can see the difference between 30 and 60. I can tell when a PC game is rendered at a resolution lower than it's supposed to be. Don't assume, infer. I never inferred anywhere that 30 was suitable for fast paced games. I never inferred anything that you accuse me of saying or being.

Also, I was referring to the tendency of PC gamers to be all elitist when FPS is involved, not screaming that PC elitism is out of hand.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
I'm gonna make the same argument I've always had.

It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, it matters about catching up with the technology and doing so does not detract from what previous technology offers. j-e-f-f-e-r-s has a similar and much better worded version of this argument.

And even if I don't care about the FPS, I respect the fact that people DO care and want the option.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Every time the people behind this game try to defend their decisions they end up sounding stupid. Just put the game out, let everyone hate it, and move on to the next thing. Stop crucifiying yourself using the press.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
I do not understand can someone explain how the ps2 was capable of pumping out 60fps with 60htz graphics for Devil May Cry 3, and 720p graphics and 60fps for Devil May Cry 4 on the ps3? But now the graphics look shittier and the game play is capped at 30fps WTF? It is going to be heavenly sword all over again, slow clunky game play.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
me reading it said:

"60 FPS is a speed the brain and the eye can catch up with and understand," he said.
What R U Doin

"But at 30 FPS there's a technique where you take advantage of the brain's ability to fill in the blanks. So even though you have it running at 30 FPS, you create the motions and the poses in such a way that the brain will naturally fill in what would have been the extra frames."

Itsuno pointed out that 60 FPS would be "better," but went on to claim that long gaming sessions at higher framerates have a tiring effect on payers' eyes because the frames "almost shake or flash."
This is like the Inception of ignorance, there are just so many concentric layers of dumbness in what this guy is saying.

This is just completely made up nonsense, this has no relation to how the human visual system nor games rendering works.

Is this like some Onion Report fake story?!?!

Lucky Godzilla

New member
Oct 31, 2012
For a fast paced action game like DmC 60 fps is a must. Hell mgs rising is running @ 60fps.
But if they do go through with it, at least ensure that you lock it @ 30fps. The real reason 60 fps is so good is because you need to chew through roughly 35 frames of performance to notice stuttering, whereas with 30 fps you only can lose around 6. And with all the insane on screen action going on in these games...


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
WaitWHAT said:
The gameplay and story are going to be 100x more important than whether the framerate is 30 or 60.



Two words never before used in a sentence with DMC, unless laughter follows.

Also yes, if I've paid in excess of $1000 Australian Dollars for my graphics cards (that's about $1 trillion USD) I'm going to go ahead and expect that the game industry actually releases stuff that takes advantage of it, instead of endlessly pandering to the PS3 hardware.

And at the very least, not lying about the fact that there's no visual difference between them.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
WaitWHAT said:
ResonanceSD said:


Two words never before used in a sentence with DMC, unless laughter follows.

Also yes, if I've paid in excess of $1000 Australian Dollars for my graphics cards (that's about $1 trillion USD) I'm going to go ahead and expect that the game industry actually releases stuff that takes advantage of it, instead of endlessly pandering to the PS3 hardware.

And at the very least, not lying about the fact that there's no visual difference between them.
What? Story and gameplay are less important than 60 vs 30 fps?

So...what you're saying is that if somehow, by some magic space miracle, the new DMC is the most amazing work of art created, that'll matter less than whether it has 30 or 60 fps? OK, that's unlikely, but if it did happen, guess which would be more important?

Besides, leaving aside the fact that this won't even affect P.C. gamers (no matter what their rig, the games industry does *not* have an obligation to kill itself to justify your latest graphics card just because you got hit by diminishing returns. [sub][Hd 7850 =£150, GTX 670=£300, GTX 670 < 2x(HD7850)][/sub] If a game is still perfectly functional at 30fps, and it is, since film developers seem to have managed fine on 24 for the last upteen years, then that's all a developer needs to do. Would you rather that they spend 20% of the budget on eye candy and 80% on story and gameplay or made it a 50-50 split, resulting in an infinitely inferior game? No, that's stupid.

Graphical fidelity is not as important as story and gameplay.

End of. Now stop being so silly.
What he meant was that the previous DMC games never had story as their.... strongsuit while gameplay is something DMC does best.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
60fps is always better, always.
DMC4 is still a phenominal looking game, far clearer graphics than most games to come out since.

I want the next GTA to look like an n64 game so they can focus on game mechanics and run it at 60fps.

Terrible Opinions

New member
Sep 11, 2011
1: The really important bit to me here is whether or not DMC runs at a stable 30 FPS. If it does? Not ideal, but not terrible. But if you the FPS drops below that? That's bad shit, yo.

2: To all the arguing about whether or not you can see the difference between 30 and 60 FPS, please go here [] or here [].


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
So a synchronization to monitors defautl frequency of 60 hz (60 blinks per second) is given way for the traditional 30 FPS (every second blink) tactics.
It is being met with a huge amount of stupid fans who think it changes anything.
They try to explain it with a made up theory of how it works without knowing shut about how human eye or brain interprets sight.

Well, its capcom.... stupidity is demanded of them.

And yes, there's a huge difference between 30 and 60 fps.
yes, it requires 2x the processing power of computer for no gain. synchronizing with monitor is good and so, but it can be done with 30 (now 35 for example would be a problem, or if you use one of those monitors that run on 80 hz, but those are kinda extinct now).
as far as "seeing" if synchrnoization is done correctly the only effect is psychological.
and yes i know there are gmes like quake where higher FPS gives you higher jumps, thats BAD PROGRAMMING.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
I've... never really liked 60fps. Whenever I see something moving that smoothly, it just looks... unnatural. Like, it feels like what's on the screen moves smoother than off? I mean, not really, but that's how it feels.

What I'm saying is high framerates trigger my uncanny valley senses.

Admittedly it just might be from being so used to not see things so smoothly that things look weird in comparison, but... I don't know. I'm not a fan.