Catherine Review


New member
Jul 2, 2011
mikev7.0 said:
You are not alone. I think the most important part of the review that was missing was the simple sentance "For the love of all that which doth not suck play the Demo first!!"
Then again that probably wouldn't help sell games and when a site does a special video for the unboxing of the deluxe edition? Come on people....

Then again, "oooooooooooooo lookit da purtry undies!!" is about the intellectual depth that I would expect from this game after playing the cringe worthy demo. The animation was beautiful?? From what cell shaded maplethorpe hell are you reporting anyway?? It was as boring, uninteresting and repetitive as the "dialogue" which I swear was taken from soap opera commercials.
I'm not going to bother to try and understand you anymore.. you don't like that people like that game, and that's fine, you don't have to like it.. it would be a boring world if everyone had the same opinion after all, but still..

Your nerd rage over people liking this game is delicious.. keep it coming.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
I have a potentially stupid question given the nature of this game. But I have not seen any pics and no one has mentioned it where I read;

Does this game feature explicit nudity, or is it all implied?


New member
Jul 2, 2011
drakythe said:
I have a potentially stupid question given the nature of this game. But I have not seen any pics and no one has mentioned it where I read;

Does this game feature explicit nudity, or is it all implied?
Just implied, nothing explicit. No worries.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Deshara said:
Susan Arendt said:
Deshara said:
KaosuHamoni said:
Genre: Family/Puzzle
What? Since when is a game that's main theme is sex and adultery, a family one?

An honest one


Falseprophet said:
mikev7.0 said:
I think what turned me off most (other than the easy puzzles.) was that you don't actually get a choice about cheating on Katherine the one character that seemed to have their life sorta' together (except the bit about not having already left a wishy washy non-productive relationship.)
Well, in Dragon Age: Origins I didn't get a choice about joining the Grey Wardens, and in Mass Effect 2 I had to work for Cerberus against my wishes, and in the Witcher 2 I couldn't stop the king from being get the idea.
I actually feel like this is less a "but thou must" scenario as it is an honest statement on adultery: Sometimes, shit just happens. Of course, from what I've seen of the same, it's a bit weirder than that, but as somebody who's been around a bit more than he's proud to admit, I can say with confidence that sometimes, life doesn't give you a big clear-cut "DO YOU WANT TO CHEAT??" button to hit. What's more important isn't whether you do it or not, it's how you deal with it.
At least, that's how I feel about it as it pertains to the game.
Nothing in the game is that clear cut. There's no "do you want to cheat" button. Vincent's situation is of his own making, certainly, but it's not nearly so simplistic as you seem to be implying.
Dear, you just repeated exactly what I was saying.

Well, except for the "as you seem to be implying" part.
Ok, I guess I misunderstood the point you were attempting to make.

drakythe said:
I have a potentially stupid question given the nature of this game. But I have not seen any pics and no one has mentioned it where I read;

Does this game feature explicit nudity, or is it all implied?
That's not a stupid question at all. Given the trailers for the game, I'd say it's a perfectly appropriate one.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Susan Arendt said:
mikev7.0 said:
Susan Arendt said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Oh wow, great score and great review to boot? *o*

Catherine is definitely not a game for everyone, and your making me re-think playing easy mode and going for normal, which is both intimidating and crazy to me, but dammit.. I think.. i can do this.. lol
Stick with it! I promise you, you'll get better as you go. I struggled for aaaaages on the second boss, and then went back and did it in one try when capturing footage for this review. I was like "Huh...I can't remember what I found so hard about this."
Okay, I'll play it on normal.. i hope I don't pull my hair out. lol
Oh, will. :) Just grab as many pillows as you can! (They're extra lives.)
Random question: Why didn't John review it? He seemed to always be the one posting Catherine articles and loves the Persona team. Not cracking on you, I'm just wondering why John didn't jump at the chance to review it.
Seniority has its privileges, and I've been looking forward to this game for ages. Also, John is no longer with The Escapist. He's off to China to teach English.
Well at least the admitted bias explains how this game got such a glowing review and a great score, seriously, I appreciate that because before I read that post I was wondering if I had demoed the same game.

I love puzzle games really. I'm still trying to get a copy of Steal Princess and Atlus makes some of my favorite games but I have to respectfully and totally disagree with you about Katherine. Faithful or no, the amount you actually get to play versus the inane soap opera you're forced to sit through makes it difficult not because of the puzzles (those were easy so I really disagree there, too.) but because of the story and the characters that I could care less about if I tried really hard.

I think what turned me off most (other than the easy puzzles.) was that you don't actually get a choice about cheating on Katherine the one character that seemed to have their life sorta' together (except the bit about not having already left a wishy washy non-productive relationship.)

Isn't the Escaptist a place that believes player choice (especially critical choices) is one of the most important things in a game? Then again you already explained the high score so there's that. So maybe that's just Extra Credits.

Yes I've been really hard on Catherine, that's because I know Atlus and they can do a lot better than this. I'm not quite as eagerly awaiting their next attempt. Not while teams are producing games like Child of Eden that cost a lot less money.

It's okay Atlus I still really really like you as a friend.
You honestly believe I gave the game the score I did because I was looking forward to the game? You can't be serious.

I certainly understand your complaint that the story doesn't let you decide to cheat or not - it's necessary for the plot for Vincent to keep banging away at Catherine, and that's what he does, whether you want him to or not. Player choice is not the singlemost important determination in a game's quality, and the lack of it with regard to Vincent's adultery does not doom this game.

There are many reasons why someone might not enjoy this game - the difficulty level, the design of the puzzles, the overall weirdness, and the aspect you brought up. That doesn't change the fact that the story is extremely well presented and the puzzles are quite ingenious.
Yes I do, and yes I can. That isn't for you to say. It is possible for someone who has followed games and their industry as long as I have to say and to believe that.

I said that player choice is one of the most important aspects of a game and just pointed out that from my experience it was lacking.

You're right there really are many reasons why someone might not enjoy this game. Too bad that wasn't in your professional review. "It might not be for everyone" doesn't quite cut it. Not when you give it an almost perfect score which in my mind should be logically reserved for only the best of games. The story being "extremely" well presented is a fact??!! That I will disagree with. Vehemently. It's your opinion and nothing more. That you would state it as fact only vindicates my doubt.

The puzzles are ingenious? The LAZER is ingenious. Fractal Geometry is ingenious. These puzzles are on the level of See Spot Run. In His Undies. With A Pillow. That is only my opinion as that's all it can be. Well y'know unless you're you of course. Then it's factual apparently.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Catolf said:
drakythe said:
I have a potentially stupid question given the nature of this game. But I have not seen any pics and no one has mentioned it where I read;

Does this game feature explicit nudity, or is it all implied?
Just implied, nothing explicit. No worries.
Thank you, I may yet get to play with game.

Captcha: Hamistio Claims. I feel like I've just been given the opening 2 words of a story and I really wanna know the rest, blast you captcha!

Susan Arendt said:
drakythe said:
I have a potentially stupid question given the nature of this game. But I have not seen any pics and no one has mentioned it where I read;

Does this game feature explicit nudity, or is it all implied?
That's not a stupid question at all. Given the trailers for the game, I'd say it's a perfectly appropriate one.
and I didn't even have my wife making me ask it either :D


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Okay... You got me. I wasn't sure about this one, because the concept was awful on paper to me, but on the other hand - it's Atlus and I never got burned with their games. This review convinced me. I'm from Europe though, so I'll probably have to wait another half year or something before it'll finally come out here. :/


New member
Jul 2, 2011
mikev7.0 said:
Susan Arendt said:
mikev7.0 said:
Susan Arendt said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Oh wow, great score and great review to boot? *o*

Catherine is definitely not a game for everyone, and your making me re-think playing easy mode and going for normal, which is both intimidating and crazy to me, but dammit.. I think.. i can do this.. lol
Stick with it! I promise you, you'll get better as you go. I struggled for aaaaages on the second boss, and then went back and did it in one try when capturing footage for this review. I was like "Huh...I can't remember what I found so hard about this."
Okay, I'll play it on normal.. i hope I don't pull my hair out. lol
Oh, will. :) Just grab as many pillows as you can! (They're extra lives.)
Random question: Why didn't John review it? He seemed to always be the one posting Catherine articles and loves the Persona team. Not cracking on you, I'm just wondering why John didn't jump at the chance to review it.
Seniority has its privileges, and I've been looking forward to this game for ages. Also, John is no longer with The Escapist. He's off to China to teach English.
Well at least the admitted bias explains how this game got such a glowing review and a great score, seriously, I appreciate that because before I read that post I was wondering if I had demoed the same game.

I love puzzle games really. I'm still trying to get a copy of Steal Princess and Atlus makes some of my favorite games but I have to respectfully and totally disagree with you about Katherine. Faithful or no, the amount you actually get to play versus the inane soap opera you're forced to sit through makes it difficult not because of the puzzles (those were easy so I really disagree there, too.) but because of the story and the characters that I could care less about if I tried really hard.

I think what turned me off most (other than the easy puzzles.) was that you don't actually get a choice about cheating on Katherine the one character that seemed to have their life sorta' together (except the bit about not having already left a wishy washy non-productive relationship.)

Isn't the Escaptist a place that believes player choice (especially critical choices) is one of the most important things in a game? Then again you already explained the high score so there's that. So maybe that's just Extra Credits.

Yes I've been really hard on Catherine, that's because I know Atlus and they can do a lot better than this. I'm not quite as eagerly awaiting their next attempt. Not while teams are producing games like Child of Eden that cost a lot less money.

It's okay Atlus I still really really like you as a friend.
You honestly believe I gave the game the score I did because I was looking forward to the game? You can't be serious.

I certainly understand your complaint that the story doesn't let you decide to cheat or not - it's necessary for the plot for Vincent to keep banging away at Catherine, and that's what he does, whether you want him to or not. Player choice is not the singlemost important determination in a game's quality, and the lack of it with regard to Vincent's adultery does not doom this game.

There are many reasons why someone might not enjoy this game - the difficulty level, the design of the puzzles, the overall weirdness, and the aspect you brought up. That doesn't change the fact that the story is extremely well presented and the puzzles are quite ingenious.
Yes I do, and yes I can. That isn't for you to say. It is possible for someone who has followed games and their industry as long as I have to say and to believe that.

I said that player choice is one of the most important aspects of a game and just pointed out that from my experience it was lacking.

You're right there really are many reasons why someone might not enjoy this game. Too bad that wasn't in your professional review. "It might not be for everyone" doesn't quite cut it. Not when you give it an almost perfect score which in my mind should be logically reserved for only the best of games. The story being "extremely" well presented is a fact??!! That I will disagree with. Vehemently. It's your opinion and nothing more. That you would state it as fact only vindicates my doubt.

The puzzles are ingenious? The LAZER is ingenious. Fractal Geometry is ingenious. These puzzles are on the level of See Spot Run. That is only my opinion as that's all it can be. Well y'know unless you're you of course. Then it's factual apparently.
How... in the world can you disagree with a story that you have not even heard of yet.../ experienced. You know she isn't the only reviewer to say that right? Do you live in a tiny bubble? *pokes bubble*


New member
Apr 9, 2008
KaosuHamoni said:
Genre: Family/Puzzle
What? Since when is a game that's main theme is sex and adultery, a family one?

That's not that weird. There's a lot of "family" entertainment like that.
You never saw Muppet Caligula?
It's why the terrorists hate us.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
It's a shame this game isn't coming to PC any time soon, I seriously want to play this game.

I think I have to buy a PS3 right now.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Wasn't a big fan of the blocks, but liked the story even though it took a left and 9 and Bananas towards the end

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Catolf said:
mikev7.0 said:
Susan Arendt said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Oh wow, great score and great review to boot? *o*

Catherine is definitely not a game for everyone, and your making me re-think playing easy mode and going for normal, which is both intimidating and crazy to me, but dammit.. I think.. i can do this.. lol
Stick with it! I promise you, you'll get better as you go. I struggled for aaaaages on the second boss, and then went back and did it in one try when capturing footage for this review. I was like "Huh...I can't remember what I found so hard about this."
Okay, I'll play it on normal.. i hope I don't pull my hair out. lol
Oh, will. :) Just grab as many pillows as you can! (They're extra lives.)
Random question: Why didn't John review it? He seemed to always be the one posting Catherine articles and loves the Persona team. Not cracking on you, I'm just wondering why John didn't jump at the chance to review it.
Seniority has its privileges, and I've been looking forward to this game for ages. Also, John is no longer with The Escapist. He's off to China to teach English.
Well at least the admitted bias explains how this game got such a glowing review and a great score, seriously, I appreciate that because before I read that post I was wondering if I had demoed the same game.

I love puzzle games really. I'm still trying to get a copy of Steal Princess and Atlus makes some of my favorite games but I have to respectfully and totally disagree with you about Katherine. Faithful or no, the amount you actually get to play versus the inane soap opera you're forced to sit through makes it difficult not because of the puzzles (those were easy so I really disagree there, too.) but because of the story and the characters that I could care less about if I tried really hard.

I think what turned me off most (other than the easy puzzles.) was that you don't actually get a choice about cheating on Katherine the one character that seemed to have their life sorta' together (except the bit about not having already left a wishy washy non-productive relationship.)

Isn't the Escaptist a place that believes player choice (especially critical choices) is one of the most important things in a game? Then again you already explained the high score so there's that. So maybe that's just Extra Credits.

Yes I've been really hard on Catherine, that's because I know Atlus and they can do a lot better than this. I'm not quite as eagerly awaiting their next attempt. Not while teams are producing games like Child of Eden that cost a lot less money.

It's okay Atlus I still really really like you as a friend.
Because Vincent's cheating is the start and cause of the gameplay elements, it's like you wanting to have a say if the beginning of a games story can be changed because you don't like the way it began. You want a do over.

If Vincent never has doubts/ cheats then there is no game. Then he's just some hunky dory protag who is like "No I'm a robot, i have no doubts about everything." and the end.. game over. Vincent has doubts and while he did have a fling in the very beginning that can't be controlled you take over from there.

Do you feel guilty over what happen and decent to remain faithful and avoid the new girl, fix things with your girlfriend of 5 years. Do you not care and enjoy the new fling? That is up to you, that is player choice.

I think this might be more along the lines of you not agreeing with the cheating aspect. "How can you cheat, i don't want to be this cheating SOB" thats fine, they give you a choice to end it and stay with your girlfriend, you climb hurtles over your fears of commitment to make the choice you as the player feel is acceptable.

Also i'll address the bias you stated she has. No reviewer will not be biased about a game, to think that is silly. She was looking forward to the game, and gave a good review, but there are other reviews out that who were looking forward to the game as well and found that it wasn't enough and gave scores that show it.

I'm sorry you don't agree with her points/review but come on..
I think that without Vincent cheating on C/Katherine is all the game's about, without it, there wouldn't be any story at all, it's like saying that in The Lord of The Rings, if Isildur should've thrown the ring in the first place, there wouldn't be any story at all.

If you want a perfect world, then don't play the game and go play something else.
I can see from miles away that the game isn't for everyone and that's a good thing, because it wasn't it's intention in the first place.


New member
Jul 2, 2011
SupahGamuh said:
Catolf said:
mikev7.0 said:
Susan Arendt said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Susan Arendt said:
Catolf said:
Oh wow, great score and great review to boot? *o*

Catherine is definitely not a game for everyone, and your making me re-think playing easy mode and going for normal, which is both intimidating and crazy to me, but dammit.. I think.. i can do this.. lol
Stick with it! I promise you, you'll get better as you go. I struggled for aaaaages on the second boss, and then went back and did it in one try when capturing footage for this review. I was like "Huh...I can't remember what I found so hard about this."
Okay, I'll play it on normal.. i hope I don't pull my hair out. lol
Oh, will. :) Just grab as many pillows as you can! (They're extra lives.)
Random question: Why didn't John review it? He seemed to always be the one posting Catherine articles and loves the Persona team. Not cracking on you, I'm just wondering why John didn't jump at the chance to review it.
Seniority has its privileges, and I've been looking forward to this game for ages. Also, John is no longer with The Escapist. He's off to China to teach English.
Well at least the admitted bias explains how this game got such a glowing review and a great score, seriously, I appreciate that because before I read that post I was wondering if I had demoed the same game.

I love puzzle games really. I'm still trying to get a copy of Steal Princess and Atlus makes some of my favorite games but I have to respectfully and totally disagree with you about Katherine. Faithful or no, the amount you actually get to play versus the inane soap opera you're forced to sit through makes it difficult not because of the puzzles (those were easy so I really disagree there, too.) but because of the story and the characters that I could care less about if I tried really hard.

I think what turned me off most (other than the easy puzzles.) was that you don't actually get a choice about cheating on Katherine the one character that seemed to have their life sorta' together (except the bit about not having already left a wishy washy non-productive relationship.)

Isn't the Escaptist a place that believes player choice (especially critical choices) is one of the most important things in a game? Then again you already explained the high score so there's that. So maybe that's just Extra Credits.

Yes I've been really hard on Catherine, that's because I know Atlus and they can do a lot better than this. I'm not quite as eagerly awaiting their next attempt. Not while teams are producing games like Child of Eden that cost a lot less money.

It's okay Atlus I still really really like you as a friend.
Because Vincent's cheating is the start and cause of the gameplay elements, it's like you wanting to have a say if the beginning of a games story can be changed because you don't like the way it began. You want a do over.

If Vincent never has doubts/ cheats then there is no game. Then he's just some hunky dory protag who is like "No I'm a robot, i have no doubts about everything." and the end.. game over. Vincent has doubts and while he did have a fling in the very beginning that can't be controlled you take over from there.

Do you feel guilty over what happen and decent to remain faithful and avoid the new girl, fix things with your girlfriend of 5 years. Do you not care and enjoy the new fling? That is up to you, that is player choice.

I think this might be more along the lines of you not agreeing with the cheating aspect. "How can you cheat, i don't want to be this cheating SOB" thats fine, they give you a choice to end it and stay with your girlfriend, you climb hurtles over your fears of commitment to make the choice you as the player feel is acceptable.

Also i'll address the bias you stated she has. No reviewer will not be biased about a game, to think that is silly. She was looking forward to the game, and gave a good review, but there are other reviews out that who were looking forward to the game as well and found that it wasn't enough and gave scores that show it.

I'm sorry you don't agree with her points/review but come on..
I think that without Vincent cheating on C/Katherine is all the game's about, without it, there wouldn't be any story at all, it's like saying that in The Lord of The Rings, if Isildur should've thrown the ring in the first place, there wouldn't be any story at all.

If you want a perfect world, then don't play the game and go play something else.
I can see from miles away that the game isn't for everyone and that's a good thing, because it wasn't it's intention in the first place.
Exactly. It just seems like a silly thing to complain about.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I'm torn on whether or not to get this. On the one hand I usually avoid hard games, I don't have fun playing them and when they are hard enough I end up only playing them out of an angry form of being stubborn instead of any sense of genuine enjoyment. On the other hand this game looks like something really interesting and different and there is a strong chance I'll be missing out on something by not playing it. Though to be fair if the reports of this game being released in the UK are false and I can't import it this may end up being all a moot point anyway.


Raincoat Killer
Aug 21, 2008
It's going to be a long week, waiting for it to arrive in the UK. Especially considering the copy hasn't shipped yet.